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Temporary release, My Beloved Ones, from distressing conditions is not Victory! I represent Permanent Perfection! That is why I have come... to give you My weekly Charge of the Flame from My Temple of Victory, which means Permanent Perfection in your world! You have all many times had a certain amount of harmony and a certain amount of comfort and accomplishment – a certain amount of happiness; but something took it away from you again, didn’t it? Well, why not this time let us qualify it with My Cosmic Victory of Hundreds of Thousands of Centuries; and if you choose to charge My Cosmic Flame of Victory into all the substance and energy of your worlds and command It to glow and become Self-luminous, command It to continue to expand without limit – know that It is Eternal.

Once you feel the Manifestation of Perfection, seize It and say, “You are mine forever!” Then will I say to you, “I know you!” Then will I recognize that the Master in you – your Higher Mental Body – has taken Its Dominion through those flesh forms permanently, and has announced that Its Authority is in Action.
Mighty Victory’s Discourse V, p. 420
SGP#09 - I AM Discourses

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This article gives a valuable perspective into the intertwining of church and state and a bill submitted in 1988 that would "potentially legislate religious observance in the form of a government-regulated day of worship."

by Jeffrey Rosario

Clearly, these are very interesting times for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. At a rally in Florida, Donald Trump assured his audience of his mainstream religious affiliations with the Presbyterian denomination. Alluding to Ben Carson, he added, “I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about.” Well, neither does much of the rest of the world. But that is now changing under unexpected circumstances. All the media attention surrounding Ben Carson has catapulted his beliefs, along with his church, to public scrutiny.

Though I am not a Ben Carson supporter (or any other candidate), the fact is that one man suddenly became the most prominent public representative of a movement I deeply identify with. That’s enough to make me uncomfortable. The unfortunate reality is that whatever Carson says and the positions he takes will be associated with Adventists at large. Frankly, that freaks me out. A few weeks ago when the Carson frenzy was really buzzing, my Twitter feed was bombarded with links to articles from The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Associated Press, and others, about Ben Carson’s Adventist beliefs.


One article in particular, published on October 31 by The Daily Beast, caught my attention. The title itself is calculated to raise eyebrows: “Ben Carson’s Church Believes the U.S. Government Will Team Up With the Antichrist.” Wasting no time, the author quickly gets to this statement:

“According to mainstream Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, the second coming of Christ will occur after the U.S. government teams up with the Catholic Church—which Adventists believe is the “Babylon” of the Book of Revelation, with the pope being the Antichrist—to compel Adventists and others to worship on Sunday, rather than Saturday.

“That may seem like a small hook on which to hang the fate of the world, but for Adventists, it is a core belief, taught at ‘prophecy seminars’ and elaborated in excruciating geopolitical detail by key Adventist leaders.”1

For obvious reasons, being confronted with these ideas from a popular news network would be shocking to most readers. As expected, the media does not always provide important context to serious claims. The article suggests that Adventist eschatology “is a small hook on which to hang the fate of the world.” But is it really a “small hook”? Well, if the issue really centers on a battle over two days—Sunday or Saturday—then it may very well be a small hook. That would suggest that Adventist apocalyptic beliefs are quite trivial.

But what if the central issue is actually much deeper?

The truth is that Sunday and Saturday are symbols of a much greater issue—liberty of conscience. Failing to distinguish the symbol from the issue it represents is tantamount to trivializing much of history. Speaking of symbols representing greater issues, one well-known example is the act of defiance that took place on December 16, 1773, when a group of Americans at Boston’s harbor challenged the British Empire and pushed the colonies one step closer to all-out war. And what was their issue?


They were furious about tea taxed by the British.

But was tea worth the risk of a small group of colonies lunging into a perilous war with one of the world’s greatest empires? Wasn’t that simply a good time to start getting used to hot chocolate instead? Sounds like a “small hook” to hang the fate of their world on. Yet most Americans view the revolt over tea during the “Boston Tea Party” as symbolic of the greater issue of freedom.

Full story>>>

J Rosario

In American history. In his award-winning book, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy, Cambridge historian Andrew Preston compellingly argues that throughout American history foreign policy has been consistently driven by a Christian, particularly Protestant, impulse to cast the government as “executing God’s plan” and “fulfilling his providence.” It goes without saying that when the government sees itself as the arm by which God executes His plan for individual lives, the lines are blurred between civil and religious legislation.


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Judas Iscariot Sunday, June 4th, 2017

Judas IscariotSunday, June 4th, 2017

Channel: Ann Dahlberg

 I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today it is a beautiful day on Earth. Today the sun shines on all large and small beings on Earth. Today is a day of recovery before the large shake-up arrives. It is the shake-up that will get thousands or more people to wake up and rub the sleep out of their eyes. The Earth will go from black to white in just a few moments in spite of the fact that it has taken humanity thousands of years to arrive where they are today. It haw gone from darkness to light, to a mass of floating grey shadows to finally getting to see the light of day – The beautiful white light that shines down on Earth today and embraces all that comes in its way. The grey zone in the minds of people will now be removed forever. This is something to celebrate dear children on Earth. There have been many lives with strives that now finally has given the result you wished and longed for.

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We are the Arcturian Group 6/4/17

We are the Arcturian Group 6/4/17


June 4, 2017

It is our loving work to advise and assist everyone awakening into a new and truer state of consciousness. You are doing a fine job of it, in spite of the confusion often resulting from the discovery that many tried and true beliefs were nothing more than concepts accepted as reality. The first step of all change is awareness.

Gaia and all her people are experiencing the energies of a massive shift into higher and truer ways of understanding. The blinders are coming off and this can be traumatic for the un-prepared because everyone has lived hundreds of lifetimes in the dense three dimensional belief system, embracing it as reality. Opening to and accepting that it was formed from illusory concepts of duality and separation can be very difficult to accept.

The early stages of awakening often bring about emotions of guilt and shame. This is because when certain past actions are remembered with new awareness, they are recognized as having been negative and selfish. When and if this happens, lovingly accept that that you were acting from your highest sense of right at that time which is all anyone is required to do, and call to mind that guilt and regret are emotions based in identification with a false sense of self.

At the same time, be aware that many of those past experiences now causing shame or regret were actually pre-planned interactions, opportunities important for the spiritual growth of all involved. Be alert to emotions as they arise, not resisting them but seeing them as perfect signs pointing to lingering false beliefs--"What am I believing that is making me feel this way?"

It is time to begin thinking of, believing in, and accepting yourselves as Divine Beings, as I AM instead of the personal sense of self as Mary or Jim. Yes, the world will continue to see you as human and you will continue to go about your human activities, but until you can accept and know yourself as I AM, you will forever be on a journey of seeking. Journeys are meant to lead somewhere, not meant to go on indefinitely.

Continuing to hold only to the personal sense of self blocks the attaining of higher states of consciousness. Many intellectually accept the idea of oneness, but continue holding tightly to a false sense of self that believes itself to be only human, separate and unworthy of being One with God. Many, especially those steeped in religious doctrine, still consider the idea of oneness to be sacrilegious--the same unenlightened beliefs that resulted the crucifixion of Jesus.

Identification of self as SELF, one with Source and all that Source is, is the next level of spiritual evolution, and until a student of truth is willing to take the step of accepting that all life is an expression of the ONE Divine Life including themselves, they can go no higher in spiritual awareness, but instead remain on a wheel going nowhere, and perpetually seeking.

As you go about your day, use every experience to practice knowing "I AM". For example, when you look into your wallet and find nothing there, instead of saying to yourself; "I have no money" which will serve to perfectly create that exact thing, say instead; "Yes, I see and acknowledge the appearance of lack, but I know that the I that I am is self- sustained and self- maintained and therefore I am the very substance of abundance." Then get the flow going, living out from "I have" instead of "I don't have" in the realization that you are powerful creators.

The flow can take place on all levels, physically giving away those things you no longer use or need and donating money, even a penny. Emotionally taking time to listen to someone who needs an ear, and mentally knowing the truth about another. The key to shifting awareness from "I lack" to "I have" with regard to all things (not just money), is to realize that all good flows through you, not from you. Personalizing good caps the Divine well within.

Do not expect a basket of money to suddenly drop from the sky, but know that you are on your way to shifting into and experiencing the fruitage of your realization of Oneness, a consciousness that knows God does not give abundance, rather God IS abundance and therefore "I am abundance" in all its forms--(ideas, creativity, wisdom, peace etc.) A consciousness that knows the substance of everything needed is already present within SELF.

You are spiritually ready to separate "seeking" from "being" and move into the realization that "I am everything I seek". You have done the work and are ready to move beyond; "If I can just know enough truth good will come to me". Think upon these two statements for there is a subtle but very important difference.

It is the ability to live every situation as best you can (even when needing to take some very human footsteps) from a place of; In spite of appearances, I stand in the truth that I am the very substance, energy, and reality of completeness and wholeness in all its forms because the I that I am is Divine, God, Source manifesting and expressing Itself as me.

Truth always seems ignorant and naive to the un-awakened, but you who are ready, must begin to come out and be separate, living your awareness. This does not mean that suddenly there are no more discords because you have not yet fully attained, but does mean you have begun the process of being "in the world, but not of it".

As old energies carried through lifetimes are seen through, cleared, and released and you start to trust and rely more and more on the reality of who and what you are, this will begin to be reflected in the outer scene.

Continually translating the seemingly ordinary things of daily living into the truth they represent opens and trains the mind to new ways of interpreting. Left on its own, the human mind simply draws upon what is already present in personal and consensus consciousness. Mind is an avenue of awareness. Most of the experiences of those who live fully in the third dimensional belief system are expressions of habitual and unenlightened thinking--mind chatter translated into manifestation.

You are Divine Beings. You are One with Source. You are complete and whole-- NOW, not after more years of study, classes, books, and ceremony. Evolution is simply the journey of moving from an unawareness of ONEness, into the full awareness and experience of IT.

This does NOT mean you can never take a class, read a book, or do specific meditations you may be guided to do, but rather means you do these things with the understanding that they can not make you spiritual, but may instead awaken you more deeply into the realization that you already are spiritual.

Spiritual evolution must a process because the physical body could not withstand the fullness of Light energy all at once. There have been instantaneous shifts, but these are rare and occur when an individual has been fully prepared from other lifetimes, or when an already fully evolved spiritual Being takes on human form in order to assist the world.

Every cell of every organ in the physical body carries cellular memory associated with that organ or function from other lifetimes. These old energies are based in illusion but nevertheless still resonate and effect an individual until seen through and released or a state of consciousness is attained in which they simply dissolve into the nothingness that are, freeing the person from their physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual influence.

The energies of truth are the reality but energies of illusion still hold dominant sway for most of the world because unenlightened beliefs are manifesting outwardly as form and are what the physical eyes can see. Enlightenment comes by Grace when a person is evolved enough to understand and embrace truth. You who read these messages are ready or you would not be reading or even understanding them.

The time is now to move into truth, not simply thinking about it, talking about it, and seeking it, but be it. When an individual continues to seek outwardly after knowing that everything they seek is already within, they hold themselves in old energy that will continue to manifest as duality and separation, often questioning why. Because everyone has free will, choice is always honored. Do you believe in ONE and that ONE manifesting Itself as you or not?

Avoidance can go on for lifetimes because in many respects it is an easier. There is the presence of the consensus consciousness supporting third dimensional choices. Living truth is difficult in the beginning because it takes constant alertness to shift one's thinking throughout the day and often there comes a sense of disconnect from those around leading to feelings of loneliness. "Am I the only person who sees things in this way?"

This sense of disconnect is temporary because it has no law to hold it in place, and is simply the expression of old energies of separation still resonating.

The beginning stages of living truth are more often than not thinking and acting out of habit in the comfortable but illusory ways you are accustomed to with a great deal of effort toward correcting ones thought processes. With time, persistence, and serious practice (as well as a good sense of humor), living as "I" instead of as just Mary, Joe, or Jim, will gradually becomes an attained state of consciousness lived without effort.

Only Source in Its infinite completeness IS. IT is what you are. Be IT.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/4/17

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My friends, Angels are asking me to do another 17 day prayer challenge to uplift the energy of the planet! Are you up for it? I am!
How does it work? Every day l will be posting specific prayers to each of the 17 Archangels with a different intention. 17 days. 17 powerful Angels to help you. Notice when you say these prayers, which Archangel you resonate with the most. This Archangel has a special connection with you.

Day 1. Archangel Jeremiel's name means "Mercy of God'. He is truly the Angel of compassion. He is known to help resolve even the most challenging situations in most loving ways. Jeremiel will guide you to a brighter future.

So far I had a burst of Divine energy with Indriel

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