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  • The flow is unbelievable  isn't, it is there and it works!

  • I have tried, Kim.

  • Cheryl is there a way you can hide those keys to your car from him?
  • And, here's the rest of the story.  First, the background:  Mr. Bipolar (my son) took my car without permission, was pulled and arrested for his 7th driving on a suspended license.  This happened late Friday night.  Okay.  Breathe.  Breathe.  Breathe.  Tow fees.  Storage fees.  30-day impoundment because of arrest within a year of DUI (which was his 4th driving on suspended).  Storage fees.  I have to find a ride to court to file paperwork to get the car released sooner.  The judge won't be in this week because of Thanksgiving, so it will be next Thursday 11/30.  Daily storage fees.  AAAAIIIEEE!  I'm going to lose my car.  So, Sunday comes and  thankfully this was the week for the Arcturian message.  Here was the confirmation I referred to:

    An attained consciousness of; "I have because I am." will manifest outwardly regardless of how mundane the seeming need-- a ride somewhere , a mechanic, or even a tooth pulled. The realization (not just intellectual knowledge) of "I am self-sustained and self-maintained because I am" will draw to you the right person, thing, or experience when needed. (Energy aligns with like energy). Then, even seemingly human and ordinary activities will carry the energy of harmony instead of effort, force, and frustration.

    So, calm down.  Repeat after us:  I am self-sustained and self-maintained because I am."  That was Sunday.

    So, what happened today was unbelievable.  But it happened.  I finally got a hold of the tow yard.  The tow fee is (only) $150 (it could have been worse).  They towed it to the police tow yard.  So, I called police dispatch, who didn't know if my keys would have come along for the ride, so had me leave a message for a lieutenant who was in charge of the tow yard, who wasn't in but called me back promptly.  I told him the story.  He found it credible.  He pulled some strings.  He called back and announced, "Hi, this is your new best friend" (LOL).  I should have my car back today, as soon as I get a receipt from the original tow yard that their tow fee has been paid and present it to the police tow yard.  Wow!  One thing I've learned is that you can never, ever see it coming.  It literally comes out of the blue.

  • A confirmation this week.

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