China discloses UFO reality: Aliens sending UFO probes here

China discloses UFO reality: Aliens sending UFO probes here
by Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com

Dramatic events have taken place in China over the last few days and that nation's thousands of UFO researchers and enthusiasts are reeling in shock.

One of the heads of China's famous Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory, Prof. Wang Sichao, has gone public admitting the UFOs are real and aliens are visiting Earth and that the observatory has observed their craft many times. The admittance of UFO reality was made yesterday within an official speech entitled tellingly 'China's UFO truth'. This news has been extensively reported in China.

The key points that Wang Sichao have disclosed are that:

  • Aliens are visiting Earth on R & D expeditions
  • These UFOs are probes manned by robots.
  • These craft travel at eighty percent the speed of light.
  • These craft have been seen by the observatory many times at between 150 and 1500 kilometers above Earth.
  • The aliens might use Nuclear fusion to propel their craft
  • 39 years of work at Purple Mountain Observatory has led Wang to believe these craft use Earth's gravity to manouvre and stay aloft

Wang Sichao also said he disagreed with Stephen Hawkings recent comments and declared that these aliens appear peaceful and require nothing materially from us as they can create their own materials using advanced technology.

In the event that these aliens do not come in peace, he stressed that they are not gods and have flaws and thus we can possibly defend ourselves.

Tags: alien, disclosure, space, ufo

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  • It is a copper and Gold mine.
  • What type of mine is it?
  • I was watching this event most of the night up to this morning, half the time in tears. Joy mixed with sorrow. Elated what mankind can do when all hate and prejudice is put aside, all striving together to save lives. I thanked God these men were pulled out from the jaws of death. Then I pondered about what was to come. How evil men have organized all their energy in saving themselves, even over the lives of children who may perish in a horrible death. The two conflicting themes played over and over again. I've witnessed man at his best and worst. I can't get past the rationale of the elite justifying their survival over others when their spirit represents the worst of humanity. Why will they survive when there are so many kind and loving people mandated to die. Without divine intervention or alien assistance, are the good slated to perish? Time will tell....
  • The event that we have anticipated is going on at the moment. It is the Chilian Miner resqut. It has pooled so much positive energy that the whole world is watching with tears in their eyes have each miners are being lifted out. When the whole world is focussed on such positive event, we are at our best. This is a very strong world event. and it is even being pick up by our positive, light and god loving extraterestrial. The other thing is that we will all remember what was done for those minors when the earth change will occur. an we will do the same for our fellow man. If it is not going toward the fourth dimension . Everyone of us is changing at this very moment. We are pushing the Anti-Christ away. When people are in haw like this, the negative energy is pushed out of the way. Same for negative extraterrestrial.

    Youpy, Youpy we all got emotional in a positive way. The extraterrestrial are looking at us and analysing our body reaction on three level: physical, psychological and spiritual.
  • Keith,

    That's the one I was looking for! Thank you!
  • Edina,

    Great links - thanks!
  • Well even if noting will happen, I am still going to bring my camera . I was checking the clouds this morning and they show a pattern similar to earthquake clouds. Did anyone notice that since two weeks all the earthquakes in the Pacific ocean have been at or above 5.0. I am not sure if it is HAARP or the tectonic plates showing increase tension against one another.
  • Sizzle, I'm in agreement with you, I remain cautious about the whole matter.
    Brian, LOL, you are sooo funny. If they do show, and you take pictures, make sure to post them here so we can see, too. :D I presently don't have a camera, pictures would be cool!!!!!
  • Kim, your comments were very interesting, please keep us posted if you hear anything more on this. :-)
  • Thanks Hung for posting this, it offers us another facet to the discussion,
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