

Phoenix, AZ

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  • Gifts to My Friends!
  • A Gift to My Friends! I was lost now I am found. ;-)
  • Hello. I found all of you! I wondered where so many fine folks went. Yes, it is good to be here. I am in the process of looking around today for the first time. I have tapped the others that I have missed as well that I found here. No...no, to answer your question, I had no issues what so every over at the other. I love them dearly. No, no hurt feelings at all. Actually, I stopped commenting on the other because my husband, months back, was not very happy that I was speaking out on a blog to...."those people" ....dear soul that he is, he just does not see what I see coming....and it greatly bothered him that I was "getting off track"....by talking to folks he did not know. He does not see what we here see. The Christian faith has got him bound into one certain mind set.....that's all. And I frighten him with all my talk of pole shift and aliens and being a contactee.....and you get the idea.
    So....I went silent to meet him half way. I still read and learned by reading from my phone net connection...though, that meant that I would stop posting. Well....we are so close to something we all dread and that is the abrupt changes that will take down our connections with each other at all. So...before that time comes....I have a need to talk, regardless. I have so many emotions within....and they need to go some where since none of my family or friends can listen to me.
    And you letting me know that you enjoyed my conversations within posts....well...that was very kind of you. And I have taken note that you said so. Bless your heart. And thank you. Thank you very much. And thank you for addressing me this day. I would like very much to talk now. I need all of you very much. I continue to visit the other place as well....as I love Nancy and all those that bring their knowledge to the table!
    Wonderful to talk to you. And Steve.....thanks for showing me where all could be found again. Smiles~~
    Michelle Gamet
  • we are sory we forgot to give you a gift. your postings and intelligent blogs are so refreshing. please take care and becareful. lots of prays and blessing upon you and your family. j&j.
  • I'm glad you found your way here Sherry!
  • I've always enjoyed your comments and input. You are appreciated.
  • Welcome Sherry! Glad to see you here.
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