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Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

FEMA Continuity of Government Plans Prep Total Takeover of Society, Dispatching Military Domestically Under Economic Collapse Emergency

Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones
December 21, 2011

NOTE: Within an hour of posting this article and linking to the pertinent document, the feds at have pulled the link and implied that it was a classified posting. We believe this was public and of interest to American citizens, taxpayers and peoples of the world and are in the process re-establishing an archive link of the material. Obviously, however, this information is revealing and certain parties do not wish it to be widely known. If you believe this material is important, please archive it and share it with your contacts. In the meantime, here are links to many of the pages: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11

Infowars has discovered new FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans. It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).

Further, this Nov. 18, 2011 FEMA-released plan National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS) [PDF] linked at the website outlines a scenario that overlays with eerie accuracy the bigger picture sketched out by concurrent calls for troops to keep order in the streets of places like New Orleans, as well as other bombshell documents like those released from KBR seeking to activate contracted staff for emergency detention centers and for services like fencing and barricades, as well as numerous agencies and think tanks who’ve prepared for civil unrest and economic breakdown in America.

Hold onto your seats. The plan for the takeover of the United States has not only been drafted, but activated. Our sources and independent research make this abundantly clear. Martial law scenarios preparing for a breakdown of order under the ongoing economic collapse are underway, even as pretexts for control are initiated in locales across the country. Bold individuals like Ron Paul have warned that dangerous legislation like the NDAA designate the American population as potential enemies. Now, there is more evidence this targeting of the people is sadly taking place.

A laundry list of operations organized under FEMA’s National Continuity Programs (NCP) provides a base of technical support for the deployment of national emergency plans and the logistical tracking of all personnel incorporated under what Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has lovingly termed the big “federal family.”

“Friendly” military and FEMA personnnel, along with their contracted employees and those of other federal agencies, will carry transponder ID badges, like those described here, to designate their “blue” inclusive status. As our military sources have confirmed, under the Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA) all other American citizens and civilians are designated under the “red” category and treated as an enemy or potential unfriendly. Throughout his past investigative work including witnessing numerous military drills, Alex Jones has also witnessed the technology and the use of this alarming code branding ordinary Americans as battlefield enemies. The plan includes drone and other high-tech tools to monitor and target individuals designated under the “enemy” status.

Military's Blue Force Tracking Technology PingsThe military’s blue force tracking technology has been adopted since 2003 in Iraq and used in theaters like Afghanistan to quickly distinguish “Blue” friendlies (including U.S. forces and allies like tribal forces) from “Red” enemies. However, on the U.S. homeland battlefield, it is the American people who will be designated under “red,” whereas cleared occupying personnel are tracked as “blue” friendlies by their ID transponder badges. The designation was set-up to reduce “friendly fire” incidents.

Blue Force and other related programs like Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), Continuity Analysis and the Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) operations named in the document electronically track and verify the location and clearance of COG-related personnel, the usage of emergency shelter facilities and their components as well as the military’s friendly/enemy designations– creating a matrix for live monitoring and control coordinating with FEMA databases during martial law or national emergency scenarios.

For instance, FEMA acknowledges in its documents the use of Blue Force tracking systems and other geospatial information systems to monitor the capacity and usage of its facilities under the National Shelter System and other programs. Preparations for the orderly control of the masses have already been put into place.

In particular, the Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center outside Washington, D.C. is empowered to “coordinate, track, and synchronize the relocation of key leadership and staff from the DHS and FEMA Emergency Relocation Groups (ERG) members to perform their essential functions” during a declared national emergency using the Blue Force and other related tracking programs managed under the established joint relocation operations control center and emergency relocation programs referenced in the document. Section 1.3.4 further details the minimum ID requirements for contractor employee identification and verification.

FEMA Shelter Support

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Company Who Lobbied for the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Given 23 Million Dollar Contract for Night Raid Equipment

The Intel Hub

December 20, 2011

According to reports from the Daily Kos and Russia Today, a company specializing in night raid equipment was awarded a 23 million dollar contract from the Department of Defense and subsequently went on to lobby for the NDAA which has given the government the power to indefinitely detain American citizens.

Surefire LLC openly lobbed for the House version of the NDAA, a bill many have claimed has effectively ended the Bill of Rights, months after receiving the 23 million dollar contact from the DOD.

Why would this company be receiving a contract which could outfit at least 30,000 troops with new and updated night raid equipment when the U.S. is supposedly pulling troops out of Iraq and, to a smaller extent, Afghanistan?

Why has this same company gone on to lobby for a bill that has turned the United States into a war zone?

From the Daily Kos:

So what does Surefire make? In a word, night-raid equipment, with a fresh new $23 million contract from the DoD even as we saw troops pulling out of Iraq and they are about to pull out of Afghanistan.

The product catalog main categories read things like “weapon lights, helmet lights, sound suppressors, high capacity magazines.” The equipment is relatively cheap, not big ticket items in Defense Department terms. That means this is a big contract. A $23 million contract would buy enough of these things to outfit maybe 50,000 soldiers.

If we are pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan, what is all this stuff for? Night-raid gear? These are basically made to blind people as they awake from you busting down their door, not for open combat.

In a night firefight you don’t want any lights near you whatsoever. That gives the other guy an easy target.

Does it seem likely that the night raid gear that will be provided to the DOD under the 23 million dollar contract will be used outside the United States when the company who won the contract is lobbying for a bill that lets the military operate against American citizens inside the country?

As we have reported in the past, the plans for martial law in America have long been drawn up and the idea that either our own military, foreign military’s or a combination of both will be used against the American people has steadily gained ground as millions of people around the world have become aware of these dastardly plans.

Every week it seems more and more information is released that further proves these plans are real and already capable of becoming fully operational with 72 hours.

Whether it be Ron Paul warning about the NDAA and martial law or United Nations troops carrying out martial law drills within the US, the fact remains that the possibility of a martial law scenario in this country remains very real.

Still not convinced?

In 2008 the Pentagon openly announced their plans for a 20,000 strong military force(this is the number they admit, the actual number is sure to be much higher) set to operate within the United States. This internal force was also called for in a Rand Corporation document titled, “A Stability Police Force for the United States”

The Pentagon has an openly promoted a program(1033) that has given away close to $500 million in leftover military equipment to law enforcement in the fiscal year of 2011.

A recent document from former Halliburton subsidiary KBR outlined their need for subcontractors to be ready to provide various functions needed to establish FEMA camps in America within 72 hour notice.

Multiple cities have seen the military take part in various police work including in Florida City which had the Air Force set up a crime prevention hotline and take part in arrests at a local convenience store.

The Pentagon and Military have been actively war gaming for what they see as a looming large scale economic collapse that will lead to civil unrest.

Early this year FEMA requested information on their ability to acquire 140 million packets of food, blankets, and underwater body bags.

The examples above are no more than a small chunk of the ridiculous amount of evidence that has been released which proves that factions within our government are planning for a confrontation with the American people themselves.

Rather than live in fear, American citizens should consider preparing themselves for whatever lies ahead in the very near future.

This would include purchasing some type of storeable food,(There are many great companies that provide high quality preparedness products including and Ready Made Resources) having evacuation plans ready, speaking to your friends and family about this very real possibility, and remembering that living in fear is what these tyrants WANT.

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The hostile takeover scenario is laughable.  Only man would think of it.  Virus or terraforming is War of the Worlds / Star Trek options.  Don't you think they have something a bit more advanced?  Doesn't take an economic genius if there were a hostile attack that the markets would crash.

The Childhood's End scenario (the markets would go into buy mode) is very warped.  Why would anyone go buy stocks if "overlords" or benign ETs arrived and proved they were here to help?  Please, no more programming!  Their help would be in ridding us of the grand casino called the stock market.

And the third option posits a continuing market based on the old ways even while assuming the benign ETs would be imposing their beliefs.

What kind of people would believe that drivel?

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Two-Headed Baby Born In Brazil

Share heart, lungs, liver; separate spines and heads.  Second one born in Brazil this year.  I think this is more DNA mutation going on because of EM blasts and also ozone holes.  If one of the heads wasn't functioning, the doctors would remove it, but it looks like they are both functioning.  Pray for these little ones because life on Earth will not be kind.

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Transition Assistance

Greeting from the starship Athabantian. I come to you this day representing all aboard this great vessel. We are here in service to you our, sisters and brothers of Earth.

Each of your days now brings you closer to that time of the great transformation. Make your final preparations, the most important of which are your attitude and your spiritual center. Find quiet time to discover who you really are. Get in touch with your essence, a great being of light having an experience in physical form. Know that you volunteered to come at this time and place, whether you are happy with your life here or not.

Be grateful to the body that houses your individuated soul during this incarnation. Appreciate its physical appearance as well as its quirks, for it teaches you that which you came here to experience. If you have sickness or injuries appreciate them as part of your experience. Appreciate your personal situation as a learning experience, no matter how distasteful it might be. Love your body as you go forward through the transformation not only of your physical form, but of all on this planet. Many others would have an experience in the physical; you were chosen for this time and place.

All is changing. Time is collapsing. Much of what had been generally accepted as true is being uncovered as false. Your imprisonment within your civilization’s paradigm is being shown for the fear-based darkness that it is. Light energy is flooding your planet and you, its human inhabitants; it is overcoming the darkness for all who choose. For us who await our opportunity come to you in service, it is a great honor to observe this magnificent transformation.

Mark, your journey from the darkness can serve as an illustration for others who still cling to the 3rd Dimension. We watched as you took your first tentative steps out of its stickiness. You made several attempts to grab onto the higher road, only to fall back into the clutches of darkness as fear about having enough money and being different overwhelmed your intuition about a more peaceful life. Finally we made direct contact to persuade you to awaken to the mission you had agreed upon prior to this incarnation.

At first you dismissed this awakening, but others saw it in you. As the months went by more and more saw that you had lost your taste for competition. Finally those who wished success in the 3rd Dimension mutinied against your leadership and you were thrust into uncertainty. Within a few months you once again succumbed to the allure of the world of business and earning money. It was not until one of your business deals fell completely apart that you finally decided to abandon the world of business and seek a new way to live.

You were studying toward a masters degree in psychology, when we again raised the topic of “institute.” You said that everything had already been done in that realm and challenged us to come up with a different approach. Your first book, Trillion was instigated in response to that challenge and you decided that you would pursue the role of writer rather than serve others as a psychologist.

It was only after you saw some of our starships that you finally determined that you were writing something other than science fiction, or following ideas conjured up by your mind. That week in the high desert with Dr. Steven Greer sparked a new path of exploration and a sense of knowingness. The publishing of your first book required you to publicly speak the word, “extraterrestrial,” which you had avoided to that time.

Soon after that, in radio interviews and public forums, you began to speak out about our visits to your planet and became comfortable talking about aspects of the larger picture, including the spiritual realm. You acquired a following who wished to know the latest about sightings, about activities of the elites, about new facets of the larger picture, and about the non-physical. During that period you learned about out-of-body travel, walk-ins, and interacted with people in many communities and countries.

As you moved to your current location all changed once again. It was then that we asked you to publish the messages we had been sending to you. Oh, you resisted at first. “Do you think I’m crazy?” was you response to our request. However after a time you relented and began posting at Mark’s Corner, and then a year ago at Athabantian.

In this process you came to understand the true scope of the larger picture, achieved self-confidence, and acquired the spiritual center that will take you through this time of great change. Beyond that you have discovered a route to serve your fellow humans. But your awakening did not to stop there. At our urging you undertook a course of study, Mastering Alchemy. At this juncture, you are finally grasping the full significance of who you really are, and are practicing life in the 5th Dimension.

Mark, you are now in a completely new vibration compared to where you were a few years ago. In fact you are in a different vibration than you were a mere two months ago. You have embraced the lighter densities, and are asking what it will be like to reside permanently there. You no longer have fear as a part of your life, and you recognize your true nature as a great being of light in physical form, yet many who have not experienced such wonders of the lighter densities surround you. We ask that you share your journey of unveiling and development with them so that they too might choose to live on the new Earth.

Life in human form on Earth is a great experiment; it has been an experiment from when life was first introduced. As others have revealed, very few beings in the cosmos understand that there are physical densities such as Earth; fewer yet have experienced such a life. Knowledge of such is now happening and those who incarnate on Earth are greatly admired for undertaking a lifetime in physical form.

Your mission, and that of others who have recently achieved 5th Dimension living, is to show other Earth humans the wonders of the lighter densities — not necessarily instructing them as to how to achieve those densities; leave that to those of us who permanently reside in the lighter densities. If you will set the stage for our instructions, we will come to work with those who are interested.

You are being faced with changes as a part of your transformation — the most significant of which are in the non-physical. These historic changes are already in process despite what is reported in your media. These changes will have four components: 1) The collapse of your economies, governments, and religions 2) Earth changes of sufficient magnitude to make all aware of Earth’s shift to a lighter density 3) The arrival of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems in large numbers and in many locations about your planet. 4) An increasing influx of electromagnetic energies to nudge humanity to a lighter way of being

These events will not necessarily happen simultaneously or sequentially, but they will happen within this increasingly compressed period of your time. Moreover these events will happen with the collaboration of individual humans who vibrate at the 5th Dimension helping others. The cosmic energies that are coming to Earth’s humans will make it easier for all to move out of the 3rd Dimension — if they choose to do so.

Earth humans who cling to the fear-based vibrations of the 3rd Dimension, and who are unable to accommodate themselves to lighter energies, will take themselves out of Earth’s grand drama as her vibrations rise. As we currently see it, there will be many who choose this route. This will cause some grief as individuals of higher vibrations see loved ones depart.

On the other hand, there will be many who choose to ascend with Earth. To do this they will use energies of light to maintain a level of vibration consistent with that of the new Earth, first in 4th Dimension, then in the 5th. Their physical bodies will remain in physical form while they assume lighter emotional and mental vibrations. They will think primarily from their hearts rather than their rational minds. This process is neither automatic nor easy; it will require focus and practice.

The institute will assist in this regard. Many will finds their way to its door. Be prepared; we will come to assist. At the same time, please remember that we of the starship Athabantian are but a few steps ahead of you in universe ascension, so it is most interesting for all of us to watch the unfolding of events and transitions.

I am Taugth, representing those who serve humanity, both those who walk among you and those aboard this starship. We eagerly wait for the day when we can interact with you in the lighter dimensions.

Read more…  After following Ben Fulford for over a year and now David Wilcox , there is an eternal force other than alien working to stop the cabal. To me it is more realistic than all the channelings that keep coming up with different merssages. we must look everywhere to find the truth. 

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Mankind is  still trying to  play God.  Have   they  not understood  by  now  that  Genetic Modification  does  not  work for  our  food  because  it is  so  unstable?  They  can  introduce  the  modification  or the  additions , however t here is  no  way to predict  what  particular  genetic  marker  the  modification  has  attached  itself to.  Therefore, determining  what  end result  will  arise  form  th  genetic  addition is  hypothetical  at  best.  

Alright  they  play  with the  food,  but this  stuff  is  going  to  go   directly into  a  human  body.  Are  they  insane?

The  movie  I  am Legend  deals  with thi  very same  scenario.  The measles  virus (  I  think  it is the measles) was genetically  engineered , in  their  estimation  to be a  good  cop instead of a  bad  cop that  would  take out  the bad guy (cancer).  Clinical  trials began  and  they were  a  success.  Or  so  it  seemed.  All the  people who had been  treated with the  vaccine  and  cured  of  cancer started  to  change.  They   developed  a disease something akin  to  rabies .  The  virus  went airborne  and it  could  also  be  transmitted  through bodily  fluids. 

It  may  be  fanciful on  my  part  ,  However  with  everything  that  has  been  happening so far I  would not  discount  anything.

I Am Legend - Official Movie Trailer


Genetically Modified HIV Vaccine Approved – Human Tests to Begin Shortly
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 8:39

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

As a further attempt to halt the spread of HIV, the United States is making a bold and extremely risky decision.

Researchers from the University of Western Ontario have developed a new vaccine, and the Food and Drug Administration announced its approval on Tuesday for use in the United States.

Not only should you be wary of this vaccine due to the negative history revolving around vaccines, but the fact that it is made with a genetically modified virus.

While the researchers are delighted by the creation, individuals are being sought out for human trials – but you won’t want to volunteer.

The Researchers have been studying HIV and AIDS for 20 years and have spent the last 10 developing the vaccine. Starting in January, the vaccine will undergo three phases of human clinical trials.

Phase I – The first phase is meant to analyze the vaccine and determine if it is toxic in the human body.

Phase II – During phase two of the human clinical trials the researchers will look at the immune response to see if the vaccine actually performs like it is supposed to by inducing the proper immune response.

Phase III – In phase three, 6,000 people are needed so that statistical data can be accumulated and later presented. For the testing, a vaccinated and non-vaccinated group will be compared to see if the vaccine protects against HIV infection or not.

Unfortunately, the researchers will likely be dismayed, as nearly all vaccines are toxic to the body thanks to the rather large amount of heavy metals present in vaccines.

We can see from the history of the flu vaccine as well as the gardasil vaccine that many problems can arise from vaccinations. To add to the potential dangers of this new vaccine, the fact that it contains a genetically modified virus simply can’t be overlooked. The insurmountable evidence linking genetically modified substances with both the downfall of public health as well as the ruin of the environment shows that there is no room for extreme genetic modification in our lives. I know I certainly wouldn’t volunteer to be a part of the experimental genetically modified-vaccine concoction.

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SaLuSa, December 21, 2011 Thrive

Your normal life expectancy is very short compared to Beings like ourselves, who are in the higher dimensions. Nevertheless you pack so much into it and virtually everyday brings new challenges, which all together make for experiences that speed up your spiritual evolution. There is no other place exactly like Earth that constantly offers such a multitude of experiences, and they can be exceptionally testing and call for strong powers of endurance. The people of Earth astonish us with their determination to succeed, by overcoming each challenge that presents itself. You are truly the victors in the battle between the Light and Darkness for the souls upon Earth. No matter how long it took you were always going to overcome the dark Ones, and it was after all decreed that this cycle would bring a firm result in your favor.

All that remains before you reap the rewards of your victory, is to remove those who would still spoil the celebrations if they could, but will not be allowed to do so. It is why you should not experience fear upon learning of the attempts that have been made to start a Third World War. We of the Galactic Federation have full authority to stop any such attempt, and our allies are briefed to intervene on our behalf. A number of events are still on track to completion over the month, and will give you the opportunity to see the beginning of the end of the powerful individuals that are the Illuminati. There is no escape for them and we have them in our sight the whole time, and there is no hiding place that we are unaware of. So you see Dear Ones there is no need to waste your energy worrying about their presence or what they are up to. The day has come when they shall be stripped of their powers and ill-gotten gains obtained at your expense.

The Creator gave all of you the freewill to determine your experiences, and over many lives there is not much that you have not tried. Now you are much the wiser for it and most of you have held on to your Light, and never let it fully diminish. You now stand proudly with your Light shining out like a beacon, that is lighting up other people's lives. The awakening goes on at full speed ahead, and many souls are beginning to understand the purpose of life. It is the realization that you are more than your body, and that life is infinite and that you have your being in the energy that is God. This also leads to the acceptance that you are All One, and you can see all souls are interconnected and make up the whole. It teaches you that judgment is unjust and unwise, because you do not know the circumstances that have led to a soul taking a certain path in life. Indeed, most of you do not know your own background, beyond perhaps having a flashback to a previous life.

Life is a mystery until you reach a higher dimension and have acquired a greater degree of consciousness. Some things are still beyond your comprehension as you are now, and we sometimes have difficulty in finding adequate or sufficient words to convey the truth to you. All will however become clear before very long, as you who are to ascend will have that greater level of consciousness that you need to do so. It is in fact time for you to be brought into the higher levels, and your upliftment over the next few years will be staggering compared to what it is now. You will eventually join us as equals and we will welcome you back to where you really belong.

We wish you to carry forward the energies that are building up in the expectation of an unusual year of achievements, that will go down in your in remarkable history as one of astounding success. This energy will determine how quickly the end of duality comes into being, as all time lines are flexible. However, some that are leading to the most important issues that you are experiencing, are well developed and nothing will stop them from manifesting. Disclosure is still most essential to the greater development that opens up opportunities for us to meet openly with your leaders. They know us as we have been in touch for a long time, but we have observed their right to make decisions on behalf of their people. As we see them and what they are doing, they may be considered as not in your best interests, but we must allow freewill choice. However, we also answer to the pleas of the people, and peace is very much sought, after year upon year of incessant wars. We promise you that every attempt to start another world war will fail, and we will do all we can to promote peaceful relationships.

To us your treatment at the hands of your leaders begs an explanation, as to why so much energy and resources are wasted on unproductive activities. Used in the correct way you could easily have lived in comparative luxury, as there would have been more than enough to go round. You shall in fact experience the truth of that statement, as we will re-distribute wealth and ensure that your resources are correctly used. Along with new technologies that have been denied you for many years, you will find life so satisfying and fulfilling. Even then you will by no means have reached the ultimate level, where life becomes one that is blissful, joyful and complete happiness. It will take time to reach it, as clearly not everything can come all at once. As you grow into the grand Cosmic Being you are destined to be, the levels of upliftment will come to you.

So my friends do your best not to be distracted by the problems arising from the cleansing that has already commenced, or the last gasp from those who are part of the Illuminati and are fighting to the very end. Always remember that your success is guaranteed, and all of you who desire to ascend will do so. Also do not concern yourself if events do not turn out as you believe they should, as the most important issue is Ascension. We remind you that it is unique and will be quite an experience to say the least.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and closely following events that are taking place on Earth. We do in fact monitor your T.V. programs, but our interest really focuses upon your world news services. We understand the games being played out and the statesmanship that goes with it, but we also know the real purpose behind them. We are not fooled which is why negotiations with us will be positive and carried out to the letter, as we have your interests at heart. May you receive all that you would wish for others.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Live ammo inflame violence in Britain' Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:21PM GMT British campaigners are warning that the idea of police officers shooting at anti-government's protesters during future civil unrest only risks inflaming violence. The warning came after an official review into police tactics during August unrests across England recommended that officers could shoot arsonists as a last resort if they endanger life by attacking businesses attached to people's homes. A government watchdog said police should be prepared to adopt “extraordinary measures,” including shooting people dead and firing rubber bullets at children in their attempts to control the situation similar to what happened in England in August this year, British media reported. The Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Sir Denis O'Connor, who unveiled the new drastic tactics, said that officers could shoot protesters alongside the use of rubber bullets and water cannons. "Police have to be able to defend civil order but they need support from the public and others when they do that," Sir Denis said. There has been a "long period of peace" where civil order was not top of the agenda, but now it needs to be given priority again, Sir Denis said. "The balance of risk has changed. We have to have the means with some certainty to protect the public," he added. This comes while Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights campaign group Liberty, has ridiculed the proposal, saying "How on earth would bullets have quelled and not inflamed this summer's riots? Didn't the widespread disorder all begin in Tottenham with a fatal police shooting?" Meanwhile, Jenny Jones, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said, "Endorsing the use of live ammunition is an approval of the tactics of war on London's streets and implementing such recommendations would be madness."

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Russia to deploy monsterous ‘Satan’ nuclear weapon in arsenal Posted on December 21, 2011 December 21, 2011 – MOSCOW – Russia, frustrated with anti-nuke talks with the United States has decided to put an end to the talks and move forward with its plans to upgrade its nuclear defensive and offensive systems, including the construction on a new and more powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Nicknamed “Satan” by Western intelligence, the new missile carries a 100-ton warhead. This giant ICBM will take its place at the head of an already impressive missile arsenal which includes the Yars, Topol-M and Bulava-class ballistic missiles sometime in 2015. This announcement comes on the heels of a US announcement that its last B-53 nuclear weapon has been dismantled. The B-53 was the largest bomb in the U.S. arsenal. Russian president Dimitri Medvedev walked out of talks with the United States back in November over U.S. plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe. The European Phased Adaptive Approach plan is an intricate array of sea and land based missiles which were designed to be used against a missile attack from Iran. The U.S. says that cooperation from Moscow is needed to help the shield work. Moscow on the other hand claims the talks were useless because the U.S. refused to guarantee the missiles would not be aimed at Russia. At that point, Moscow decided to end their participation in the talks and shortly after announced it plans to build the Satan Nuke. –Inquisitor

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the content below taken courtesy Freepublic website

The apocalyptic prophecies of Hildegard of Bingen, the next Doctor of the Church [Catholic Caucus] ^ | 12/19/2011 | Brian Kopp

Posted on Mon 19 Dec 2011 06:50:36 AM GMT by Dr. Brian Kopp

Monday, December 19, 2011

The apocalyptic prophecies of Hildegard of Bingen, the next Doctor of the Church

By Brian Kopp

Earlier this fall, Pope Benedict XVI beatified Venerable Elena Aiello, bringing to light her little known prophecies, which have strong parallels to those of both Our Lady of Akita as well as statements Pope JPII and Cardinal Ratzinger made in the past regarding the Third Secret of Fatima. (See this earlier blog post for a summary of the parallels: For fourth anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, Pope draws attention to little known prophecies of Venerable Elena Aiello)

Now, Pope Benedict XVI is drawing attention to St. Hildegard of Bingen, by declaring her a Doctor of the Church.

In addition to her many accomplishments, St. Hildegard is also known for a number of apocalyptic prophecies:


"The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. The German Empire will be divided.  Church property will be secularised. Priests will be persecuted. After the birth of Antichrist heretics will preach their false doctrines undisturbed, resulting in Christians having doubts about their holy Catholic faith."

At that period when antichrist shall be born, there will be many wars and right order shall be destroyed on earth. Heresy will be rampant and the heretics will preach their errors openly without restraint. Even among Christians doubt and scepticism will be entertained concerning the beliefs of Catholicism

"Toward the end of the world, mankind will be purified through sufferings. This will be true especially of the clergy, who will be robbed of all property. When the clergy has adopted a simple manner of living, conditions will improve.

At this time as a punishment for their sins Christians especially will attempt armed resistance to those who at that time are persecuting them, sensing no concern for the death of their bodies.

"A powerful wind will rise in the North carrying heavy fog and the densest dust by divine command and it will fill their throats and eyes so they will cease their savagery and be stricken with great fear.

Then within the Christian people the Holy Godhead will accomplish signs and wonders as if accomplished them at the time of Moses with the pillar of cloud and as Michael the archangel did when he fought the heathen for the sake of the Christians. Because of Michael's help Gods faithful children will march under his protection. They will decimate their foes and achieve victory through Gods power As a result of this a large number of heathens will join Christians in true faith and they will  say   The God of the Christians is true God because such wondrous works have been accomplished among the Christians .

After that there will be so few men left that seven women will fight for one man, that they will say to the man: "Marry me to take the disgrace from me." For in those days it will be a disgrace for a woman to be without child, as it was by the Jews in the Old Testament.

"Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated.  It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger and a Lion.

 The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease.

For in none of these cities does a person live according to the laws of God. "Peace will return to Europe when the white flower again takes possession of the throne of France.

(See  for the White Flower)     

During this time of peace the people will be forbidden to carry weapons and iron will be used solely for making agricultural implements and tools. Also during this period the soil will be very productive and many Jews, heathens and heretics will join the Church.

"Peace will return when the Lily ascends the Throne again.  The land will be very productive . During this time weapons will be forbidden. Iron will only be used for agricultural tools. In this period the land will be very productive. Jews, heathen and heretics will join the church.

The throne of the last catholic Empire will crumble and the sceptre will fall out of the hand of him who sits on the throne. The Great Monarch by this time will be a very old man. All justice will cease and will be trodden under foot. The latter times will be more evil and corrupt in the eyes of God. Children of God will be persecuted by the most hateful means in the eyes of God. Almost immediately after the death of the Monarch comes antichrist        

 (Note: This in my opinion is the peace promised by Fatima - Richard Salbato)


When the great ruler (the Great Monarch who is to rule Europe after the collapse of Communism) exterminates the Turks almost entirely, one of the remaining Mohammadans will be converted, become a priest bishop and cardinal, and when the new pope is elected (immediately before Antichrist) this cardinal will kill the pope before he is crowned, through jealousy, wishing to be pope himself; then when the other cardinals elect the next pope, 

(Note by Richard Salbato - this will be the last pope on earth - Peter the Second)

this cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-pope, and two-thirds of the Christians will go with him.  He, as well as Anti-christ, are descendants of the tribe of Dan.

An unchaste woman will conceive an unchaste son. The wicked serpent who deceived Adam will influence this child in such as way that nothing good or virtuous will enter him; nor under the circumstances will it even be possible for any good to be in him

The mark (of Antichrist) will be a hellish symbol of Baptism, because thereby a person will be stamped as an adherent of Antichrist and also of the Devil in that he thereby gives himself over to the influence of Satan.  Whoever will not have this mark of Antichrist can neither buy nor sell anything and will be beheaded.

He will win over to himself the rulers, the mighty and the wealthy, will bring about the destruction of those who do not accept his faith and, finally, will subjugate the entire earth.

The streets of Jerusalem, will then shine in the brightest gold with the blood of Christians which will flow like water.  Simultaneously Antichrist will try to increase his wonders.  His executioners will work such miracles when they torment the Christians that the people will think Antichrist is the true God.  The executioners will not permit the Christians to win the martyrs' crown easily for they will endeavour to prolong their pain until they renounce their faith.  Yet some will receive a special grace from God to die during the torments.

Antichrist will make the earth move, level mountains, dry up rivers, produce thunder and lightning and hail, remove the leaves from the trees and return them again to the trees, make men sick and cure them, exorcise devils, raise the dead to life.  He will appear to be crucified and rise from the dead.  All in all,  Christians will be astounded and in grievous doubts while the followers of Antichrist will be confirmed in their false faith.

Finally, when he shall have converted all his plans into action, he will gather his   worshippers about him and tell them that he will presently ascend toward Heaven.  However, at the moment of the ascension a bolt of lightning will overwhelm and annihilate him.  The planned ascent into heaven will have been prepared by the artful employment of ingenious devices, and the moment at which the event was to have taken place, leading to his destruction, will produce a cloud that will spread an unbearable odour.  Through this many people will again come to their senses and to understanding.

Then the people should prepare for the last judgment, the day of which is indeed veiled in secrecy and obscurity, but not far distant."

Henoch and Elias are being instructed by God in a mysterious manner in paradise.

(This is the same thing that Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich says of paradise and Henoch and Elias)

God shows them the works of men as though they could see these with natural eyes.  The two men are therefore, much wiser than all wise men put together.  The same force which removed Henoch and Elias from the earth will bring them back in a storm wind at the time when the Antichrist will spread his false doctrine.  As long as they will dwell amongst men they will always be refreshed after 40 days.  They have the mission from God to resist the Antichrist and lead the erring back to the road of salvation.  Both men, distinguished by age and stature, will speak to men: `This accursed one is sent by the devil in order to lead men into error.  We have been preserved by God at a secreted place, where we did not experience the suffering of men.  We are now sent by God in order to oppose. the heresy of this destroyer.  Look, if we resemble you in stature and age.'  And because the testimony of both shall agree they will be believed.  All will follow these two aged men and renounce heresy.  They will visit all cities and towns where previously the Antichrist had sown his heresy, and through the power of the Holy Ghost will work genuine miracles.  All the people will be greatly astonished at them.  Henoch and Elias will. confuse the followers of Satan with thunder strokes, and destroy. them and fortify the Christians in faith.  Therefore, the. Christians will hurry to martyrdom, which the son of evil will. prepare for them like to a banquet, so that the murderers will. grow tired of counting the dead on account of their great. numbers; for their blood will run like rivers. Henoch and Elias have been taught much wisdom and knowledge. in Paradise while awaiting their return to earth.  God will. instruct them every forty days while they are on earth.  They. will receive exceptional graces and powers from God to use. against Antichrist. / Enoch and Elias will be instructed by God in a most secret manner in paradise. God reveals to them the actions and condition of men that they may regard them with the eyes of compassion. Because of this special preparation, these two holy men are more wise than all the wise men on the earth  taken together. God will give them the task of opposing antichrist and of bringing back those who have strayed from the way of salvation. Both of these men will say to people:   This accursed one has been sent by the devil to lead men astray and into error; we have been preserved by God in a hidden place where we did not experience the sorrows of men but God has now sent us to combat the heresy of this son of perdition. They will go into all cities and villages where previously antichrist had broadcasted his heresies and by the power of the Holy Spirit will perform wonderful miracles so that all nations will greatly marvel at them. This as to a wedding feast, Christians will hasten to death by martyrdom which the son of perdition will have prepared for them in such numbers that those murderers will be unable even to count the slain, then the blood of these martyrs will fill the rivers

When the fear of God has been disregarded everywhere, violent and furious wars will take place.  A multitude of people will be slaughtered and many cities will be transformed into heaps of rubbish.

The Son of Corruption and Ruin will appear and reign for. only a short time, towards the end of the days of the world's duration; the period which corresponds to the moment when the sun has disappeared beyond the horizon; that is to say he shall come at the last days of the world.  He will not be Satan himself, but a human being equalling and resembling him in atrocious hideousness.  His mother, a depraved woman possessed by the. devil, will live as a prostitute in the desert.  She will declare that she is ignorant as to the identity of his father, and will. maintain that her son was presented to her by God in a. supernatural manner, as was the Child of the Blessed Virgin.  She will then be venerated as a saint by deceived people.

Antichrist will come from a land that lies between two seas, and will practise his tyranny in the East.  After his birth false teachers and doctrines will appear, followed by wars, famines, and pestilence. His mother will seldom let any one see him, and yet by magic. art, she will manage to gain the love of the people for him.

He will be raised at different secret places and will be kept in seclusion until full grown.  When he has grown to full manhood he will publicly announce a hostile doctrine on religion.  He will lure and attract the people to himself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical. commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity.  He will spurn and reject baptism and the gospel.  He will open his mouth to preach contradiction.  He will say, `Jesus of Nazareth is not the son of. God, only a deceiver who gave himself out as God; and the Church instituted by him is only superstition'.  The true Christ has come in his person.  He will say, `I am the Saviour of the. world'.  Especially will he try to convince the Jews that he is the Messiah sent by God, and the Jews will accept him as such.  His doctrine of faith will be taken from the Jewish religion and seemingly will not differ much from the fundamental doctrine of Christianity for he will teach that there is one God who created the world, who is omniscient and knows the thoughts of man and is just, who rewards the obeyers of his commands and the trespassers he chastises, who raises all from the dead in due time.  This God has spoken through Moses and the Prophets, therefore the precepts of the Mosaic laws are to be kept, especially circumcision and keeping the Sabbath, yet by his moral laws he will try to reverse all order on earth.  Therefore he is called in Holy Writ the `Lawless One'.  He will think that he can change time and laws. He will discard all laws, morals and religious principles, to draw the world to himself.  He will grant entire freedom from the commandments of God and the Church and permit everyone to live as his passions dictate.  By doing so he hopes to be acknowledged by the people as deliverer from the yoke, and as the cause of prosperity in the world.  Religion he will endeavour to make convenient.  He will say that you need not fast and embitter your life by renunciation, as the people of former times did when they had no sense of God's goodness.  It will suffice to love God.  He. will let the people feast to their heart's content so that they will pity the unfortunate people of former centuries.  He will preach free love and tear asunder family ties.  He will scorn everything holy, and he will ridicule all graces of the Church with devilish mockery.  He will condemn humility and foster proud and gruesome dogmas.  He will tear down that which God has taught in the Old and New Testament and maintain sin and vice are not sin and vice.  Briefly he will declare the road to Hell is the way to Heaven.

"After having passed a licentious youth among very perverted men and in a desert, she being conducted by a demon disguised as an angel of light, the mother of the son of perdition will conceive and give birth without knowing the father.  In another land, she will make men believe that her birth was some miraculous thing, seeing that she had not appointed a spouse, and she will ignore that, she will say, how the infant she had brought into the world had been formed in her womb, and the people will regard it as a saint and qualified to the title.

"The son of perdition is this very wicked beast who will put to death those who refuse to believe in him; who will associate with kings, priests, the great and the rich; who will mistake the humility and will esteem pride; who will finally subjugate the entire universe by his diabolic means.

"He will gain over many people and tell them: "You are allowed to do all that you please; renounce the fasts; it suffices that you love me; I who am your God."

"He will show them treasures and riches, and he will permit them to riot in all sorts of festivities, as they please. He will oblige them to practice circumcision and other Judaic observances, and he will tell them: "Those who believe in me will receive pardon of their sins and will live with me eternally."

"He will reject baptism and evangelism, and he will reject in derision all the precepts the Spirit has given to men of my part.

"Then he will say to his partisans, "Strike me with a sword, and place my corpse in a proper shroud until the day of my resurrection." They will believe him to have really given over to death, and from his mortal wound he will make a striking semblance of resuscitation.

"After which, he will compose himself a certain cipher, which he will say is to be a pledge of salute; he will give it to all his servitors like the sign of our faith in heaven, and he will command them to adore it. Concerning those who, for the love of my name, will refuse to render this sacrilegious adoration to the son of perdition, he will put them to death amidst the cruellest torments.

"But I will defend my two Witnesses, Enoch and Elias, whom I have reserved for those times. Their mission will be to combat the man of evil and reprimand him in the sight of the faithful whom he has seduced. They will have the virtue of operating the most brilliant miracles, in all the places where the son of perdition has spread his evil doctrines. In the meanwhile, I will permit this evildoer to put them to death; but I will give them in heaven the recompense of their travails.

"Later, however, after the coming of Enoch and Elias, the Antichrist will be destroyed, and the Church will sing forth with unprecedented glory, and the victims of the great error will throng to return to the fold."

"The Man of Sin will be born of an ungodly woman who, from her infancy, will have been initiated into occult sciences and the wiles of the demon. She will live in the desert with perverse men, and abandon herself to crime with so much the greater ardor, as she will think she is authorized thereby to by the revelations of an angel. And thus, in the fire of burning concupiscence she will conceive the Son of Perdition, without knowing by what father. Then she will teach that fornication is permitted, declaring herself holy and honoured as a saint.

"But Lucifer, the old and cunning serpent, will find the fruit of her womb with his infernal spirit and entirely possess the fruit of sin.

"Now when he shall have attained the age of manhood, he will set himself up as a new master and teach perverse doctrine. Soon he will revolt against the saints; and he will acquire such great power that in the madness of his pride he would raise himself above the clouds; and as in the beginning Satan said: "I will be like unto the most high", and fell; so in those days, he will fall when he will say in the person of his son, "I am the Saviour of the World!"

"He will ally himself with the kings, the princes and the powerful ones of the earth; he will condemn humility and will extol all the doctrines of pride. His magic art will feign the most astonishing prodigies; he will disturb the atmosphere, command thunder and tempest, produce hail and horrible lightning. He will move mountains, dry up streams, reanimate the withered verdure of forests. His arts will be practiced upon the elements, but chiefly upon man will he exhaust his infernal power. He will seem to take away health and restore it. How so? By sending some possessed soul into a dead body, to move it for a time. But these resurrections will be of short duration.

"At the sight of these things, many will be terrified and will believe in him; and some, preserving their primitive faith, will nevertheless court the favour of the Man of Sin or fear his displeasure. And so many will be led astray among those who, shutting the interior eye of their soul, will live habitually in exterior things...

"After the Antichrist has ascended a high mountain and been destroyed by Christ, many erring souls will return to truth, and men will make rapid progress in the ways of holiness."

"Nothing good will enter into him nor be able to be in him. For he will be nourished in diverse and secret places, lest he should be known by men, and he will be imbued with all diabolical arts, and he will be hidden until he is of full age, nor will he show the perversities which will be in him, until he knows himself to be full and superabundant in all iniquities.

"He will appear to agitate the air, to make fire descend from heaven, to produce rainbows, lightning, thunder and hail, to tumble mountains, dry up streams, to strip the verdure of trees, of forests, and to restore them again. He will also appear to be able to make men sick or well at will, to chase out demons, and at times even to resuscitate the dead, making a cadaver move like it was alive. But this kind of resurrection will never endure beyond a little time, for the glory of God will not suffer it.

"Ostensibly he will be murdered, spill his blood and die. With bewilderment and consternation, mankind will learn that he is not dead, but has awakened from his death-sleep.

"From the beginning of his course many battles and many things contrary to the lawful dispensation will arise, and charity will be extinguished in men. In them also will arise bitterness and harshness and there will be so many heresies that heretics will preach their errors openly and certainly; and there shall be so much doubt and incertitude in the Catholic faith of Christians that men shall be in doubt of what God they invoke, and many signs shall appear in the sun and moon, and in the stars and in the waters, and in other elements and creatures, so that, as it were in a picture, future events shall be foretold in their portents.

"Then so much sadness shall occupy men at that time, that they shall be led to die as if for nothing. But those who are perfect in the Catholic faith will await in great contrition what God wills to ordain. And these great tribulations shall proceed in this way, while the Son of Perdition shall open his mouth in the words of falsehood and his deceptions, heaven and earth shall tremble together. But after the fall of the Antichrist the glory of the Son of God shall be increased.

"As soon as he is born, he will have teeth and pronounce blasphemies; in short, he will be a born devil. He will emit fearful cries, work miracles, and wallow in luxury and vice. He will have brothers who are also demons incarnate, and at the age of twelve, they will distinguish themselves in brilliant achievements. They will command an armed force, which will be supported by the infernal legions.

"After the Son of Perdition has accomplished all of his evil designs, he will call together all of his believers and tell them that he wishes to ascend into heaven.

"At the moment of his ascension, a thunderbolt will strike him to the ground, and he will die.

"The mountain where he was established for the operation of his ascension, in an instant will be covered with a thick cloud which emits an unbearable odor of truly infernal corruption... At the sight of his body, the eyes of great number of persons will open and they will be made to see their miserable error.

"After the sorrowful defeat of the Son of Perdition, the spouse of my Son, who is the Church, will shine with a glory without equal, and the victims of the error will be impressed to re-enter the sheepfold.

"As to the day, after the fall of Antichrist, when the world will end, man must not seek to know, for he can never learn it. That secret the Father has reserved for Himself."

After Enoch and Elias suffer physical death the spirit of life will reawaken them raise them up into the clouds and the rejoicing of that man s followers (antichrist) will change into fear, sorrow and dismay. Then the son of corruption will gather together a large group of people in order that his glory can be openly shown forth. He will attempt to walk through the heavens so that any remnant of the catholic faith that might remain throughout the world might completely disappear. In the sight of crowds standing around and listening he will order the high strata of the sky to lift him up during his ascension into heaven and the words of my loyal servant Paul will be fulfilled and these are the words which Paul who is full of the spirit of truth says  and the lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and will destroy him with his glorious appearance at his coming     when the son of corruption ascends on high through diabolical trickery he will be thrust down again by divine power. The fumes of sulphur and pitch will consume him such that the crowds standing nearby will flee into the mountains for protection. Such abject fear will seize all who see and hear these things that they will reject the devil and his spiritual son antichrist and be converted to the true faith by baptism.

The son of perdition will come when the day declines and the sun sinks, that is when the time arrives and the world loses its stability."

St. Hildegard's prophecies play a central role in the attachment of a certain segment of traditionalist Catholics to the idea of a return of Monarchy.

It is certainly possible to read too much into our Holy Father's recent actions, but one can't help but wonder if he's trying to tell us something.


It is worth comparing part of St. Hildegard's prophecy,

The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves
With the words of Pope John Paul II regarding Fatima (from a file at EWTN):

When people at Fulda, Germany asked John Paul II in 1980 if the Third Secret of Fatima contained a threat from God, the Pope responded: 

"If there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish . . . there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.

Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that "to know" implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted....

(At this point the Holy Father took hold of his Rosary and said:) Here is the remedy against all evil! Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God!"[9]

John Paul II's reply seemed to imply that a threat of flood is part of the Third Secret of Fatima.

Later, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger admitted in an interview with journalist, Vittorio Messori, that he had read the Third Secret of Fatima. Messori then tells how he questioned the Cardinal about the "secret":

"Undenied versions are circulating in the world, I continue, which describe the contents of that "secret" as disquieting, apocalyptic, as warning of terrible sufferings. John Paul II himself, in his personal visit to Germany, seemed to confirm (albeit with prudent circumlocutions, privately, to a select group) the undeniably disconcerting contents of that text. Before him, Paul VI, during his pilgrimage to Fatima, also seems to have alluded to the "apocalyptic" themes of the "secret." Why was it never decided to make it public, if only to counter rash speculations?"[10]

Cardinal Ratzinger's response, that revealing the Third Secret would add nothing necessary for the Christian to know and that it "would mean exposing the Church to the danger of sensationalism, exploitation of the content," also seemed to "confirm (albeit with prudent circumlocutions)" that the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima did contain those "disconcerting" messages.[11]

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Homeland Security Moves to Man FEMA Camps

Kurt Nimmo
December 19, 2011

On December 6, we reported on a document originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR describing services KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors. The document was passed on to us by a state government employee.

Our research has since discovered another document that further reveals the ongoing effort by the government to establish FEMA camps and provide services for them in the event of an emergency, including a real or more likely a false flag terrorist event.

In May of 2011, the website posted a Department of Homeland Security solicitation document entitled “National Responder Support Camp” calling for contractors to construct and operate camps “in which to stage responders and other authorized personnel and assets deployed for occurrences or events requiring a federal government response. The National Responder Support Camps contract will be used by FEMA, or by other federal agencies through FEMA, consistent with the specific authorities of the agency utilizing the contract’s services.”

“During disaster situations or other events, FEMA federal, state and local responders may need a place that provides shelter, food, and additional basic needs,” the document continues. “Hence the need for the procurement of effective and efficient Responder Support Camps is present.”

The DHS document makes a point of stating that FEMA’s role transcends “hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, blizzards, acts of terrorism, tsunamis, or avalanches” and includes playing “a role in assisting with events designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security as National Special Security Events (NSSEs) and with respect to National Response Framework activities of federal agencies.”

In 2008, a document exposed by Wikileaks revealed the mechanics behind the NSSE as it related to the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minnesota. “Compiled by Terri Smith, the Branch Director for Response, Recovery and Mitigation at the Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management agency (HSEM), the 31-page file offers a veritable bird’s-eye view onto the close coordination amongst federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, including the Pentagon’s U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) during a so-called National Special Security Event (NSSE),” Tom Burghardt wrote in November

The Democrat convention held in Denver in 2008 was also considered a National Special Security Event.

The repressive political agenda of “lead federal agencies” operating under NSSE revealed itself during the Republican convention when activists in Minnesota were arrested and charged with “conspiracy to riot in the 2nd degree in the furtherance of terrorism.”

In addition to arresting political activists and charging them with terrorism, operations during the NSSE included establishing a Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC), described in the Wikileaks file as “a centralized communications and coordination center operated 24 hours a day during the NSSE.” The Minnesota MACC was “staffed by representatives from all participating operational security entities, local government operations, and public and private institutions who are responsible for the critical infrastructures of power, gas and telecommunications.”

Other elements participating included NORTHCOM, the FBI and local law enforcement, the latter an obvious violation of a consistently trampled Posse Comitatus.

“To conclude, the Wikileaks document provides new and startling information how federal, state and local law enforcement entities acting in concert with corporatist ‘private partners’ during September’s Republican National Convention, conspired to deny American’s their right to peacefully protest,” Burghardt writes.

The benign language of the “National Responder Support Camp” document belies the real character of FEMA and its genuine agenda. So-called “responder camps” are less about coordinating response to hurricanes than assisting in the implementation and facilitation of a police state apparatus during martial law and establishment political events covered under NSSE, as noted above.

The officially stated purpose of FEMA is to “reduce the loss of life and property and protect the Nation from all hazards, including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters, by leading and supporting the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation,” but this is merely a public cover for the agency.

During the Reagan administration, it became apparent that FEMA’s mandate was the implementation of martial law and the round-up and detainment of American citizens under presidential directive 54, which spawned Rex 84, Operation Garden Plot and a number of other so-called “civil disturbance” programs.

With the scantily covered National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the recent NDAA sailing through Congress, and a raft of lesser legislation and unconstitutional directives, we are beginning to see the contours of the police state.

The “National Responder Support Camp” is but another puzzle piece of a larger mosaic representing totalitarian control of the population, specifically political opponents deemed to be dangerous enemies of the state, or simply terrorists, who will be disappeared into a nightmare dystopian world of concentration camps and gulags operated by the military at the behest of the global elite after martial law is declared.

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