
  • I suspect the Alantic Rift is opening (due to Wormwood) and heat (energy) from the upcoming Magna is warming the ocean= thus the tornados.
  • The chemicals may be having effect.  Weren't they a factor in knocking out the Atlantic conveyor? 

    The Appalachians (in my part of the world) is seeing alot of rainfall, cooler temperatures.

    In 2010, news had it that Tornado Alley had shifted eastwards.

  • Jet stream, a continuous loop of air moving eastward. 

    Lately, mysterious force yanking jet stream off course, dropping air masses from Canada southward.  Collides sharply and explosively with warm southerly masses.  Like pouring cold water into hot frying pan.  Causes violent reactions, rain storms, windstorms, wild temperature swings. 

    What's causing it? Continuing series on Planet X.

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