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He asked her, “Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?”

“Well,” said the Queen, “the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.”

Obama frowned, and then asked, “But how do I know the people around are really intelligent?”

The Queen took a sip of tea. “Oh, that’s easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle.”

The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. “Please send David Cameron in here, would you?”

Cameron walked into the room and said, “Yes, Your Majesty?”

The Queen smiled and said, “Answer me this please, David. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister.
Who is it?”

Without pausing for a moment, Cameron answered, “That would be me.”

“Yes! Very good,” said the Queen.

Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden the same question. “Joe, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It’s not your brother and it’s not your sister. Who is it?”

“I’m not sure,” said Biden. “Let me get back to you on that one.” He went to his advisers and asked everyone, but none could give him an answer.

Finally, Biden ran in to Sarah Palin out eating one night. Biden asked, “Sarah, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it’s not your brother or your sister. Who is it?”

Sarah Palin answered right back, “That’s easy, it’s me!”

Biden smiled, and said, “Thanks!” Then, he went back to speak with Obama.

“Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It’s Sarah Palin!”

Obama got up, stomped over to Biden, and angrily yelled into his face, “No! You idiot! It’s David Cameron!”

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Casper and Wendy 

Feb. 18, 2015

Concerning Pensions, Healthcare and Benefits:   
نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره


ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت

نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ررفت ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ماسايه

ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيرهماپيدا

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If I Hear Anything Else, I'll Let You Know...
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I MISS AMERICA BY Mike Adams ( The Health Ranger)

I miss the America where surveillance efforts were focused on foreign enemies rather than domestic citizens.

I miss the America where children weren't routinely kidnapped by hospitals and CPS officials because their parents wanted a second medical opinion or refused to poison their children with chemotherapy.

I miss the America where citizens respected local cops as "peace officers" and local cops existed to "protect and serve."

I miss the America where veterans were honored and celebrated rather than condemned and medically neglected.

I miss the America where openly pledging your allegiance to the United States Constitution did not result in your name being added to the FBI watch list.

I miss the America where churches believed in God rather than Government.

I miss the America that won World War II and beat back a tyrannical fascist government in the name of freedom and democracy. Today, the occupied American government has become the very same tyrannical fascist bully it once sought to defeat.

I miss the America where doctors actually tried to help people prevent disease rather than taking kickbacks from drug companies to put more patients on more medications.

I miss the America where health insurance was affordable... and voluntary.

I miss the America where brain-damaged vaccine fanatics weren't dominating the news, calling for the arrest and imprisonment of informed parents who wisely choose to avoid injecting their children with vaccine poisons such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde.

I miss the America where television news actually resembled the truth and wasn't just a White House propaganda racket disguised as news.

I miss the America where launching a conservative non-profit to educate people about the Bible or the Bill of Rights did not get you maliciously targeted by the IRS for punitive audits.

I miss the America where milkshakes were actually made with fresh milk, and where selling fresh milk didn't get you raided at gunpoint by California food safety goons.

I miss the America where newly sworn-in government representatives didn't violate the Constitution the very next day after swearing allegiance to it.

I miss the America where members of Congress actually read legislation before passing it.

I miss the America where federal regulators used to limit the power of globalist corporations rather than conspiring with them to expand their power over the People.

I miss the America where the Attorney General wasn't a gun-running criminal thug who tried to cause gun violence in America in order to destroy the Second Amendment.

I miss the America where the President didn't believe he was a dictator and didn't use executive orders to dictate his illegal policies to the country.

I miss the America where the IRS didn't seize the bank accounts of innocent small business farmers merely because they deposited funds slightly less than $10,000 at a time.

I miss the America where being thought of as a patriot was a badge of honor, not an accusation of being a domestic terrorist.

I miss the America where paying with cash didn't get you reported to the FBI as a "suspicious individual."

I miss the America where the FBI actually tried to prevent crime instead of spending most of its time dreaming up fabricated terror plots to pawn off on street drunks and homeless drug addicts so it could "catch terrorists in the act!"

I miss the America where doctors could practice personalized, local medicine and weren't beholden to a stifling government system of mindless diagnosis and medication prescribing.

I miss the America where taking pictures of government buildings in a public space didn't cause you to be immediately surrounded by armed government goons accusing you of "domestic terrorism" activities.

I miss the America where you could be a rancher in Oregon and collect rainwater on your own acreage without being arrested and sent to prison.

I miss the America where the currency was still backed by gold, and the Federal Reserve couldn't magically print endless new money in a radical global financial blowout experiment gone awry.

I miss America where you could grow vegetables in your front yard without fear of being arrested and thrown in jail for violating "community guidelines."

I miss the America where you could fly the American flag from your own apartment balcony without being cited and threatened by the property manager.

I miss the America where people used to trade hard work for honest pay instead of merely voting for whatever politician promises them the most entitlement handouts.

I miss the America where cops didn't pull you over and seize all your cash under outlandish interpretations of "civil forfeiture" laws.

I miss the America where your vote actually counted, and where elections weren't systematically rigged by black box electronic voting machines.

I miss the America where real truth-telling journalism was celebrated rather than condemned.

Most of all, I miss the America where good, honest, hard-working, truth-telling citizens didn't have to live in constant fear of being accused, arrested, imprisoned, fined or terrorized by their own government.

God bless the America we used to have. May God help us once again restore it.

This article inspired by the graffiti messages spread by freedom restorationists in the novel 299 Days by Glenn Tate.

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In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat.

The events in the Ukraine were perhaps the most dramatic. As mentioned briefly in this newsletter last week, a small scale nuclear weapon was used against the pro-Russian militias in the Eastern Ukraine. The militia government confirmed this in a press conference when they said a missile with the explosive power of 500 tons of TNT hit them.

That is only possible with nuclear weapons. In further confirmation that a rogue nuke was used, the US National Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Ukraine/Russian border at the time of the explosion. This report was on their website for about 20 minutes before it was taken off.

After this explosion, the US based source, who has consistently predicted cabal terror acts in advance, sent an e-mail to this writer saying there were 4 more nukes ready to go off in or near...

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This is written by Gregg Prescott of In5D.  Here is an interesting excerpt:

“We don’t know what they are, what they are doing or what they’re going to do.  We do know that there have already been fluctuations in Earth’s gravity field and the gravity field which links the moon to the Earth.”


If the extraterrestrials are changing the magnetic waves in the gravitational field of this planet, it could have implications on what that might do to our brains and more specifically, what we are capable of doing.

For example, a slight change in the magnetic field may affect the Schumann Resonance where the frequencies are more derived from pure love or as some may call it, “Christ Consciousness”.  It may also open up our minds to their fullest collective capacity where we all have instantaneous abilities, such as telekinesis, ESP and other psychic or metaphysical abilities.

The Earth is currently undergoing a magnetic pole shift, which has not occurred in at least 700,000 years on this planet, so perhaps this visitation has something to do with that?

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The Arcturian Group 2/15/15

FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Greetings once again from the Arcturian Group. We wish to speak of transformation, a seemingly simple topic, but one that is important to the understanding of truth. Transformation flows through and as an individual when he awakens out of the dream. It manifests as the ability to "see with new eyes and hear with new ears" while in the midst of duality and separation. Transformation allows one to recognize whatever false concepts and beliefs he may still hold and replace them with truth. It brings the ability to say; "I was wrong."

Those unable to allow transformation, delay their ascension into a consciousness of higher dimensional energy. Fear of change acts to support the continuation of third dimensional concepts and beliefs. Many who resist change are in positions as world "leaders" who acquaint any sort of transformation with loss--loss of their personal power and wealth. Because of their leadership positions, they often attract followers who blindly accept whatever these so called "leaders" believe, giving away personal power in the process.

You are now at the point in your spiritual journey dear ones, where you must acknowledge and reclaim your innate power. Many of you have done this already, having attained this state of consciousness in other lifetimes, entering into this lifetime with this state of consciousness already in place.

Never fear to say; "Enough is enough, I no longer choose to live, act, be, or think in old outdated concepts of separation". Some of you may have already discovered that there willable those who are offended by this. Friends may drop away, but be not afraid if this happens dear ones, for energy seeks its own and will soon draw to you those of your resonance.

We speak of transformation now because you are very close to seeing transformation take place. Much is to be revealed and you must be prepared both within and without for you will be the ones called upon to assist those in fear, unable to let go of their old and comfortable ways of understanding the world. Mankind is no longer being allowed lazily float from one day to the next believing that the government, church , parent, friend, or society in general will take care of everything for them. You are the consciousness and thus substance of the outer world and things are quickly changing.

It is time to claim your identity as Divine Beings who chose to learn and assist others within third dimensional energy. Allow the process. For some, allowing the process may simply mean becoming be-ers instead of do-ers--allowing themselves to be still and at rest, going within often while old energies surface and clear. Others may find themselves being guided to stand up and be counted in some way.

Transformation is a surrender, the ability to open oneself to change. Surrender is not the giving up of self to some unknown "pie in the sky God" concept. Spiritual surrender is the natural result of having clear understanding of what one is surrendering to--Truth. It begins with a strong inner drive to begin a quest for truth which can take many many paths, but which eventually leads to discovering IT within. This process cannot be avoided for it is who you are.

There are many who "suspect" the deeper truths but refuse to embrace them, choosing instead to believe that others more "holy" or intelligent, know more than they do. No dear ones, all have the Divine Voice within, it is simply a matter of acknowledging, listening, and trusting. The time is now.

Valentine's Day!

Yes, we are aware of your customs and we join with you for is it not a day that celebrates love? Love is all there is, for ONE can never be divided. It is only the belief that One can be divided (separation) that has resulted in the outward manifestations of war, discord, suffering, lack, limitation etc.

Valentine's Day celebrates the romantic/partnership facet of Divine Love. There are teachings that preach the "ungodliness" of romantic love and that in order to be "holy" you must forgo romantic connections. Nonsense, this is a part of the same teachings saying that you must suffer in order to be "holy". These are man created beliefs with no spiritual law to support them.

However, romantic love must be understood on deeper levels if it is to "work", and this is the missing element of so many human relationships. Attraction between two people does not always mean you are meant to marry or establish an intimate relationship with them. Attraction often occurs as the result of past life connections and frequently happens with someone you intuitively know would not be a good partner for you.

When two people with an intense past life history meet (male/male, female/female,or male/female) there can be either instant attraction or instant repulsion. Many gay couples have been together in other lifetimes as heterosexuals. Connections do not end with death, for you are consciousness, not just physical bodies.

Marriage or committed relationships often happen as the result of pre-birth choices by both parties for the purpose of resolving some unfinished past life issues which may or may not have began as romantic partnerships. Often those energies needing to be cleared have their origin in ancient roles lived as mother/child, father/child, friend/friend, servant/master etc. Present life relationships can provide an easy path in which to bring closure. This is often the case in those relationships where one or both wonder; "Why did I marry this person?"

Always look deeper dear ones, there really are no accidents at this point. Look into what you are learning or meant to learn from every situation. Karmic closure can take place even if only one person desires it. If he/she is able to recognize the other as an un-awakened Divine being and also chooses to no longer live within an energy of judgement and hatred (which simply serves to feed the karmic situation) then they have reached that place of unconditional love and there is karmic resolution. An individual can now leave the situation if they choose, knowing that it is finished.

Sometimes two people are intensely attracted to each other on all levels, but for some reason this never unfolds into a relationship. This happens with some who choose in their pre-birth planning not to be with each other in this lifetime. They understand that intense past life connections and love would not allow them to seek and spiritually grow into their own awareness and power if they were together--they would be content to simply be together.

Romantic love must be rooted and grounded in real love or it is simply animal attraction which sadly many consider to be real love. This concept of love is promoted heavily in all areas of media-film, books, TV shows, magazines, advertising, etc. and particularly on Valentine's Day.

The wise know that sexual attraction alone is not love but is a facet of it, one of the "added" things. Sexual attraction by itself is based in the human need to propagate the species which can be accomplished without love. Intimacy based only in sexual attraction never carries the intense and deep energetic connection and fulfillment that is possible when both are of a consciousness that sees beyond appearances to the deeper realities shining through the other's eyes.

Love relationships are never dependent upon how the other looks or dresses and it is fruitless and very human to attempt to mold someone into your concept of the perfect partner. Healthy relationships have similar energy resonance and those in them have close world views but do not necessarily think and believe exactly as each other because all are here to learn and grow according to their individual need.

Two well matched individuals be it friends or partners, have attained similar states of consciousness. Observe those living out from un-awakened states of consciousness who enjoy relationships of fights, cheating, anger, angst, and make-ups-- they are both on the same energetic wave length so to speak--it is their state of consciousness, their concept of how relationships work.

There may be a time when you are tempted to enter in to the lower awareness level of another because of attraction and desire for this person. Although certainly allowed by free will, it can never result in the happy outcome desired but instead usually ends in heartbreak after a quick, short, intense time together. One simply cannot go backward to outgrown states of consciousness no matter how appealing doing this may seem.

Misconceptions abound regarding love and partnering. Governments, religions, families, and friends continually spew that love is only valid if it meets their often very narrow concepts. The partner must be of a certain color, gender, education, financial status, or other acceptable trait. Love is the experience of One self manifesting as the many. Love never has been and never will be dependent on mankind's concepts.

There comes a point at which an individual no longer "needs a relationship" in order to feel complete, happy, and whole because they have attained a consciousness of spiritual wholeness and completeness. They have discovered their twin flame to be within, and being in relationship now becomes a personal choice.

Happy relationships only happen when each understands and accepts their own true worth and power because then there is no longer the need for outside validation. Unawareness of one's true identity causes the un-awakened to seek their completeness from outside of themselves. "If I am married to this good looking, rich, smart person, then I must be loveable and valuable".

Many still carry old cellular memory from times when being in a partnership may of been the only way to avoid death or starvation and this is often reflected in those who jump from one partnership to another never allowing themselves to be alone. Recognize and allow these old cellular memories to clear if you suspect them in yourselves.

As you grow stronger within, you will look back at past failed attempts at romance and laugh, saying; "Thank you dear God for saving me from this relationship." even though at the time you may of been heartbroken and hurting. The human mind is programmed to world concepts of romance and sex and responds thusly until you teach it differently.

If having a life partner represents completeness for you, you will draw this to yourself without thought and struggle because it will be the natural manifestation of your state of consciousness, your realization of spiritual completeness. Being alone may represent completeness for some.

True, deep, and lasting relationships do include romance, great sex, and all that the rigid, structured, Puritan state of consciousness deemed unholy, but these are now recognized as being the added things.

We the Arcturian Group send love, joy, fun, and awareness to you all for Valentine's Day.


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 “Over 500 sailors ill after mission in Japan” — Officer: “There’s sick soldiers everywhere, many in hospitals in San Diego or Hawaii… I don’t know what’s going on” — Veteran in wheelchair thrown out by physician, “You’re faking, you need to leave” (VIDEO)

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