
Dismantling the Matrix  
by Sananda
Dear Brothers and Sisters, they are coming in, by the hundreds of thousands - refugees from the Matrix.  Even some of the ones we called "Cabal" are deciding it was better to risk being refugees of the old system rather than to remain in the darkness.  We are prepared, with organizations on the ground to welcome them, but it is keeping us all at maximum effort for the time being.  We are using every kind of creative solution, including some FEMA camps, with good provisions.  We will be accepting help from people who receive their RV blessings soon, so it will more than fill the gap of what is needed.  We anticipate that there will be many who are willing to be foster parents and host families for those who were captives, as soon as people are not working long hours.  Everything will change.  Everything is changing - for the better.
Many have wondered how the necessities of life will continue to be fulfilled once so many people are freed by the Prosperity funds causing many workers to leave their jobs.  As our beloved Sheldon Nidle has reported, there will be holographic Light people to fill the important jobs after the RV/GCR.  They are prepared now, having shadowed the ones who will be leaving their jobs. These helpers are holographic projections, who will keep everything running smoothly as the incredible transition of surface Earth unfolds.  
About the Revaluation of Currencies (RV/GCR):  Along side our tireless boots-on-the-ground teams, we are working our way through all the steps needed to make this financial transformation a sure thing.  We wish to insure you that it will be safe, easy, and completely what was intended originally:  Prosperity for all, distributed in such a way that it cannot be siphoned off by the cabal.  It has been a tricky process.  Often, as we completed one element of the plan, we found there were five other elements that needed to be completed before all would be secure.  For instance, it became clear that the changes in law and the courts that would be provided by NESARA would be required almost immediately, to protect the all who are coming forward with abundant resources.  Previously, it was an invitation to the cabal to make trouble for all those acquiring new prosperity, to stop their projects, had we not competed the clearing away of all the leverage and power the old system still provided.
Of course, none of this was a complete surprise to us, but it has taken longer to dismantle the Matrix structure than we had originally projected.  The last vestiges of the cabal personnel proved to be more persistent and more determined to cause trouble than we had hoped.  We had many back-up and contingency plans, and we have had to employ many of them, but the most effective projects have been the "hand-to-hand combat" carried out by our courageous Boots on the Ground.
These ground troops have used every opportunity to block nefarious actions while providing a loving environment in which to provide a win-win situation for anyone sensible enough to accept it.  However, we have seen such levels of irrational denial and belligerence that we are convinced the damage accrued from living long lives in the throes of the dark Matrix have made a segment of humanity deeply irrational.  The "leaders" of yesterday are more and more insanely power-hungry and rigidly committed to destroying anyone who stands in the way of their delusional lust for control over the entire planet.
Now I will tell you of our greatest "secret weapon" in the chess game to restore Earth to her pristine glory as elegantly as possible.  It is you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters.  You are learning how to wield the greatest force available to humanity:  your will, and your heart-felt intention to create Peace on Earth.  You are learning day by day to use your creativity to Co-create the Paradise we have envisioned together, and it is working, step by step.
I will use the example of our beloved Kathryn and Christine to illustrate what is possible.  Like many of you, they have committed themselves utterly to carrying out whatever assignments the Company of Heaven has given them, and it is having an enormous effect.  All of you have jumped on board the "Glory Train," adding your cumulative energies to the great wave of Light that will bring it all Home.  Your contributions in the forms of your stedfast devotion to uplifting yourselves and all along with your efforts to daily meditation are pushing through the last barriers of dark energies.  It is truly historic.
We asked you on our radio show this week (link below) to join with us each day at 3 pm EDT to push higher and higher, creating the energetic portal through to higher dimensions, the Rainbow Bridge that is your pathway to Ascension.  The entire Galactic contingent in ships circling your beautiful planet, billions strong, have joined to bring Peace on Earth and to address basic issues as they arise.  It creates a lull each day around 3 pm in the "Frequency War" that the cabal has waged these past weeks and months on the entire population of Earth.  You must be aware, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, of this diabolical yet ultimatley ineffectual attempt to disorient, confuse and divide the people of Earth.  It is one of the most sophisticated programs the cabal has instituted to try to reclaim control. 
Those who worked for the cabal, many in conditions of abject slavery, have created designer frequencies to attack individual Lightworkers, using their "advanced" psychological understandings of each of you to stop you in your tracks.  They send out the frequencies of doubt, insecurity, guilt, fear, exhaustion, despair, even nausea, or any of the negative emotions they can find that might reproduce an echo to your individual past emotional difficulties.  It is an attempt to literally bring back the darkest hours for each of you, reprising the worst moments of your childhood, or the deepest despair of your adult lives. 
Do not fall into the trap, Dearest Ones.  Call on your Higher Selves, your Twin Flame, and your connection to me or to Mother and Father God or to your closest Ascended Master, to remind you to shore up your Faith, your inner strength and your absolute commitment to truth.  You are the brilliant Masters on the ground, our counterparts in every way.  Together we are a formidable team.
Each day, as the frequencies rise to an excruciating pitch for Christine, our point person in this "Project All-y All-y In Free," she and Kathryn communicate with the cabal members who are listening to every word they say and monitoring their every move.  They speak openly to the operators assigned to attack them and who send frequencies which would cause heart attacks or organ failure if it were not for the protection of the Galactic Federation and the Arcturian Medical Teams.  This is true for all of you, Dear Lightworkers.  You are all under the protection of your angelic teams and the Ashtar Command, whether you realize it or not.
As we monitor and modulate the incoming frequencies, we carefully document the conversations that vary day by day, but always address the fact that Kathryn, Christine and the family of Lightworkers across the globe are  volunteers , offering their loving intentions to bring all the souls - every one who has come to incarnate on Terra at this time - to their rightful Home, within the embrace of Mother and Father God. 
Unlike those who have been initiated into the cabal network, they have not been viciously tortured and enslaved.  They express their own free will when they wish for their Brothers and Sisters who have been damaged by their lifetimes in the dark Matrix to be restored to the Light.  Christine tells of her ability to see them even as they send their attacks, and her genuine love and compassion for them, who but for Grace, would have joined as a programmed minion like them.  Kathryn speaks to them directly of the torture they have endured, the disillusionment they must feel at learning it was all based on lies, and the hope that they will simply walk away, leave it all behind in favor of Freedom and an invitation to come with everyone else to the "afterparty" - St. Germain's glorious gala celebration.
The operators and their bosses are reminded that no assault can stop Kathryn and Christine because they, unlike the cabal, are truly inspired by and protected by Mother and Father God (and of course by Archangel Michael, Ashtar, the Arcturians and me).  In the same way, each of you are now directly under the protection of your Twin Flame and your Higher Self, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven. 
The cabal operators on duty are told by Christine and Kathryn, as each new shift comes on, that they too could be protected in this same way if they only do one thing:  Put their hands on their heart, and say inwardly, silently, (no one has to know), "I don't know if it is real, but if there is a Mother and Father God, I want to come Home.  I want to come to the Light."  At that moment, they are instantly provided the protection of their standby angelic teams, who arrange with the Ashtar Command and the teams on the ground to give them safe passage out of the underground chambers and secret hiding places, into the protection of loving beings who will bring them to safety.
Conversations alternate from challenges from Kathryn to reassurances from Christine.  They remind the operators to read their instruments and see that the "kill" frequencies do not kill them because they are protected.  They often speak to the operators in deeply empathic tones about the dilemma of the "privileged" cabal leaders. Their refusal to stop the violent attacks - most intensely felt by sensitive Lightworkers - are proof of the dangerous and deadly programs that must never again be allowed to fester on any planet, in any system.  We are constantly reminded in these days that only someone who had been tortured mercilessly themselves would believe it was a good idea to torture others.  Their deepest feelings are rage and vindictiveness, because of their own pain and history.  They cannot believe in Mother and Father God's Love because they have never experienced unconditional Love in their own lives for a very long time.
Since Christine, with her thin veil, can follow the frequencies back to the individuals and groups sending them, she reminds them that names, places, dates and all events transpiring now are being documented as part of the record, the history of what the end of the Matrix really looked like.  This will stand for all time as the clear evidence of the kind of irreparable damage to humans that has been caused by the evil programs that were instituted under the long reign of the Anunnaki and their minions.  Although the Anunnaki, the Reptilians and others who perpetrated darkness on Earth are gone from the planet, and mostly have returned to the Light, the cabal humans who remain are evidence of how vulnerable humankind really is to damage by torture and mind control.  No one comes away from a lifetime of systematic abuse without their sense of self being splintered into shards; they are a collection of attitudes and beliefs without access to the smoldering ember of God's flame deep in their hearts.
In order to recover from the unspeakable abuse they have suffered, these damaged beings must be convinced to reach deeply into themselves to find that small spark that remains, take hold of it and reconnect to their lifeforce which is Love.  Throughout the days and weeks of negotiations and coaching from us (whom they initially ignored) and through our Lightworkers on the ground calling out for them to come Home, more and more of them are turning toward the Light, asking for safe passage to come to Mother and Father God.  They continue to stream out of the underground cities, the brothels and the "training" nurseries, and few complete their transition without tears of gratitude and relief.
It is the first time since the Fall into lower consciousness that humans on the ground have been able to work in such conscious harmony with us in higher dimensions on such a grand scale, creating the pathways moment by moment that will bring all to the Light.  It is truly a miracle of synchrony, shared intentions, and deep Love for each other and for the Mission we have volunteered to sponsor.  It is working, Dear Brothers and Sisters.  We are moving the mountain, together.  Each day as Mother and Father increase the bright energies flooding the planet, it becomes easier and more fulfilling to maintain the full-out charge into the Light, hand in hand, working as One mind, One heart and One soul.
Beloved Lightworkers, as I have said before, you have no idea how powerful your energies are now.  Some of you are still wondering what your Mission is, and how you will carry it through.  Well, I am here to tell you, you already have.  Every time you smile, every time you raise your eyes to Mother and Father God and speak the truth of your hearts, every time you feel the Love flowing from your heart to another being, you are lifting all of us.  Remember, Dearest Ones, that genuine laughter and playfulness are balm to tired souls - yours and others'.
It is truly a New Day, Brothers and Sisters.  Our momentum is unstoppable.  Our Love is unbounded.  We have overcome the darkness and inertia of thousands of years of control and programming.  You, by overcoming these forces within yourselves, have created the Miracle of Light that was needed to bring us to this glorious tipping point. 
I speak for Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven when I say we are with you every moment, every step, and we are carrying the banner of Freedom for all on our beloved Terra.
I am you Sananda. 
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, October 4, 2015 

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  • We asked you on our radio show this week (link below) to join with us each day at 3 pm EDT to push higher and higher, creating the energetic portal through to higher dimensions, the Rainbow Bridge that is your pathway to Ascension.  The entire Galactic contingent in ships circling your beautiful planet, billions strong, have joined to bring Peace on Earth and to address basic issues as they arise.  It creates a lull each day around 3 pm in the "Frequency War" that the cabal has waged these past weeks and months on the entire population of Earth.  You must be aware, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, of this diabolical yet ultimatley ineffectual attempt to disorient, confuse and divide the people of Earth.  It is one of the most sophisticated programs the cabal has instituted to try to reclaim control. 

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