I AM Teachings of Saint Germain


When a person is prepared to make whatever effort is needed to gain in spiritual understanding, the first decision that is to be made is the choice of the right teacher. Since the subject of channeling is so thoroughly misunderstood by most students, and since the ignorance of the Cosmic Law, as it pertains to this subject, presents one of the greatest obstacles to the Great White Brotherhood in bringing in the New Golden Age for this planet, it is treated here in great detail.

To distinguish between different presentations of Ascended Master Teaching is a most difficult task, usually taken much too lightly by the students, beginners and the more
experienced, alike. Numerous so-called channels, mediums, star-commanders, messengers, and spirit guides appear, like mushrooms, clamoring for the attention of the students, all offering “the very latest,” challenging the student with, “DO YOU WISH TO BE LEFT BEHIND?” There are now over ten thousand individuals alleging to be channels of Ascended Masters. One American city, alone, can “boast” the presence of hundreds channels.

As of this time (March 2008), no less than 73 individuals have contacted the AMTF, offering to be its channel. Most of them we met personally.

One has to learn to distinguish truth from among that which is given out in books, through channels (mediums), the voices of disembodied individuals, and the voices of our seven bodies, all of which have intelligence. The Ascended Master Kuthumi calls this the most difficult point on the spiritual path. Commenting on the problem of selecting the proper teacher, Kuthumi said that he realized that it is very difficult to discriminate, requiring a great amount of research and effort. “But,” he continued, “that is one of the reasons you came to embody on Earth, to learn discrimination.”


Channels may be placed into two major categories, namely, those who communicate genuine messages from the Great White Brotherhood and those who do not.

For a channel to receive dictations directly from the Great White Brotherhood, a special dispensation from the Karmic Board is required. These type of dispensations, authorized by the Cosmic Law, are given very sparingly, namely on the average of only 100 years within a 2000-year cycle.

These dictations then contain the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. In this case we are talking about an authorized, appointed or accredited messenger of the Great White Brotherhood.

A channel not receiving messages from the Ascended Master Realm, channels PARTIAL TRUTH. The degree of accuracy depends upon the spiritual development of both the channel and that of the sender of the message.


Very often we hear this comment: “I know there are many false prophets, but I can tell by my feelings and the still, small voice in my heart, whether or not a certain channel is a true channel.”

The problem is that the “Fall of Man” brought about “The Veil of Maya.” This veil shut off the visible presence and the voice of our teachers (Ascended Masters and Archangels). The shaft of Light from our I AM Presence decreased from a diameter of several feet to that of 1/16 of an inch. By misqualifying our energy through hundreds of embodiments, we have fallen from our high God-Estate and all of us have added to the karma of the race. Fear, for the first time, registered in our four lower bodies. The root of all evils, the personal ego, was born. The voices of our four lower bodies, plus our senses, contributed to what we call “our consciousness.” This consciousness found itself groping in darkness. Man lost his original, pure contact with his I AM Presence.

The very fact that we are still in an embodiment, shows that we have disharmoniously qualified our energy by a margin of over 50%. Therefore, we need not only listen to
the voice in our heart, but also to that of our most developed faculties, which are logic and reason. Beloved El Morya said, “Test, test, test every activity in which you place your faith, and that to which you give the power of your attention, before you are led into the unhappy experiences which can result from blindly accepting, as truth, that which is presented to you from the seen, as well as the unseen.” This includes paying attention to the characteristics of a true channel as given by the Ascended Masters and comparing those with other channels.

The student must be prepared to allocate a large amount of time, energy, and some funds toward this effort, to research for himself what messenger he should follow. In
addition, becoming reacquainted with the voice of one's own Presence cannot be achieved overnight. It takes persistent, daily application, years of studying, of cleansing and of harmonizing our four lower bodies, to recognize the voice of the Presence. It is like going to school again. We must first graduate from elementary school and high school before we can go to college.

The great majority of Ascended Master students flock to the channels of today, gullibly accepting their statements, without attempting to investigate their claims. They do not understand that, by not paying attention to the voice of the I AM Presence for, perhaps, hundreds of embodiments, it is very difficult for anybody, despite their claims, to receive a continued, clear message from the Presence. To be able to receive a continued, clear message takes a major dispensation, enabling the Masters of Wisdom to give special assistance to the messenger. For example, Saint Germain appeared to Mr. Ballard on Mt. Shasta in his tangible, Ascended Master Body, and there was a special cherubim appointed during the Bridge dispensation to keep clear the means of communication to Geraldine Innocente.

Kuthumi: “Through the countless centuries since mankind has fallen from grace, an atomic consciousness has coated the brain, which makes it more difficult for the finer
vibrations of the Presence to reach through and to be interpreted, without mistake, by the outer mind.

“I would warn you that, when you come to a point of entering into the heart of the silence, where you commune with your own God-Self, you must be extremely careful of
the response that you will receive—first of all, from your own bodies, and your outer consciousness. You are a complex mechanism, a sevenfold individual in your own right, and whereas the glory of your Electronic Body, your Causal Body and your Holy Christ Self, could never lead you astray, these LOWER BODIES, in which your soul functions, have voices, have consciousnesses, and have desires, appetites, AND WILLS OF THEIR OWN. These voices, this consciousness, these wills, and this intelligence, within them, often endeavor to serve their own ends, through deceiving the outer mind as to the source of the directions.

“Beloved Ones, in all the lives you have lived, you have sat before many teachers, who have given forth both truth and fallacy. Into your mental bodies are builded those concepts, some of them solidified, petrified and lying dormant there for centuries. As the flame begins to surge through you, that which is dormant within your world is again revivified and the remembrance of those teachings come forth. You must be able to recognize them for what they are—not necessarily the voice of truth, but echoes from the past.”

El Morya: “To misrepresent the truth is not the will of God—to gullibly accept statements without intelligently discerning their truth or falsity, is not the will of God.”

On the subject of discrimination, beloved Ascended Master Hilarion said, “At the time of Jesus, I was embodied as Saul of Tarsus, afterward known as Paul. I was schooled in every department of Biblical Lore, able to recite the Scriptures by heart and was a member of a very proud and arrogant sect. Great is the discrimination, great is the discretion required to recognize a cosmic moment (in this case the Messiah) at the very hour of its expression.”

“People are very hungry for spiritual teaching,” the Dalai Lama said in an interview. “But there are many unqualified individuals, charlatans with financial and power motivations, that are not very spiritual.

“First, I always tell seekers of religion not to be too hasty. Examine the teacher well. You can get the teaching without taking on the person as a guru. Learn as much as you can and make sure the person is authentic and reliable.

“There have been cases,” he said, “where persons, not really known in Nepal or India, came to the West, and suddenly they have become great teachers.”


Beloved Kuthumi said, “You may call to the great Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, or to myself, if you wish, for that discrimination wherein you may recognize the Voice of the
Silence. Know always, that anything which builds up the personality, anything which seems to give aggrandizement to the human ego, IS NOT THE STILL, SMALL VOICE OF THE PRESENCE. It is but the ramblings of your own etheric body, the desires of your feeling world, revivified mental concepts and precepts from other lives, or the voice of the body consciousness, desiring to fulfill its appetites.”

By experimenting on our own and listening to our heart, we may be gaining our ascension at some point in the future. The problem is, we do not have the luxury of a great amount of time. According to the Masters, we are literally sitting on a powder keg.

When we want to know about the conditions in the city of Rome, should we not ask a Roman? Similarly, if we want to know the quickest way to gain our ascension, should we
not ask an Ascended Master, a being who has gone through many trials to gain this victory? Also, should we not endeavor to find a channel who gives the teachings of the Ascended Masters in their purest form?

In the March 18, 1956 “Bulletin,” El Morya advises us as to the dangers of contacting (through the consciousness of mediums and psychics) the disembodied—”Beloved friends, the inhabitants of the psychic plane are no further advanced in spiritual knowledge than when they walked the way of Earth.”


A channel, being unascended, can report only from his own, limited vision. ONLY AN ASCENDED MASTER CAN INTERPRET ETHERIC RECORDS CORRECTLY AND GIVE A TRUE ACCOUNT.

Even an Ascended Master cannot give new information to the students, without a special dispensation. These dispensations are given on the average of one each 100 years. Stockpiles of cosmic energy are released, and the Masters use these stockpiles for dispensations.

Jesus warned of false prophets; so did Saint Germain. However, the students must not only be aware of those who knowingly give false information, partially to satisfy their own ego, but also be aware of sincere mediums, who unknowingly channel from a level lower than the Ascended Master Realm.

In an article entitled “Truth Colored by Human Concepts,” in the book “The Initiations of the First Ray,” beloved El Morya tells the students about the great difficulty that an unascended being has if he desires to channel from the highest realm.

He explains there are many realms between the physical realm that the students live in and those realms in which an Ascended Being resides.

There is the brain consciousness subject to the senses, (seeing hearing etc.) then there is the astral realm, also called the psychic plane, then there is the lower mental
realm, and then there is the etheric realm, then the plane in which the Christ Self abides, which is called the higher mental realm. Only after piercing through all of those realms does one arrive at the level of the I AM Presence.

Now the aspirant faces the difficulty of remembering his vision. He must re-enter the elevator, going downward to return through all those realms of consciousness, and many forget part or all of the vision during the return.

From this description we learn that only those who are able to obtain the assistance of an Ascended Master can channel absolute Truth from the Ascended Master Realm.
ALL OTHERS, DESPITE THEIR CLAIMS, ARE ABLE TO CHANNEL ONLY PARTIAL TRUTH. Messages of this type were categorized by El Morya as being “wishful thinking” and “idealized imagery.”

Here at AMTF headquarters, we are still reminded of the voice of our beloved “Brother Bill” (William Cassiere), an appointed messenger of Saint Germain and a member of the AMTF. He told us, “On the other side, there are countless individuals who are absolutely insisting they are Kuthumi and Saint Germain, and they are not! These entities attempt to talk to anyone who is willing to listen to them.”


Are there fraudulent channels? Yes, there are. Jesus warned of false prophets, so did Saint Germain. Saint Germain told the students of an experience he had long ago. He said one individual followed him from city to city, undoing a lot of the good that Saint Germain had accomplished.

Paul the Venetian: “We know that many disembodied individuals, still determined to have their own way in the world of form, utilize an embodied individual, who has an
affinity of vibration to them. All psychic and astral creations, as well as their creators, are usually vampire activities, living on the faith and power of foolish people who desire, for personal reasons, to build their personal egos. Pride, especially of a spiritual nature, goes always before a fall. In this cosmic hour, the fall will come more quickly and be more evident to the spiritually discerning than in the ages past. Therefore, we on the Third Ray do implore each earnest chela to call to Lord Michael, the Archangel, to cut himself free, now, from all known and unknown sources, that could at any time use the chela as a channel for the expression of their destructive activities and to help the chela to recognize and express, always, the good, the true, the lasting goodness of God, here on Earth, as it is always expressed in heaven.

“Many well-meaning people are unknowingly caught in the astral realm, or suffer the many hexes placed upon them by those well trained in the use of psychic magnetism. Even in Atlantis such individuals, called the black priesthood, were able to enamor thousands of people, thus using their God-given energies to sustain the very forces which
eventually caused the sinking of that continent.”

Archangel Zadkiel: “Beloved ones, your life has one purpose, to fulfill your divine plan here on Earth. Some of you dabbled through the ages with black magic, some of you
enjoyed the results and the harvest for the time being, but at inner levels, when you came, again, before the Karmic Board and saw the result, not only to yourself, your own
soul growth, but also saw the result of the effluvia that such an incantation caused upon the planet Earth, you forswore the use of that. Thanks be to Almighty God and it is to you, who have foresworn incantations of a lower order, that we look for re-establishment of the White Order on Earth, again.”

Maha Chohan: “Those who have received spiritual knowledge and use it not for the impersonal benefaction of the race, are held responsible and accountable to the Cosmic Law for neglecting to use the gifts of truth, illumination and understanding, which they have received.”

Lanto: “The chela is reminded that the words of beloved Jesus are as true today as when he first spoke them: 'Many will come in my name, but I shall not be with them.’ Those who consciously practice and use the power of faith to forward their own destructive ends, will be held accountable before the Karmic Board at the close of this embodiment. THOSE WHO HAVE HAD SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTION, AND YET CHOOSE TO GIVE OF THEIR ENERGY TO SUSTAIN SUCH UNFORTUNATE INDIVIDUALS, ARE ALSO HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO THE COSMIC LAW, AND GREATLY HINDER THEIR OWN PROGRESS, THEREBY.” *

* "21 Essential Lessons, vol. 2". pp. 24-34. Ascended Master Teachings Foundation.


Reading Material:https://app.box.com/s/jxnrv4kxohezolfd1v8zn7g3g4qzybwn

Publicaciones en español: https://www.facebook.com/EnsenanzasdeSaintGermain/



The fundamental books of Saint Germain's teachings are:

1 - "Unveiled Mysteries" (1934),
2 - "The Magic Presence" 1935),
3 - "The I AM Discourses" (1935).

They were published by Godfré Ray King, pen-name of Guy Ballard, who was one of Saint Germain's students. He, along with his wife Lotus Ray King started the Saint Germain Foundation and the Saint Germain Press. Then came

4 - "Ascended Master Instruction, by the Ascended Master Saint Germain", (1985),
5 - "I AM Adorations & Affirmations" (1935),
6 - "Ascended Master Discourses" (1937),
7 - "Ascended Master Light" (1938),
8 - "The I AM Discourses by the Great Divine Director" (1942),
9 - "The I AM Discourses by the Great Cosmic Being Beloved Mighty Victory" (1949),
10 - "The I AM Discourses by Beloved David Lloyd" (1980),
11 - "The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Saint Germain to the Minute Men" (1985),
12 -"The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Youth Beloved Bob" (1987),
13 - "Beloved Saint Germain's Talks, by the Ascended Master Saint Germain" (1993).

Also "The Voice of the I AM" magazine between the years 1936-1943 published Discourses by the Ascended Masters and articles by Godfré and Lotus Ray King.

Because of limitations in the distribution of the books in the year 1952 the Ascended Master el Morya started "The Bridge To Freedom", and became its publisher under the pen-name Thomas Printz. His messenger was Geraldine Innocente. Between the years 1952-1961 were published: a monthly magazine,

- "The Bridge to Freedom Journal" (1952-1961), a bulletin,
- "Thomas Printz Private Bulletin"(1952-1961), and several books,
- "The Seventh Ray" (1953),
- "Beloved Archangel Michael, his work and his Helpers" (1953),
- "The First Ray" (1954),
- "The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation" (?),
- "The Seven Beloved Archangels Speaks" (1954),
- "Memoirs of Beloved Mary, Mother of Jesus" (1955).

Saint Germain Foundation: http://www.saintgermainfoundation.com/
AMTF: http://www.ascendedmaster.org/


THE ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=497891430651864&id=423226181451723


DESCRIPTION OF THE CHART OF THE "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE": https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=511929635914710&id=423226181451723


THE VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=510017072772633&id=423226181451723

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