The Fountain of Youth?

I apologize if this is a bit off topic but I think many of the members here may be interested in this information for their own and their family members' benefit.  I feel this may be important for our transition into the golden age.

According to researcher Andrew Norton Webber, the fountain of youth has been discovered, and it's distilled liquids.  This includes distilled water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.  Webber states that consuming one gallon of distilled water and/or other distilled liquids per day has a miraculous cleansing effect that literally stops and even reverses aging.  Whatever disease or ailments a person has, Webber says that high volume intake of distilled liquids will start working to reverse those conditions and restore a person to perfect health.

This woman eats an exceptionally healthy raw, vegan diet, but notice what she drinks.  It's rain water, which is nature's own distilled water.  For those who have been led to believe that distilled/pure water is dangerous to drink, does she look like she's dying?'s Gregg Prescott tried the one gallon per day and after 3 months, his hair began returning to its original color:

Here is one of Webber's guest radio appearances where he discusses the truth about distilled water:

One of the "hit" pieces on distilled water is an article entitled, "Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water" which is plastered all over the internet.  Is there any actual scientific evidence supporting this?  I have looked and cannot find any.  In fact, the opposite appears to be true and that article seems to be misinformation with no credible references.  The elite with their depopulation plans have a vested interest in keeping the truth about distilled water from us, in my opinion.

These 24 doctors recommend distilled water:

I am no doctor myself but I do have a serious interest in holistic health, and I think it would be worthwhile for people to look into this and maybe even give it a shot if it feels right to them.  I've been drinking one gallon per day for about 3 weeks and I've noticed I'm becoming leaner with no lack of energy.  My hair also seems to be getting thicker and fuller.

Some of the ET/ED channelers have indicated we'll be returned to perfect health as we transition into 5th density.  Could this be one of the ways to achieve that?

I will continue on my regimen and will report back with any updates, positive or negative.

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  • Thanks Mariana.  I've been using distilled water for my tomato plants this year and they seem to be doing just fine.  Additionally, water that's evaporated and falls as rain is technically distilled, so all sorts of plants from trees to grass have been drinking distilled and not dying.  Regarding restoring electrolytes, I know the body can't use inorganic minerals like oxides and carbonates, but it can use organic minerals like citrates and chelated minerals.  Cheap vitamins will be full of oxides and carbonates because they are useless (and inexpensive), but more expensive vitamins will contain citrates and other organic forms of the minerals.  I don't believe hard water or even spring water contains any of these digestible, organic minerals.  But as always, everyone should do their own research and do what feels right to them.  Here's another Andrew Norton Webber interview for anyone interested, this one with Lisa Harrison:

  • Lets narrow it down a bit more.....drinking water is good for you.....pretty simple concept.  Distilled or not, people tend to drink woefully low amounts of water....anyone can benefit from drinking a gallon of water a day regardless of minerals, electrolytes and what not, just avoid the water that sets off the geiger counters and other impurities.....  Just my thought on the topic, and yes I need to drink more water.....

  • I know that if you water your plants with distilled water, most of them will die (orchids and other like them are an exeption).  The same with our pets. 

    Here in Israel we have what is called "hard Water", which is water with a high mineral content, mostly calcium.  The water causes a lot of problems with everything that comes in contact with it, mostly if the water is heated in it, like boilers or kettles, but for humans it seems to be benefitial, the proportion of people suffering from osteoporozis is lower than other countries that have "softer" water.

    When someone gets dehidrated or has a severe case of diarrea, we give him/her water mixed with table salt, sodium bicarbonate, sugar and lemon (for flavor) to restore the electrolites in his/her body. 

    Maybe someone that has a balanced diet and gets all the minerals he needs from his food can do this thing with distilled water.  I recomend to consult a doctor first.  I know that drinking a lot of water can help to cleanse the body, and even loose weight, but I never heard of distilled water.

  • Thanks for everyone's feedback.

    Mariana: I don't believe your statement is true.  Non-distilled water contains inorganic minerals and substances that your body cannot use.  For example, spring water has picked up minerals and substances from the Earth, but these are not "alive" and cannot be used by the body.  Dr. Allen Banik states, "What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated."

    Additionally, I haven't noticed any negative effects to my energy or health so far.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  If you're able to point me to some studies that support the "missing electrolytes" theory, I'd be glad to read them.  Thanks!

  • There is a problem with drinking only distilled water, the person doing it will not get the electrolites the body needs.  Of course, the water must be clean of any kind of pollution, both chemical and biologic, but the natural minerals the  water contains are things the body needs.

  • Interesting.  Thanks.

  • Cheryl: I completely agree about filtering rainwater.  Plus, if you distill yourself with a machine at home, you should also run the water through a carbon filter to remove VOCs (volatile organic compounds).  Not sure about the answer to your question but if you've followed Dolores Cannon's work, she has mentioned that as we move into the "New Earth", we'll be switching to a more liquid-based diet, so this could aid in that process.

  • Thank You!!

  • With Fukushima radiation in the air now, I would definitely filter rainwater.  I know juicing delivers a lot of live enzymes to the body, so it's not surprising this would have a rejuvenative effect. 

    If our carbon-based bodies are transformed into crystalline bodies, would food have an effective, good or bad?  I don't know. 

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