Would anyone be interested in trying Group Meditation?

Karen has posted this amazing series of discussions introducing information from Cosmic Awareness. In the Pearls-of-Wisdom forum, posted in the New Age group there is a mention of group meditation:

"On Group Meditation
Groups of meditators can have their profound effect upon consciousness,and can, through meditation, even effect weather, violence, crime rate,and can have an effect on ending wars.

So, I've been inspired to ask:

Would anyone here be interested in trying a consistent group meditation.I love group meditations, and the people on this ning are simplyamazing, let me know if you're interested, this would be a "way cool"experiment/ experience.
E-mail me when people leave their comments –

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  • I'll be outside most of the day today, working, but I wanted to let everyone know that I did some prayer and meditation on this idea and I have decided this is an open invitation to any and all members who want to participate as they feel in their hearts., per my original intent.

    I've come up with a way to do this that I think will meet all of the ideas presented here. I am planning the group meditations at two times so anyone around the planet can join they will be Tuesdays, 0500/1930 or 05:00 AM, and 7:30PM, US Mountain Standard Time, (we're in daylight savings time right now).

    I would like to post one of those cool world timer clocks that countdown to the next meditation. But to be truthful, this is way past my techie skills levels, so if there is someone else who knows how to do this I would love the help.

    I'll be converting this blog over to discussion over the next few days, along with a format/plan outline, and if any of you pop by and see things you want to comment on as I'm going through this you comments are welcome.

    This is going to be a bit more organized than my original spontaneous invite, but this is because I would like to be able to do this on a regular basis, whether I'm available, or not. So, I'm setting up a process that doesn't need a leader, but one in which anyone can join, as they see fit within the context of their own daily life. I've chosen Tuesdays, at the times mentioned.

    I also want like to allow breathing room for lots spontaneity so people can really make these group meditations a very personal experience if they want to. (ie, Paul can do a foot bath, he can share this in the discussion, and others may say, hmmm, this is a cool idea, I think I'm gonna try that too, and so on.)

    In short, I would love for this to feel very natural, organic, and alive, I would love it to grow us, so to speak, and I feel no desire to tightly control the process.

    I will be borrowing some of the concepts I learned from the Cayce Gladhelpers Healing Circles, and other Church/Chapel/Ecumenical/Non-denominational traditions to incorporate a way to direct, or focus, the high energy we will raise in these meditations to people, purposes, and concerns we are all feeling during these times of change.

    In the meantime, I meditate everyday, very early, between 0300- 0400, MST, and anyone who wants me to include you in my devotion time may email me. I would like people to go ahead and include Teresa C, and her daughter Leah, in their devotion times now, until we can get this med. rolling.

    Thanks everyone, for your interest, and your patience. Blessing, grace and peace to all, e
  • Alex, I think Edina plans to start it in about a week.
  • Edina, it has to be created like that. I can't change an existing group, say "Sensitives," to invite only after it is created.
  • I'd like to meditate on pushing PX away from earth - and send healing love to those suffering terrible earth changes, like China, So America, Pakistan etc. What do you think?
  • I will be home today after 4 and can log on roughly 5 mins later. See you all :)
  • Good, I love these ideas, I really like the healing idea Karen. Cheryl, how would we do an invite only group? Maybe, too, would you describe for me how you envision doing this here, the idea of "keep random traffic from interrupting" lets me know you are thinking in a way I do not know how to think, yet. Thanks e
  • I'm game. Think about what time zones the participants are in. I assume everyone needs to do this at the same time? We could have a invite-only group to keep random traffic from interrupting?
  • Maybe we can also incorporate both group and personal healing meditations as well. I've been discussing our need for a need for a "support and reassurance team", for when members are overburdened, feeling low, or taking comments too personally, such that they may need help lifting thier energies.

    I've been thinking that we need to create a list of volunteers to be "on-call" for these instances; so when someone is having coping difficulties (etc.), they (or members/mods) can email a 'support team' to contact (or pray/meditate for) the lifing of spirits, and helping the person to expand thier perspective on the matter.

    We will appreciate it if you all discuss this issue and see what you can come up with; and decide if you want to creat another Group for this purpose... Thanks for your consideration!
  • Weiynala, you built a Labyrinth? So Cool. Yes I can message you, and I'll be taking notes on everyone's ideas and trying to incorporate them into the meditation. I'm loving the interest, Thanks all,e
  • I know my gf pb would be more than interested. I don't really know what I would need to do but am willing to participate. Count me in :)
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