now, the universe can only be explained by reference to plasmas and electric fields. now, the sun is an electric dynamo and all the nuclear reactions occur not in the center but in the atmosphere and the surface. next comets are electrically charged bodes and not this silly idea NASA and others put forth they being dirty snowballs.

so, based on the above, I pose a few questions about planet X.


if it is 2.3 jupiter masses according to some and has a large magnetic field, based upon the typical reactions  comets have of discharging the solar capacitor, as evidenced by the last comet to enter the sun, is it not reasonable to assume planet X will have no so much a large or even a very large effect upon Sol, but indeed a catastrophic effect.

also assuming the solar system is normally in some kind of electrostatic balance, that is electric forces are balanced between the sun and the various bodies in orbit, then  on the assumption planet X enters the solar system, this balance

 will be affected, in fact   massive coronal ejections  will be released also there will be huge electrical discharges between  planet X and the other planets.


now, these discharges are such that planets such as Mars I believe --and velikovsky bears this out, are gouged by the effects of these electric forces as earth now doubt was. Such as during the last major cataclysm eleven thousand years ago.

now my question, if planet x is anywhere near the inner planets why are we not seeing not only massive perturbations in thie orbits, which the astronomical community will observe and also amateurs, but there are no seriously large CME's vis. the film' knowing'.

the above to my mind weakens the planet x hypothesis and saying it approaches the plane of the ecliptic is not enough. at some stage the sun will react with horrific force and we will get a bit hot under the collar shall we say !!


so, far all is quite. any comments please?

I am not a complete  skeptic I  simply have insufficient data to know for  certain.

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  • I am in full total agreement with you Keith, you say exactly what I say, or rather mean. this is why I am happy with thus forum, it gets right to the point. most rewarding.
  • this is presupposing they are right. how many are giving disinformation including Nancy Lieder? we all want an expert to believe in a 'college profesor ' to look up to.

    my own stance is to have a perpetual open mind about all things to believe in nothing and accept everything I here as a hypothesis at best . some things I do accept as factual, or probably factual,  but again accept that my own paradigms must be subject to change of the facts change and my perspective changes.

    thus I believe nothing unless it is obvious to me it is real. religion is a prime example here, and much of so called science.

    in the end i treat all this planet X a  good story at best yet allow there may be something out there, as there are many anomalous data points that can't be ignored!!!!

  • n. f. you have read the Oahspe it's called a red star!
  • Although I do not understand every thing, you both makes good points for discussion. I am just wondering why so many conflicting information about the actual location of Planet X. If some people here are reporting having  it on picture, can we actually calculate its location base on its size in relation with the sun?


  • Good thoughts Nicholas,

    I am sorry but I do not believe that space is a sea of plasma, simply because of what I know plasma to be, a state of matter similar to gas in which particles are ionized... mind you enfused with more energy and a magnetic field, it takes on a liquid quality.  Plasma is hot, very very hot, our shuttle would never survive flying through plasma because it isn't a neutral medium.  I do realize that what we know of space is flawed and I do accept that there is much more out there than we can even fathom but going by what I feel I do know, plasma is what we witness on the face of the sun. 

    If planet x were out there and if it were 2-3 times the size of Jupiter, it would still be tiny in comparison to our sun, it would not have an electrical field that could fall into a magnetic balance with the sun's, image supplied for comparison.....



    so even if it were 4 times the size of jupiter it would be tiny. :) Your turn.

  • when the comet flew into the sun was it a week ago, there was  a massive eruption , now, I follow Jim Maccaney and he is probably the main proponent of the electric model of the universe and of the solar capacitor. it does explain a lot, an awful lot. most of the so called science  put out by NASA, is rubbish science, apart from what Maccaney says, and  a comet cannot  be an icy snowball  it is a lump of rock and hydrocarbons are created in its electric field which is the real nature of a cemetery tail-- it is  trail of interstellar charged particles. and the universe is electric, intuitively it has to be. It is  a sea of plasma and is not electrically neutral.

    anyhow, there is no evidence to my mind as toi why the sun is more active now than anytime the last twenty years. it has been quieter true.  now if a large body entered the solar syen, and I am no scientest, it is bound to upset the solar capacitor. where is the evidence for this? there a theory of baryon centers, what i understand is two charged or magnetic  bodies can have balancing effect on each other such that they cause balancing of charges between them. my understanding. it is possible this is happening with planet X. its charge may be balancing that of the sun, canceling it out,and may be the reason the sun has been so quite.

    so, a few more thoughts, over to you, Alex!!!!

  • "Now the universe can only be explained by reference to plasma and electric fields."
    Sorry but that is news to me.  The sun being a dynamo is a very old idea....unfortunately we have no way of proving it.  Comets do not cause a discharge of the sun...size is the operative concept electron would not set off a dynamo the size of a basketball just for the sake of scope. 
    If Planet x were in our solar system I agree with just about all of your statements regarding electrical discharges between the sun and planet x also between us and planet x. 
    But as you stated the great scar on Mars didn't just took a force that can not be generated by natural weather or tectonic conditions..... it by far is the best proof for me when it comes to the possibility of a rogue planet.
    As for how the sun would be reacting if there were a rogue planet in our system..... I think that its current activity is a major indication that something is amiss.  The shear volume of CMEs this year along with the magnitude are actually quite startling.
    I guess the main thing we all need to keep in mind is how little we actually know that isn't based on information that can be very fallable.....  We(humanity)define history, all of our thoughts are tempered by information that has to be placed into question, since it was writen by the hands of man.  One of my favorite sayings of late "History is about as accurate as a blind archer...."
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