
  • OK enough about the old, crap. I just put up a video about Gobekli Tepe that predicts PX in this time period.

    Jim Haas said:

    Same thing happened to me awhile back with someone big deal....I only get to call you old because I think I'm a little older than to respect your elders, you know.....

  • Same thing happened to me awhile back with someone big deal....I only get to call you old because I think I'm a little older than to respect your elders, you know.....

  • Jim bob this is not a contest if I had seen your video I would of not posted this. That is" Mr "old Plagiarizer if you please. And please spell it right when criticizing others. I am laughing also.

  • Hey, you old plagiariser, you.  Hah!  I posted my video 3 hours before you did...... It's okay, Byron.  The more publicity this gets, the more people it might wake up.  Still laughing......Byron, the plagiariser....hee hee hee.....

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