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'"Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer: "We are hell bent in the direction of destroying our planet....decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us where we were headed and offered to help, but instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after."

Read more…   I always thought we had gone too far into the cabals grips and would not be able to get out without alien help, but after following Ben Fulford for a year and now hearing this new information I feel it is the new 1776 and we will be free by people working for 20 years to free us.

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SaLuSa, March 28, 2012

The news about the changes is travelling more quickly around the world, and that pleases us as those with enquiring minds are seeking the answers as to what is happening. Some fear the meaning behind them, but others sense that something major and exciting is happening to the world. Fortunately the truth is being spread far and wide, and we are in gratitude to those of you who are at the forefront endeavoring to reach as many people as possible. When disclosure takes place, it will make our task so much easier if they have already been primed as to what to expect. Time is speeding by at such a fast rate, everything is being hurried along, and very soon you can expect some major announcements.

Mankind has had adequate time to start paying attention to the many messages given, that are intended to pave the way for the greater revelations. The ones in the slow lane will have to witness much that will be a great shock to their mindset, but we must get moving. There is no more time to wait until a greater percentage of you are understanding of what is about to happen. That will of course change dramatically, when the media are released from the constraints placed upon them by the dark Ones. Truth has been a rare commodity in the past, but as the controls are removed it will come back in full force. Even those who profess to be aware are even so going to be surprised at the full extent of lies and disinformation, that has been dished up as the truth in the past. It goes well beyond what you would imagine, and will reveal the extent to which you have been controlled.

Returning your freedom is paramount in our minds, and we will remove all those controls that have been used to keep you in your place. Those responsible will at some stage answer for their crimes against Humanity, so we ask you not to concern yourselves too much with what will happen to them. It is more important to concentrate on your own needs and preparation for Ascension. Live to your highest concept of one who is able to give Unconditional Love, spare judgment and instead generously show compassion. Do your best and you will master the ways of being the Master that you really are.

By anyone's measure you do not now have long to go before you experience the benefits of the changes that are about to materialize. We of the Galactic Federation shall oversee them, and ensure that their implementation shall take place smoothly and efficiently to the benefit of everyone. Release from financial constraints and illegal taxes, will free you from the burden they place upon every person. Yes, you still have to pay your way for the services of others, but with the coming of abundance that will not be a problem. In short time you will advance to a level that you should have already reached, but for the deliberate interference of the Illuminati and their minions. From thereon Ascension will take you even further until money itself will no longer be necessary.

Let go of any ties you have to the present period so that you can make allowances for the new way of life that is taking over. Be prepared and know that it will not be fully experienced until you rise up, and then another phase will commence as you take your place as a Galactic Being. Your evolution is going to take some massive steps forward, and return you to where you came from as a fully conscious Being. By then you will have merged with your Higher Self and be of the Christ Consciousness. At present that must seem a long way off, but be assured that it is your destiny as you travel through the higher realms. Thereafter you will be able to travel anywhere in the Creator's Kingdoms.

Meanwhile we are most active at this time as you might expect, and are keen for some positive signs to be passed onto you with regards to the removal of those who have formed the top echelon of the Illuminati. They have felt untouchable in the past but now feel so vulnerable as their castle walls have been destroyed, and they have nowhere to hide that we are not aware of. We will also take away their assets almost certainly gained by illegal dealing or outright criminal activity. They will be given back to those who rightfully own them, and go a long way to overcoming the many needs of the people.

President Obama is still a key figure in the coming changes, and shall lead the mission to bring peace to the world. Those who play at wars will have to find another way of amusing themselves, and we will put their military to good use by instead serving the people. As you know there is plenty to do in making good the damage to Mother Earth, and ensuring that the most needy quickly have a proper standard of living. That is the least that people can expect, and it will be added to as soon as new technologies are used to make life easier. War has been written into the history books as it truly took place, and the truth of who was behind them. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in the Hall of Records, and will if necessary be used to illustrate the truth for you.

One important feature of incarnation is that when you review your lives, they are seen and experienced exactly as they happened. There is no place for distortion of the facts or denial of the truth, it is there for all to see. Those who felt that they "got away with it" on Earth will get a shock to know that it is not the case, so no lies or laying the blame elsewhere will be accepted. If this was not so, some souls would escape their responsibility as they have done on Earth. The truth allows a careful consideration of your actions and importantly your intentions. That way the need for certain lessons to prevent a recurrence can be arranged, that should give the soul an opportunity to prove that they can live from a higher level of understanding. Dear Ones, no one wants to see you fail, and that is why you are given every chance to succeed where you previously have not done so.

Feel the changes being brought about by the higher energies that are being grounded upon Earth, and add your own by spreading your Light as far as possible. As the days are passing, you are becoming more powerful and have much stronger powers of creation, use them wisely for the good of All.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Earth Changes and Planetary Evacuation

Thanks to Vickie for providing this link:  I'm excerpting information on earth changes and evacuation in Chapter 5, beginning on page 36.  You need to read this so you will know what to do if evacuations become necessary.  And guess what?  Everyone gets to go, not just the STO.  There is a heirarchy of who goes first, so read on....

I see no point in changing perfection or rewriting that which is still accurate. However, since this equipment is not compatible with that upon which we first wrote this message of evacuation, I shall share it with you again. I will distract myself, Dharma, and allow you to pick it up from my monitors.

We have millions of ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this occurs, we have only a very short time segment in which we can lift you from the surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines.  These waves can be as deep as five miles or more. They will subsequently cover much of your land masses. Your melting polar ice caps are contributing greatly to the unequal balance of the orb itself.  Along with these changes there will be great earthquakes which will feed from one suture line (fault line) to the  next to cause severe shifting of entire tectonic plates. As these splits and 1 grindings occur you will have massive volcanic eruptions over widespread areas of previously dormant cones. In portions near your nuclear testing grounds you will experience probably spillage of radioactive material into your atmosphere. You will also experience radiation leakage from your nuclear power plants as they are disrupted by land changes. Portions of your continents will split and sink and in other areas this will cause thrusting upward of other masses.

You have had plenty of news about winds, etc. that will accompany these upheavals. There will be upheavals and earthquakes for instance, that will not trigger evacuation, so I will speak of cataclysmic proportions.  We are very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets! It would be grand if this were not necessary to be true, but alas, it is not even all that uncommon for many various reasons.  We will stick to yours and what you might expect.  We expect, and are practiced and prepared to complete the evacuation of Earth of the souls of Light in some fifteen minutes, regardless of numbers. Further, we will rescue the souls of Light first. (Not a bad idea to get on that Light List.) Our computers are massive and self updating. Each entity is entered into the system and all changes, to the minute details, are constantly updated. The computers are ocked onto the coordinates as designated by your grid ley lines and vortex intersections. At the first indication that there may be need to evacuate, the computers lock onto the location of every energy entity instantly, no matter where might be the location of the human form. Don't concern yourself with that portion; just make sure you keep the signals attuned on an ongoing basis. 


After the souls of Light have been evacuated, then the children will ALL be lifted off. The children are considered to be nonaccountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents or placed for indefinite care and tending. We have ones well trained for the specific task of handling the children and their trauma.  Many may be put into sleep for a period of time to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computer system is far, far beyond anything ever used thus.far on Earth in this age it can locate parents of specific children wherever they may be and notify one another of safety or status. THE CHILDREN WILL BE LIFTED TO SAFETY DURING THE EVACUATION, SO DO NOT GIVE UNDUE THOUGHT TO THEM. DO NOT SEEK TO UNITE BEFORE LIFT OFF--TEND YOURSELF AND WE WILL TEND THE CONFUSION.

After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be extended to all remaining souls on the planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very, very short time period, perhaps another fifteen minutes or so. There is abundant space for all ones, but because the atmosphere by that elapsed amount of time will be filled with fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also, with our craft will perish. 

THEREFORE, HE WHO STEPS INTO OUR LEVITATION BEAMS FIRST WILL BE LIFTED FIRST. ANY HESITATION ON YOUR PART WOULD MEAN THE END OF YOUR THIRD DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE YOU CALL THE PHYSICAL BODY.  This brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the evacuation:  As mentioned earlier, souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than do those who are more closely "tied" to the Earth and earth concepts and actions.  Well, since our levitation beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of the planet, are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges as you recognize them, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able to withstand the high frequency of the levitation beams without departing the third dimensional body. We will get as close as possible so the beam time span is lessened, but it must still be from quite a high altitude.  When a beam ship lands in "normal" times to invite ones aboard, it is customary to land the craft or hover quite close to your surface. Then our own ones will accompany any entity aboard. It will not be thusly done at evacuation lift-off. If the soul energy departs the third-dimensional body, there may be opportunity for resuscitation and reconnection, or the soul will be released to be housed in appropriate facilities according to agreement with God. At any rate, you would not be left to experience the havoc on your planet's surface.  If you do not decide to step into the levitation beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the f6w who survive the "cleansing" and changes. However, during this period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, in land masses, for the poles of the planet will have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the survivors. In some areas of specific location it may be possible to have guides and assistants return or in some instances, remain as a support system.



After lift-off you will be taxied by the shuttle (lift-off) craft to our "mother ships" which are anchored even higher above the planet. There you will be taken care of, depending upon your circumstance. Some of you will need medical care, others will be quite wonderful, but hyperexcited and agitated. Some will be frantic over family members, etc. We have expert medical staff who will be there to treat you with highly advanced equipment--some will simply be placed into a state of sleep until vital signs regain normal status. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable.  Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in advanced technology before being returned to the planet Earth to start rebuilding. This will all be determined by counseling or prearrangement. Children will be reunited with parents and families, etc. 

Your wondrously beautiful planet is destined to be a most beautiful star within the universe. For long she has waited to take her place of glory. She shall be a beauteous planet of Light.  Here, you can rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship within the Lighted Brotherhood of Man with God the Creator.  Do not scoff at these words, people of Earth. We are sent forth and come willingly and in love of you as our brothers in a great time of distress. As surely as the sun shines from the east to the west, so shall these things shortly come to pass. Let us be prepared, please.



I suggest you do whatever you can to allow us to come into your sectors without hostility. It appears all probabilities of avoiding this untoward event are past. We see no changes in magnitude of perceptions of such proportions that would alter the course  if events. So be it, we will continue to work diligently with that which we are given.


Let us speak a bit of the administering of this program. As Commander for this solar system and its various volunteer units from many areas of space, it is my responsibility to coordinate efforts of the many fleets as they touch into the mission of Shan.  When these various factions of force are not thus involved, then, of course, they are self-regulatory and guided under their own supervision. They only come under the jurisdiction of the Interplanetary Confederation if they are here on a specific assignment, correlated to the overall Hierarchical mission to the planet.  Let me assure you that I understand the doubts egarding credibility--that is a superb success of our dark fragments causing ridicule and outrageous press. I realize there are ones out there claiming to be goddesses and rainbow caped freaks of mammoth personality and ego breakdown. It is for you to look beyond and into Truth. It is why you of our co-workers must not be other than professional and credible. Continue as you are, except clean up your attitudes. You will get nowhere by "JUST BEING". No one of our busy workers needs another iota of responsibility--tend of yourselves. Quit your silly games. Who can possibly give credibility to one with purple satin capes blowing in the wind, purple hair with sage bushes stuck hither and yon, and chanting unintelligible garbage. THERE IS  NOTHING ABOUT US THAT IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND AND GOD NEEDS ONLY THEE AND HE. ALL ELSE IS BAGGAGE YOU WILL LEAVE BEHIND AT ALL CIRCUMSTANCE. WE HAVE SUPPLIES FOR YOU. WE WILL TAKE YOUR ANIMAL AND FEATHERED PETS AND i PLACE THEM IN SAFETY. WHEN GOD PREPARES A PLACE FOR YOU, HE DOES A MOST EFFICIENT JOB OF IT. ALL THE REMAINDER OF THIS "NEW AGE" NONSENSE IS EXACTLY THAT--NONSENSE, AND WILL MOST SURELY HINDER YOUR PROGRESS. SO BE IT!

There are many from other places in the cosmos who will come simply of their own volition and their own purposes. To these, we merely extend our hospitality and our accord. The exception to the rule would be any of those who come for reasons that would be harmful to the planet or its inhabitants. These ones are carefully policed and, if deviant, are escorted beyond the system and sent about their other affairs. Those remaining close are expected to participate if needed and stay completely clear of interference at any evacuation alert.  There are often replacement fleets who come to relieve others of their tour of duty. Some of our brothers have been on alert at Earth station for a very, very long time and are weary and ready to return to their own homes. There is a continuing turnover of fleet participation in the many patrol units involved. Those tours of duty are not of an indefinite nature, but have a set period of time in which to begin and end, with others of relief coming to replace and rotate duty stations. Many of the assignments given to these many volunteer fleets are done on a "need of circumstance" basis.


Strong representative ground units necessitate the contacts in keeping with the frequencies of the fleet and its representative. Thus, one representative will primarily always be in contact with its own Interstellar Command, even though the crew may be  replaced occasionally, but always by their own members.  There are other earth-based personnel who are representatives "at large", who may make confact and be at the disposal of any Command units in the area. For instance, if there is need for communications in this sector, Dharma would respond instantly.  There would rarely be need of such for all craft would first be instructed to contact our fleet ship, and thus the sequence of information.  Remember that each base or unit does at all times, have its personal craft hovering within its vortex for personal immediate relaying of messages to or from that unit. This station or platform never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation, to return later. All of our signals, beams, and contacts are relayed to our messengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. Sometimes the terminals are aboard command ships, as in this case.  In the "atmosphere" (assuming the craft or platform to be within the atmosphere) there is an identifying beam projection for identification purposes to those who patrol the flight paths. The beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the base unit. Because of the crystal communication center located at this particular location, there is constant action in your heavens.  If I have need for additional support units for any reason, I can reach further out for assistance to the Federation and I will be sent whatever assistance is necessary.

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NORTHERN LIGHTS OVER NEBRASKA: A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, causing magnetic unrest and auroras at high latitudes. Last night faint North Lights descended all the way south to Nebraska. Click to view a movie of the display, photographed by Chris Allington of Crofton, NE:


"I certainly didn't expect this tonight, but the plots were interesting enough to get me out and investigate the northern sky with the camera," says Allington. "Suprisingly, around 9:30pm local time I could see the color of the aurora on my camera so I decided to head to a wind farm near my house. The display got much more vibrant and lasted nearly 4 hours from 10pm to 2am. It's not often that auroras are hardly in the forecast and we see them as far south as NEBRASKA! "

The cause of the display was the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), which tipped south and opened a crack in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in to fuel the light. More high-latitude auroras are possible tonight: NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of polar geomagnetic storms as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, phone.

My own highlights in last paragraph

from spaceweather

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This message is undated but since I found a picture of Asheoma te ka Meata, I did a search and found this message, so I thought I'd link them here.  In the message further down, there is a distinction between Zetas and Greys, and this interesting statement: "Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."  So says a Star Nations High Council member.  Nice to know I'm not the only one saying there are different Zetas (some good, some bad) and some humans are pretending in the name of the good Zetas.  P.S.  Dr. Boylan appears to be a member of the Star Nations High Council, according to this:

Read the entire message because it is excellent and speaks much truth.




Friends and Star Kids,

   The following is a direct message to you from a member of Star Nations High Council who most recently served as a Watcher (observer-reporter) on Earth to Star Nations. His sage advice derives from bitter experience watching his own planet fail its Transition, and he wants us to make it through our Transition now happening on Earth.
    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata: 

Light Warriors,
    It has been a small amount of time since I have spoken with you.  It is my heart's desire that each of you is met in health and wellness of heart, mind, and body.  If in any of these you lack, know the love of the Star Nations is with you in fullness.
    My heart wishes to speak with you on a tender subject.   I will speak with the holding of the Eagle's Feather on this as was done while I served your Home Earth as a Watcher.
    In the days before the time of my service with Star Nations, the world I called home was unfound.  By the time the Star Nations located our small Planet, the movement towards a collapsing sun had already begun.  While we were taught many things and given instruction and advisement, our people were unable to make our transition.  The transition would not have prevented the natural process of the one of two Sun Beings.  But the transition would have allowed our species to move forward inside the Grand Dream of Source to further service and into our next level of Being.  It is known to you that the transition failed.
    The reasons for this failure are many.  And the lessons of the failure have been with me in the form of lessons carried to many other worlds in service.
    As I continue to observe my own brothers and sisters who call themselves Humans, I am aware of patterns which require me to share words of warning.   While few might hear my words, and with some fewer the words might go further than the ears, it is my obligation to share them.
    Your species are beginning to awaken to the understanding that your own transition is upon you at this time.  You have started to look around and you are identifying those who are your own kind who have not acted in the interest of your whole species.  Your first instinct is to bring them to a swift justice.  This is fair and understandable.   My words on this will be to use also the Law of Love with these items.   For those who are repentant, allow forgiveness to come in  totality.   The one who has sinned and is truly sorry for the crimes committed will be the strongest to stand next for the rights of others.   This is not to say they should not work to set right their actions.  In truth, those who are in their hearts repentant will be those who will insist on making corrections as they are able.
    Next, I will share that a serious error with my species was with the division of those attempting to serve and bring us through the transition.   But each group had its own leader, and each leader had an idea.  Some groups would talk with other groups.  Some groups would not talk with any group.   I will tell you that each group help a part of the whole answer.  But without the groups able to share and learn the truth of this, there was no chance of our species being able to move forward as a WHOLE through our transition.
    Humans are now at this same point.
    Do not allow the Ego inside your Beingness to override the Wisdom and Light of your Spirit.  You are all together one species in all truth.   Even with the need of the Star Nations to set aside for our service to you those who are Ego from those in Awareness, you are one flesh and one blood.   The transition will be or will not be for all Humans.
    Learn to better work with those who are attempting to serve all.   You now understand in your hearts the clarity between those who serve their own Ego and those who walk in the Awareness of Source.   Use this as your benchmark for communication.   Learn to listen outside the labels set upon you by the requirement of Human language.   When one says to you "Last night a Gray visited me and showed me love."   Do not judge with your heart "They are wrong because it was Zeta and not Gray."     At this time of Human transition, there is no energy extra to spend on small matters such as a simple word or phrase.     However, if one says "Last night a Zeta came to me and it hurt me."  You will know what is wrong.  You can then use your understanding to rightly work for your transition and say "I know Zeta. or you can say "I know one who was taught by Zeta, and Zeta do not do what you have said.  The truth of this is that Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."      Are you able to see the difference here?
    Again, work in love and compassion with all others in all communications.   Do not divide yourselves further apart.   You must come together through understanding of your situation at hand.   After you have moved into your Fifth World, that will be your time for establishment of universal Human protocol if that is still desired.
    Finally, I ask of you to hold compassion for the leaders of your Light Groups.  Do not be so ready to take offense if a thing is said which hurts your Ego for a short time.   Please understand that this was also a point of failure for my own people.  Your leaders are the same as you in many ways.  They are brave to put their energy on the front line of these great battles.   They are the first to take direct hits from the Ego Humans who hide their own leaders behind armies of weaker Humans who are used in slavery.
    If you desire to serve your leaders, offer your own energy to shield them from your heart.  They will not ask for this because they are not as the Ego Humans.   But this is a thing you can do with your own freedom of will and the energy Source has given you.   Your leaders are strong and they have been taught how to use gifted energy in the right manner for this transition.
    When your leaders are weary from the battle, give to them the fullness of understanding and compassion.   If a word is spoken by a leader who is in battle and that word is taken as being harsh against you, you must be wise to understand the entire situation.    If someone is pulling a child from a burning building and you stop to ask them what time it is, do you expect them to look at their watch with a smile and answer you?
    Humans have the skills and the wisdom to make it through this time.  Do not allow the Ego to take from you the future you are creating.    It is seen  with each report to the Council by Zeta that your success is closer and more obtainable.   This is not said with simple words.  Understand that I speak to you as a Watcher who was shown a Planet Earth that was to fail.   And now I am shown a species called Human who now have their future again in their own hands.   Do not throw away your chance for any comfort of ego.
In service to Star Nations,
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata
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Movie Time: Another Planet X movie

Last night I saw a movie about Planet X callen MELANCHOLIA.  It was perhaps one of the strangest movies I have ever seen.  But it defently was about PX.  Notice the two suns in the sky on the red box disk photo?  You can rent it from red box for $1.27.  The planet in the movie was called Melancholia, which is the name of the movie, makeing it hard to realize that it has anything to do with PX.  So perhaps we should make a list of all the movies with strange names having to do with PX  so that we all can see them.  10958011259?profile=original

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12 Chiccan, 18 Ceh, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Progress continues to be made by our Earth allies and especially by Earth's many secret sacred societies. Many nations in Europe, and many others that are sympathetic to the cause of the new economic system now stand in defiance of the status quo. Meanwhile, a group of unprincipled speculators and their energy-corporation co-conspirators continue to put pressure on global oil prices. To counter this massive chicanery, those who are ready to overthrow the major dark regimes are busy approving the use of various devices that can quickly take your planet off dependence on crude oil and petroleum. This is one of many projects that will refocus the basic direction of your global societies. A new financial system accompanied by new governance will free you from the daily burdens of artificially created scarcity. It is time to begin a new epoch based on true sovereignty and a natural global abundance founded on zero-point and solar energies. There is also the matter of your duties to Mother Earth to attend to. Your precious planet needs to be resuscitated and supported by all of you.

These various activities are part of the plan to remove the dark from power and to permit us to carry out our first contact mission with you. We dearly wish to complete this mission at the right divine time. Before we can arrive, all of you need to become aware of the foul nature of your current reality and why it desperately needs a complete and thorough makeover! The good news is, the dark cabal is on its last legs and its members deeply fear what is to happen to them. We observe how those working in the Light have been courageously moving a much-needed new economic system into place. The abundance that is to flow from this system is only the start of a huge agenda of change. The first of the coming changes can be thought of as a fun run-up to first contact when you will experience the magnificence of Heaven and a return to your spiritual roots. As we have often told you, our part is to mentor you back into your natural state of full consciousness, at which point you will become our associates in unfolding the divine plan throughout physicality.

These changes are to convert the very nature of your reality into something quite different. It is rare for Heaven to condone such an immense alteration in such a short space of time. Normally, this amount of change is made over centuries, not in a span of less than a decade. This sanction is by way of being a divine compensation because the dark cabal openly defied the sacred decrees governing the makeover of this reality. The cabal took upon itself the astonishing hubris of attempting to evict the forces of Heaven from one of Her especially administered physical realities. Such defiance is of course ridiculous! The Galactic Federation of Light is here as one of the physical components of Heaven to carry out the divine agenda in physicality, and it is thus that your freedom is ensured. Also dedicated to the Light are various on-planet resources which have joined together to direct a Heaven-sponsored removal of the cabal and its arrogant adherents. This strategy is in its final phases and the cabal's power is ebbing fast.

As the dark cabalists prepare to step down, we closely monitor those who are poised to succeed them. It is vital that the designated caretaker governments set up a form of representative governance that supports your present and future development. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes will instigate need to be in synch with one another. Further, these regimes require new rules which enable each of you to be a participant in government, as these will be the first, primitive steps toward your galactic society. This brief period will be an interregnum between your present governmental morass and your return to full consciousness. Nevertheless, its activities will need to anticipate the vast transformations that lie ahead, and must represent more than just a return to the eloquent goals of your forefathers. It is a time to acknowledge who you are becoming and the grand responsibilities that you are to undertake which will forge a marvelous future for all of surface humanity!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this glorious day to welcome each of you into the new realm of full consciousness which is being materialized as we speak. Below you lie the sacred lands of Inner Earth, where each city of the Agarthans is doing its part to assist us in morphing the remaining darkness that riddles your surface societies. We are in fact moving our associates into position to successfully complete the final moves that will sweep away the detritus made by millennia of dark misrule. Your freedom comes with certain responsibilities to Mother Earth and to the magically complex and diverse life chain so badly disturbed and laid waste to by the dark. We are at the time specified by Heaven to appear before you and explain the many aspects of sacred wisdom that we have acquired over the millennia, as this knowledge can help you understand more precisely what Gaia expects of you.

You are entering a brief period in your history that is to expand your consciousness as well as your overall awareness of the nature and function of your reality. This will act as a wakeup call to your innate wisdom, which has lain dormant within you from the suppression of nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This state was imposed on you with certain severe restrictions mandated by Heaven, and at first these standards were only trifled with by the dark. Then, during the past eight millennia the Anunnaki and their appointed minions ran roughshod over these various rules. It is these violations that have led to the special dispensations which resulted first in our presence (the Ascended Masters) and then in the first-contact mission of the Galactic Federation. Using Agartha as our appointed refuge on Earth, we journeyed out each day to guide and prepare you for the Great Shift in consciousness.

The divine grace and mercy of Heaven have brought us all to the prophesied point where we return to who we truly are. Our task at that point becomes increasingly one of guiding you to your full potential within your life contract. We have taken on with joy what is next in line for us all and for this marvelous living entity upon whom we dwell. Our Agarthan family is very ready to celebrate their reunion with Earth's surface humanity, and thereafter, our activities will expand to include all the water worlds that make up this solar system. This newly formed star-nation has a series of special tasks to help the galaxy return to the Light and join a multitude of nearby galaxies to spread the Light throughout this sector of physicality. An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.

Today, we continued our message about what is happening on your world. A new sense of selfhood is spreading rapidly within humanity. With the assistance of many from Heaven and from the Galactic Federation, you are readying yourselves for the consciousness shift decreed by Heaven and by AEON. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Notes from the first 30 minutes:  Drake talks about what the plan is.  Looking to alleviate fear over the change coming.  At present, the maneuver is in process to complete actions.  These actions will make major changes in the way business is conducted, internationally, nationally, and locally.  This takes us back to our founding documents.  This puts the power of the people into their hands.  You have to have certain individuals in administrative capacities.  You have a large entity that has to have people keep it from going off the tracks.  The transition is designed and is presently being implemented as well as the wishes, desires is to be peaceful, in that there is not going to be martial laws, coups, etc.  The services are going to be protected.  The bad guys who like to tax you, take your money, will do anything to maintain their power.  Their power has been limited and reduced.  The basic problem of making sure this is a smooth transition is an extreme tactical effort on the surface of it, if you think of it, example, your local gov't, making sure some guy with a gun doesn't go crazy, riots, etc.  Then look at state level, multiply by 50.  Think of maintaining some sort of peaceful transition.  The changes already have momentum.  Close to implementing actions.  There will be a lot of questions about exactly what is going on.  Here today to allay the fears.  This is not a military action, but a civilian action. Military will try to stay out, use Federal marshalls backed up by local police, military will help upon civilian request.  Don't worry about things being interrupted or turned off.  The social security checks will keep flowing, as will the electricity. 

Be alert.  Get educated.  This is a peaceful revolution.  Cabal members will be put in FEMA camps and will be tending large gardens as part of their rehab.  Jails will be emptied of innocent people or those involved in victimless crimes.  True criminals will remain behind bars.  Freedom of will is not to be enslaved.  Golden rule.  There will be major changes.  Change causes concern and worry.  Here today to try to alleviate some of that.  Financially, new financial basis for currency.  This change of currency is probably going to take place pretty soon.  Working out, finalizing details.  One of the aspects is the currencies that are known as fiat currencies are basically not worth the paper they're printed on.  Those are dead instruments.  The new currency, international currency, that will be put into place over time in all countries, will be based on real value.  A lot of taxation is not necessary.  Looking at very minimal or no taxation.  Collateral accounts and world funds hold tremendous wealth and will take care of all of the indebtedness of the planet, leftover monies will take care of roads, ensure people don't go hungry.  The premise is don't be afraid of the military.  Might ask for your assistance.  Maybe ask you to help your neighbor, feed a hungry person, etc.  Very different from what we are expecting like martial law, putting us into FEMA camps that many are expecting.  Looking at mass arrests, removal from office of all those people putting these evil things into play.  Worldwide effort to get rid of b.s. laws... like, don't like the color of the leaf on your lawn kinds of laws. 

Paperwork done.  People, don't fly off the handle and shoot at the military.  Stand down.  Keep your gun, okay.  Just don't shoot before finding out what they want.  Many in military disagree with martial law.  The bad guys tried twice to declare martial law and it didn't fly.  Some in military refused to take certain actions simply because it was unconstitutional. 

However, you might run out of toilet paper.  I've stocked up on t.p.  Not a bad idea to stock up for this transition.  A lot of people may not have heard about this.  Let people know what's coming. 

At 30 minutes, they open up for questions, which I didn't have time to listen to.

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The Gosford Incident

Historically, the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia has been a major hotspot for UFO sightings and reports. The book 'The Gosford Files' details the 1995-96 flap where police officers are mentioned in several cases, in particular one incident where the local police were chasing a strange flying metallic craft back and forth across the bay all night. As residents called to report that they were woken by a thunderous roar and blinding lights, animals howled, cowered and hid. The case remains a mystery today but there is little doubt that the sightings were real and credible people had an extraordinary experience.

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Man captures with his house camera, Ashtar Galactic Command scout ship hovering before descending over Queensland skies. - 26th March 2012

Sorry we have left the lights out. Tomorrow we will turn the outboard lights of our ships on so many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish. We of the Ashtar Command are joining with our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light in allowing more sightings of our ships, as well as much clearer sightings, to act as icebreakers to our presence in your world. Our command is also here in great numbers, and we have ships stationed above many different parts of your planet. - Ashtar Galactic Command through Greg Giles 21st March 2012
A more definitive proof of our existence to you is in the works and more on this will be revealed in the coming weeks. You can, of course, expect ever increasing sightings from around the globe. We have, of late, concentrated on specific third world countries as part of the plan we have of direct communication with those regions. Now, however, we bring our focus back to those countries that can make a difference in the disclosure process. Expect that tremendous and awe inspiring displays will now occur with ever increasing frequency.!

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I am passing this along...there are comments from two other people I have also been asked if we keep guns in the house. The nurse just kinda slipped it in along with all the other regular questions. I told her I refused to answer because it was against the law to ask. Everyone, whether you have guns or not, should give a neutral answer so they have no idea who does and who doesn't.

My doctor asked me if I had guns in my house and also if any were loaded. I , of course, answered yes to both questions. Then he asked why I kept a loaded gun close to my bed. I answered that my son, who is a certified gun instructor and also works for Homeland Security, advised me that an unloaded, locked up gun is no protection against criminal attack. The Government now requires these questions be asked of people on Medicare, and probably everyone else.

Just passing this along for your information: I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation. One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your damn business!! So it is out there!

It is either an insurance issue or government intervention. Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (As they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!

Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners...Thanks.


From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer:

I had a doctors appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along.

While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions:

1. Did I feel stressed?
2. Did I feel threatened?
3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?

The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security.

Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have?

Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner veteran or not, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !

If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.

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The scanning of photos taken from the Space Shuttle - and sent years ago

By Jesuit Cristoforo Barbato in SIV - is authentic.

But back to 1986: Mission STS-61C

By Luca Scantamburlo

  I'll be back to talk about the case Secretum Omega because I have something significant to communicate and comment. I write my essay in The American Armageddon - among the material sent to Cristoforo Barbato by Jesuit SIV of the Holy See - there's also the image of a purported class spazioplano Aurora, a top secret U.S. Air Force hypersonic aircraft capable of out by the atmosphere. Thanks for such an aircraft - and the collaboration of Lockheed Martin aerospace industry - would be put in orbit in the early '90, the space probe named "Shiloh", intended to venture into deep space to monitor the approach of Nibiru the sun according to the testimony of this collection years ago by Jesuit Cristoforo Barbato, freelancers and independent researcher, active mainly in Naples ufology, and space exploration and military secret, but not only (his name certainly does not look out of place in one of Lists of the Register of Journalists, saw his previous work, but unfortunately not a journalist can be defined according to Italian law, as it is in writing and never has been, but in my opinion has always shown respect for his articles in ethics).

  Referring to one of the legends of the long interview granted me more than three years ago by C. Barbato for the bi-monthly UFO News - learned that the photo was made in December 2002 through the porthole of a Space Shuttle mission in secret (see page 102, Chapter IV: "The Vatican investigates the mysteries of deep space?").

 But together we read the caption that accompanied my writing at the time, published bimonthly on the Italian director Roberto Pinotti: “[...] photos of the supposed Aurora aircraft, according to what is learned from the source was made on 31/12/02 the porthole of a Shuttle mission. NASA archive is that the last official duty performed in 2002 was between 23/11 and 7/12 with the Shuttle Endeavor.”

In light of the revelations of McClelland might be reasonable to assume that it was taken during one of the secret NASA / NSA mission called "Classified".” taken from caption on page 27 of the service-interview entitled  “Secretum Omega. The Sumerians, the Vatican and Siloam, an alleged secret space probe.” , L. Scantamburlo, UFO News , no. 62, April-May 2006.   The caption is not signed. Since the text of it was not created by me, I recently asked about the Christopher Barbato, who informed me that if I took him at his time, by sending to the drafting of UFO News even used the photo for my service (which , the latter, I already knew).   Barbato told me that was not attributed to the Jesuit image dates, but his was a deduction based on the written too laid hand on the picture. Unfortunately, since the picture came to him after the last face to face he had with the Vatican insider, he was unable to ask or clarify details about the exact origin. He knew only by his source that the photo was taken from a Space Shuttle in orbit.

   Well, this has clarified one aspect that I had misunderstood, giving the date right to information obtained by the Jesuit. The writing misled us. I, then, did not delve into, but I realize only now that the clues to trace the truth have always been under our noses: the letters written by hand by someone on the picture ("61c - 31-02") - and wrongly interpreted as a date - was the key.   The fact that I candidly admit my carelessness - and the oversight of others - should be a stimulus to all readers and researchers called: some, instead of getting lost in useless controversies, would do better to engage in disclosure and constructive criticism. I am sorry that no one has publicly taken before me.

Also, apparently nobody has talked about or discussed previously in magazines or in social networks, and this shows that there seems to be widespread serious desire to understand. Or perhaps this suggests that the case Secretum Omega - with all its shadows - is of such complexity and such a huge amount of detail that discourages even the most willing. But if the same aerospace journalist and sociologist Roberto Pinotti has devoted a voice in his latest book came out for the types of Mondadori ("Aliens. A meeting announced"), this should make us reflect for a long time even the most skeptical. Do not you think?

The photo taken FROM SHUTTLE COLUMBIA: January 1986

   We now come to my baby - and eventful - discovery that puts in place another piece of the enigmatic and complex mosaic of case Secretum Omega. Browsing the net I came across some video montages of a YouTube user called "LunaCognita", written by May 9, 2008 ( ). Among them is the video titled  “Aliens in the NASA Archives - More Stunning NASA UFO Anomalies Captured On Film”, about 10 minutes in length. Right there - the 2 minute and 52 seconds - I found that once I insert an image seemed familiar. I went to check the source directly.   This is indeed an official photo taken from a NASA Space Shuttle in orbit, during January 1986. In the online archives of the NASA Kennedy Space Center, it is cataloged "STS61C-31-002", and the name of the file 10062623.jpg.   It can be found at the following link:  was taken aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia - NASA tells us the text that illustrates another link. When? He says January 12, 1986. Surely between 12 and 23 January 1986 (day of return to earth). Comment about Nasa: "Title: Piece of thermal insulation tile floats near the Shuttle Columbia   Description: A small piece of thermal insulation tile floats in space near the shuttle   Columbia. The cloudy surface of the earth is used as a background. "           Source:  

TRIANGULAR OBJECT: THE fanciful explanation NASA 

  Engineers from NASA's explanation - that the black object portrait would be a piece of insulation that floats near the Shuttle Columbia - in my opinion a bit 'fancy. Just compare the object with the insulating tiles covering the shuttle. Where you would loose this insulating material? The Shuttle? And then you realize its size. Almost certainly the object that stands against the beautiful blue planet, is very different feet, not inches. And even if one of about 31 000 tiles of silica attached to the backbone - forming a protective insulating layer (the Thermal Protection System, in short TPS) - American and detached from the spacecraft, it would mean serious problems during re-entry of the medium. As it actually happened on 1 February 2003 and just the Shuttle Columbia (STS-107), which disintegrated over Texas and fell in a host of flaming pieces because of damage to the TPS, procured during the days before launch.   Most of the protective tiles which are of the Shuttle American are termed "LI-900 silica tiles", and are constituted by a combination of materials: are composed mainly of very pure quartz sand, made rigid by other substances. The secondment of one of them involves serious risks Shuttle orbiter during re-entry. Instead the crew of STS-61C Columbia in January 1986, he returned to earth safely. Also there is another picture - cataloged STS-61C-31-003 and shown in the video LunaCognita - which depicts a similar black triangular object. So this is the same object or photographed at different times and from different perspectives, or the space is filled with insulating tiles that float. From the photo NASA is known throughout the symmetry of the object, rather than a tile that looks like a delta spazioplano.  

Well, the picture taken on board the Columbia shows the same view of the subject and the image sent by the Jesuit, although it is public domain in digital format (converted to digital from the original print or slide), and of different quality. Considering the information index page, the image NASA's online since at least July 2, 1994.   This derives from the fact that the image sent by the Jesuit to Barbato SIV, is a scan of a photo slightly damaged, with shades of different color, and has in my opinion light reflections typical of a photographic print. Obviously you should ask an expert, because I'm not, but there is no doubt - from the details - it is the same image. Also because this would explain the hand-written on the picture that begins with "61C", the final part of the code name for the Shuttle mission at the time: STS-61C, while 31-02 are almost all five numbers in the final part the name of the cataloged Photographic NASA: "STS61C-31-002".   To have a similar picture (with a different quality from that of the public domain), the Jesuit SIV must have had close contacts, and this speaks well of his credibility ( assuming of course that you have not downloaded the image from the network, he has printed and then ruined). In any case, the Jesuit gave an authentic picture, consistent with its information. On the rest of the interesting material (especially the "Jesuit Footage", which is not public domain) and its history, still can not judge with certainty.


  Would be very interesting if one of the journalists who participate in the NASA press conference, there was one which he addressed to the American Space Agency's new Chief Executive and asked what he photographed the crew of Columbia in January 1986, pointing the photographic objective to the black triangle that seems to emerge by the atmosphere.   Yes, because at the list of the astronauts of mission STS-61C, I found the name of Charles F. Bolden Jr. (born August 19, 1946). As it happens today, the first African American to lead NASA - since July 2009, with the appointment of President Obama and the Senate confirms - it is Charles F. Bolden Jr., a pilot of the Shuttle mission at the time.   Among other things, Frank Charles Bolden Jr. is a highly decorated senior officer, former General of the Marine Corps, a veteran of the Vietnam War as a pilot in the skies of Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam.

 It has two degrees and before arriving at the top of NASA, he had already worked there in the past 14 years (since he was selected as an astronaut in 1980). One would wonder why the choice of NASA Administrator has fallen today on a former astronaut who is also a former fighter and a high-ranking military officer well qualified. This decision seems strangely on the same wavelength of months ago that taken by the Department of Defense (DoD) U.S., which imposed the secrecy classification on race cars (and "fireballs" - in English - in general). A former high-ranking military guide NASA, the Pentagon and the military are concerned about the fireballs.  But, as we know, the hard questions no longer seem the norm in Italian journalism and international, or rather when they are directed mainly to the scandals in which is involved our Prime Minister.   I think there are problems and issues far more important: protecting the environment, depletion of energy resources, the causes of climate change, the obsession with secrecy about extraterrestrial reality and the exploration Secret Space, conducted with no conventionally propelled orbiter and probe.

© Luke Scantamburlo August 14, 2009 Reproduction is allowed on the Web if Accompanied by the statement © L. Scantamburlo - 


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