Regarding the pedofile incidents in the church..

This relates to the fiasco in the diocese in Pennsylvania.   I am sharing a piece written and posted by a priest on Facebook:



For those of you who know me, you will understand this post.
Today is such a sad day for me. I am devastated beyond imagine over the reports coming out about our church and priests...some I know personally. It has brought me to tears.

I need to vent:

PRIESTS ARE NOT PEDOPHILES; PEDOPHILES BECAME PRIESTS!!!! Just as they became Boy Scout leaders, Ministers, Youth Ministers, Rabbis, Pastors, etc, etc etc.

Pedophiles infiltrated any organization that they could to gain the trust of people and to make their move on the innocent children they were entrusted with...this is not limited to the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church was an easy place for these sick individuals to enter.

Dating back many years, we found that some very evil organizations, who realized the seal God had placed on HIS Church, funded the entry of thousands of men into our seminaries These were not holy men and these men never received a call from God into ministry...JUST THE OPPOSITE!! These men were paid to go into the Catholic Church, to corrupt it from within the inside. These men did become priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals and their only mission was to destroy the Sacredness of The Church, it's Sacred Liturgy and whatever else they could.

One way we know this, some of those who were responsible for this deception, actually came forth some years ago to confess their wrong doings. We do have evil within our midst, just like all churches and denominations...yes, there is NO perfect church. We are all sinners and churches are not for the saints, but for the sinners.

Does anyone think that Jesus erred when he chose the 12 apostles? Didn't He go to pray about those He would choose? Think about that. He chose men who would be doubters, deniers, cowards and even a thief and betrayer who would be the one to whom Jesus was handed over. Judas was handpicked by Jesus and I am convinced that Jesus did this to show us that even in HIS Church, we would find evil people and evil acts.

If you believe in God, then you must believe in Satan. If you know how the evil one works, He attacks and mimics anything that is of God. He is the ultimate deceiver. He will always attack what is of God and those closest to God.

Those who worship Satan can go anywhere to get a host, but they choose to go to the Catholic Mass to get the Eucharist...Satan knows what is of God...what is the true Bread of Life (John 6) and that is where they come to get what they will then desecrate at their Black Mass.

Please think about this: Many of those who are criticizing the Bishops of a cover up in these cases do not realize that many, were of the old mind set that so many were in. In the old days, (or when a lot of these cases happened) if there was a scandal, the common thought was to move the violator. If a girl, would get pregnant, her parents were full of shame. This girl was usually hidden and people were told "she's off visiting a relative" This was the case until her baby was born and then the baby was placed for adoption. If a young man got a woman pregnant, he was often moved too....NOT right,NOT Right at all, but it was the mentality back then. In many of these cases, although, the bishops did not do the right thing...they had NO idea of the sickness that we know today as Pedophilia. No one knew about this sickness until recent years. I am NOT defending them and accountability needs to be in place, but we do need to think about it and judge accordingly.

Although, my heart goes out to all the innocent children involved in this horrific scandal, I believe God is cleaning out HIS Church. God will always bring good from bad. These men need to be punished and removed from ministry. We need more protection for our children. Parents, PLEASE be more vigilant with your children, you are their only protection from those trying to hurt them.

Finally, in Matthew's Gospel, Jesus talks to His apostles and asks them a powerful question: "Who do people say that I am" Although, they were all saying things, the ONLY one to get it right was Peter. "You are the Messiah, the son of the Living God" Jesus replies and states, Peter, flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Heavenly Father, You are Peter and on this rock I will build MY CHURCH...AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST HER. Peter was our first Pope, regardless of denying Jesus. From Jesus, we got Peter and from then on we have apostolic succession...God's seal.

We are HIS Bride, and His seal is upon us. Many times through the years, scandals and attacks came upon us, but "God's word will NOT return unto Him void" I have to reflect on those who were with Jesus on Good Friday. How must they have felt? They were horrified too...but 3 days later, we have the Resurrection.

Let's understand the spiritual attacks out there and let's continue to unite in prayer, penance and fasting....Satan will NOT have the last word and we should know how this story ends...WE WIN!!!!
"Those who sow in tears, shall reap rejoicing"

Heavenly Father, we place our trust in you. Protect us from the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Heal the innocent who have been violated and abused...all those suffering this scandal and protect the holy men who have given up their lives to serve as your servants as "Persona Christi". We pray united that you will restore your church as you have so many times before.


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  • This will turn up the fire hopefully in that the church will take out the trash that is within it.  

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