
  There is a movie on tonight on SyFi called Meteor or something like that about the worst meteor shower ever. Two parts to it.  8:00 central time if anyone wants to watch.

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  • I understand "The Road" is out for home viewing now
  • I tried to watch it. So bad, I shut it off after 30 minutes.
  • Yes, I know what you mean Steve. I am a sucker for movies of I watched Titanic for the 5th or 6th time instead. There are good ones to watch though.
  • Oh Pat, don't waste your time on these movies! It was a train wreck...I didn't want to watch but I had to! If there weren't sooo many opportunities to ad-lib and make fun of these 2 movies it would have been a total loss of time. There was not even one believable situation in the entire 4, yes 4 hours, of film!
  • OMG... Glad you caught that time. Sorry I should wear my glasses so I can It is a rerun. Probably will run again.
  • Your welcome!!!
  • Thank you Pat. I just set to record both parts! Part 1 starts at 6 Central time!
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