
  • And the taxpayers pay for it all.

    Byron wilkins said:

    The reason O had to go on his own with climate change AKA global warming is because congress had hearings on it with real figures that had been changed to look like the earth was warming when it was really cooling. I was lucky enough to be able to watch them. Global warming is part of Agenda 21 and a carbon tax to bankrupt business and the citizens. It is the biggest hoax to ever be played on mankind next to vaccines. Al Gore will go to jail one day and hopefully soon.

  • The reason O had to go on his own with climate change AKA global warming is because congress had hearings on it with real figures that had been changed to look like the earth was warming when it was really cooling. I was lucky enough to be able to watch them. Global warming is part of Agenda 21 and a carbon tax to bankrupt business and the citizens. It is the biggest hoax to ever be played on mankind next to vaccines. Al Gore will go to jail one day and hopefully soon.

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