Silencing the Internet

Silencing the Internet

Jul 26th, 2010 | By Andrew| Category: Misc |Print This Article

A new bill has been making its way through the United States Senate and it is controversial … a true tinderbox issue. It is so “hot,”in fact, that it is causing consternation and anger on both sides ofthe political aisle. And it’s no wonder …


The bill in question, when and if passed, will give President Obama, and all future presidents, as well, the power to shut down the Internet for up to four months,perhaps even longer. Known as the “kill switch,” the bill was recentlyapproved by a key Senate committee and is ready to move to the floor ofthe Senate where all members will have an opportunity to vote on it … tocast a “yea” or “nay” vote.

It’s called “The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act” … and ithas been inflaming passions since it first saw the light of day and madeits way into committee. Senator Joe Lieberman, (I) Connecticut, hasbeen a powerful advocate of the bill which, if it becomes law, willprovide the head of the federal government (the President) with absolute power to shut down theInternet and block incoming Internet traffic from specific countriesduring “national emergencies.”

Clearly, such power in the hands of a single individual (even an American president), can be dangerous and lead to tyranny and/or abuse.It’s not difficult to imagine how this power, used improperly, couldcreate serious free speech problems in America.

In fact, the Center for Democracy and Technology, acting in concert with 23 other privacy and technology organizations, has written lettersto Senator Lieberman and other supporters of the bill to express theirconcern that the legislation can be an instrument that stifles free speech in America.

The widespread criticism of the bill has had some impact. Its sponsors have added language that would require the federal governmentto obtain congressional approval in order to extend the shutting down ofthe Internet beyond 120 days (four months), but, of course, it doesnothing to address the initial 120 days.

This means that if no further changes are added to the bill, President Obama will have the power and authority to stop all Internetactivity – on a whim or for purely political reasons – withoutcongressional oversight or approval for up to four months.

Senators who are behind this bill rejected opposition claims that it was a “kill switch” that could turn the Internet “dark” although theydid not deny that President Obama would have the authority to do justthat if the legislation becomes law. These senators made the claim thatthe power to shut down the Internet already exists under the“Communications Act” so their bill essentially only reinforces anexisting presidential power. This begs the question; if the“Communications Act” already authorizes it, why the need for morelegislation?

Is their argument correct? It’s possible. Let’s just say it’s open to personal interpretation. The “Communications Act” actually provides thepresident with the authority to “cause the closing of any facility orstation for wire communication when there is a state or threat of war.”

As I said, the power to shut down the Internet, based on the law I just described, is open to interpretation. The language is broad andleaves itself open to differing opinions as to its true meaning.

Opponents clearly believe that the legislation’s aim is to bring the Internet under the regulatory power of the U.S. government so that itcan begin to dismantle free speech. It’s a frightening thought, but itmay have some merit. Here’s why …

Senator Lieberman has stated that the idea behind the impending new law was to copy (or mimic) China’s stringent policies of policing andcontrolling the free flow of information through the use of censorshipand coercion. That a U.S. senator would feel comfortable statingpublicly that we should copy China, a nation with a notorious trackrecord for civil liberties, is troubling.

Currently, the Chinese government has the power to disconnect parts of the Internet in times of war. The senator from Connecticut wants theAmerican government to have that same power.

While public attention has been focused on the tragic Gulf coast oil spill and other serious problems, Democrats in Congress have beenworking quietly to lay the groundwork for this bill which will become,in effect, a technologicaliron curtain that turns over complete control of the Internet tothe federal government.

This can open the door to potential governmental tyranny, something one would never have imagined could ever occur in America. But considerthe facts. Many suspect that the real agenda driving this bill rests inan unshakeable determination to strangle this rapidly-growingalternative to traditional media because it is not part of theestablishment, will not “play ball” with politicians … and will insteadexpose government misdeeds, cover-ups and cronyism.

In truth, this bill, if passed, can be used by those in power to literally silence anyone who is critical of government or individuals ingovernment. That makes it a potentially very dangerous weapon … athreat to the freedom that Americans have always enjoyed.

The pros and cons of this bill need to be debated openly and honestly — in full view of the American electorate.

Other articles in this issue:

(I like this person's comment so I pasted it here, too. We've found that people everywhere are feeling the need to prepare, and more and more of us are talking it about with each other.) edina

One Comment to “Silencing the Internet”

sevenstars77 says:

yeah so if there is a national disaster in a certain part of the country-no one has to know about it. If governement or foreign govermentwants to overthrow a certain region, or set up shop or even conductexperiments-no one knows…..also what about all of our money that is “outthere in the system tied up…” good way to lose track of it if thesystem is down. More importantly, as we get near election time, it givesa perfect way for results to be thwarted- how could we as a country beso blind. Since day one there have been signs, that God has given us,and foolishly we conjure up excuses and reasons to cover his *ss andnow look where we have really brought ourselves. This is the beginningof hard times my friend, like we have never seen it before. We are goingto be brought to our knees and forced to stay there. Get yourself rightwith the Lord, get your finances in order, men-get your houses inorder, draw your family nigh. The country is divided, and will startcrumbling-you need to keep your families from dividing. Keep strong yourfamily’s train of thought, found it in God’s Word. Everyone will betested and some will not make it. This isn’t just going to be acrumbling-its going to be a takeover. Prepare yourselves-NOW.

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  • Yes, totally on board with what is posted here. Now, I have to learn how to back up files, and make a Faraday cage,... whatever that is... but it sounds like I need one.. Thank you for posting, e, and bringing this to our attention. Also, these thoughts are what my local survival group has been talking about for quite a while now.
  • HI Stephan, good to see you, if you click the link that john miller posted below it will connect you to the open congress page following this bill. In the upper right hand corner select the bill text icon, about 186 pages, there will be another icon for commentary on that bill on the Bill text page, same upper right hand area.
  • I'm having a hard time finding explicit language in the bill as it currently stands relating to giving the president authority to shut down the internet.
  • :) Thanks John, and remember JOHN's statement:

    "Edina's heads up should be taken PROACTIVELY. Don't let THOR's hammer land on YOU"

    this article may be code for get ready, put your information in different format and storage,

    Faraday, Plus MYLAR, you can use aluminium foil, all metal contacts, leaving no space, and trash bags, tied and duct taped, in a pinch... e
  • Lots of lawyers, get RICH...BAD idea anymore GOV. control. Too much MONEY$$$ out there, for this to be settled, soon. Don't believe they have enough time left. Other events, will dictate what the FUTURE will bring. I do not think US law will be relevant. Grandma always said "there is a BETTER DAY A COMIN." JOHN
  • LOL, Thank you John man, love your new photo by the way, I'm off grid, too. At first not by choice, sort of kicking and screaming, but I appreciate the finer pros of that lifestyle much better now. e

    So, if you've been following the Silencing the Internet issue, what's your take on it? I do want to hear you opinion. thanks e
  • YES, I do an MUCH more...Faraday protective cage is one of MY favorite projects, think BIG. Faraday Plus MYLAR, even BETTER. I back up ALL important INFO, in HAND, too. I'm also OFF GRID prepared, NOW. Edinas heads up should be taken PROACTIVELY. Don't let THOR's hammer land on YOU. JOHN
  • Shadow, I read Kim's post, it seems to me that they are related.

    John, thanks for the open congress link, have you been following this issue?

    Paris, Teresa, this source of this article is a good source, this guy cannot afford to send out inaccurate info, his reputation would be at stake, I don't know if this would extend into Canada.
    It seems to me that the whole American Union, Canamex, I believe is how the Dr. Turi that Shadow posted info on called it. This stuff does not show up in the webbot reports in the near future, but there is the anomalous window of no Internet activity that has consistently been "centered between the temporal boundaries of March 2012 through to the end of May in 2012. the totality of the data gap is not reached until late in Summer perhaps early Fall 2012. The data flow does NOT resume as normal thereafter." Shape, Vol. O, Issue 4, page 10 of 61, in my printed version.
    Honestly, I don't think the 2 are connected. This may be a test case, to measure public outcry and to slowly boil the frog so to speak, or get the public gradually dulled to the issue.

    But here is something to think about. Are you ready for a total loss of Internet access?
    I never store the information I want to have access to on my computer. I make it a point to have hard copies of everything. I have some electronic data storage on disks and in a back up storage device.
    Also, I'm in the process of Faraday caging my educational media, as well as a player for this media, to store in a waterproof manner along with extra power processes. There are a few key pieces of info that work better in videos such as videos of surgeries, putting together the Bendini motor, converting a vehicle to woodgas, making a chair, and instructions to my weaver set up/spinning wheel that sort of thing. If you presently have this type of information stored digitally to where you must have access to the Internet to have get to that info, I'd say this article is code for the aware observer to put that info in a different format for the future.
  • He can only shut down Americas internet right? I don't see this happening, the economy is already in the toilet and this would flush it completely...millions of people rely on the net.
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