The Master's Talks, through Morgan Le Fay

December 13, 2019

My beloved ones, I joyfully return today and bring you the greetings of the Angelic Host, especially from the Archangel Zadkiel.

You cannot imagine how happy the angels are with our conversations about the “ascended master's feeling”. Yes, they rejoice immensely! For they and the elementals are greatly affected and pressed daily with human discord.

Why do I always stress the expression 'the feeling of the ascended master'? I stress it, for it is a great desire of me and the angelic host that you learn to live within that perfect, enlightened and constructive feeling even before you complete your ascension.

Perhaps you can reply by saying that living within the perfect feeling of the ascended master in this human octave, and without completing your ascension, is impossible to achieve. And then, I need to remind you that the golden age is dawning and in every golden age all human beings emit only perfect and pure feelings. If it were impossible to achieve this feeling, then, likewise, it would never be possible for another golden age to settle on planet Earth!

Living within that perfect, harmonious, and enlightened feeling requires some application, but as you sustain that superior feeling, positive results and great blessings rush into your worlds, and so it becomes easier to sustain that feeling. Believe me! This is perfectly achievable! This is what I want to bring you right now! And the beloved Archangels Michael, Chamuel and Zadkiel, as well as all the others Archangels, are at my side right now and offer their help and support for all those who sincerely apply in this regard!

Look at the disasters that are emerging everywhere on planet Earth. In one place we have heavy rains that flood entire houses and cities. Elsewhere we have fires. Other places suffer from tornadoes. Other regions are constantly slaughtered by long periods of drought. All these negative conditions are the result of the imbalance of collective human feeling.

Certainly, in manifesting negative conditions of nature, we must do our best, through decrees, visualizations, and prayers, to calm the elementals, the devas of nature, and thus assist as we can for balance to be restored. But better than decreeing to a disaster that has already happened or is imminent, is the act of eliminating the causes that cause such disasters!

There are billions of people on this planet who do not yet have the exact knowledge of the ascended masters and their work on this planet. There may be millions of people who only know the work of the great spiritual masters of the East and the previous teachings, who were and are wonderful, but as has been proven, it was not and is not enough to completely raise the human race above its own limitations. Certainly, each facet of the Law is welcome and serves to help certain groups of consciousness, but the law of the moment is directed to the knowledge of the I AM Presence and its daily and constant use in all fields and human activities.

If the greatest of humanity does not yet know this law, tell me, who can I count on right now, but you, who know me, who feel me as truth, who feel the truth of the ascended masters, who conceive the truth and reality of the I AM Presence in your hearts?

I speak to you with all the light of my heart, if I cannot count on you, to expand to your spiritual groups, your family, friends and contacts, the need for emotional balance, feeling control, sustaining this divine faculty, perfectly, in the ascended master's feeling, then, we will have a great and real problem on this planet, for we of the ascended host, the archangels, elohim and cosmic beings of light, can inspire, guide, and give you promptings, but we can never come down and make the application and effort in your places!

This is a serious matter, my beloved ones! An immensely important subject! And if that wasn't so important, I wouldn't be here talking to you and stressing about it! I need your help! For if a person makes the effort to sustain harmony in his world, after he becomes strong enough and maintains harmony, he expands his light to hundreds or thousands of people in his world, and without opening his mouth, he becomes a radiant sun that facilitates and sustains the harmony of an entire village, city or region!

It all starts with the effort of one being! But then, as in the outside world, this being that brings something innovative and facilitating makes life and experience for hundreds and thousands of people easier! And that is what I wish for you who are within my radiation, I wish that you become radiant suns and begin to illuminate, bless and sustain the perfect harmony in your world, and when I say ‘your world,’ I include everything and everyone who does part of it, everything that is directly or indirectly linked to you!

Can I count on you at this cosmic hour? Can I trust that you will endeavor, as best you can, to keep yourselves in perfect harmony and only allow constructive and beautiful feelings to find space in your hearts?

With my blessings and the blessings of Michael, Chamuel, and Zadkiel I leave you today, but I will return, whenever possible, if I realize that there is at least one, who is drinking from my words and putting them into practice for his own blessing and the blessing of all mankind.

Saint Germain

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  • December 15, 2019

    My beloved ones, a human being without perfect self-control is an easy instrument for all that is sinister. Do you think I'm being too repetitive on the subject? But the Law of Life never raises one to the most advanced instructions without first attesting that he has mastered a basic lesson perfectly.

    I would like to tell you about other things, but to do so, you first need to acquire a certain capacity for self-control over your feelings. Without mastery of this matter, we cannot go any further!

    I ask you: how long will you continue to deceive yourselves? The human mind is terrible! It is never satisfied! It does not want to obey the laws of life, but simply, purely intellectually, it wants to know its mysteries! This is pure trickery, my beloved ones! This is not a position of a sincere student who truly wants to break free from the psychic currents that bind him to the lower conditions!

    Theorizing about a subject is relatively easy! But talking about something, and really putting it into daily practice, exercising the matter firmly and vigilantly to the best of our ability, until we have the perfect mastery over it, is something very few do!

    Obviously, we expect this to change in the future, but today, this is the reality we see from above! There are people who have been within the teachings of the Ascended Masters for decades, but unfortunately many of them are still playing with it! Today they want it, not tomorrow! Today they apply it a little bit, then they forget it for months, sometimes for years, until life shows them that they still have not passed the test!

    My beloved ones, this way no one achieves mastery! If you want to overcome human limits, you must have an iron will! An unshakable determination! And you need to practice, practice and practice the directions given until the desired dominion is achieved! Know that "Practice makes the Master!"

    As talented as anyone may be, if he does not practice, practice and practice this skill, he never develops full mastery on the subject!

    Therefore, if you wish to become masters, and I tell you, the true master is not master of others, but master of himself, in the first place, you must perfectly master the power of self-control. And attention to feelings, sustaining them in the purity and perfection of the I AM Presence, is a fundamental discipline in this domain!

    I would sincerely be happy if you truly chafed at yourself and took, under short reins, once and for all, your own outer self, reminding it every moment that “I AM the Presence and Its Power of Perfect Self-Control ruling here and now! And I know this is permanently self-sustaining, and nothing and no one can ever interfere with it!” Remember this, my beloved ones, repeat it dozens or hundreds of times during your day and you will see, if in a short time, it will not become a tangible and visible reality in your world!

    I leave you enfolded in my power of perfect self-control, permanently sustained, and I hope that you will absorb this quality, which I lovingly offer you, and that this invincible power of self-control can also become a quality of your own being from now on.

    Saint Germain

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