Are we looking here at a potentially huge catastrophic false flag event?

Part 2 – The Evidence

Nuclear detonation-1

Many people have deep concerns about the authenticity of reports regarding the potential false flag event that was planned to coincide with a major FEMA exercise on the 17th October 2013 and which was thwarted by some dedicated high ranking military officers.

As always we have to look at other evidence that can substantiate such reports and prove that the actual recorded data clearly shows a non natural event, but rather that of a man made explosion or device such as that created by HAARP or in this case that of a nuclear explosion.

Before showing the evidence let’s study the seismograms of natural earthquakes with those created by man such as nuclear tests etc:


One can clearly see the difference between the lower seismogram (ble) which shows the natural build up of a quake with the pre shock, secondary shock and the peaks of the actual event and its demise, compared to the nuclear test in red whereby the shockwave comes in immediately with no build-up and then fades away very quickly.

Now take a look at another example in much more detail:


Again we see the abrupt start to two nuclear tests compared to the gradual build-up of a natural earthquake.

Again another example below:


The green is nuclear and the smaller black is a natural.

Ok so now we have both the nuclear and natural clearly embedded in our heads let’s now take a look at the actual event as recorded at different locations all showing the same characteristics of a nuclear device which clearly substantiates the authenticity of the event on the 8th of October 2013 as per below:

Seismogram 1

Note:  This gram is a vertical gram but clearly shows the abrupt start to the earthquake which means this was no natural event!!!!!!………..below is the colour code index for the four stations which recorded this event:

Stations that recorded the seismograms shown above:


I know that my first  article caused Jean much stress (and to a certain extent also troubled me) in regard to the authenticity of the source……… I had intended to release this story as and when I had obtained the evidence….. I thus followed my instinct and evaluated the entire scenario and released it prematurely ahead of the evidence, and hey presto we hit the nail on the head.

Also, just for the record I  have the seismogram for the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami and believe it or not we can clearly see this was no natural event…….so what caused it – HAARP or Nuke?…… is the graph:


Wake up America because this was a real attempt to cause major harm to US Citizens and it was not the first time such attempts have been made……..last year they almost stole a batch of nukes to set off in other US cities……such is the evil intent of the New World Order (cabal) and it is imperative that Neil and team get all the support they need… included.

Peter Eyre – 21/10/2013

Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – Investigative Journalist – Broadcaster 

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