Elbert Guillory's Take on the Illegal Caravan

Elbert Guillory's America


An army of illegal aliens plans to invade the United States!

Many of these thousands will bring illiteracy, poverty, drugs, diseases, gang affiliations. How can we respond?

  1. SEAL our Southern border with US troops. No one and no thing comes in until the invasion is over.
  2. Demand that the host countries stop the invasion, as the President is doing.
  3. Invade their countries and stop the mob. When it has been in the interests of America, we have not hesitated, nor should we hesitate today.
  4. Load every single illegal alien criminal onto a military plane and send them back to their home country. Enforced by the US military.

Once we show that we are serious -- NO illegal alien criminals crossing our borders!

These illegal alien criminals are moving into OUR neighborhoods. They are bringing their gang violence to OUR streets. 

Democrats trade rights of all Americans for illegal alien criminal votes.

And does anyone believe that it's ok to violate laws simply because the perpetrator is from another country? Americans deserve safety!!

Meanwhile the political establishment in D.C. are playing cheap political games with American lives and safety.

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