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    "Any time you stop and breathe, gaze outside yourself or center within, you can come back to your true self, your natural self. Your greatest ability is to be aware. Your turning or returning to us is natural. It is deeper than you know. What is important is that you are attentive. You might even be expectant. Your more innocent self is ready to be amazed. Our love is ever-present. Let yourself have it.

    We suggest a very simple practice. Take one minute to stop and state your intention to connect with your Angel and the Light. Say it out loud, “Dear Angel, Thank you for letting me feel you, feel your Presence, feel your love. Thank you for your light.”

    If you will say this from your heart each day, you will feel more certainty. We are holders of your joy, awaiting your receiving it.

    In the morning, when you wash your face, when you do all of your ablutions, imagine that you are washing your doubt away with each splash. When you look in the mirror, allow the felt presence of your own Angel, that flash just out of your field of vision."

  • You Are Our Forces of Light on the Ground

    Your world changes daily. Now the light quotient is so great, we say the Light Victorious. It is made up of each of you shining your light in your life. Many are having experiences of things going well, projects moving smoothly ahead, plans materializing. Longtime dreams are coming into focus to be realized.

    Dear People of Light, this day may be your day, when a quiet understanding floods into you: I AM doing well. I feel more ease. I understand better my place in the world. I know what I can do to assist in the transformation. I know I AM part of the community of light workers. Things go well for me. Things go well for many.

    Not everyone can see the increasing light, the ease that is before you, but you can. So we ask that you find your steadiness and truth in it and keep the light bright. Turn up the flame of your heart and let it shine. Others look to you. You carry the hope for those you do not yet know. You do. Each One reading these words.

    You are our forces of light on the ground. Holding the light, noticing the light, sending light—these are your tools available always and easily. You may think it is nothing, but it is quite something. Every time you consciously choose to have your attention on light, the power of the light for clarity and healing, every time you have your attention on the lovelight, you enhance it. Such a small thing—your moment.

    You help all the people in your life. You help your community and your country. You help the entire planet rise in frequency by your act of courage in choosing the light.

    We bless you as you go forth again this day. Yes, soon there will be a time when this work will be visible to all, but even now you have your silent knowing. You are contributing to the New Earth.

    A moon has just gone past fullness. Yet your own true fullness is coming on now. We see you in your magnificence. We love you in all your phases of growth. We love you now and bless you.

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