Actually I hold no relevance to Michael Moore's pointing to the sky, nor the Scooby Doo clip. Just filler. And, the last minute with Glen Beck, also filler. For me personally,I look for the interesting points that I deem worth investigating, that could substantiate claims of universal happenings.
So, what I did find very interesting is about midway through the video, the guy who uses some sort of sky-watching program to plug in the coordinates and is able to visibly see multiple objects that look like planets.
As for the fog footage, it is very possible that it had a 'chemical' taste to it. Yes, it does look like chemtrails in the sky, now whether or not the fog had a 'chemical' taste to it, can only be verified by those videotaping. Is it possible? It is. I've experienced it on several occasions while stationed in Alaska. So, does fog by equate to radiation? No. Can fog be carrying radiation? Absolutely. Was it in this video? Without testing, no-one can prove one way or another. What people around the world are doing, is documenting experiences of anomalies, and without the benefit of first hand witness/experience, it will be up to the reader/viewer/listener to discern possibilities of true artifacts or otherwise.
That's quite a leap of logic to assume Michael Moore pointing up means "Nibiru." He could have meant solar flares, the galactic cloud, holes in the ozone which mankind created, or perhaps he was indicating his boss upstairs, for all we know. And I didn't get that he "looked dead at the audience" and then pointed up. He was looking around, but not straight on.
The image of the mini-solar system has been around for a while. Amy Evans posted it here. I believe this is the system that John DiNardo speaks of, out by Saturn. (Nice "spooky music" to get the viewers into mood.)
LOL, who wrote the Internet Encyclopedia, Zetatalk? Just because Scooby Doo showcased Nibiru, doesn't mean much. It's in the stream of consciousness and made for a good story. Does Scooby Doo talking about it mean a secret warning to the world? Who knows. It made for a good story. And it sure could raise awareness, get people interested and researching. Does it mean it's real or coming in our lifetime?
Fog equates to radiation?!?!? Good lord. It looks like chemtrails to me. Where's the radiation meter showing the numbers? Otherwise, how can anyone know? And Pattie Bressard is the first person to say radiation is hitting the earth?!?!?!?
As for the orb in front of the camera, first we are shown an alleged March 11, 2013 crossing. I went to the SOHO EIT 304 archives and it doesn't show anything. It says it is the exact thing that showed up on August 6, 2013, and there is no data in the archive for this date. What this shows is an orb crossing the sun. There is no evidence whatsoever of what this orb is. Could it be this?
It was thought to be a UFO refueling (or calming) the sun. It was dismissed as a sun prominence: here Whether it is a cover-up is unknown. Orbs have also been seen in close orbit around the sun and around the Earth. If you follow Tolec at, you'll get the alleged Andromedan perspective.
And capping all that off with Glenn Beck talking about the economy crashing and the NWO taking over, overlaid with text trying to align what he's saying with Nibiru. He never mentions Nibiru.
CONCLUSION: This video compilation is made to try to persuade the ignorati that Pattie Brassard is telling the truth. It will work on a lot of people, unfortunately. However, this video presents no proof whatsoever and makes wild leaps of logic.
For years, Nancy Lieder/Zetatalk proclaimed this to be Planet X:
But then, that notion was dispelled by this image of it shooting a beam towards the sun:
Lessons learned... not everything is as it seems in space. And anything can be manipulated via Photoshop type programs.
"Hubble Has Spotted An Ancient Galaxy That Shouldn't Exist." Okay. "The Hubble comes from NASA so this means they agree with Pattie Brassard." That statement does not logically flow, obviously.
The Jim McCanney piece, if memory serves, was not authorized by him. I'll have to look and see if I can find it. I do know that people pick up his work and take things out of context, so knowing this, you have to dig to find what he says (usually on his "At The Crossroads" records. That particular article shown in the video rings a bell as being unauthorized.
The "Twin Stars Visible By Earth" article is too small for me to read, but it may be about NASA's proclamation about Betelguese going supernova, thus giving the appearance of a second sun. The article is captioned that it is a lie, to cover up PX. Maybe so, but where's the proof? Nancy/Zetatalk began that conspiracy theory.
Actually I hold no relevance to Michael Moore's pointing to the sky, nor the Scooby Doo clip. Just filler. And, the last minute with Glen Beck, also filler. For me personally,I look for the interesting points that I deem worth investigating, that could substantiate claims of universal happenings.
So, what I did find very interesting is about midway through the video, the guy who uses some sort of sky-watching program to plug in the coordinates and is able to visibly see multiple objects that look like planets.
As for the fog footage, it is very possible that it had a 'chemical' taste to it. Yes, it does look like chemtrails in the sky, now whether or not the fog had a 'chemical' taste to it, can only be verified by those videotaping. Is it possible? It is. I've experienced it on several occasions while stationed in Alaska. So, does fog by equate to radiation? No. Can fog be carrying radiation? Absolutely. Was it in this video? Without testing, no-one can prove one way or another. What people around the world are doing, is documenting experiences of anomalies, and without the benefit of first hand witness/experience, it will be up to the reader/viewer/listener to discern possibilities of true artifacts or otherwise.
That's quite a leap of logic to assume Michael Moore pointing up means "Nibiru." He could have meant solar flares, the galactic cloud, holes in the ozone which mankind created, or perhaps he was indicating his boss upstairs, for all we know. And I didn't get that he "looked dead at the audience" and then pointed up. He was looking around, but not straight on.
The image of the mini-solar system has been around for a while. Amy Evans posted it here. I believe this is the system that John DiNardo speaks of, out by Saturn. (Nice "spooky music" to get the viewers into mood.)
LOL, who wrote the Internet Encyclopedia, Zetatalk? Just because Scooby Doo showcased Nibiru, doesn't mean much. It's in the stream of consciousness and made for a good story. Does Scooby Doo talking about it mean a secret warning to the world? Who knows. It made for a good story. And it sure could raise awareness, get people interested and researching. Does it mean it's real or coming in our lifetime?
Fog equates to radiation?!?!? Good lord. It looks like chemtrails to me. Where's the radiation meter showing the numbers? Otherwise, how can anyone know? And Pattie Bressard is the first person to say radiation is hitting the earth?!?!?!?
As for the orb in front of the camera, first we are shown an alleged March 11, 2013 crossing. I went to the SOHO EIT 304 archives and it doesn't show anything. It says it is the exact thing that showed up on August 6, 2013, and there is no data in the archive for this date. What this shows is an orb crossing the sun. There is no evidence whatsoever of what this orb is. Could it be this?
It was thought to be a UFO refueling (or calming) the sun. It was dismissed as a sun prominence: here Whether it is a cover-up is unknown. Orbs have also been seen in close orbit around the sun and around the Earth. If you follow Tolec at, you'll get the alleged Andromedan perspective.
And capping all that off with Glenn Beck talking about the economy crashing and the NWO taking over, overlaid with text trying to align what he's saying with Nibiru. He never mentions Nibiru.
CONCLUSION: This video compilation is made to try to persuade the ignorati that Pattie Brassard is telling the truth. It will work on a lot of people, unfortunately. However, this video presents no proof whatsoever and makes wild leaps of logic.
For years, Nancy Lieder/Zetatalk proclaimed this to be Planet X:
"Hubble Has Spotted An Ancient Galaxy That Shouldn't Exist." Okay. "The Hubble comes from NASA so this means they agree with Pattie Brassard." That statement does not logically flow, obviously.
The Jim McCanney piece, if memory serves, was not authorized by him. I'll have to look and see if I can find it. I do know that people pick up his work and take things out of context, so knowing this, you have to dig to find what he says (usually on his "At The Crossroads" records. That particular article shown in the video rings a bell as being unauthorized.
The "Twin Stars Visible By Earth" article is too small for me to read, but it may be about NASA's proclamation about Betelguese going supernova, thus giving the appearance of a second sun. The article is captioned that it is a lie, to cover up PX. Maybe so, but where's the proof? Nancy/Zetatalk began that conspiracy theory.