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  • I've been aware for year of manufacturers putting their own remote 3g or like 3g connections for their own use updating ect. PS3s and such. But I'm sure it is in every device.

     Friend called me to specifically tell me about the situation,He said he buys a new expansion for his PS3 puts the disk in and an error code appears.Over and Over he tries and eventually calls sonys number from then bottom of the system. The representative tell hims his system needs an update and it will only take a moment he reply's "I have no Internet access" she reply's with "It's not necessary" Any one with the basics of DATA transfer can put two and two together especially if they are aware what 3g is and that Internet is free, You only pay for your connection. Therefore if you owned your own network as many households do you can connect to it for free as long as the needed hardware for method of connection is available.

     That's one reason I don't understand how people where brain washed into thinking something needs to be paid for over and over. It's senseless. Costs no one anything to use yet they will pay for it a million times over again. 

     Every time some one describes Supply and Demand to me I just shake my head and think.If they KNOW they will sell it cuz it is in demand and don't have to worry about it sitting on the shelf and being wasted then demand should drive the price down......Maybe I should a opened a thread in a group for that comment.

  • Back in 2005 I asked a police officer friend why they could not catch the Mexican drug dealers that were bringing the meth into Reno NV and he said because they have fresh cell phones and throw them away before we can figure out who they are. I was confused but now understand. This is not new technology at all. They have been GPSing and listening for a long time even down to the police level. By having your battery in your phone they can track your location or listen to your conversation even with the phone off if they have your phone number.

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