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  • Not the moon, it was Mercury rising before the sun.
  • yes...good idea susanne...did it
  • Kim, think it might be the moon, coming up before the sun?


  • Everybody, the video in question is posted on the earliest page of the comments.  Perhaps Cosmos could transfer that video to the OP so people can find it, that would be ideal.
  • Hawaii's cloud cam 

    Check out the object that rose well before the sun did.  Huge and bright.

  • Cosmos It is still not there. This is strange that it is gone. What was it about?
  • Glp came out as global..typo
  • Hehe..not a prob....i saw ppl in global do same ....that video contained lots of good info n these ppl debunked Coz he miss pronounced astrometry...sorry my bad

    The fact that he was saying 'tetrahydron' as he aimed at points (vertices, if a tetrahedron is there) tickled my fancy to try and make a funny ---- bombed tho it did. It's not about being able to pronounce something; really.

    I mispronounce words and make wrong word choices all the time... first to admit it, too.

  • Y r so pop hung up on spellings? It varies on ppl pronouncitation.....i get most them wrong while saying out Coz i am not good at speaking...but i do knw wat i am speaking....same applies to everybody?
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