I don't wish to spread alarm - but thought this very important.

I thought I saw something regarding this previously on this site - but can't find it - so I'm posting. Sorry if I've doubled up - but if true - important to be aware of IMO.

Why is only Region III mentioned? Maybe the only one we are aware of - I don't know.

Danger period appears to be October thru November 2013 - be prepared!

This seems to line up with Comet ISON - maybe? Maybe it's a man made emergency - however the reference to "extreme climate change" seems to indicate a global or galactical event.

Could still be a cover for a man made event?  I honestly don't know.

3 day emergency kits for all school children required, etc, etc, etc.

Please watch and listen with discernment.

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  • October 1st is the new federal fiscal year.

  • Obummercare is so screwed up I can't see it ever getting off the ground.

  • Oct 1st is when Obummercare is to be implemented.  Funny how the danger period is scheduled around this time.

  • RLP

    REGION II: New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Island. Regional Capitol: New York City

    REGION III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Regional Capitol: Philadelphia

  • I am in region III also. Whatever it is they are anticipating as a strike, natural disaster, or arranged false flag event - I would assume they'd put all the supplies in the "safe" region for use...so logic would mandate. I'd be more worried if I resided in the areas that were in close proximity to region III. Just a hunch......
  • Peter, I'll let everyone know if I see anything; however, I'm in the rural part of the state.

  • Kim it looks like your on the outskirts of the region also.

  • I hope this is nothing but fear mongering.....

  • It will be interesting to see if you are able to witness anything Cheryl.

  • We also need to remember this with all the foreign troops being trained. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGsz0eV-Ckk

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