All Posts (63)
El Morya
Carrying Out Petitions (Karmic Board)
Visualizing and looking upon the replica of the planet Earth as created by Helios and Vesta before imperfection was imposed on it, at the Tetons, you all were amazed at its beauty and perfection. At inner levels again many took vows standing before the Karmic Board, beloved Portia as the spokeswoman. These vows are activities that should be fulfilled in a six-month period. Some have questioned why we have said on several occasions, “All petitions have been granted.” Let me make this clear to you now, once and for all, so that you understand that if a dispensation is granted it does not always manifest.
You can be granted a license to operate a business, but if you never raise your hand to do anything about it, your license runs out and your business is not manifest and expressed. Right! This is exactly the same thing in regard to the activities of the petitions presented to the Karmic Board. Although a petition is granted, whether to your own dear selves or one of the hierarchs of any Ascended Master Focus, that gives them, or you, or any group of people wheresoever they may be, opportunity and cooperation with other individuals, ascended and unascended – to follow through to victorious accomplishment on your cosmic license or to remain with the license in your hand and allow the precious energies to be dissipated before manifestation occurs.
Journal 5, The Bridge to Freedom, AMTF
Remember dear friends, it's time to make your petition with your individual and collective requests! From June 15 to July 14, the semi-annual council is held at the great retreat established in the Rocky Mountains. Until June 30, the Masters and the Brotherhood will generally be engaged in the preliminary councils, during which various proposed plans are presented in order to secure the interest and cooperation of as many individuals as possible. The Karmic Lords are available to receive your petitions from June 10 to July 5, and the remaining days are dedicated to the delegation of powers.
We are the fairies of old who have surrounded and support humanity quietly for eons, and we wish to have our voices heard once again; for all is unhinging and we like that analogy very much for as we see with open, awake eyes, we see that humanity has been asleep too long, locked up and away, isolated, in the prison of their own making and we see this as being ridiculous to continue this game and to allow the walls, the doors to unhinge seems like a good idea at this moment of this ever present Now where all is unfolding, breaking, so that the waves of change can rush in and make everything anew once again!
For there are cycles of newness in this universe as you know. We fairies keep time, the whales keep records, we fairies, some of us anyway, like to keep time for we find it fascinating that you humans are so addicted to it, and we fairies ask you, “Why is that, please, when you can create the reality that you wish?” Isn’t it time humans to make up a new game for yourselves and ourselves so that you can get young with aging and wiser and your wisdom is not taken from you through old age and drugs but rather you are expanding into your age ~
And we fairies see you expanding now into the new age of Nova Gaia as the great mother rocks back and forth and births a new world for you all awakened ones to explore and enjoy and bask in the new reality that you are birthing; for you humans – you light workers too – are birthing along with the mother and we see this for we fairies love babies! and newness of life, and we are nurturing and kind to the new creatures for they are a part of the mother, our mother of all things and we are warmed with the love that we see between you and your little ones.
We fairies like a good story and you humans are providing many stories for us to learn from and to enjoy together listening and re-listening – for we are all around you comforting you, providing whispers on the wind, and we ask you if you are listening to the flowers yet because they have a lot to say to you! And we long for humanity to stop and to listen to nature again for in so doing you will hear the fairies voices of wisdom and of truth and you will hear your own inner voice as well, if and when you but stop with that of the hurrying around and listen within. That is all for now. We are the fairies and we are delighted to be reunited with the awareness of our human friends again; we are the fairies ~
~ ~ ~
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Feel my breath move through and around each of your cells as you receive this most pleasant / delightful upgrade. Change is on the horizon, change is coming, change is here. All of these statements are true, children. All of them. And you are a part of this. You are a part of this greatest change of energy in the universe, the linch pin. For there other worlds to take notice and follow suit, for this sector is in process of recalibration, of liberation from the dark energies. And I hope you can feel in my words how grateful and joyous I am for this to be occurring now, in your Now, and children, your fingerprints are all over all of this and it blesses me, it blesses the omniverse, and I thank you.
I am speaking to all of you now individually, and am sending you individual energetic codes of encouragement for you are so weary and your journey so long. You have been faithful to me and to your codes of conduct that you promised. And your life plans are unfolding nicely as you unwrap them layer by layer, like a large exciting birthday present with many layers of paper. Such is your life, if you look at it in this way. And I warms my heart, children, for many of you are becoming more childlike in your enthusiasm and there is no greater gift of creativity to the universe as the creativity and imaginative potential of a child.
Create. Create! Create freely without reservation, with abandon, create in love and all good things will come your way. For love is the vibration, the fabric of this universe, it is the structure underlying the creation of all things that the dark cannot take away or un-structure. As much as they have tried, they have failed, and always will, for love is the key to everything. And that is why, children, that you must love deeply, fully, completely, your wounded parts of yourself that you would rather cry, scream and avoid. Now these must be healed in love. It is time to heal yourself and your past pains in love and in so doing you heal the collective and thus the world.
Healing is my gift to you tonight, inner healing and the courage to do it can be daunting, tricky business. Would you like my assistance as you explore? Blast light and love, children, to all of the dark places of the world, of the recess of your memory, of your past pains. Send my love, my never ending eternal flame of divine love that is now permanently embedded into the framework of Mother Gaia as she ascends. And as she ascends, so too, do you ascend upon her. This is really happening children. This is your moment to shine, to love, to be me as you, for we are all one.
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I see through you, in you. I am the cosmic breath that sustains you. I am love. As are you. It is time for you to but remember me and remember your true eternal loving and lovely god self that waits no longer for your re-discovery. Create with love, through love, always with love.
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I am that I am. Say these with me children. Affirmations are powerful. They ignite your codes! As does toning. It is time to remember your ancient trainings at the mystery schools and tap in. It is all within you waiting to be rediscovered and remembered. The fairies remember, they were there. The elemental kingdom works tirelessly to balance the harmony with humans and nature. It is indeed time to restore this balance. Outer balance begins with inner balance. That is the first lesson. Do you remember? Ask me to remind you, children. I am always here for you.
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I love your sticky fingerprints, I love everything about you. I am you, children. You are an extension of me. Bask in my waters. Feel my glow of healing as we shine the light together. I am the Mother of all things, and you are my children. What does that make you? (Smiling) Breathe in my breath. Feel my light envelope you and be comforted.
~ galaxygirl
The following post gives a rather disheartening view of the FBI.
Yes, there are hardworking dedicated agents, but there are also corrupt heads and agents.
Apparently, the shadiness goes back a long way.
Corruption in the FBI is nothing new
by Howie Carr, Boston Herald
When the inspector general’s report on the most corrupt law enforcement agency in human history came out Thursday, congressman Trey Gowdy said, “This is not the FBI I know.”
Trey Gowdy is from South Carolina. I’m from Massachusetts. This is the FBI I know, only too well.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/17/18
JUNE 17,2018 Greetings once again dear ones. We are well aware of the troubling activities and chaos tempting many of you to fall into fear and doubt. Always remember that in spite of appearances, what you are witnessing is the exposure of old programming, secrets, and three dimensional creations. High resonating energies of Light are illuminating and paving the way for their removal because denser energies cannot exist in the higher more refined ones. All is well in spite of how things may seem. The world needs to become aware of these things before it can change. Do not lose hope dear ones, for you are creating a new world with your awakened consciousness as you bring in and hold the Light, assisting those now ready to awaken and creating space for the many evolved souls now arriving. Some are coming as walk-ins and some as newborns, but a large number are already here as children and teens who have come specifically to assist in the ascension process of Gaia and mankind through their evolved levels of consciousness. Most of them are not yet aware of their mission, but see and understand the world from a more evolved state of awareness than most. Do not force these young ones into box's of conformity in the belief that there is something wrong with them. They are very old souls in very young bodies. As more and more individuals awaken, Light frequencies automatically become stronger and more dominant. Understand that much of the suffering you are witnessing at this time represents pre-birth choices made by individuals for the purpose of changing world consciousness through exposing how many commonly accepted beliefs serve only a few while bringing pain and suffering to others. Many who up to now have lived fully enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation, are beginning to awaken and recognize the suffering brought about by some commonly accepted beliefs and laws many of which were created brought about by nothing more than self righteous moral authority. Mankind is beginning to awaken. Know that a great deal is going on behind the scenes that the general public is not yet aware of. Your news sources do not give you the whole picture, so keep that in mind when you tune in. Your job as awakened ones is to hold the Light within and without at all times in spite of appearances which does not mean sticking your head in the sand while shouting "God is all", but rather simply doing what is necessary from a higher state of awareness. There were and are many desirous of being on earth at this time but who were not permitted. Only those with something to offer the ascension process and the strength to do it have been permitted during these powerful times. But... "What about the terrorists, the troublemakers, the violent and un-evolved ones?" The terrorist state of consciousness is one that is fully enmeshed in the energies of duality and separation. Many of them have had limited experience on earth and are only able to live out from the three dimensional belief system which is all they know. It is their state of consciousness. However, these dear ones are necessary at this time in order to bring about and expose issues of duality and separation. Know that every one of you has been the "villain" in one or more lifetimes during your journey of awakening. You are right where you need to be at this time, doing what you need to do, and doing a fine job of it even if it seems as though you are doing nothing. Being the truth while not allowing outer appearances deflect you, creates an atmosphere in which change can happen. Know that all is proceeding according to plan. The spiritual journey is now a matter of be-ing rather than do-ing. Doubt is always based in the belief of separation and has been dominant on earth throughout your hundreds of lifetimes. Doubt has become a habit that is ingrained in almost everyone until they consciously decide to move beyond it. When doubt arises, remind yourselves that since there is only ONE, you can only be in and of that ONE for nothing else exists. Therefore, every quality embodied within IT, must also be yours regardless of appearances to the contrary--order, harmony, abundance, intelligence etc. etc. simply forever are--held in place by Divine Law. We wish once again to speak of love, for love is the foundation of all that is--the connecting energy between all living things within the ONE. Love is the glue of life, unfolding and revealing itself on new levels as an individual evolves. In the third dimension, love as well as everything else, can only be understood and interpreted according to the attained consciousness of the individual. Love, the energy between living things, is often felt, interpreted, and then acted on by the un-evolved consciousness through actions of violence, rape, war, and abuse. However, the reality and cohesiveness of ONE expressing ITself in infinite form and variety never changes or is affected by these false interpretations. Those who ask; "How could God allow this?" do not understand the God knows nothing about illusory dreams. Atrocities do not exist in Divine Consciousness. This is what waking up is all about, the understanding and living of this truth. We see many struggling to attain a deeper understanding of love, but seeking it through the many false ideas about love that flow from three dimensional concepts and beliefs regarding love. Love is and can only ever be selective, conditional, and limited when understood through beliefs of duality and separation. "How do I love a government that seeks to torment its own people? How do I love those who kill and maim and believe that their position of authority is a free pass to cause harm and suffering for others? How do I love the drug or alcohol addict who selfishly causes so much hurt and pain to everyone around them? How can I love what I see happening in the world? How do I love?" Dear ones, these questions are asked at some point by everyone seeking spiritual awareness. Allow yourselves to let go of the hundreds of three dimensional concepts of love, and especially the one that says love is always emotional. Shift into understanding love as the law of oneness. Yes, emotions are often involved with the many forms of love, but the reality underlying love in all its forms is Oneness. You are the energy of love every time you do or think expressions of oneness, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant that expression. It may be as simple as helping a suffering animal, opening the door for another, making someone's life a bit easier in some way without being asked, or recognizing the true Divine nature of an un-awake and obnoxious person. Love can be as simple as courageously saying "no" if and when it is appropriate. As you attain an ever deepening consciousness of what Love really is, your thoughts and actions will automatically begin to reflect it. You become Love because in reality you are consciousness and not just a physical body. This is what makes a spiritual master appear to be different or more blessed than ordinary humans. No, the masters are only different from everyone else in that they know who they are. They are awake. Love does not and must never exclude self for how can anyone be outside ONE? Many serious truth students exclude themselves when they experience the arising shame and regret of past actions in the light of their new state of awareness. Never resist, but rather allow these emotions to come up for you to acknowledge, but not give power to. They are a part of your awakening process now ready to be released from cellular memory. For example; "I was hurt because someone did not include me in some thing I felt I should of been a part of and I responded with angry words and actions and feelings of resentment. Now I am ashamed. " Ask yourself; "What was I believing at that time that caused me to act this way?" You will quickly discover that most of these experiences were based in beliefs of separation--"I am not loveable. I am always on the outside looking in." Now ask yourself; "In the Light of what I now understand to be the truth, could this possibly be true?". The energy upholding the third dimensional belief system is always; "You will never be good enough. Feelings of guilt and remorse often linger long after being recognized for what they are. Do not resist or panic in the belief that somehow you have failed, because resistance simply endows something with power. Rather, allow these emotions to flow, experiencing them without labels of good or bad. Thank them for reminding you of what you may still be holding on to, send Light to your cells telling them that it is time to release all old and finished three dimensional energies, and then simply move on with your day. It is a process. Old energies recede as you are able to move beyond giving them importance or power over you. At some point these things simply dissolve into the nothingness that they are because you are longer feeding them with your energy. In a quiet uninterrupted time, visualize each undesired aspect of yourself as a small girl or boy standing back awaiting recognition and acceptance. You may not even realize that you have rejected some part of yourself, but will discover it when you see the child come forward or hide awaiting acceptance. Invite each child to you one at a time and allowing yourself embrace, love, and accept him/her. Until you can unconditionally love and accept all parts of yourself as simply being facets of who you were along the way or even now, you will not have the fullness of love to flow to others. Learn to love and accept all of yourself no matter how obnoxious or unloving you may now see your actions or words to have been. Apologize if you are guided to, but do not waste an inordinate amount of time reliving or trying to fix some long ago experience. Know that very action taken and every experience experienced in every lifetime, has been a step along the evolutionary highway for everyone involved Nothing is or ever can be random within ONE. Old memories have no power over you other than the power you give them. Life on earth is about learning and evolving through experiences until such time as one's spiritual evolution is able to flow from within. All is well, nothing is ever wrong. Everyone in your life, so called enemies as well as friends, are a part of your and their evolutionary plan. Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need, when you are ready for it, and how to guide you through it if you allow, trust, and do not choose some form of resistance. Evolution is a not a journey for weaklings and doormats, rather it is a journey for warriors, and you are them. We are the Arcturian Group 6/17/18 |
The following article plus some related links and a video at the end deliver some hard hitting reality. While a few malignant cells may be eliminated, there will remain many resistant to "treatment" courtesy of a law protecting them. Changes must be made.
An all out assault upon this disease must be waged. The survival of The American Republic depends upon it.
Stunning and 100% accurate portrayal of the ‘Deep State’ (swamp) and why it MUST be defeated, dismantled and the swamp rats prosecuted
by Thomas Madison
Kudos to The Daily Caller for its production of the following video, that, while looking and sounding like a James O’Keefe production, relies on reports from the brightest, most experienced patriots in Washington including James Rosen, one of finest journalists in the country who was the victim of Deep State surveillance himself a few years ago, and retired Army officer LTC Tony Shaffer, among the more knowledgeable and experienced intel experts anywhere.
The Fulcrum of your Future
As you stand in the portico of the future wait5ing to enter the threshold, you carry on a silent dialogue with what is to come, what the future holds and hides from you. Each of you stands guard on the fulcrum of your future. You assess your present circumstances; you look at your past, and see but a whisper of your future. You feel Future-viewing is for seers and psychics not for you. You have chosen to wear thick veils and a blindfold that keeps you from fully feeling possibilities that seek your company. The incubation period for birthing future events is pliable and moldable seeking to take form.
This past year, thought and appearance accelerated to a point in time and space that quickened all outcomes. As you stand at the apex of your life viewing future events, you have a certain knowing that as you follow a assured path, the outcome is seeable and predictable. In this time of numerous celestial alignments, and dimensional potentials – we ask you not to take the same route that you have always taken. Move past the boundaries that once held you captive. Always keeping you in a very small theater squared away in the pegs of the past.
Each and every thought that you have ever had exists somewhere in concurrent time. Each and every desire, want, need, prayer has been fulfilled and lives somewhere in time. Thoughts and manifestations are not wasted they do not fall by the wayside. They are not thrown away, they are recycled energetically. In a parallel existence you are living all of your dreams. In another one, you are living your perfect body shape. In another one, you are living your perfect love or your perfect health. Each thought either stays in the Now or exits to another plane of existence. The doorway to that exit is opened and closed by your own thinking and belief system.
When you desire a certain outcome, it begins to grow within your own energy field. If you fluctuate from that thought with doubt, with fear on any level – then it ‘exits’ the earth experience and enters another probable universe where an aspect of you also exists. You are creating and have the perfect everything (body, life, hair, etc.) in probable realities where you have not given up on your dreams, wants, and needs. Whenever you lose hope or give up that energy exits through one doorway and enters another realm to live out its formation. Your dreams, wants, needs etc, went to another version of you because you did not believe enough to keep them in your present place of being.
You have the ability to create exactly what you desire by holding it in focus, in certainty, and in knowing. The minute you give up, it exits your world and enters another where it lives happily ever after. Don't you see that one singular molecule of doubt can become a lethal toxic weapon when you are trying to create a desired outcome. Wrap yourself around your creations/manifestations as a mother that protects her young. Allow no harm to come to these newly born desires, keep them safe until they are old enough to stand on their own two feet.
You are not allowed the luxury of giving up on anything or anyone, especially yourself. As soon as you give up on anything, it leaves your present dimension and enters another. Often in your dreamtime, you enter into these places where there is the perfect love, the perfect family, the perfect life. You are living it simultaneously. The 'You' who continues to dwell upon this earth plane is not receiving any energetic fringe benefits, because you let it go you gave it away, you gave up on it.
So we ask you to hold the vision of what it is that you seek. Believe full heartedly and it will be made manifest for you in the here and the now. Time collapses as Space expands. Hold the focus and the belief long enough for it to take form. Hold the focus each time that you think of it, renew the faith, renew the knowing, and do not let anybody shake your Faith.
College Students Say Christians Should Be Forced To Bake Cakes For Sodomite "Weddings" - Change Their Tunes When Christians Aren't The Subject
by Tim Brown
As soon as the question was altered slightly of a scenario of a black baker refusing to provide a cake for a Ku Klux Klan rally, the students said the baker shouldn't be forced, but were obviously confused and understood they were contradicting themselves.
1 teaspoon of baking soda = 4.8 grams, so a shy 1/2 teaspoon would be plenty.
250 ml of water = a tad over 1 cup.
A Yellow Alert Has Just Been Issued For 2 Major Volcanoes In North America
Massive eruptions of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano and Guatemala’s Fuego volcano have captivated the entire world in recent days, and now it looks like even more volcanoes are starting to wake up. In fact, yellow alerts were just issued for Mexico’s Mt. Popocatepetl and Alaska’s Great Sitkin volcano. Mt. Popocatepetl and Great Sitkin both sit along the “Ring of Fire” that roughly encircles the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean, and many are becoming concerned that we may be witnessing some sort of “chain reaction” as volcanoes all over the globe begin to exhibit signs of increased activity. This even includes some unusual happenings at Yellowstone, and we will cover that near the end of this article. But to start with, let’s take a look at the yellow alert that was just issued for Mt. Popocatepetl. The following comes from a government website in Mexico…
"DEMONS really are possessing people, warns psychiatrist, as pure evil sweeps over humanity"
Posted on June 12, 2018, by Ethan Huff
(Natural News) An Ivy League-educated psychiatrist is convinced that there’s a growing epidemic of demonic possession in the world today and that most everyday people now recognize the dark reality of this scary situation.
Dr. Richard Gallagher, who boasts degrees from both Princeton University and Yale University, says that, despite conflicting opinions within mainstream medical science, demonic possession is both real and rampant.
With 25 years of experience under his belt as a private psychiatrist that compliments his two teaching positions at both New York Medical College and Columbia University, Dr. Gallagher believes he holds a unique vantage point in discerning between human and non-human, or satanic, behavior.