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Portal Opens Today

September 03, 2014

Anna Merkaba ~ "Tremendous Opportunity" Portal Opens Today

Beginning today and continuing until September 9th is a portal opening that is apparently one which offers us great opportunity for our cosmic awareness.  The energy is affecting everything and can be utilized for our benefit if we tune into the waves of light. grasp them, hold on and have them work their magic.  This means to take extra time each of these seven days to go a bit deeper, a bit higher and bring the two together in  physicality.  We are in the process of bringing Heaven to Earth, with our very own selves as the catalyst for these changes. 
Lots of upgrades to our DNA going on as the energy magnifies and releases ancient ancestral patterns embedded within our cellular structures.  This is a big one and is something that is at the heart of why our ascension symptoms have made us feel as though we are losing our grip on "reality".  Because we are.  What used to work doesn't anymore, an idea that requires a great deal of faith, until the time comes when we can experience it for ourselves.  And we do, except it is usually subtle and indecipherable in the day to day.  But when we step back we see how far we've come and how much has improved, it feels like a new day.  We understand the work we've done and the help we've recieved - and this isn't slowing down anytime soon.  For each letting go of the old, something of a more beautiful and refined frequency takes its place.  We feel more detachment, more love more forgiveness more patience more health, etc and so forth.
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EBay and Facebook both down right now

What the heck is going on?  I have an eBay store, I can't log on and when I try to call eBay I get the all lines are busy call back later.  I even got a busy signal the first time.  I am sure there are a lot of angry sellers calling eBay all at one time.

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This was forwarded to me by a friend.  This is something to think about.......... Love & Light, SG.

It’s All in Divine Order – Nothing to Worry About!

Posted on August 12, 2014 |

 I wonder who in humanity, other than the obvious few corrupt/sinister ones, would actually want to bring chaos into our world?


Is it possible that the negative situations, the barbaric events that we see manifesting are due to the notion that maybe we haven’t paid attention to them, and that because of our lack of interest it’s gotten out of hand? Could it also be that we’ve been lied to about how to handle ourselves with respect to these sinister global events so that we’ve become a little too complacent and full or ourselves? I’m speaking about those who supposedly came into this world to help.... Where are you?

And who would be lying to us? Who or what would gain if we don’t pay attention to these things? Who or what would train us to think that if we focus on the negative aspects of this world we will bring it on – after all, we create our own reality? How many people in Syria created that reality for themselves? How many women who have been raped, accused of adultery and stoned to death have created that reality? How many sexually abused children or children used in rituals have brought this to their reality? Give me a break!

And who is calling those who bring this to everyone’s attention fear mongers? Those who use this terminology are in fear of being called out!

And who would embrace this type of thinking and careless spiritual belief? It is unfortunate for the Light Bearers who do get it, and are exhausted in holding the Light and taking on added responsibility. The total realization of the Spiritual Warfare is something that is too much to bear and it’s a heavy load. There is much battle-fatigue, as there is no help from the others that came in with that purpose...Those have been compromised by the false philosophies and now embrace a “laissez fair”, service-to-self thinking ...

I guess those who embrace the “everything is in Divine Order” belief must be on a different planet or dimension, or maybe they’ve Ascended and we all didn’t get the Memo! But, they’re somewhere else...They’re somewhere that is not experiencing what we are witnessing on the planet at this moment. It must be Utopia for them to hold on to the notion that there is no evil and that people are just in a blissful state – perpetually – as they get their colonics, their organics and their doses of Ayahuasca.

What is happening to this world is worse than anything that Atlantis could have experienced. The degree of irresponsibility by those “in the Know” is beyond shameful! And every second that goes by, the darkness advances – without anything stopping it.

We can sit behind our computers and philosophize all day long, all year long... and the world is exponentially deteriorating beyond the point of recovery. This leads me to believe that we have been infiltrated and compromised in an unprecedented manner.

And if we don’t realize the degree of deception that has been served to us in a pretty, flowery plate, we will keep holding on to disempowering philosophies, philosophies that are creating and maintaining the Entropy.

If we want to turn this around, then we need to 1) acknowledge what is happening in the world – as not being in alignment with the Divine Blueprint and 2) take responsibility by rising to the occasion and using the Divine Gifts and the Powers that we possess by being Emissaries of The Light.

Those that serve darkness have made you believe you are sick, unloved, alone, old, poor, and broken... That you can’t connect to the Divine anymore, because you’ve inhaled one chemtrail too many, or have swallowed one glass of fluoridated water too many...

I tell you that this is not the case! Your Divinity overrides ALL that which has lied to you and tries hard to compromise you! DO NOT BE FOOLED and DO NOT believe the pretty-numbing messages of False Spirituality that has robbed you of The TRUTH, and taken away the POWER & AUTHORITY that is inherent in you so that you can bring forth the Will of Creator to this world.

Stand Up! Look at the evidence around you and ask: “Is it really in Divine Order?” Ask: “How have I advertently or inadvertently contributed to this chaos?”

If you can’t look at yourself in the mirror after answering, then it’s time to shake off the corrupt programing that has made you complacent, apathetic and indifferent; and it’s time to Connect Directly with Prime Creator. Only through the Light and the Vibration of the Higher Realms will we all ignite again and be That Light which will Blast the darkness out of this realm once and for all!

Have you had enough of the madness and the lies?  

Learn how these forces lie to the Spiritual Emissaries of Light – you! Find out about the tactics they use; how they keep you in low vibration; how they interfere in your life; and the tools of protection and empowerment that will help you turn your life around, and get this planet back into the frequency of The Illumined Realms.

My goal is to wake up the sleeping Light Emissaries – not the masses! I have been commissioned to bring this information out. May it be a tool in our Spiritual Arsenal for The Light

If you’re interested in this information, get on the mailing list so that you can be notified when the book is launched. On that day, those that get the book will also receive bonuses to help in your Empowerment and Protection.

Go to to get on the mailing list or email me directly at:

Sending you all my Blessings and prayers of protection for the coming time ahead...

 – Ari Kopel

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Things are happening, even if we refuse to except. BUT some are manipulated, like letting water from reservoirs go straight to the sea, passing farmers - people & passing us because big part of food comes from Calif. Watch markets closely, sizes-prices already changing. Start thinking WHAT can i do & start doing it, time is not tomorrow!/R

California water infrastructure on verge of historic collapse

Monday, September 01, 2014 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Water is increasingly hard to come by in drought-stricken California, where many farmers are struggling to get enough water just to pay the bills. But the situation in the Golden State is far worse than many people realize, according to new reports, as underground aquifers that take decades to recharge are being sucked dry, and water infrastructure that has long sustained the agricultural growing regions of the state continue their collapse.

Writing for The Washington Post (WP), journalist Joby Warrick draws attention to what many scientists say is an unprecedented collapse of California's vast water infrastructure, which is marked by an elaborate system of canals, reservoirs and wells that transfer water from the mountains and other areas to the Central Valley. Altogether, the state contains some 27 million acres of cropland. This system is now failing, say experts, and the consequences will more than likely be unparalleled in California's history.

According to the report, many of California's underground aquifers, which are typically drawn upon as a last resort when all else fails, are now the go-to for watering food crops throughout the state. In some areas, these aquifers have dropped by as much as 100 feet, an unprecedented decline that, even if the drought suddenly ended, would likely take several decades or longer to fully recharge.

"A well-managed basin is used like a reserve bank account," stated Richard Howitt, a professor emeritus of resource economics from the University of California at Davis, to WP. Howitt co-authored a study published back in July that estimates a 5.1 million acre-feet loss of water this year from California's underground reserves, a volume the size of Lake Shasta, the state's largest water reservoir.

"We're acting like the super rich who have so much money they don't need to balance their checkbook."

Thousands of California farmers could lose their land if water runs out

But many farmers have no choice. They either have to pull the water now to save their crops or face potential bankruptcy and the loss of their farms. Because of the immense scarcity of water this year -- some 60 percent of California is now recorded as being at the highest level of drought, dubbed "exceptional" -- many farmers didn't even receive a share from the infrastructure.

One such farmer is Joe Carrancho, who grows rice in Willows, California. The 71-year-old lost 25 percent of his usual water allotment this year -- and he is considered lucky, since some farmers received no water at all -- and is now struggling to make payroll. He is also having to make payments on a $500,000 rice harvester that, despite the water losses, still costs the same every month.

"I have 25 percent less production, but no one is giving me a 25 percent break in my bills," he told WP.

Lawmakers propose drastic water restrictions to avoid collapse

Agriculture is by far the largest water consumer in the state, representing more than 40 percent of California's water usage. Even with about 35 million residents, California's urban areas only account for about 9 percent of overall water usage, which is minimal in the larger scheme of things.

But state lawmakers are moving to impose tighter water restrictions, including a $7.5 million bond measure that, if passed this fall, would expand the state's reservoir system and improve water recycling and other conservation efforts.

"We've reached a tipping point where the surface water is no longer enough, yet there are increasing demands from both agriculture and the environment," added groundwater management expert and hydrologist Graham Fogg to WP.

Sources for this article include:

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Fear Porn Sites

Please use discernment when posting from these sites.  Not everything is bad, but a lot of useless fear porn gets posted and there's no point in passing it around. and its sister site,

Sorcha Faal -- known sites run by Sorcha Faal / David Booth -- shouldn't be posted at all.  Nothing they have published has to come to pass:

Others to be wary of:  Michael Moore, Ed Dames, John Moore, Hagmann & Hagmann, Jim Stone, and Rev. Michelle Hopkins (now posts on youtube as YellowRoseforTexas).

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Lee's QHHT Session

Lee was the first, the trailblazer.  He took the Level 1 course after reading this article, and immediately managed somehow to get to the top of Dolores Cannon's 7-year waiting list for a session.  His original responses to questions and comments about his session (from those who listened to the audio file) were accidentally deleted, but he put some back in the comments below.  Audio files of his session with Dolores Cannon are available upon request. Lee is now a certified quantum healing hypnosis therapy practitioner.  Please visit his website at

Then I had a session with a nearby practitioner, Patty Lake, in South Carolina.  The audio files of my session are also available upon request.  My session transcript is linked at

I have to say that I think Dolores Cannon's QHHT is a major game changer, the most important thing to impact this planet in a very long time.  It is going to assist in a major way the awakening and ascension of this planet, as well as Disclosure! 

Narrative Transcript of

Lee's Session with Dolores Cannon

This is a narrative transcript of Lee's session with Dolores Cannon (DC). It is not a verbatim transcript. Instead, it is summarized as a narrative (rather than a question and answer format). This delivers the substance of the session while saving time in reading (or listening) to it. Of course, listening is richer, to hear DC in action, hear the soul chuckle about things, and so forth, but it takes longer.

The session opens with the proprietary induction (removed). Then DC asks Lee what he sees. He says it is hard to describe. DC encourages Lee. He says that he can see sky, a white, yellowish light. He also sees an animal and describes it as long and made out of vibrant colors. DC reiterates the sky is yellowish looking and Lee confirms it is, and then says that the animal, which is long, like a centipede, is floating through the air and has enormous eyes that are radiating violet. He says that it feels like he is almost underwater, but says its not underwater, it's in the air.

DC asks what else Lee sees and he says he doesn't see any land under his feet, but below him is a darker color. He says where he is at is peaceful. DC asks if he is standing on it (land), and Lee says yes, but that it didn't seem like it could support him, that he could move through it. But yet, it was supporting him, that he was balanced over it.

DC asks if he saw anything else in the distance, above the dark surface. Lee said he saw something "like a city." He saw a vertical structure, very skinny, like a support. It was extremely dull at the end. It was like a city. When DC asked if there was more than just the one structure, he said there appeared to be others, same shape. One was close, a few miles away, he guessed.

DC returned to the support and reminded him that he said it was not solid. Lee says that it supported him and he felt like he was floating.

She asked him how he perceived himself. He replied that he was different from the long creature ("centipede"). It was ascertained that he did not have a centipede body but that he did not have a human form. He saw himself in a space suit: white, very fake, and that he had two legs with white, huge boots on his feet and that the boots were part of the suit, one piece. When asked what was different about the body that he thought it didn't appear human, Lee said it was probably because the suit was very bulky, and was a sort of a suit that protected him from the environment. He didn't see if he had arms but did determine that his face was covered, and the suit covered the rest of his body.

DC reconfirmed that he was floating and he agreed. She asked him if she thought he lived in the city. Lee answered that it was a flying saucer sitting on a huge pylon. DC asked if it was like a city in the air and Lee confirmed it was, a big city, supported by the pylon. He also reconfirmed that the light in the sky was yellowish, but he also saw a red color. She asked him if he felt he lived in that city (the flying saucer) and he said, that it was more a curiosity, he didn't think he lived there. He went on to describe many rows of lit up windows, made out of glass, and shiny metal, but most of it was glass, where they lived. They were very, very high above the ground.

DC asked if he was just there to watch and Lee said yes. He said it was huge inside, one big open space. He was looking through a window. He didn't see any other people or beings, just machines performing some kinds of tasks. He saw robots, automated machines performing tasks.

Lee was on the outside, looking for human forms, but I couldn't see any. But he knew there must be some kinds of entities there. He said they wore white costumes, like a space suit, like his, same big boots. He said those entities couldn't be in that room without those suits, like him. They had arms and legs like him, but their faces were covered by a dark piece of glass. He didn't feel like he was a part of that place, though. It was residential, seemed to be a factory.

DC asked him if it was his job to go and observe and Lee replied that it seemed like he was there because he was curious. She asked him where he came from, and to see what it looked like where he lived. He replied that he was traveling very fast out of space and that he was not in a vehicle, he was just traveling by himself. He didn't see his space suit. He said he was a speck of energy and that the galaxies were flying by. When he was asked what it looked like as he traveled, he said he saw a huge white light ahead of him. It was where he was going. It was very bright. It was where his people are. It was like headquarters, where everybody was being sent out from.

Lee said yes, his missions were to observe, to learn. He was free to travel and explore. He said they were able to choose among themselves where they went. They gained knowledge. In this particular case, he had gone by himself. DC asked again if he was wearing a space suit in that place and he said it wasn't his place to live, couldn't be there without it. She asked if he couldn't observe without it, and he said no, he couldn't, he had to wear it. DC asked what he did with what he observed and learned.

The particular mission described above was for curiosity, recreational. It didn't have any particular significance. But now he was going home. He described it as a sphere, with many, many people in it. He entered it through "a sort of a door that opens." DC asked him if he was still a speck once he got inside. He said no, he looked like a humanoid with arms and legs. His arms were very skinny. Everyone there looked all alike. He said he had already telepathically communicated his findings. He said he liked what he did, that it was fun. He got assignments all the time, and was able to choose where he wanted to go. It was fun to explore and they moved fast and other beings can't see them. He said that was the case when he went inside (the place mentioned above). He noted that the first entity (the centipede) could see him, and he can be seen on other missions.

DC asked if he was being sent out on other missions. He said yes. She asked if they had told him about it, and he said, "It's all about observing. We're observers. We've never been forced to do something we don't believe in. He also said that it was important to stabilize the energy because, "in the universe, there is a lot of chaos. It needs to be balanced." DC asked how he balanced the energy in a place that big. He said he [and his colleagues] didn't do the balancing and didn't know who did, some higher groups did it. They were only sent as observers. DC asked if he was sent to places that needed to be balanced. He didn't answer the question, just said that that particular mission was just for fun.

DC asked if he had ever been assigned to go and live in a human body. He said, "I have a human body when I was in a space suit observing. I just used it." But when he was asked if he had ever lived a life in a human body, he said, he didn't think so. [Right about here, it seems that it's the SC speaking. Earlier, it was hard to tell, because it was in first person, but now there is this detached viewpoint of the body. DC starts speaking directly to the SC and referring to Lee as a 3rd party in the session.] He was moving very fast. He had no desire to go and stay in one place, no desire to live in a human body. DC asked him if he were aware he was speaking through a human body right then and he said yes. She was a bit confused, saying it seemed like two different things. She was trying to understand. Was it two separate things?

Lee said he doesn't belong here. DC asked, but you are part of this human being, aren't you? He said, "Yes, I'm here right now, to observe. That they must have sent him here on assignment."  DC asked if he had been here on assignment for very long. He replied that he's been here since he was a child. She asked if it was to be an observer in a different way. And he said he was here "to teach and observe."

DC asked him what he was supposed to teach and he replied that he didn't come here when he was born, he came after. His body was already a child, maybe three or four, when he entered it. He said he was assigned to be in this body when it almost drowned. His parents took to him to the Black Sea resort and the inflated life support fell out from under him and he went deep under water. He could see others like himself. They were coming to rescue him from the bottom of the water and they brought him back to the surface. "Everybody thinks it was a gentleman who rescued me."  He doesn't remember if there was an original soul in the body when he entered it, but he was assigned to enter it.

DC is confused and asks some questions. "Are you existing with him, or are you him? I'm trying to understand. You're Lee, you're now in the body, right?" And he says, right.  DC says, "He's a good person, he wants to do many things this life." He says yes.

DC asks about when he thought he was being hit with something at the police station in Romania. Lee explains that it was an energy used for a wrong purpose, and that it was coming from the other side of the wall. The purpose of the energy was to do damage to him and the group he was with. He was not to be damaged by it, the energy went around it. He said that the energy did not do anything to his body because it was deflected. It was an invisible shield from his own body that caused the energy to go around it, so no harm was done to his body.

Then Lee came to America and many strange things happened to him. DC asks if he's still observing. He answers that no, he's the teacher now. DC wants to know what is he teaching and he says that "humanity belongs to the galactic community. They are never alone. And they have the power to change everything. They have to be prepared for a contact." She asks what he means by contact and he says "they have to accept the galactic community. They have to accept their presence. It has to be done gradual. That they fear too much. DC asks if he's supposed to teach about galactic community and he says yes. She asks how. He says, "the ones they fear the most, they're into groups of survivalists preparing for the apocalypse and they are at the core of the fear. They're very important because if they could see the truth everything else would change. At the deepest level of fear, trying to prepare for. There is nothing to fear. Those people are good, not trying to harm. They got caught up in the fear. Trying to help. Fear took a hold of them. All they do is prepare for survival. Instead, they should have no fear of death, you will never be safe. You have to be free to be safe." DC asks, what do you want Lee to teach? The reply is, "They have come to the light to fight evil. Not being fear."

Lee had an abduction experience, a few years ago, and wanted to know if it really happened. He has scattered memories of it. When the SC answered, he said, "I'm not allowed to answer. DC wanted to know if there was a reason. He said "there's nothing to answer." Then he said, "the group involved seems to be involved in genetic experiments. I can't say more than this." DC says it's okay and he said, "They're holding back. It's not relevant right now."

Now DC switches to Lee's body. "He's concerned with his body. He's got a pretty good body, doesn't he?" SC says yeah. DC replies, "he keeps it healthy." SC chuckles and says, "He's a mess."

DC asks the SC to do a body scan and the SC says Lee's body has degenerative arthritis throughout his whole body. DC thought it was just the back of his neck, but the SC said the neck was the worst and that it was genetic. DC asked what could be done and the SC said he was already working on it.

DC wanted to know what the SC was doing to fix it and he said "energy." She asked "what are you doing with the energy?" The SC said "everything is being restructured. It's done." He had just worked on the neck, then looked at the heart because a valve needed an adjustment. There was some fibrillation and was not working properly. Noticed some problem in the vertebrae and some problems with the right knee, an old injury. There was a cyst on the lung, a half-inch growth. It wasn't cancerous and the SC used energy to make it go away. Allergies were brought up and DC asked the SC to build a defense system. The SC assured he's fixed it, and that it was nothing life threatening. He advises for Lee to get off the allergy shots, gradually. DC asks if there is anything else to look at. The SC says no and agrees his body is back in complete harmony.

DC tells the SC that Lee says he's able to heal with the energy in his hands and the SC agrees. DC tells the SC that Lee wants to know if he can get that ability back. The LC says, if he wants it, all he has to do is just use it. DC asks how he does it, and the SC says it will come back once he focuses on it, that he stopped because he got scared by the unpleasant energy he was getting. He was given instructions "to use the white light, surround himself by the white light. That will be his protection. The client will be automatically protected by his white light. He has the ability... He just has to visualize for himself, so he does not allow himself to absorb the other energy. It's just for his own visualization process, to protect himself."

The SC said that Lee used to get very cold when doing healing because his body temperature dropped, that he was different, in many ways. His purpose is to teach and to heal.

DC is still trying to clarify about Lee not having past Earth lives. She asks, "This is confusing, but is this Lee's first lifetime here?" The SC says, "yes, it is his first lifetime here. He was tricked. He thought it would be easy, it's chaos. I tricked myself. I thought it would be an easy assignment, but it's hard to teach, easy to heal. Being human is not easy. It's hard to move. It's muddy. A lot of resistance, physical and mental from people. They complain, then when you tell them what they need to do, they laugh at you. It's frustrating. DC then says, "It sounds like he's here as a second wave, here to help with their energies." [This is a category in her research. Lee doesn't know the term, but agrees that he could be one of them, but that he's just known as an old soul.] DC says, "As an observer, Lee is reporting back what he is finding." He says, "yeah, they are in touch with me all the time."

DC concludes that it is no use in asking about past lives, because he hasn't had any as a human. Lee's SC says, "many, many coming now [like himself]. There's so many of us, most are not incarnated. Here right now. Buzzing around the planet. Going back and forth, back and forth, analyzing it. Sending messages to source all the time. It's an invisible fabric they are creating right now. They are creating an invisible fabric as a shield. They are working very, very fast, around the earth, above the earth. They are moving very fast because time is running out for them. They need to do ___ to help.

DC asks what the purpose of the fabric is. He says, "For a transition that will take place. The planet will change totally. They been caught off guard, so everybody is coming to help." She asks, "Is this what I've been finding out, about the splitting of the old and new earth?" and he says, "It is going to be a split, yes. It is an event that everybody calls it a major event. I see a bright planet like a star, goldish, radiating, it's quite massive. It's like a sun but light so bright, hard to explain. It's a planet, star, that it's moving, it's something that has to do with the change and the fabric. It will be suffering for some and the fabric to protect others. The fabric won't protect everyone. The fabric is to protect earth but the star is going to cause changes. The star is going to cause changes to humans. Many will die. Cataclysmic changes. A transition, that some humans will make and they will be saved.

DC asks, "The ones that will be saved, where will they go?" and the SC says, "they will remain on the planet but they will be lifted above the surface and the fabric will protect them. They won't be in the physical body anymore, but in a different human form. They won't die but will transform. They will continue their lifetime in a different way. It will not be like the earth as they knew it. There will be a huge colony that will engulf the upper part of the earth, not the surface. The surface will be in negativity.

DC ends the session, before the closing script, with "These are things that Lee needs to know, is that right? Yes.


What's so amazing is that these are two people who have never met this lifetime, but yet share similar experiences.  This is what Dolores Cannon has been investigating for over forty-five years.  She's been piecing together a bigger picture:  that there is a larger story going on, unseen to most people... that there is a greater Galactic Community and that our souls are immortal and contain the truth and knowledge of what's out there. 

Lee had an abduction related to genetics, and Cheryl had a connection to the hybrid program.

They both were on missions (he was observing and she was measuring tectonic plate stresses).

They both telepathically transmitted their findings back to "HQ".

They both were wearing white-ish colored suits with boots.

Lee said that he looked like a humanoid, his arms were very skinny. Cheryl saw that she had four long, skinny fingers.

They both were walk-ins. His walk-in was due to a drowning of a 3-4 year old child and Cheryl's walk-in was due to a toddler being hit in the forehead with a baseball bat her sister was swinging when she was toddling behind her. 

They both nearly drowned and were saved by unknown forces. Cheryl heard a voice telling her to get up, she was drowning. Lee saw "others" under the water rescuing him.

They both saw an alien yellow sky.

They both saw large UFOs. Lee saw one docked on a large pylon, as big as a city. Cheryl saw one parked on the sea bed, also very large, as well as one hovering above the jungle. (They both expressed it was good to be home when they returned from their explorations.)

They both said there were many others in those UFOs.

They both had instances of feeling like they were floating.

Cheryl went through the wall of the undersea UFO to go inside and Lee said whatever was supporting him, he could go right through.

Lee's purpose is to teach and heal, and observe. Cheryl's purpose is to help earth rise, by teaching and showing the way.

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