UNSEEN.IS this needs to be checked before we jump





Seen.is och Unseen.is drivs av amerikaner som insamlar och säljer persondata och gör ej medgivna korttransaktioner

Translated from Swedish into English by Google Translate |

Seen.is and Unseen.is run by Americans who collect and sell personal data and does not adders card transactions


HERE is the link to INTELIUS : http://www.intelius.com/

MORE Information will be added about INTELIUS soon. INTELIUS has BILLIONS of records on every person on the planet.  If you pay them $20.00 you can find out everything about everybody, birth records, marriage records, divorce records, criminal records,  and THEN they will charge your credit card EVERY MONTH $20.00.  They have google maps of everybody.  They have EVERYBODY’s NEIGHBORS, neighbors phone numbers.  Everything.

News Voice recently opened an account to post status updates on Seen.is a competitor to Facebook. It was a mistake. No background check was made as to who really was behind Seen.is. It turned out that entrepreneurs ethics are questionable.

Text: Torbjorn Sassersson

Facebook competitor Seen.is and the supposedly secure communications channel Unseen.is driven not by Icelanders who like privacy but by Americans is behind services that sell personal data.

CEO of Unseen.is and Seen.is Chris Kitze behind a number of companies and startups. The domains seen.is and unseen.is owned by the company Unseen, today with office or branch in Iceland. Kitze also sits on the board of the company Intelius which later changed its name to Inome (by rebranding) which, according to Ripoff Report, a peculiarity be charged to customers ‘debit cards without the owners’ consent. The company has come to court for unethical payment draws and marketing practices, and unethical handling of customers’ phone numbers. Intelius (Inome) has been sued in California, Washington, and has been to court even in Seattle, United States (see articles below).

CLICK HERE For One Of the Lawsuits Against Intelius.

Inome‘s sales pitch: Inome Insight is a simple, secure, cloud-based service That allows you to find the true identity of Your Customers and take your marketing to a new level.”

Intelius (Inome) for his service: There is power in predictive intelligence. Power to Interpret Information with Accuracy, speed, and peace of mind. Power to avoid relationships with people or businesses likely to put your human life, assets or organization at risk.

President also Inome Chris Kitze, according LinkedIn and Bloomberg and other sources.

Chris Kitze is involved as an entrepreneur, investor, the management or the board of directors of the company Osprey Ventures, IQzone, Xoom and Yaga, where the latter two provide payment solutions over the Internet, according to Bloomberg respective LinkedIn. He is also, perhaps surprisingly, involved in the site Before it‘s News, a site with alternative news.

Issue is the credibility of the service Seen.is have when they promise “no data mining” on its website if the CEO has a background in business that delves into individuals ‘identities, distribute contact information to other parties and make card transactions without card owners’ consent.

Chris Kitzes Defense publishes news Voice RT.com following interview where Kitze says that he stands up for privacy.

NewsVoice öppnade nyligen ett användarkonto för att posta statusuppdateringar på Seen.is en konkurrent till Facebook. Det var ett misstag. Ingen bakgrundscheck gjordes av vilka som egentligen låg bakom Seen.is. Det visade sig att entreprenörernas etik är tvivelaktig.

Text: Torbjörn Sassersson

Facebook-konkurrenten Seen.is och den påstått säkra kommunikationskanalen Unseen.is drivs inte alls av islänningar som gillar integritet utan av amerikaner som ligger bakom tjänster som säljer persondata.

VD för Unseen.is och Seen.is är Chris Kitze som ligger bakom en rad företag och startups. Domänerna seen.is och unseen.is ägs av företaget Unseen, idag med kontor eller filial på Island. Kitze sitter även i styrelsen på företaget Intelius som sedermera bytte namn till Inome (genom rebranding) vilket har, enligt Ripoff Report, en egenhet att belasta kunders bankkort utan kortägarnas medgivande. Företaget har dragit till domstol för oetiska betalningsdragningar och marknadsföringsmetoder samt oetisk hantering av kunders telefonnummer. Intelius (Inome) har stämts i Kalifornien, Washington och har dragits till domstol även i Seattle, USA (se artiklar nedan).

Inome:s sälj-pitch: ”Inome insights is a simple, secure, cloud-based service that allows you to find the true identity of your customers and take your marketing to a new level.”

Intelius (Inome) om sin tjänst: ”There is power in predictive intelligence. Power to interpret information with accuracy, speed, and peace of mind. Power to avoid relationships with people or businesses likely to put your personal life, assets or organization at risk.”

VD även för Inome är Chris Kitze, enligt Linkedin och Bloomberg samt andra källor.

Chris Kitze är involverad som entreprenör, investerare, i ledning eller i styrelse i företag som Osprey Ventures, IQzoneXoom och Yaga, där de två sistnämnda tillhandahåller betalningslösningar över internet, enligt Bloomberg respektive Linkedin. Han är även, kanske något oväntat, involverad i sajten Before it’s News, en sajt med alternativa nyheter.

Fråga är vilken trovärdighet tjänsten Seen.is har när de lovar ”no datamining” på sin hemsida om VD:n har en bakgrund i företag som gräver i privatpersoners identiteter, distribuerar kontaktinformation till andra parter och gör korttransaktioner utan kortägarnas medgivande.

Till Chris Kitzes försvar publicerar NewsVoice följande RT.com-intervju där Kitze menar att han står upp för personlig integritet.


UPDATED INFORMATION about UNSEEN.IS/SEEN.IS researched by Colin Bennun HERE: (Per Below)

Calling fans of SEEN.IS and UNSEEN.IS social network… you’re being scammed, and the scammer thinks you’re stupid. Want to know more? Read on, and then PLEASE SHARE this note. Don’t believe me and don’t want to read something you might not like? Goodbye and good luck!


“Unseen, ehf”, the company whose name appears at the bottom of the seen/unseen signup pages (scroll down to the bottom, you’ll see it), has as its CEO a man named Chris Kitze. If you look at his LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chriskitze) you’ll see that as well as being CEO of Unseen, he is a director of – amongst others – a company called iNome. According to his own blurb, he serves “on the board of directors of this rapidly growing personal intelligence company. An early investor, [he] joined the board to bring [his] experience in internet commerce and finance to help management guide the company to even greater success.” The Wikipedia entry for iNome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inome) is very interesting as it details class action lawsuits Chris Kitze’s company has been embroiled in for its breaches of data protection laws and for automatically enrolling people into marketing programmes without their permission. There’s much more there too, read it yourself and find out just how badly Kitze wants to use your personal information to make himself rich, and how little he cares about the laws his companies break in order to do so. Want your private cellphone number made available without your consent? Chris Kitze, CEO of Unseen, is your man.


Then there’s the matter of security. Now I’m no encryption expert, but some of those who *are* have serious questions about both the actual security of seen/unseen and the deliberate misrepresentation of it in their FAQs. Read more here: http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2014/04/19/why-you-should-stay-away-from-unseen.is/


So that’s the appeal to reason. Now here’s the appeal to emotion (with a bit more reason thrown in).


As stated in their introductory text, seen.is and unseen.is are both operated by the people behind the website BeforeItsNews.com. This website is known for spreading untrue and scaremongering news stories, amongst which are those focussed on – frankly – lies about Facebook’s security and privacy concerns. There is much to criticise Facebook about. But these criticisms do not justify spreading lies; a cause worth fighting for will only be undermined if those who fight for it lie about it in order to further their aims. Beforeitsnews was one of the sites upon which the latest scare story spread, concerning the Facebook privacy “bombshell” on January 1st 2015 – a story that has been established by independent researchers to be false: http://www.snopes.com/computer/facebook/fbspying.asp


Here’s the timeline: Beforeitsnews spreads lies about Facebook, intending to scare Facebook users. Meanwhile the people behind it are working on an alternative social media site, with the aim of capturing that portion of its userbase who are amenable to being frightened by scare stories without taking the time to research the facts themselves. When the site (seen/unseen.is) is ready, Beforeitsnews spreads a fake story about a non-existent privacy ‘bombshell’ whilst simultaneously heavily promoting its own alternative. “Capice?”, as Al Capone might have said?


Again, if you read the promo information on seen/unseen.is, you will see that the site is ad-supported (just like Facebook), and NO claims are made about enhanced security from interception by national security services outside Iceland. Remember that the vast, vast majority – approaching 100% – of internet traffic passes through the USA at some stage in its travels, at which point it is vulnerable to the dragnet info trawling by performed by the NSA, which takes place where international fibre optic data cables enter the country. There is no escape from this at the moment – every piece of data that passes through the internet ends up in the NSA’s enormous new data centre in Utah – INCLUDING everything sent to and from seen/unseen.is. Iceland is a fantastic country and its own data protection laws are well-formulated; however once data leaves the country all bets are off.


Seen/unseen.is seem intended to be a home to the credulous, who will have their social media supported by advertising revenue – adverts for products which will no doubt be in alignment with the worldview and mindset of its creators (vinegar-based chemtrail protection agent, or expensive DVDs discussing the aliens who live on Nibiru/Planet X come to mind).  It would be no surprise to me if many of the adverts on seen/unseen direct consumers to online shops associated with NaturalNews, as this site has also been pushing many of the same lies and promoting seen/unseen.is. Personally I do not believe that these sites’ owners believe much of what they promote, as the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to code a large, stable website seem – to me – to be at odds with the lack of such skills necessary to believe the fiction they promote as fact… but I may be wrong.


Nonetheless, I urge you to reconsider your membership of seen/unseen.is, because from all I can see, the motives of its creators are murky at best – and deliberately destructive of intelligent thought whilst being downright cynically exploitative at worst.


Of course it’s possible that you may think of me as a ‘shill’ – that I’m being paid by the agents of darkness to try and stop beings of light and enlightenment from finding their true home so that they may usher in a new age of planetary consciousness, or some such. If that’s the case then there is no point in telling you the truth, but I will anyway. I am simply a musician; a sound engineer; a person who believes that we are all One Humanity – we are the universe experiencing itself and learning about itself through the as-yet-unexplained ‘magic’ of consciousness and its accompanying tool of logic and rational thought… but I am also someone who is passionately aware of the plain fact that without honesty and integrity (for which I make no special claim about myself) we cannot progress as a species into a world based on peace, love, unity and respect.


From the facts as they are, it seems clear to me that seen.is, unseen.is and their parent website beforeitsnews.com offer none of this.


Written with love, compassion and hope.


Colin (with thanks to Alexander Synaptic for invaluable help with the hard research)

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Seen.is och Unseen.is drivs av amerikaner som insamlar och säljer persondata och gör ej medgivna korttransaktioner

Translated from Swedish into English by Google Translate |

Seen.is and Unseen.is run by Americans who collect and sell personal data and does not adders card transactions


HERE is the link to INTELIUS : http://www.intelius.com/

MORE Information will be added about INTELIUS soon. INTELIUS has BILLIONS of records on every person on the planet.  If you pay them $20.00 you can find out everything about everybody, birth records, marriage records, divorce records, criminal records,  and THEN they will charge your credit card EVERY MONTH $20.00.  They have google maps of everybody.  They have EVERYBODY’s NEIGHBORS, neighbors phone numbers.  Everything.

News Voice recently opened an account to post status updates on Seen.is a competitor to Facebook. It was a mistake. No background check was made as to who really was behind Seen.is. It turned out that entrepreneurs ethics are questionable.

Text: Torbjorn Sassersson

Facebook competitor Seen.is and the supposedly secure communications channel Unseen.is driven not by Icelanders who like privacy but by Americans is behind services that sell personal data.

CEO of Unseen.is and Seen.is Chris Kitze behind a number of companies and startups. The domains seen.is and unseen.is owned by the company Unseen, today with office or branch in Iceland. Kitze also sits on the board of the company Intelius which later changed its name to Inome (by rebranding) which, according to Ripoff Report, a peculiarity be charged to customers ‘debit cards without the owners’ consent. The company has come to court for unethical payment draws and marketing practices, and unethical handling of customers’ phone numbers. Intelius (Inome) has been sued in California, Washington, and has been to court even in Seattle, United States (see articles below).

CLICK HERE For One Of the Lawsuits Against Intelius.

Inome‘s sales pitch: Inome Insight is a simple, secure, cloud-based service That allows you to find the true identity of Your Customers and take your marketing to a new level.”

Intelius (Inome) for his service: There is power in predictive intelligence. Power to Interpret Information with Accuracy, speed, and peace of mind. Power to avoid relationships with people or businesses likely to put your human life, assets or organization at risk.

President also Inome Chris Kitze, according LinkedIn and Bloomberg and other sources.

Chris Kitze is involved as an entrepreneur, investor, the management or the board of directors of the company Osprey Ventures, IQzone, Xoom and Yaga, where the latter two provide payment solutions over the Internet, according to Bloomberg respective LinkedIn. He is also, perhaps surprisingly, involved in the site Before it‘s News, a site with alternative news.

Issue is the credibility of the service Seen.is have when they promise “no data mining” on its website if the CEO has a background in business that delves into individuals ‘identities, distribute contact information to other parties and make card transactions without card owners’ consent.

Chris Kitzes Defense publishes news Voice RT.com following interview where Kitze says that he stands up for privacy.

NewsVoice öppnade nyligen ett användarkonto för att posta statusuppdateringar på Seen.is en konkurrent till Facebook. Det var ett misstag. Ingen bakgrundscheck gjordes av vilka som egentligen låg bakom Seen.is. Det visade sig att entreprenörernas etik är tvivelaktig.

Text: Torbjörn Sassersson

Facebook-konkurrenten Seen.is och den påstått säkra kommunikationskanalen Unseen.is drivs inte alls av islänningar som gillar integritet utan av amerikaner som ligger bakom tjänster som säljer persondata.

VD för Unseen.is och Seen.is är Chris Kitze som ligger bakom en rad företag och startups. Domänerna seen.is och unseen.is ägs av företaget Unseen, idag med kontor eller filial på Island. Kitze sitter även i styrelsen på företaget Intelius som sedermera bytte namn till Inome (genom rebranding) vilket har, enligt Ripoff Report, en egenhet att belasta kunders bankkort utan kortägarnas medgivande. Företaget har dragit till domstol för oetiska betalningsdragningar och marknadsföringsmetoder samt oetisk hantering av kunders telefonnummer. Intelius (Inome) har stämts i Kalifornien, Washington och har dragits till domstol även i Seattle, USA (se artiklar nedan).

Inome:s sälj-pitch: ”Inome insights is a simple, secure, cloud-based service that allows you to find the true identity of your customers and take your marketing to a new level.”

Intelius (Inome) om sin tjänst: ”There is power in predictive intelligence. Power to interpret information with accuracy, speed, and peace of mind. Power to avoid relationships with people or businesses likely to put your personal life, assets or organization at risk.”

VD även för Inome är Chris Kitze, enligt Linkedin och Bloomberg samt andra källor.

Chris Kitze är involverad som entreprenör, investerare, i ledning eller i styrelse i företag som Osprey Ventures, IQzoneXoom och Yaga, där de två sistnämnda tillhandahåller betalningslösningar över internet, enligt Bloomberg respektive Linkedin. Han är även, kanske något oväntat, involverad i sajten Before it’s News, en sajt med alternativa nyheter.

Fråga är vilken trovärdighet tjänsten Seen.is har när de lovar ”no datamining” på sin hemsida om VD:n har en bakgrund i företag som gräver i privatpersoners identiteter, distribuerar kontaktinformation till andra parter och gör korttransaktioner utan kortägarnas medgivande.

Till Chris Kitzes försvar publicerar NewsVoice följande RT.com-intervju där Kitze menar att han står upp för personlig integritet.


UPDATED INFORMATION about UNSEEN.IS/SEEN.IS researched by Colin Bennun HERE: (Per Below)

Calling fans of SEEN.IS and UNSEEN.IS social network… you’re being scammed, and the scammer thinks you’re stupid. Want to know more? Read on, and then PLEASE SHARE this note. Don’t believe me and don’t want to read something you might not like? Goodbye and good luck!


“Unseen, ehf”, the company whose name appears at the bottom of the seen/unseen signup pages (scroll down to the bottom, you’ll see it), has as its CEO a man named Chris Kitze. If you look at his LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chriskitze) you’ll see that as well as being CEO of Unseen, he is a director of – amongst others – a company called iNome. According to his own blurb, he serves “on the board of directors of this rapidly growing personal intelligence company. An early investor, [he] joined the board to bring [his] experience in internet commerce and finance to help management guide the company to even greater success.” The Wikipedia entry for iNome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inome) is very interesting as it details class action lawsuits Chris Kitze’s company has been embroiled in for its breaches of data protection laws and for automatically enrolling people into marketing programmes without their permission. There’s much more there too, read it yourself and find out just how badly Kitze wants to use your personal information to make himself rich, and how little he cares about the laws his companies break in order to do so. Want your private cellphone number made available without your consent? Chris Kitze, CEO of Unseen, is your man.


Then there’s the matter of security. Now I’m no encryption expert, but some of those who *are* have serious questions about both the actual security of seen/unseen and the deliberate misrepresentation of it in their FAQs. Read more here: http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2014/04/19/why-you-should-stay-away-from-unseen.is/


So that’s the appeal to reason. Now here’s the appeal to emotion (with a bit more reason thrown in).


As stated in their introductory text, seen.is and unseen.is are both operated by the people behind the website BeforeItsNews.com. This website is known for spreading untrue and scaremongering news stories, amongst which are those focussed on – frankly – lies about Facebook’s security and privacy concerns. There is much to criticise Facebook about. But these criticisms do not justify spreading lies; a cause worth fighting for will only be undermined if those who fight for it lie about it in order to further their aims. Beforeitsnews was one of the sites upon which the latest scare story spread, concerning the Facebook privacy “bombshell” on January 1st 2015 – a story that has been established by independent researchers to be false: http://www.snopes.com/computer/facebook/fbspying.asp


Here’s the timeline: Beforeitsnews spreads lies about Facebook, intending to scare Facebook users. Meanwhile the people behind it are working on an alternative social media site, with the aim of capturing that portion of its userbase who are amenable to being frightened by scare stories without taking the time to research the facts themselves. When the site (seen/unseen.is) is ready, Beforeitsnews spreads a fake story about a non-existent privacy ‘bombshell’ whilst simultaneously heavily promoting its own alternative. “Capice?”, as Al Capone might have said?


Again, if you read the promo information on seen/unseen.is, you will see that the site is ad-supported (just like Facebook), and NO claims are made about enhanced security from interception by national security services outside Iceland. Remember that the vast, vast majority – approaching 100% – of internet traffic passes through the USA at some stage in its travels, at which point it is vulnerable to the dragnet info trawling by performed by the NSA, which takes place where international fibre optic data cables enter the country. There is no escape from this at the moment – every piece of data that passes through the internet ends up in the NSA’s enormous new data centre in Utah – INCLUDING everything sent to and from seen/unseen.is. Iceland is a fantastic country and its own data protection laws are well-formulated; however once data leaves the country all bets are off.


Seen/unseen.is seem intended to be a home to the credulous, who will have their social media supported by advertising revenue – adverts for products which will no doubt be in alignment with the worldview and mindset of its creators (vinegar-based chemtrail protection agent, or expensive DVDs discussing the aliens who live on Nibiru/Planet X come to mind).  It would be no surprise to me if many of the adverts on seen/unseen direct consumers to online shops associated with NaturalNews, as this site has also been pushing many of the same lies and promoting seen/unseen.is. Personally I do not believe that these sites’ owners believe much of what they promote, as the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to code a large, stable website seem – to me – to be at odds with the lack of such skills necessary to believe the fiction they promote as fact… but I may be wrong.


Nonetheless, I urge you to reconsider your membership of seen/unseen.is, because from all I can see, the motives of its creators are murky at best – and deliberately destructive of intelligent thought whilst being downright cynically exploitative at worst.


Of course it’s possible that you may think of me as a ‘shill’ – that I’m being paid by the agents of darkness to try and stop beings of light and enlightenment from finding their true home so that they may usher in a new age of planetary consciousness, or some such. If that’s the case then there is no point in telling you the truth, but I will anyway. I am simply a musician; a sound engineer; a person who believes that we are all One Humanity – we are the universe experiencing itself and learning about itself through the as-yet-unexplained ‘magic’ of consciousness and its accompanying tool of logic and rational thought… but I am also someone who is passionately aware of the plain fact that without honesty and integrity (for which I make no special claim about myself) we cannot progress as a species into a world based on peace, love, unity and respect.


From the facts as they are, it seems clear to me that seen.is, unseen.is and their parent website beforeitsnews.com offer none of this.


Written with love, compassion and hope.


Colin (with thanks to Alexander Synaptic for invaluable help with the hard research)

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  • The USPS is currently scanning every piece of mail that comes through.  They don't open them, but they scan the outside.  We have to go back to two tin cans and a string to get privacy.

    nimra' said:

      I am on unseen.is, the reason for my post.seems to be as muddy now as  before. but

    it seems to make no difference. no privacy.THE ONLY THING LEFT IS MAIL SERVICE


  • The only hope is that the morons collecting our information will eventually wake up to the fact that there is real truth coming out of what we are talking about and they are on the wrong side of humanity.
    nimra' said:

      I am on unseen.is, the reason for my post.seems to be as muddy now as  before. but

    it seems to make no difference. no privacy.THE ONLY THING LEFT IS MAIL SERVICE


  •   I am on unseen.is, the reason for my post.seems to be as muddy now as  before. but

    it seems to make no difference. no privacy.THE ONLY THING LEFT IS MAIL SERVICE


  • There seems to be no such thing as secure anymore.  I have a friend who has been trying to get me on Unseen for a long time because it is in Iceland.

  • The link above (http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2014/04/19/why-you-should-stay-away...) is screwed up so I found one that works.


    Don't know how long it will so if they are doing that type of killing info, it maybe even worst!

  • Thanks for posting, Nimra.  Not surprising.  The best thing to do is just stay off the internet, but that gets harder by the day. 

    And since I have an account at unseen.is, been checking it out, I received the following email.  It's just as likely that it is a smear campaign since seen/unseen is tickling a very large tiger's tail.  But how to know for sure?

    • me

    Hello users,

    The smear campaign against Seen has moved to Europe, now in the form of a blog that makes several accusations against Seen and Seen's owner, Chris Kitze.

    In Europe they do not have the background checkers and people finders which use public data that we have in the US.

    They are thus unable to run background checks on prospective employees, and a child abuser is quite safe applying for a job at a day care center, or a convicted thief as a cashier in a store.

    The spin on this blog is that it is a bad thing to be able to run background checks. We in the US think it is a valuable service.

    Because the rumors are coming thicker every day, we thought it best to send our response to ALL our users, so they can hear the truth about the matter.

    Ask yourself one question, who is spreading these rumors? And why? Do they really have your best interests at heart?

    Here is Chris' answer to one of our users, regarding this latest rumor:

    Several things you should understand about Intelius. It's true I have been a director there for several years, I was also an early investor. It's now called iNome. I'm not the CEO of that company at all, just a very tiny investor and director. That's a huge difference. Yes, that company was sued because of what another company did with the customers and lawsuits usually claim all kinds of things that might or might not be true. Those lawsuits were all resolved.

    You need to understand, in the U.S. directors of companies are not involved in the day to day affairs of the company. Everything Intelius does is inside the US and follows US laws. They provide PUBLIC records, these are used by companies (and some individuals) to do background checks on people for hiring, etc. Keep in mind, this can be people's arrest records, which are PUBLIC in the U.S., among other things, that are used by people to decide if they should hire someone to babysit their children or hire for a job. Imagine if you hire someone to work at a bank who is a convicted bank robber! Or a child molester to baby sit your children!! That's the issue and there are quite a number of people who avoided a big problem using Intelius. Some things really do need to be out in public.

    However, there are most definitely things that need to be kept in private. That's why I got together with some friends of mine to start Seen and Unseen. People are being abused by Google and Facebook and I haven't even gotten to the state security services. You know all about these. We did this also to help get news about the persecution of Falun Gong out to the world and especially to China. Many of us do this very peaceful meditation which is severely persecuted in China: http://faluninfo.net This is very important for people to know about.

    Unseen (and Seen) are totally separate companies from Intelius or any other company and other than me, there are zero other Intelius shareholders in Unseen. We don't have any VC's or big companies or even other large outside investors, it's owned by me and the other people who work there. The company and servers are based in Iceland. It's an Icelandic private company, an ehf. It has absolutely nothing to do with Intelius.

    We don't do ANY data mining whatsoever with Seen or Unseen, they're based in Iceland and I'm not even sure it would be legal to do that in Iceland. We barely even keep logs, only to protect from abuse and these are deleted regularly. If people delete things, we don't keep copies around. We don't run any ads on Unseen, but we'll need to run ads for free users on Seen.is to pay for the servers and bandwidth, which are pretty expensive in Iceland. Another thing is our encryption is pretty good and it's pretty easy to use, as I think you discovered. The premium account on Unseen will in the future turn off all the ads on Seen and turn on stronger encryption. Keep in mind, Seen is designed to be out in the open, but not open to the big companies like Google. We think this leaves the user in charge of their data.

This reply was deleted.