One thing is in error in this report, the etymology of the word government, the "ment" part does not mean "mind."  From

government, n. late 14c., "act of governing or ruling;" 1550s, "system by which a thing is governed" (especially a state), from Old French governement (Modern French gouvernement), from governer (see govern ). Replaced Middle English governance. Meaning "governing power" in a given place is from 1702.

1350-1400; Middle English < Old French governement. See govern, -ment

Govern comes from:

1250-1300; Middle English < Old French gouverner < Latin gubernāre to steer (a ship) < Greek kybernân to steer

govern, v.late 13c., from Old French governer (11c., Modern French gouverner) "govern," from Latin gubernare "to direct, rule, guide, govern" (cf. Spanish gobernar, Italian governare), originally "to steer," a nautical borrowing from Greek kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct" (the root of cybernetics). The -k- to -g- sound shift is perhaps via the medium of Etruscan. Related: Governed ; governing.

1. -ment
a suffix of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment), or means ( ornament).
< French < Latin -mentum, suffix forming nouns, usually from verbs
noun, plural menta
[men-tuh] (Show IPA)
Entomology. the medial plate of the labium in insects.
Botany. a chinlike protuberance formed by the sepals and the base of the column in some orchids.

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  • I wonder how the RV/GCR factors in to all this.  Is it for good, or is it a cover for evil?

    Byron wilkins said:

    What I have noticed lately while watching the goings on around the planet is that things are getting better in some areas and worse in others. There is definitely something very strange going on. The bad guys are still doing evil thing and the good guys are trying to counteract them. One thing for sure is that America is still sleeping away and waking slowly.

      This article reminds me of the old Ben Fulford. There are so many threats according to Ben that it sounds like the cabal is in fear of losing their control.

       My feeling about the economy is grim and it looks like it will tank this summer.  

  • What I have noticed lately while watching the goings on around the planet is that things are getting better in some areas and worse in others. There is definitely something very strange going on. The bad guys are still doing evil thing and the good guys are trying to counteract them. One thing for sure is that America is still sleeping away and waking slowly.

      This article reminds me of the old Ben Fulford. There are so many threats according to Ben that it sounds like the cabal is in fear of losing their control.

       My feeling about the economy is grim and it looks like it will tank this summer.  

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