sun (28)
SUNDIVING COMET: A newly-discovered comet is diving toward the sun. Chinese comet hunter Bo Zhou found it on Oct. 19th in SOHO coronagraph images. The comet is faint now, but it should brighten in the hours ahead as it heats up. To see it, first check the finder chart, then play the latest movie. That tadpole is a doomed comet. Updates will be posted as the view improves.
And, DON'T Forget that Comet Hartley-2 made it's CLOSEST Approach to Earth today at 11.2 or 11.3 million miles.. This could be a potentially DANGEROUS Situation because this comet has a JUPITER-SIZED Atmosphere and with the SUN showing 5 Sunspots today & the already volatile situation on the Sun having something like a 250,000 mile-long Magnetic Filament Ring, The Sun could OUTLEASH SOMETHING... COMETS EFFECT THE SUN because Comets DISCHARGE the Sun, which is the Comet's "CAPACITOR" If I understand Professor Mccanney correctly....
More Evidence that X is coming in ????
There are two theories that I know of that explain the abnormally quiescent sun these past years:
"Per the Zetas, the reason for the low sunspot activity has to do with the magnetic poles of Planet X."
Per John DiNardo in March 2009, "...Planet X is in a fleeting interlude in its incoming travel, wherein it is gravitationally, electrically, and electromagnetically interacting with Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus, thus diverting its previous fire away from the Sun, but only temporarily."
In the same blog, in January 2010, he said, "...the reason why the extraordinary solar hyperactivity of the past decade had recently fizzled into a period of extraordinary quiescence is because inbound/sunbound Planet X was passing below Jupiter during 2008 to 2009, resulting in an electromagnetic and gravitational flirtation between the giant X and the gas giant, Jupiter, as evidenced perhaps by the great comet collision into Jupiter on July 20th of 2009, the comet presumably being just one member of the bee swarm of Planet X's gravitationally gripped horde of celestial bodies."
{Just from some research I did for John, another shred of evidence arose concerning the escalating rate (since 2001) of water main breakages which rate decreased in 2009, another indication that PX was "doing something different" that year.}
So, just within my knowledge (meaning there may be other theories I am unaware of), there are two schools of thought. One is that PX was actively hosing the sun with particles from its N Pole (thus, the sun's quiescent was caused by action on PX's part) and the other theory is that PX turned its affections away from the sun and directed them toward Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus (the sun's quiescence was caused by inaction on PX's part, i.e., it not interacting with the sun).
My first question is...could a planet (albeit a brown dwarf, heavily magnetic and allegedly four times the size of Earth and 23 times its mass) affect the Sun that much? Here is a perspective of the size differences....
{I reworked the questions in the next section after posting this...for those who may have already read this blog...}
Second question concerns absorbing magnetic particles...
"Now the magnetic N Pole of Planet X is pointed outward, as Planet X has risen to the Ecliptic and is into its first 270° roll. Thus, it is pointing its magnetic S Pole toward the Sun, which absorbs magnetic particles and thus has a quieting effect."
Can a planet that size actually shoot enough magnetic particles at the Sun the size of ours to calm it? Looking at the comparison images above, that just doesn't make sense to me, that Planet X could affect the Sun like that. And, another question, does shooting magnetic particles at the Sun even have a calming effect? Also, what about PX's N pole? It was pointed at the Sun too at some part of its journey. They say it is magnetic, like the S pole. So why only the S pole particles having a quieting effect? In any event, if PX was shooting magnetic particles at the Sun, it would only hit a small area at best. How would that affect the entire Sun? I think John DiNardo's theory makes more sense. What do you think?
A third theory surfaced after I wrote this. Take a look at the picture here Since Planet X (brown dwarf) entered our solar system in 2003 and since the "winged thingy" (an artificial vehicle aka "UFO") was captured shooting a beam at the sun, this solar period's quiescent certainly could have been influenced by help from our friends "out there." I think that John's theory about 2009 being "more quiet" is also valid. So, these two theories (UFO help + PX being turned away from the sun temporarily) are the most credible theories.
In light of the unprecedented activities on the sun, it's time to turn some serious attention to it. (John mentions the 1983 NY Times article frequently because his emails go far and wide, broadcasting Planet X to the uninformed. Go John!)
Emails Re Solar Scorching From John DiNardo
Sat, January 16, 2010 9:47:42 AMGov. Ventura is Right. Solar Scorching of Earth Soon
From: John Dinardo
To: *
~~ Gov. Jesse Ventura is RIGHT. Solar Scorching of Earth, Soon! ~~
You will not believe that the name "Planet X" is an official term originated by the world's community of astronomers ever since 1781 when they noticed that the outer planets were being tugged out from their smooth orbital paths by some too-distant-to-be-visible massive planet. You will falsely believe that "Planet X" is some hokey sci-fi concoction until you read the photocopy of the actual article from the New York Times which I sent to Marshall Masters, former science editor for CNN (Cable News Network). Please click on the link below. Then scroll down and read the actual photocopied New York Times article. Then continue reading my essay below, which verifies Gov. Jesse Ventura's research, showing that Planet Earth will soon be scorched by lethal solar blasting.
John DiNardo
I posted this essay back in March of 2009, and it now appears that the reason why the extraordinary solar hyperactivity of the past decade had recently fizzled into a period of extraordinary quiescence is because inbound/sunbound Planet X was passing below Jupiter during 2008 to 2009, resulting in an electromagnetic and gravitational flirtation between the giant X and the gas giant, Jupiter, as evidenced perhaps by the great comet collision into Jupiter on July 20th of 2009, the comet presumably being just one member of the bee swarm of Planet X's gravitationally gripped horde of celestial bodies. ~~ John
----- Original Message -----
From John DiNardo
Date Sun, 29 Mar 2009 14:26:00 GMT
To *
Subject Planet X: Sun Inhaling for a Major Blast
Public awareness of danger fosters thoughtful preparation, and thus prevents some loss of life. I have not yet contemplated protective measures against the solar scorching which appears to be on the horizon, because the immediate priority would be to elevate public awareness of this coming solar blasting – to show evidence that the Sun will become more like a blowtorch than a heat lamp. Scientists today appear to be strangely quiet and contented with the recent drop off in solar hyperactivity.
Yet, (tell me if I have missed any explanatory reports from the science community) why don't I hear them explaining WHY our Sun -- which has been described, for years, by one conspicuous scientist as "behaving like a popcorn popper" -- has suddenly and markedly calmed down? No one is thinking of the "why," but rather, they are enjoying complacent relief from the past decade's threatening solar hyperactivity. Today's scientists are like the foolish children who ran to scoop up fish from the bared ocean floor as the tide dramatically drew back in preparation for a mountainous tsunami sucker punch? Because we live in the age of the approach of Planet X, solar hyperactivity is paradoxically the norm, while this current (and, I think,) transient state of solar quiescence is an aberration. Therefore, it is imperative that we strive to solve this solar mystery which would seem to portend the gravest imaginable threat to humankind: a scorching global annihilation. Let’s look at this issue logically. We have a vast cluster of celestial objects being drawn into our Solar System, and, over the past decade or so, extraordinary earthly events have consistently resulted from this celestial shotgun blast into the belly of our Solar System: events geological, meteorological, geomagnetic, seismic, volcanic, biological, and solar, all extraordinary in magnitude, and all in the glare of a Sun so hyperactive that new and greater classes of flares had to be appended to the charts, just to describe and document these unprecedented flares. Then, suddenly, the Sun dies down. And everyone says, “hooray,” or “no need for concern anymore,” or “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Yet, Planet X and its massive field of gravitationally gripped comets, meteors, and asteroids has not turned around and headed back out into deep space. No, the X-gang is still being gravitationally drawn toward our Sun, and is, in fact, approaching at an ever-increasing velocity, as basic Newtonian physics principles would confirm. There is a reason for everything that happens. I surmise that Planet X is in a fleeting interlude in its incoming travel, wherein it is gravitationally, electrically, and electromagnetically interacting with Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus, thus diverting its previous fire away from the Sun, but only temporarily. Remember, the late Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the United States Naval Observatory, determined that Planet X is coming at us from beneath our table, so to speak, and off to the side of our Solar System’s ecliptic plane (our revolving table), at an angle of about 40 degrees to the ecliptic. This means that, each and every day, that bullet is traveling closer to the underside of our table, and therefore, its flirtation with the Sun ought to be growing ever more torrid. Where are the astronomers and celestial physicists out there who will address the issue of this mysterious aberration of solar quiescence, and offer information as to a current positional interaction between Planet X and our Solar System’s outer planets, an interaction based upon the assumption that X is coming in from the direction of the constellation Scorpius, as Dr. Harrington had calculated.
~ John DiNardo
With all the energy coming in with PX and the mini-system, how could it NOT affect the sun?