size (3)

Thanks to Alesiah for the link.

He has an addendum at the end, so wait for it.

So, here is a source for all the extra water.  PX is playing havoc with weather patterns.  Indonesia is not sinking, as some think, it was being flooded.  Just like what's happening with the Mississippi River.  It's the weather patterns, stupid!  ;-)

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Planet X's Location And Size

Planet X Washington Post p.1.pdf

From today's emails from John DiNardo:
First let's look at the evidence indicating that Planet X is a brown dwarf star, then we will be able to see why it cannot be located between Earth and the Sun. Rather, it must be nearing the Ecliptic at around "the station {orbital path} of Jupiter," as the ancient Mesopotamian records state, according to Zecharia Sitchin in his landmark book, THE TWELFTH PLANET. Planet X, being very large, and on a cometary orbit, always traces the same orbital path every 3,600 years or so. So, if it came into our Ecliptic between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt in ancient times, then that's where it will come in again. It could not have traveled above Earth's orbital path yet, along its course across the top of the Sun, otherwise we would have seen it in the northern skies, and felt much more powerful effects here on Earth (even if we would have been so fortunate as to be furthest from it in our orbit, as it passed over Earth's orbital path). The reason why we would have seen it and felt such powerful effects is because Planet X is probably at least one thousand Earth masses. Here is some strong, though inconclusive evidence of its mass, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration back in January of 1983 and then again in December of 1983. First, read NASA's report in the New York Times: that it is likely a brown dwarf star,

then read the pdf attachment above from The Washington Post, wherein NASA again says that it is likely a "protostar" -- a forming star or a brown dwarf. In 1991, Dr. Harrington said that it is about five times the size of Earth. I guess he meant "diameter," by which estimation, it would have been 125 times the volume of Earth, since volume is: (4/3 times pi) times [(diameter divided by 2) cubed]. Yet, the volume still does not factor in its mass. Brown dwarf stars are very dense -- much more dense than Earth, so X's mass would have been, by Dr. Harrington's estimation, many times more massive than 125 times that of Earth. That oft-quoted figure from Dr. Harrington -- "125 times Earth's mass" -- somehow got mixed up by the people who first quoted him, because it is X's volume (assuming that Harrington said its diameter is 5 times that of Earth) . . . it is X's volume that is 125 times that of Earth, not its mass.
Dr. Harrington could well have been thereby estimating X's mass to be one thousand Earth masses, if, quite conceivably, X's density is eight times greater than that of Earth: V=125 times greater; D=~8 times greater. 125 times 8 is a thousand.
Now, if you look up the broad estimated mass range of a brown dwarf star, you'll find that even a puny brown dwarf star is about 3 Jupiter masses or nearly one thousand Earth masses.
John DiNardo

From: gil

To: jadinardo
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:45:53 -0700


The alignment for Jupiter would work at the beginning of 2008 but not for the end of 2009. Observe: 2008-01-01 with Jupiter just a tick past RA 18.


So when you are using a planet as a position indicator you have to specify a date so that the ephemeris for that date can be determined. Jupiter doesn’t move very fast compared to Earth or Mercury but it does keep moving.

The other problem is that if Wormwood was underneath Jupiter last year (2009) or in 2008 then it would probably already have moved past Earth in its inbound perihelion maneuver. But that hasn’t happened. Another image you might want to consider is attached… just for fun. Compare that with the orbital trace on the website… .

As for the Anthony Wesley images of the Jupiter impact, Wormwood could do that from a much greater distance south of the ecliptic plane since it probably has a node ring set that reaches out similar to the Sun... but not quite as far… since it has less mass and EM power. So it can be striking all the planets from quite a distance away. It doesn’t have to get very close to send space junk crashing through to one of the planets in the ecliptic. And it doesn’t have to be sitting underneath Jupiter to slam space junk into Jupiter either. But it helps if Jupiter is close to RA 18 because then it would be in the Solstice Danger zone… like all the other planets.

The comet that hit Jupiter last year probably came from another source since Jupiter had moved away from the RA 18 vicinity. It is possible that Wormwood added some “gravitational influence” to the inbound path of the comet (since WW is an “equal opportunity perturber orbiting bodies in our solar system) but NASA probably would not want to admit that in any public forum. Too bad we can’t be privy to some of the “private memos” inside NASA. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

From: jadinardo

To: gill
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:38:33 P.M.

My estimation of Planet X's position below the Ecliptic and relative to Jupiter is inexact, and based upon the comet collisions into Jupiter. I had gone to the Astroviewer last year and had picked up the basics on how to use it. From what I saw, it appeared that, in July 2009, Jupiter was in line with the constellation Scorpius, Scorpius being one point on the straight line and thED Sun as the other point establishing that line. This suggests that Jupiter was passing somewhere over X's field of objects at that time. This does not tell me how far below Jupiter it was. As you know, comet collisions into Jupiter had never been observed until the observation of the collision into Jupiter by comet Shoemaker-Levy, back in the 1990s. My point is that here you have two comets, the first crashing into Jupiter's deep southern hemisphere, and then the second crashing into the upper southern hemisphere, both less than a year apart. So, this rare event now occurs twice in less than a year. Anyway, let us both go to the Astroviewer and try to see if Jupiter was somewhat above X's path in July 2009. Just plug in the date July 20, 2009, and plug in some southern city on Earth at the right time of day that will show the Sun, Jupiter, and the constellation Scorpius or whatever point on the celestial sphere Jupiter and the Sun together form a straight line with that point. Just go to, click on MORE INFORMATION below Astroviewer 3.1.2, and test it online.

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