April 4, 2012




Three Questions

Beloved Ascending Ones,

Three questions that we, your higher expressions of SELF, hear you asking are:

Why am I here?

What is my Mission?

Am I doing enough?


We answer these questions by telling you that we feel how you miss us and how you miss the fifth dimension and beyond. We want you to know that we miss you just as much. Except, in our reality "miss" is not the correct word, as your higher expression of SELF is here with us. To put our answer into your sequential language, we say that we live in complete compassion and total understanding of your emotions as we share them within the NOW of our joint reality. We feel your sense of separation, as the gift that you share with us is the illusion of third dimensional separation.


Separation may not appear as a gift to you, but you are providing infinite, experiential information about how we can assist our ascending ones who are preparing for personal and planetary ascension. In fact, everyone that you help shares his or her lessons with us. Through you, we commune with everyone that you touch in any way. Because you volunteered to be an opened portal to the higher dimensions, you are choosing to share every moment of your reality with your higher dimensional family. Furthermore, as you serve as an opened portal to the higher dimensions, you are unknowingly showing others how to serve as opened portals, as well.


Why am I here?

Your personal portal, your pineal gland, remains opened because of your constant willingness to accept multidimensional light and unconditional love into your earth vessel. Your earth vessel IS an expression of Gaia and made of the same third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional Elementals as Earth. Hence, Gaia is one of your many higher expressions of SELF. Yes dear ascending ones, YOU are Gaia. Does that answer your first question: "Why am I here?" You are here NOW to assist your Planetary SELF with the process of ascension by serving as an opened portal of multidimensional light and unconditional love.


Your portal opens two ways. The inward flow into your personal portal allows you to receive the galactic light and unconditional love. You share this download of light and love with your Planetary SELF, Gaia. On the other hand, the outward flow of your personal portal allows you to share all your personal and planetary experiences with your higher dimensional expressions who are assisting you with your personal and planetary ascension.


What is my Mission?

Just as you all have the same answer for your first question, you all have the same answer for the second question: "What is my Mission?" These answers are the same because you, the ascending ones, are ONE. However, your individuality provides myriad versions of the same process. Your "same Mission" is to serve as mediators between your Galactic, Ascended and/or Celestial SELF and your grounded ego self. When you unite these two frequencies of your SELF, you can use your individual creativity to assist others to merge their higher expressions of SELF with their grounded, human self.


Once the illusion of separation between your human self and your Multidimensional SELF is released, the illusion of separation between you and "others" is also released. At this point the process of ascension is greatly accelerated because then the illusion of separation between your fifth dimensional Home and your physical home will be released. In this manner you will remember that the Home to which we are ascending is not a place. Home is a frequency of reality. Just as Home is not a place, ascension is not an action. Ascension is a rejoining with all that you have always been, but have forgotten.


Am I doing enough?

This leads us to the third question: "Am I doing enough?" Your "doing" is not as important as your "thinking" and "feeling," for your thoughts and emotions set your frequency of consciousness. In other words, you do not need to DO anything. We ask only that you BE your true, Multidimensional SELF. While you are resonating within the unconditional love of your SELF, you can remember why you chose embodiment, as well as how you promised to contribute to Planetary Ascension.


Since your Multidimensional SELF includes Gaia, your myriad Galactic, Celestial and Ascended expressions Know how you can best assist with planetary ascension. Moreover, you can easily remember to send unconditional love to EVERY person, place, situation and thing that threatens to lower your consciousness. When you send unconditional love to any experience of fear/darkness, you transmute that darkness into its natural condition of light. Yes, darkness and fear are simply the lowest polarities of light and love. As you continue your ascension, you are moving beyond the polarized world of the third and lower fourth frequencies of reality and into the unity with All That Is in the highest fourth and fifth dimensions.


Creating Your Reality


Moreover, your Multidimensional SELF knows that any difficult experience with persons, places, situations and things are illusions that you unconsciously created through some form of fear-based thoughts, emotions, intentions and/or reactions. When your consciousness is limited to your physical self it is difficult, if not impossible, to accept this kind of responsibility for your reality. Conversely, your Multidimensional SELF remembers that in the fifth dimension and beyond EVERY thing in your reality is YOUR creation.


Therefore, as you move into the fifth dimension, EVERY thought, emotion, intention and reaction will instantly create a chain of events that initiates the creation of a parallel reality. In this manner, you will travel back and forth between the path of fear-based creations and love-based creations. Fear-based creations will lower your consciousness into the polarized realities of the third and fourth dimensions, whereas love-based creations will expand your consciousness into the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond.


Your Third Dimensional Operating System, which activates only the 3% DNA of your human genome, cannot recognize higher frequencies of light as perceptual data because it is beyond the physical spectrum of light. Hence, you are "flying blind" through a storm of polarities. Because of this, you will likely have difficulty staying in the Center Path of the ONE, and will likely over steer into the experiences of fear-based or love-based realities. Fortunately, once your Multidimensional Operating System, which activates your 97% Lightbody DNA, is fully operational you will be ale to connect your expanded perceptions with your physical perceptions.


Thus, once your Multidimensional Operating System is online and fully integrated, your Multidimensional SELF will be YOU and your ego will be the Captain of your earth vessel. With your SELF at the helm, you can easily place your attention and intention on the higher frequency waves of possibility to perceive and interact with higher dimensional realities. In fact, the perception of higher frequency realities is the Core of your Multidimensional Operating System.


Your Multidimensional Operating System can accept and incorporate all that resides within the matrix of your old Third Dimensional Operating System because higher dimensions can perceive lower dimensions. Therefore, with your new Operating System online and integrated with the neural systems of your Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems, the multidimensional portals of every chakra are opened to conscious, multidimensional perceptions.


It is important to remember that you can perceive around you only what you can perceive within you, as AROUND is a projection of what is WITHIN. Thus, your full ability to recognize and use the many portals around you follows your full ability to perceive and use the portals within you. The choice of accessing and using your multidimensional, creative powers while you are experiencing even a fleeting moment of fearful or ego-based intention will INSTANTLY lower you out of the fifth dimension and back into the physical world.



Your Multidimensional Operating System


To function as your full Multidimensional SELF, you must become the Master of Your Energy. In other words, every thought, emotion, intention and reaction must be love-based in order to maintain a state of consciousness that is high enough to read your Multidimensional Operating System. If you cannot read this system you will not be able to maintain your conscious perception and interaction with the fifth dimension and beyond. This is not a punishment, but merely the Law of Resonance. You must consciously calibrate your attention to a higher frequency in order to consciously perceive that which was formerly known as "Spirit."


Spirit is YOU on a higher frequency of expression. In order to remain in that frequency you will need to dock your earth vessel in that port. As long as your vessel is docked at the frequency of the port, you will experience that reality. If your resonance falls below the frequency of that dock, your vessel will loose its moorings and float away. Do you see how we are speaking in Light Language? We use metaphors because words that do not create mental pictures are separate and bind you to the third dimension. On the other hand, metaphors create thoughts, emotions and mental images that allow you to understand Light Language.


The higher light of the Galactic Center is now entering your planet and your earth vessels with great regularity. It is your personal portal of the Pineal Gland that accepts this light and shares this frequency with your Pituitary Gland, which in turn shares the new frequency with all your ductless glands. The ductless glands of your Endocrine System then share this frequency of light with your entire body via their internal secretions, which are released throughout your entire earth vessel.


 The Sacred Triangle


The secretions of the Pineal Gland also channel the higher light directly into the Third Ventricle of your brain, which is known metaphysically as the Sacred Triangle. The Sacred Triangle is in the shape of an inverted pyramid, which is surrounded by the choroids plexus, seen in yellow, and the pineal gland in the center of your brain, above the brain stem. The Sacred Triangle is the physical manifestation of your Third Eye.


The choroids plexus is a group of nerves, such as your solar plexus in your Third Chakra. This region is the primary area where cerebrospinal fluid is produced. Within the human brain is a connecting system of ventricles, which are internal cavities of the brain that are commonly referred to as the ventricular system. Cerebrospinal fluid fills the ventricles, as well as the spaces around the brain and spinal cord, to serve as insulation and protection. Hence, the higher light that enters through the Pineal Gland enters and flows through your body via your cerebral blood and spinal fluid.


The cerebrospinal fluid also serves as a conductor of the electricity generated by the brain and the nervous system within the spinal cord. This cerebrospinal fluid flows from the third ventricle, in the center of the Sacred Triangle, through the cerebral aqueduct into the fourth ventricle. From there it flows into the subarachnoid space where it is reabsorbed into the bloodstream.


Ancient text states that when Kundalini has risen to the Brow Center, the Sixth Chakra, the Essence of the pituitary and the pineal gland will combine in the third and fourth ventricles of the brain to open the Third Eye. Once the Third Eye is opened you will regain your Galactic Consciousness. This expansion of consciousness will allow your resonant frequency to increase and your physical density to decrease. The process of consciousness expansion begins with your brainwaves and extends to your perceptions.


Russian Scientists, Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf, have discovered how higher frequency of light activate the 97% "junk" DNA:

"The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned.



images.jpeg As the higher light moves into the lobes of the brain, your areas of cognition and perception are calibrated to perceive the higher light. Your integrated Multidimensional Operating System and read and understand this light message so that you can consciously perceive the dimensional shifts of reality.


Hence, your updated Occipital Lobe allows you to SEE the higher dimensions. The updated Temporal Lobe allows you to hear the higher dimensions, and your updated Parietal Lobe allows you to communicate with the higher dimensions. Your updated Frontal lobe assists you in making multidimensional decisions and your updated Cerebellum assist you to maintain your sense of balance and proprioception while in higher dimensional worlds.


There are also many symptoms of transformation that affect your bodies according to which areas of your body are the "weakest links." It is the weakened areas that will have the most difficulty adapting to a higher frequency for it must heal its third dimensional form before it can accept a higher resonance. Your bones can accept the higher light quite easily for the bone marrow carries your stem cells, which self-renew to produce more stem cells that can more easily contain a higher frequency of light. Joints often have a more difficult time integrating the higher light because the cartilage does not regenerate itself. Hence, a common symptom of transformation is joint pain.


Since the 1980's, your earth vessel has been being prepared to accept the higher frequency of light so that the Multidimensional Operating System could create multidimensional neural synapses. A synapse is a space that occurs between two neurons or between a neuron and another type of cell. These spaces are very important, because they play an integral role in neuronal communication. When a signal (message) needs to be passed from one neuron to another, either a chemical (called a neurotransmitter) or an electrical signal will be released by one neuron (called the presynaptic neuron) into the synapse. The second cell will then receive this signal/message.


 Moving UP The Spectrum


Humanity tends to attend to that which is familiar, and what you attend to you can perceive. As your body adapts to higher frequencies of light within it, it can begin to attend to higher frequencies around it because you can only perceive around you what you can perceiver within you, as AROUND is a projection of what is WITHIN. As you expand your consciousness, you can more easily integrate the higher light into your brain function because the illusion of fear no longer forces you into the distraction of fear-based thinking.


With your consciousness expanded beyond the myriad illusions of fear that are broadcast into your third dimensional reality to distract you from returning to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you can think faster and more clearly. Furthermore, while in a higher state of consciousness you are no longer distracted by the worries of mundane activity as the joy and unconditional love of your higher consciousness opens your mind and expands your creativity. When your Multidimensional Operating System is fully integrated into your biological computer brain, new frequencies of perception will become "normal."


Just as it is normal for toddlers to notice the wonder of small bugs and flowers that are so close to their vision, it will become normal for our ascending ones to use their multidimensional perceptions. Hence, it will be "normal" to perceive the auras of all living beings, to hear telepathically, to move objects with your mind and to communicate with higher frequency beings. Then, you will no longer think of your physical vessel as YOU. YOU will be a Multidimensional Being and your physical earth vessel will be thought of as your portal into the third dimensional hologram.

As your multidimensional perceptions come online and are fully integrated with your third dimensional perceptions, you will be able to perceive the higher frequencies of reality at the same moment that you can perceive the physical world. You will no longer need to close your eyes and/or seek a quiet place to free yourself from the distractions of the 3D world, for it will no longer be a distraction. Instead, the third dimension will merely be the lower frequency of your multidimensional spectrum of reality. At first you will hold onto this lower frequency of your spectrum because it is familiar and safe. Then, eventually, you will find such comfort, joy and unconditional love in the higher frequencies of your spectrum of reality that you will begin to "forget" to attune your perceptual field to lower spectrum.



What Is "Normal?"


As a young child, you looked into the light and saw your Guides around you as a normal component of your reality. However, as you grew older you realized that others did not see this reality. In fact, they told you that that reality was not real, it was just your imagination. Therefore, you stopped focusing on that reality until, one day, you forgot it was even there. Now, with your higher perceptual field being activated in your mundane life, you will focus on the higher worlds because they bring you such joy and love. Simultaneously, you will increasingly choose NOT to attend to the fear and hardships of the lower frequencies.


Eventually, the higher frequencies of your ever-expanding perceptual field will become normal to you and the lower frequencies of reality will appear as the illusions that they have always been. If a top is spinning very quickly, it remains balanced and can "hum" as it quickly rotates. However, when the speed of rotation slows, the hum disappears and the top begins to wobble. That speed of rotation is like the third dimension, which is filled with much "wobbling" and not much "humming." It is wonderful that you, our ascending ones, have learned to love your lower frequency perceptions. In fact, it is this ability to love that which is so limiting that has greatly assisted your full awakening.


However, NOW you are free to believe what you knew as a child. Yes, auras are real. The Beings who hover around and just above you are real. The messages that you receive in your heart from these Beings are real, as well as the thoughts and emotions that you feel emanating from other humans. Yes, Gaia is an alive being and ALL Her plants and animals can communicate with you via the very imagination that was so maligned in your childhood. You are now adults. In fact, you are multidimensional adults who are gradually moving your attention further and further up the spectrum of vibrational realities.


As you move through life you forget what you have experienced so that you can focus on where you are and where you are going. Now your life will be much longer than you could ever imagine, and your aging is reversing. Your physical form may or may not reveal this reverse aging, as it will soon be replaced with a higher frequency version. Therefore, focus on the ever-expanding version of your SELF rather than the container that is quickly becoming obsolete.


You are all like hermit crabs that have outgrown your shell and are now looking for a new one. To find this new shell look up into higher frequencies. Your consciousness has outgrown your earth vessel and is ready to update into a new model of "form." Your Multidimensional Operating System has the ability to perceive and interact with many versions of reality within the same NOW. YOU are not your form any more than you are your clothes. Your form is just the "ship" that docks you into the Port that you are presently experiencing. You have many ships, which are simultaneously visiting many ports. Enjoy your new reality, for it is expanding with every moment.


A Message From the Mother

Twenty-six thousand years ago, I, your Mother Earth, was in front of the Galactic center, just as we are today. However, then I didn't have the added boast of the many other cycles that are closing now to assist me with my/our ascension. Furthermore, my humans were too young and had not learned all the necessary lessons to be able to awaken in the manner that you have now. Yes, in many ways my world was more evolved, but we were not ready for ascension.


My humans and my planetary body had to fall into the great depths of darkness from which we are now arising in order to have the maturity and the tenacity to focus our consciousness in the extremely disciplined manner that is necessary for a Planetary Ascension. Twenty-six thousand years ago I, Gaia, was also too young. I was not ready to release my form into the ONE, and my inhabitants were not ready to end their game of physicality.


However, after the long dark night, which we have survived, releasing our physicality is a joyful thought. The Game of being physical has not been very enjoyable for millennia, and the last millennia has been abhorrent to our pristine Spirits. Dear human ones, you can release the Game now and return to your true SELF. The process of ascension has begun and at long last we, person and planet, are returning to the higher expressions of our human and planetary SELF.


Nonetheless, we are not leaving our physical world; we are transmuting it into its higher and original frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond. Do you remember, dear humans how we chose to band together to create the form of my physical Earth body many millions of years ago? Some of you chose to be components of my earthen form, whereas others chose to live within my form, on my surface, in my waters and/or in my atmosphere.


Our Planetary Beginnings

We started our Earth lives at a fifth dimensional frequency, which gradually lowered into an upper fourth dimensional frequency. Our reality resonated at that frequency for millions of years. Many civilizations made a home on my body. Among them were the Arcturians, the Annuki, the Draconians, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, the Antarians and many more. These early civilizations made the same mistakes that you, my humans, have made, but these civilizations eventually grew up and moved off my Earth. They became adults. Again and again, my children grew up and left me, usually leaving me alone to restore my form.


Now, I have become a great, great, great... grandmother. I have raised many civilizations and watched as they moved away to create their own lives. As many of my older humans know, it is more difficult to restore yourself as a grandmother than it was as a young person. I, Gaia, am a person too. I have a different body than you, but I am the sentient upon which many of you have experienced many incarnations. Now my body has become too limiting for me, just as your clay vehicles have become too limiting for you.


I, your Mother Earth, am now ready to be free of the dark polarity that incessantly pulls me off my Center. Besides that, I am tired of being a polarized planet and am ready to become a unified, fifth-dimensional Star. However, I am still your Mother, and I do not want to abandon you, my children. My plant and animal kingdoms are ready to transmute back into their original crystalline form. However, many of my humans are still asleep. Some of them have even become so dark that they will not be able to transmute themselves within their present incarnation.


My Lost Children

However, being a Mother, I don't want to give up on any of you. Therefore, I have called every civilization that has ever lived and evolved on my body to come home to assist you, my human children. Actually, you are their descendants and have learned many of your errant ways from your ancestors. However, the main limitation that the lost ones among you have is that some of you are still addicted to the polarities of the third dimension. These lost ones want to experience the highs that make them feel good, which result in a circle down into the lows that make them feel bad. In this manner, the polarities of good/bad, love/fear and light/dark continue.


In order for these lost children to free themselves of this addiction, they must release the roller coaster of their emotional highs cycling down into emotional lows and back up into their original emotional high. Dear children of my heart, I ask that you surrender the excitement and challenge of polarities so that you can stay in the comfort of peace and calm. Once the need for peace and calm settles in, you will no longer need to seek the high, which eventually drop into the lows.


It is then, dear children, that your roller coaster will gradually grind to an easy slope on which you can relax long enough to find and maintain your Core. Your Core is the center place in-between the highs and lows. Within the Core, you can feel safe enough to begin your process of transmutation. I, your mother Gaia, have been replacing my third dimensional carbon matrix with my fifth dimensional crystalline matrix so that I can align my physical Earth with my higher expression of New Earth. Many of my ascending children are doing the same.


Dear lost children of my body, I ask that you follow these ascending ones and turn your attention towards your multidimensional perceptions. Where your attention is, there you are also. Thus, when you focus your attention on your multidimensional abilities they will expand exponentially. Among these abilities is your return to multidimensional thinking and unconditional love. During your process of fully returning to your higher expression of SELF, you will remember that YOU are ALL the human representatives of OUR Planetary SELF.


Fortunately, there is no hurry for multidimensional thinking and unconditional love resonate to the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, there are no deadlines or rushes to the finish line. New Earth is HERE-NOW. I know, for I have pulled New Earth into my aura. As your loving mother, I share this aura with you, my human children. Hence all you need to DO is to remember to perceive that WE, persons and planet, are Home NOW!
Gaia, your Earth Mother 







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  • This is an excellent post! Thanks for posting.

  • Reading this made me cry. My emotions are so all over the place that I have a hard time focusing on what needs to be done. I feel totally alone event if people are around me. The information is very well presented. This is worth re-reading for the massage is quite deep.

  • Yes, it was informative. 

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