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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 November 2017
Message from Mother Mary
November 5th, 2017
By Linda LiMother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important message. Divine has decreed that all of the light workers who are currently on the planet and working on specific mission with Mother Earth, one way or another, need to hear this. Divine has come to a point that all the light workers are ready for the next phase of their mission, or you can say next mission. Divine believes that all the preparations have paid off. All of our light workers, especially the ones who have been on this intense training in the last couple of years, have arrived at a place where they can step in to their role, little by little, they will grow into a bigger version of themselves, and for that Divine is thrilled and quite comforted by it. It is a hard fought battle, long training process. Only till recently, we have come to the conclusion that our work has paid off. Our light workers are now mature enough for the next phase. What a victory dear ones. We have worked so hard for it. Now you made it. You made it to your finish line. I am so proud of you, indeed.
I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. We are at a point that all of our light workers will be placed on their next phase, next role except the ones who had an early start. Yes, there are a group of us who have been on the so called next phase for a while. It was Divine's will and it worked out well. Because we need some pioneers who can always make the waves and pave the way for the upcoming groups, and that group of the pioneers who have been on this new phase for a while now, will continue on this path, mingle with the others so that the upcoming new comers can feel welcomed and feel safe. Together, we make waves.
I love you dear heart. In the next phase of our mission, you not only will be placed on different roles, but also will connect with other light workers who are already there so that they can serve as a sign post, leading the way for you, at least for a while till you are totally comfortable. In order for our light workers to be able to work together as a group, Divine has implemented quite a detailed plan so that our light workers can follow the Divine plan, find their place and start their roles. Yes, you may be placed in a role you are not familiar with or not trained for, at least in your mind or perception. But in reality, dear heart, we train you in such a way so that you can handle basically anything that comes your way. Think of it this way, if you are being trained as a role player, then you will only be good at a particular role, not the other roles. But if we train you in a way that you feel comfortable and confident about your self, comfortable about mingling with others, comfortable in showing the way, and comfortable about who you are and where you are going, then you can show humanity the way, and play the leadership role. That is our goal. We want you to feel comfortable among others, lead others, and eventually lead big groups. That is how we trained you, and that is how you are going to be called, in groups or individually, eventually, you will fit right into your big shoes, play your Divine warriors role, and complete your mission while you are here on earth. That is the long term goal. But we are ready to start dear heart. Indeed, we are ready, how about you?
I am Mother Mary, I love you. In the next few weeks, Divine has planned out quite a few surprises for humanity. Yes, some may handle it ok, but others may be disturbed. Bottom line is that all is for the greater good of all concerned. If you find yourself being dis encouraged, or downright disturbed, just believe that Divine is guiding all these happenings and changes. There is no such thing called accidents. In this day and age, everything happens according to Divine plan. No point to be in panic. Just try to relax and let it pass. At end of the day, we will surpass all the hurdles, get to where we need to be. Have faith dear heart. I am Mother Mary, I love you. So it is.
Beloved Bob teaches us to govern and hold self-control in our feeling world that only love and kindness pour forth to bless everywhere we move:
Groups leaders (...,) try to feel your responsibility. Don’t have an unkind feeling to another individual, but just go on knowing that life is watching you, your every move. And to the degree that you pour forth divine love and blessings to all, will you find in return Its Mighty Enfolding Presence will bless you. Remember, the individual whose motive is wrong – whether that one is a student or group leader – will one day find himself or herself outside the glory of the light of the “Mighty I AM.” Do not deceive yourself; the great law of life makes no mistakes, is no respecter of persons, places, or conditions – but the law of life acts according to what is acting in your feeling world. There is no escape. All the calling, all the decreeing won’t change it unless you change the motive in your feeling. Therefore, the motive with intense feeling that is held within your feeling world is the decreer of what is going to act there. So I say to you in all love and kindness, turn to your Presence of Life and ask It to so cleanse and purify you, so govern and hold self-control in your feeling world that only love and kindness pour forth to bless everywhere you move. And then how quickly you will find that the whole force of life and its light will find action through you and in your world; and you will know then what it means to pour forth divine love and blessings to all wherever you move.
Beloved Bob’s Discourse VII, p. 144
SGP#12 – The “I AM” Discourses by Ascended Master Youth
Lord Emanuel via Gillian Ruddy, November 7th, 2017
Dear ones you are experiencing the toughest of times but that is only how it seems. You have brought into the new energies that which is old. Unwittingly and unintentionally you are walking around in the new paradigm with old paradigm baggage. This can feel horrible and confusing and to some, distressing. This is a symptom of bringing your old ways into new energies, they don’t work, things feel worse than ever from this place. Let me help you feel the new energies and dare to step into how easy it is to drop the old ways and the old patterns of thinking.Breathe with me now let me assist you to feel how easy it is to drop the old ways. No one is out to hurt you, the world may seem cruel and humanity may seem to be beyond redemption but this is simply not true. Dear Ones God is within you but God is also outside of you all around you in everything and everyone. God is life God is reality and your God is a loving God can’t you see it is all unfolding to give you the best chance of awakening to the God inside of you.
Archangel Michael tells us that if the Sacred Fire Love were withdrawn from the substance of the planet or the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements, everything would return to the Universal:
Every constructive thing on this Earth that is protected and sustained is protected and sustained by the Sacred Fire Love. And the Angels of that Sacred Fire Love that come under My Direction have Power without limit to concentrate into all physical conditions whatever Sacred Fire Purity is enough to protect what is constructive, and to repel or dissolve that which is not constructive. Therefore everything that is constructive in this world is dependent upon the Sacred Fire Love of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Host – to be sustained and protected by the Immortality of the Universe; because the Sacred Fire Love is the only Immortal Activity of Life. And that is flowing constantly from the Great Central Sun, through the Physical Sun, and down into the physical structure of Earth.
If that Sacred Fire Love were withdrawn from the substance of the planet or the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements, everything would return to the Universal. The same thing is true in your own individual affairs. Unless there is the Conscious Command of the “Mighty I AM Presence” through the Free Will of the individual for manifestation of that which fulfills the Divine Plan to come into existence – it doesn’t come otherwise.
If the Ascended Masters didn’t use the Free Will, and consciously command substance to be concentrated and set into action to produce certain Manifestation, Manifestation could not be. But when Manifestation has been allowed to come into outer existence, and the Angelic Host have been the ones who have drawn the Sacred Fire Love that is the Magnet to draw energy and substance and consciousness into Manifestation – the sustaining Power of everything that is constructive is that Sacred Fire Love. Without that you do not have sustained constructive action. Therefore everything in your world that is constructive in your modern civilization, everything you use, everything that blesses you, everything that is the constructive activity carried over from one civilization to another, is always sustained by that Sacred Fire Love of the Great Angelic Host.
SGP#16 – Beloved Archangel Michael speaks on the Angelic Host, Discourse XVII, p. 303
Medical science is awakening to the healing power of vibrations. What do cats have? A purring mechanism. What is purring but vibration?
Saint Germain talking about the electronic activity:
Wherever there is force, there is always some point of electronic activity, and from the higher standpoint it is very noticeable. The force released by the world war is still standing in the earth’s atmosphere, and is and will be redirected and used constructively.
The electrons in our atmosphere are the emanation from the Great Central Sun. The white fire body of the “Mighty I AM Presence” and its natural element qualify the electronic activity, the same as each element in itself qualifies the electronic activity. The electron is a universal element that is the Spirit of God. Therefore, each element applying or using the electron qualifies it according to the element’s own sphere or activity.
In the condensation at a former time – one on Atlantis and the other in the buried cities of the Amazon – one was a consuming activity and the other was a life-giving activity. All consuming is but a re-ordering of the balancing of the atomic activity. The electronic activity is always permanently balanced within itself. All discord is but a loss of balance of a particular element or atom. It is only when the electron becomes clothed in a quality that discord is possible. The first activity of the atomic structure is the requirement of something to qualify it, or a need for a quality. Otherwise, it too would remain forever perfect, and no other quality could be imposed upon it.
SGP#04 – Ascended Master Instruction, IV, 28