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Law of Life
Again I must remind you that this Limitless, Mighty Power of God cannot intrude Its Wondrous Powers into your outer use—except by your invitation. There is only one kind of invitation that can reach it and loose it, and that is your feeling of deep devotion and Love…The students should at all times remember that no matter what their mistakes may have been, God never criticizes nor condemns them; but at every stumble which is made, in that sweet, loving Voice says: “Arise, My Child, and try again, and keep on trying, until at last you have attained the True Victory and Freedom of your God-given Dominion.”

Excerpt from Discourse 3 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3: page 28
For Volume 3 downloads, visit:

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For all of the whining coming from the left and illegal immigrants themselves declaring that illegals in the United States only want to unlawfully invade our country to get jobs and take care of their families, a new study from the Center for Immigration Studies is shining the inconvenient spotlight of truth on the shameful lie.

This study should end any debate as to why illegal immigrants are so desperate to come to the United States, foregoing the legal process in favor of entering illegally and signing up for freebies, paid for by the American taxpayer.


New US immigration study reveals a shocking number of non-citizen households on welfare.

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They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare. I wish that this was an exaggeration, but it isn’t.


The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING

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WASHINGTON: You may not have heard, but anti-government riots are breaking out in Paris, France as a consequence of climate change carbon taxes. That consequence, of course, is higher fuel prices, which have added additional financial burdens to one of Europe’s heavily taxed populations.

Climate Change, Taxation, French Revolution, France, Stephen Nemo, Paris

Anti-tax riots erupt in Paris. Canadian Public Broadcast Service screen capture.

The whiff of climate change aristocracy

France’s socialist government has increased taxes on pensions, elevated estate taxes, and introduced employer income tax withholding.

In Paris, some 300,000 protesters, clad in yellow safety vests, responded by blocking traffic intersections at more than 2,000 locations. But the government in Paris has signaled it intends to continue enforcing its edicts to reduce the carbon footprints of its subjects.


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I think it's true that thinking is only of past and future.  Past thoughts include regrets, remorse, pain, other negative emotions.  Future thought, since the future hasn't happened, include anxiety, worry, fear, etc.  The present time doesn't include thinking about past or future, but instead it's about experiencing.

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DECEMBER 2, 2018

People all over the world are becoming increasingly aware of the hidden agendas of those dedicated to self service. The false beliefs and concepts that have ruled the three dimensional world for centuries are surfacing in order to be transmuted once again into energies of Light. Energy does not dissolve, but rather changes form as evolution takes place. Other planets have done it and it is now earth's turn to graduate into being a planet in alignment with other evolved planets.

Do not allow the chaos of the outer scene to lodge in consciousness as reality, but rather remember that Divine Consciousness, which is all that exists, is incapable of and thus never has expressed Itself as chaos, violence, or suffering. If God did not form Itself as these things then they must only exist as false creations, manifestations of a collective mind conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation.

This is the illusion that is so often spoken of. Earth and her people are real and not illusory but hypnotized states of consciousness interpret her realities falsely. This constitutes the illusion.

The heat is being turned up so to speak, because those who stand to be acknowledged publicly for their self serving actions fear this exposure and are attempting to keep the status quo by means of tricks and fear tactics that have been successful in the past--anything to distract and keep the majority un-informed.

Learn to stay centered, resting in that clear, cool well of contentment within, regardless of outer appearances. Watch less news, detach from 24/7 electronics, and be alert to aligning with negative discussions. If or when you find yourself in this type of situation, don't correct the others, but rather stay centered and aligned, tossing out a seed or more of truth where there is receptivity.

There are times when you may be guided to join a heated conversation in order to add Light that will help to open and lift the energy. Never "cast your pearls" where they can be trampled on but rather let intuition always be your guide, which may be to say or do nothing. This is how you secretly and silently pour gentle rain of Light on the fires of confusion. This is Lightwork.

There are many in the world who are spiritually ready to go deeper but who remain reluctant, hesitant to do anything that might change their comfortable three dimensional lifestyle. These dear ones usually do not open to the deeper truths without some sort of wake up call forcing them out of their comfort zone.

No one incarnates without first creating a contract that they themselves draw up with the help of Guides and teachers. Spiritual contracts are agreed upon lesson plans for chosen experiences and interactions necessary for spiritual growth. Contracts can be changed, but few realize this. In spite of what third dimensional thinking promotes, no one is on earth simply to enjoy concepts of pleasure through any means available.

All is proceeding according to plan, never doubt this. Physical eyes can only see the material, but you are reaching a new place by virtue of your inner work where you will begin to access higher frequencies that exist beyond the third dimension. Many of you are already doing this. Do not doubt when you begin to have deep and clear insights or have experiences that were previously unavailable to you.

You are becoming YOU as old cellular memory is cleared and higher frequency Light is integrated. You are beginning to align consciously with your Higher Self who has been present in every lifetime, even though you were mostly unaware of her. Talk to your Higher Self for she/he has been lovingly awaiting your recognition since the beginning.

Each day more people are awakening and although they may not voice this to those around them, they are starting to question the status quo and seek for better and more loving ways of living. The train of spiritual evolution has left the station and is moving forward. Any attempt to slow or speed up the train by running back and forth in the train cars is futile.

We wish to speak of self- love. We have often spoken of love, what it is and how it is, but there remains a great need on earth for real self-love, one not based self importance and ego. Until an individual is able to love and respect self, he will be blocked from entering fully into unconditional love because he has left himself out of ONE and thus remains in alignment with separation.

Humans beings are taught from birth that certain codes of conduct must be adhered to in order to be loved and accepted by society. If the parents are somewhat evolved, these codes will be primarily based in love but others are taught codes of conduct that arise out of denser belief systems.

Every person brings their attained state of consciousness with them at birth because in reality you are consciousness and not just physical bodies. This effects if and how these codes of conduct are accepted and lived which is why parents should not always be blamed for the actions of their children.

Every person, no exceptions, seeks love and acceptance because Oneness is the reality that underlies all creation. Realization of Oneness is what evolution is and has always been about. Every soul innately, but usually unconsciously seeks to once again experience the wholeness of realignment with SELF--Source.

This is the force that drives and governs the actions of human beings in accord with their level of awareness. The love, acceptance, and sense of wholeness that every soul has sought lifetime after lifetime, is already fully present within but remains dormant and inaccessible until consciously realized.

If love and acceptance is only received in negative ways, for instance from gang participation or some other organized group, desperate and un-awakened individuals will do whatever is required in order to experience acceptance and a sense of belonging. (love and wholeness)

Third dimensional ideas about how to experience love and acceptance are usually promoted as being dependent on accomplishment-- concepts that often drive individuals to use any means to be beautiful, handsome, rich, strong, and powerful, etc. etc. in the belief that once these things are attained, they will finally have the sense of completeness, love, and acceptance that they seek.

These dear ones often force themselves into the particular mold they believe will make them worthy, by means that often drain them of true individuality. However for some who are spiritually ready, these exercises in futility can be a part of their pre-birth contract, one designed to move them once and for all beyond seeking love outside of themselves.

Drugs and alcohol are often relied upon when even after achieving human success, there remains an inner longing for more and sense of failure. These and other distractions can temporarily relieve the pain but these feelings will continue from lifetime to lifetime until that which the heart seeks is discovered within. The soul's yearning to be whole is what drives mankind's continual search for the right partner, a better job, more money, beauty, power etc. etc.

What you as evolving students of truth must never lose sight of is that no one has ever or can ever be separate from love. Once this truth becomes your living breathing state of consciousness, the yearning drive to seek love and acceptance from the outer things (jobs, partners, money, education etc.) dissolves. Only God is love and when you see a loving person, know that it is God expressing ITself through them. Love exists fully present within you now--you are IT.

Many who lash out physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually at others have consciously or unconsciously recognized those same unacceptable qualities in themselves although they will deny this in every way possible. Self loathing is usually disguised as righteousness taken to intense levels of judgement and even violence against certain individuals or groups.

This behavior is common among those who hold to strict religious rules and regulations of what is right and wrong. When these dear ones suspect or discover something within themselves outlawed by their narrow belief system, they lash out at anyone or group represents these qualities in an attempt to convince themselves and those around them that the issue is not a part of them.

Because energy always seeks to align with like energy (oneness) that which is being judged, is in alignment with similar energy in the person doing the hating and judging, otherwise there could be no reaction or even awareness of the issue.

Intense personal reactions to some person or group occasionally pop up even for the very evolved, causing confusion and guilt. This happens because energy from a former belief system is still resonating in cellular memory. Without judgement or guilt, utilize these types of experiences as wonderful tools for more fully examining and clearing energies you may still be holding in consciousness.

As individuals become spiritually enlightened, they often experience intense guilt over past actions. This is normal as you begin to see the world with awakened eyes. Experiences are how humans spiritually grow and evolve until they are no longer needed. Do not give some un-loving action of the past power over you because it has only the power you choose to give it. All experiences are steps along the path of enlightenment and without them you and the others involved would not be where you are now.

Earth school is a teaching school that begins which pre-school, moves to grade school, then high school, college, and graduate school where most of you are now earning the right to teach and assist others coming up the ladder behind you. It is never wisdom to burn down the school once you graduate or to sit back doing nothing in the false belief that you have arrived. Evolution is a group effort-- ONE individualized as the many.

Rejoice in your failures and in the parts of yourself that have caused you shame. We are not saying that it is fine to continue with actions that reflect separation once you know better, but we do say that it is time to accept that you grew and learned from these experiences qualifying you now to assist others dealing with the same issues.

In spite of what many paths teach, there is no right way to become more spiritual, because you already are as spiritual as you will ever be. No path, teacher, tool, or experience can make you more spiritual than you already are. Evolution is simply the process of remembering and accepting this fact until it becomes a permanent state of consciousness.

If you are guided to read these messages, it means you are ready to let go and move on from the million and one concepts the world presents regarding spirituality, most of which involve looking to some person, place, or thing outside of yourself. Accept the reality of who and what you are and only ever will be. This is how you love yourself.

To know self as SELF is self love.

Allow any shadow parts to assume their rightful place as representative of who you thought you were at that time. Let everything that has caused you to feel "less than" fade away and Light to take its place. Everyone is only required to live their highest attained level of awareness, doing the best they can with what they know in all situations. There are some who continue to live out from an outgrown level of awareness in order to be accepted by others.

Humans chose to experience separation when they picked earth as their evolutionary path. There are those on other planets who have and are evolving without third dimensional experiences. When fully aligning with the lower resonating energies of duality and separation, humans are unable to access the higher frequencies of their spiritual nature. This is the so called "veil" that prevents most humans from accessing the higher frequencies. This is rapidly changing.

Every incarnating soul is aware of the "veil" before choosing "Earth School". Those of you reading these messages have weathered many three dimensional storms, lived as all races and both genders, and have experienced intense fear and suffering as well as joy and happiness throughout your hundreds of lifetimes.

Because of this, those drawn to you for spiritual assistance will not tell you anything new or that will shock and dismay because you have already either heard about or experienced it in this or some other lifetime making you a teacher who embodies truth, understanding, patience, and unconditional love.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/2/18

Donations are welcomed

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This is like Being in Your Own TransformationaLight Chamber You have an opportunity to walk thru the Celestial Forest each day for just a few minutes or as long as you like. Here is the connection to this Precious Gift given by a Race of Enlightened Beings leaving the Cosmos & placing it on the Inner Planes of Solar Systems as a means to help in Our Evolution. You can stand under the Waterfall of UnconditionaLove for a few minutes or exchangenergy with your Tree connecting you to your Higher Self. Or You can just walk around & enjoy the Splendor in a Forest, where blind people are able to See & the deaf can Hear. A variety of life improvements have been reported by the 1,000s of people who learned The Transformational Odyssey... I use it myselfor years & It’s grown more potent. It makes yoU Independent & Self Reliant among many things as you attune to Higher Self thru the Odyssey, It’s Energy & It’symbols.
*******Listen to the audio at least once so you are Connected & Gethe Full Benefit****** each time you enter the Celestial Forest. (Be sure to Turn off phones etcause you do go deep into the subtle.)
It is Extreme Importanthat more people spend at least a few minutes in the T.O. each day to counter all the chaotic energies in the world athis timextremely Important We Become Powerful Centers of Light & Love & Stablity in Greater Attunement with Our Higher Self.
The Audio is available now, Francie was also a Healer as well as the Custodian of the Transformational Odyssey & she healed over 8,000 people & taughthe Odyssey to 27,000+ before her passing.
Please feel free to share this message with all who would like a pleasant haven to visit each day.
We can Smooth Outhe Roughness the world is going thru & Benefit Greatly Ourselves.
This is Freely Given & Francie’s Energies are Presento Guide yoU & take yoU each step of the Way.
I usually keep my messageshort buthis is Most Important & I’m been Inspired to Share Francie’s Gifto Humanity.
In any case have Fun, enjoy the Odyssey, the many benes & the relaxation it brings,
p.s. More Follows.... And Remember Listening to the Audio makes the Transforming Magic YOURS......
AUDIO for ****The Transformational Odyssey ****
I am sharing the audio for The Transformational Odyssey & have ~Freely~ posted them online,
here are the links....
1st Link is called *7 Golden Keys*, It is the Beginning of the Transformational Odyssey....
Francie takes you thru the Odyssey in a most Beautiful Way.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into *The Transformation Odyssey* effecting changeach Visit.
You can then copy it &/or listen to at your convenience until you can venture thru the T.O. by m-e-m-o-r-y.
This is for Those who want something Very Special. It was Given to Us by an Enlightened Race of Beings.
There are many benefits as you go thru the Odyssey daily, I love it, started in ‘92 & continueach day.
It’s good after meditating or as a meditation, a tune up to Higher Self and a Chakra Enlivening.
Many benefits have been reported by those doing the Odyssey, physical, emotional & Spiritual.
I’ve been amazed how it enhances our abilities & how the benefits carryover thruouthe days.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****

**** Manifesting Our Dreams Thru The Odyssey **** Fun ~ Instantly Uplifting
Here's a condensed version of the Odyssey to speed things along..........
Please take your time to gethenergies flowing & allow yourself a chance to Go Deep
Now if you're unfamiliar withe Transformational Odyssey, it's a Forest visualization
where you just imagine or see yourself walking in the woods.
My friend & teacher Francie who taught me, said it came from a Race of Enlightened Beings
who placed it on the inner planes of various solar systems as they passed thru this galaxy
to help evolving races. She was the custodian & traced it back to Sumeria.
She was also a healer, doctors would send her patients they couldn't help.
The blind can see & the deaf can hear in the Odyssey, it's a potent magical place.
You can burn incense, a candle & put on some music in the background, this helps activate changes.
So Here we go, you will read & remember.:.
1) See yourself under a Waterfall, it's flowing down from above a mountain.
This water is Unconditionalove, let it flow over you & into your chakras.
Do this for a~minute or 2 .......Right....Now............ENJOY
2) Look down and You'll see a Cup, you may pick it up, dip it in the waters, wash it
& take a drink or several & then put it in your pocket.
3) You'll see your 'Tree' in the forest, It represents your Evolving Self,
walk over to it & put your hands around it & exchangenergy with it
1st draw down your Higher Energies & then release your lower energies
yin/yanging the energies into your left hand and outhe right hand
for a few minutes. Try it now.....beforeading on, it'll help enrich your energies......
4) Now see yourself on the Mountain sending down waves of water flowing to the trees.
There are literally millions & even billions of trees thuout this Vast Forest.
A tree for every human evolving thru this planet, Our Mother Earth.
This enlivens every human subtly & powerfully each time you do this...............
5) Also as you look down you can see a bear by the stream & as you send water flowing
the bear drinks & jumps into the water playing.
Is it a male or female bear? Mine would talk to me after awhile..Hey Boo Boo....Hey Yogi
6) There is also a Huge White Crystal on top of the mountain.
You can yin/yang or penetrate it, absorbing the energy, take a minute, feeling this..........
It was a gift I'm sharing & as you do this you activate your 3rd eye, Heart & palm chakras.
Send thesenergies into the foresto the trees, streams, bears, cups & to Mother Earth.
Beautiful Waves of Rainbow Light & Mists of the Water of Love flowing about
as we accentuate & Uplift Everyone including our Mother Earth..............
You can come here anytime to refresh yourself under the waterfall
or recharge your energy thru your tree & always finish by sending water to your tree,
(& all the trees) plus your bear & by washing your Cup which represents your Heart.
You can do this after meditation, before or afteresting or whenever it's quiet,
Refresh & Balance yourself, Relaxing for a minute as you finish......
These are some aspects of the healing energies you can share & experience...
You can send this energy thru your Heart at any~time you feel to during the day.
The Odyssey amplifies thesenergies substantially & revitalizes.
Hope this is of value to you as you can do it as often as you like........
It is now Fully Activated,
A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace
p.s. There's also a grotto with a pool you can rest in beneathe waterfall
anytime you wanto even as you go to sleep but you might drown in Love.
Hey I warned ya, HaHaHaHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
If not, you don't know Jack :))~((:
The Seven Golden Keys of The Transformational Odyssey.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into The Transformation Odyssey effecting changeach visit.

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More from the Outer Limits Chronicles

Are the "authorities" really hiding the truth, or is the entire UFO scenario a clever distraction created by the elites and globalists designed to change our focus on what is happening on planet Earth.
Could it be both?
Draw your own conclusions.

"UFO Docked At The ISS Are Aliens Having A Meeting With Humans"

Here is a shocking video and image from only a few years ago in 2014 actually showing "the entire world" what looks bizarrely like a UFO and it's docked with the International Space Station. My question is this:


More from the Outer Limits Chronicles

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The documents allegedly showed that federal officials — notably, then-FBI Robert Mueller — ignored the cozy, unethical relationship between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian company called Rosatom that purchased Uranium One.

Instead of protecting Cain as a whistle blower, 16 FBI agents raided his Maryland home for six hours on November 19.

When the FBI agents arrived at Cain’s home, he told them that he was a protected whistleblower whose protected status was recognized by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. They ignored him.

Hey Robert Mueller: Here’s your ‘Russian collusion.’


Bongino points out Rosenstein, Mueller both ‘knee-deep’ after Uranium One whistle-blower raid

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"CDC & DoD investigating deadly disease threat posed by fast-multiplying exotic tick – Asian Longhorn Tick – CAUSES HUMAN HEMORRAGIC FEVER:

A new invasive tick species capable of transmitting several severe diseases is spreading in the United States, posing an emerging threat to human and animal health, according to a pair of reports issued Thursday.

The Asian longhorned tick is the first invasive tick to arrive in the United States in about 80 years. It’s native to eastern China, Japan, the Russian Far East and the Korean Peninsula and is now also established in Australia and New Zealand.



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