Keep An Ear On Sheldan Nidle

American Kabuki and Kauilapele think Sheldan is the real deal.  This article indicates Cobra thinks so, too.  I know Sheldan is part of GFOL, and Tolec says GFOL is bad; however, things are so upside down these days, who is to say.  Just keep your mind open and your discernment running at maximum.

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  • Good advice.  It could be we are being guided in the right direction, to make sure we don't stray (fail), but other than that, I think it is a personal thing.  Aren't you tired of mass production?  I know I am. 

  • Right on, Cheryl! 

    How 60's/70's does that sound?

    Two other points I thought of (whilst out on a short bike ride):

    1) Accept nothing artificial. Whilst we are part of this world I believe the ultimate "SOURCE" has provided everything we could possibly need. Even to enable us to ascend - which IMO is also a natural process. The ultimate "SOURCE" I believe is the most natural thing that could possibly be in existence - so, to get closer (which is what ascension is), why would we need or rely on something that does not naturally occur. I will not accept any artificial means to get there be it an artificial machine (ascension pods, etc) or anything artificially manufactured (such as a pill or a potion).

    2) Remain flexible in thought. There have been many channellors, contactees, future tellers, etc, etc  - each with their own story to tell. I'm not sure that any know the full story and although they may believe they have been told the truth - who knows. IMO, as I said I don't think any know the full story of our future (- ascension or not) and may have been told only enough to serve the purposes of their source (as opposed to the ultimate "SOURCE") - perhaps no ones knows humanities complete future as we may very well be creating our own future pathway as we make choices, focus on different things (or not) and move forward!

  • I agree with what you say, Peter.  I'm learning to let things blow through me, instead of fighting them.  I learned over the past few years that you eventually get (or become) what you resist, so let it blow, let it blow, let it blow... right on through you.

  • I agree with what you are saying Cheryl, but I also think it can be a two-way street. IMO, just as we can be influenced by incoming "information/frequencies/stimuli" we can also influence what we receive in the future by how we deal with them.

    If we resonate with and focus on the incoming "information/frequencies/stimuli" we give them strength and support, however if we feel they are not for us - we should still recognize them but then allow them to pass through without any focus, thereby not offering them any strength or support. I believe, this is turn affects what we transmit back into the ethos and what we eventually receive back as "information/frequency/stimulus".

    I guess basically it's the law of attraction -  in that we are creating our future by attracting and giving strength to the "information/frequencies/stimuli" that we resonate with, which, in turn, attracts more of the same.

    The less we focus on stuff that doesn't resonate with us - the less it will appear in our lives - this, if extrapolated over the whole population, can have a dramatic effect. This is where we can massively influence our future.

    In terms of ascension (moving to 4D/5D) - there was a massive explosion of predictions of an event to occur with the alignment on Dec 21, 2012 - but not every prediction was going down this path - some were advocating a slower response/process. Many, understandably, seem to have been dissolutioned by the lack of a dramatic event. Personally, I think if it takes a year or more in earth time for it to occur then that really is a mere split second in terms of cosmic time.

    I think many still need to go through some preparation before they are ready for this change and in fact help to facilitate this change. Improving personal physical health (through more eco-friendly nutrition and fitness) and improving personal spiritual health (through meditation and seeking spiritual guidance) I believe is what is required.

    Even if I am wrong about ascension (to 4D/5D) - I think the earth will still be a better place if more people focused on improving physical and spiritual health. Personally, I intend to do more of these.

    In terms of hidden technologies - I believe this is fact - and they will be eventually released - even if this is a slow process disguised as new discoveries or advancements.

    But I also believe, the Earth has more changes to go through - so be awake and aware of what is happening but don't focus on the negatives.

    Sorry, I have digressed. My main message is: IMO, yes we can be influenced (by external things), but we can also influence those external things by either giving them strength or not. It's ultimately our collective choice - but it's our own individual choice that creates that!

  • Each person has his or her sensibilities about things, so there will never be total agreement, and that's okay.  You have to go with what you think and feel.  And I respect Keith for standing his ground.  That's personal integrity.  He's not going along with group mentality.  We should all strive to think for ourselves and reach our own conclusions from the available data.  Sometimes a lone dissenting voice will turn out to be correct.  Even if not, it causes us to pause and think and reexamine our conclusions.

    I have started wondering if we are being fed an illusion within the illusion.  But then I ask, for what purpose would this be?  But then, like W&R said, Heather has little to gain from the immense risk she and her colleagues are taking. 

    I do have some questions that I'm reserving until I see it play out more.  I have noticed that the "channel machine" has gone into overdrive explaining how Ascension really happened even though many people did not see changes visibly.  They are being encouraged and, I hate to say it because I have no proof, but it seems like they are being soothed back to sleep.  Why weren't they informed of this beforehand?  (A few did, at the 11th hour.)

    One thing I'll say, though.  We, as a people, have been very conditioned to distrust because we've been betrayed so many times.  However, now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand.  We must confront what is, and use all our faculties to determine the truth (or not). 

    W&R, we were discussing (in some of my psychology classes) the impact of the internet on people's mental states.  I analogized that each window we open into the internet has the potential to affect an individual psychologically.  If it is something like a Zetatalk (or religion or psychology cult or something that captures the imagination, such as games--remember Dungeons & Dragons?), it can become its own world where you think and speak and behave differently than you do with friends and family, and the outside world.  It's like living in a different dimension with different game rules. 

    So, of course, our respective governments can and are shaping our thoughts, just like advertisements do on TV.  The internet, in the hands of the government and cults and those without the People's best interests at heart, can be a dangerous tool.

  • I'm with Keith, even this Heather Tucci is not solid for me yet, though she is not claiming any implants or ET channels, and gains little from championing her cause online.

    What is interesting is how internet culture is affected by the messages of these various channels, and online movements. A global psychology is being fabricated out of the fears and hopes of all participating individuals, both readers and contributors, and I have no doubt it is bringing on change in our world.

    Just what kind of change remains to be seen. Perhaps we are in the process of "dreaming" our future reality.

  • " Just keep your mind open and your discernment running at maximum."  Wise words Cheryl.

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