Could this be true ? 2:42

URGENT!! Major Change In the Election

  • This is a joke folks!!!

    The Common Sense Show adds this in their Comment section below the YouTube video:

    Only Democrats are allowed to do view this material. Please only forward to a Democrat. Remember, if dead Democrats can vote and if 7 million democrats can be registered to vote in 2 adjacent states and we are using George Soros' voting machines in 16 states, then shouldn't we have a few tricks up our sleeve? After you are done forwarding this to democrats, then send the link to the NY Times and the Washington Post. the Clinton Foundation would like a copy as well. Make this go viral in all democratic communities.

    And further comments by Robert Johnson:  The Common Sense Show Haha! I have to admit you got me! I was freaked out!! Lolol! I thought they changed the laws or rules when the days we vote! They have been changing things around big time to accommodate their fraud!

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