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Things continue to regress according to far left plans to destroy society in Seattle, as Amazon has announced they are transferring their headquarters from anti-business downtown Seattle to nearby Bellevue.

This comes on the heels of the groundbreaking Seattle Is Dying documentary and attempts by the city council to implement a corporate head tax, as well as the now-infamous AOC Amazon-To-New York covfefe.

The head tax was so extreme that even labor unions came out against it, protesting self avowed socialist Seattle councilperson Kshama Sawant. Just last month Amazon pulled out of a multi million prospective lease agreement with a new building that is still under construction.

Geekwire reports:


Seattle ignores reality and will pay the price.

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Terrific background! Long informative and worth the read.

From the archives: March 12, 2015

Part I of The Betrayal Papers explained the history and context of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in the American government.

Part II looked at the associations of seven Obama officials with Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States.

Part III traced the Muslim Brotherhood’s and the State of Qatar’s influence on domestic policy and Obama administration scandals.

Part IV will examine foreign policy under Obama. It will explain how the Obama administration and U.S. Department of State have used the American military and standing in the world as tools to kick start the creation of a new Islamic Caliphate. Obama’s unconscionable enabling of and silence regarding a new genocide will be revealed. Finally, this article will offer a cursory reassessment of America’s allies, and which countries we have lost as friends.


The Betrayal Papers: The Muslim Brotherhood & A New Genocide

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DECREE #33 Saint Germain bk#5 pg140

Come forth in Your Full Cosmic Authority and Power of the Unfed Flame, the "Three times Three" and the Cosmic Light! Blaze the Blue Lightning and Sword of Blue Flame of Divine Love iinto the mass entity of dept throughout the world! Annihilate all depts of humanity, individual, national and international, and their cause and effect, from the consciousness of every individual on Earth forever! Release Thy Limitless Supply of every good thing into everyone's use firever as You Glad-free Gift of Love! and see all is used in the Service of the Light forever! Bring Perfect Balance everywhere through Divine Love, and keep it forever sustained! Compel every human being on Earth to give and receive Divine Justice to and from all! We thank Thee Thou dost always answer our every Call instantly forever!
Saint Germain's book #5 decree #33 pg140

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The U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee has one job – to produce a budget. It’s the primary responsibility of governing, and a budget is the only document Congress produces that looks at total federal revenues, spending, and deficits and charts a course for the future. Without one, your government is flying blind. Congress is required by law to complete a budget by April 15, but this week that deadline will come and go, with no plan at all from the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives...KEEP READING HERE

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Justice being served on Obama officials?

"Are More Indictments of Obama Officials Coming?"

By Matt Margolis

Yesterday we learned that Gregory Craig, the former White House counsel for Barack Obama, expects to be indicted on criminal charges for lobbying he did for the Ukrainian government back in 2012.

The case against Craig originated from the Mueller investigation. Craig was not White House Counsel at the time, but between this and Attorney General William Barr’s revelation that he believes the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign and that it is being investigated, it’s hard not feel as though the tide is turning, and we might start seeing Obama officials finally get put under the microscope for various acts of corruption.


Justice being served on Obama officials?


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The Seven Sacred Weeks

"I had, through the assistance of both my mother and father, and Lord Maitreya, been taught from childhood to magnetize peace."

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The Seven Sacred Weeks

The Ascended Master Jesus
Reflection of Jesus

Regarding his last embodiment, Jesus explained:

"My ministry was one of action. Every day, before I left the house, great numbers of people had gathered, primarily to receive relief from all manner of discomfort and disease of mind and body. Very few came to learn the application by which I had achieved such prayers, to give surcease from distress. I had learned never, under any circumstances, to go forth to serve until I had first anchored my consciousness, feeling and self in the Presence of God. Only when I was firmly established in that unshakable faith, that indestructible fortress of His power and presence, would I endeavor to convey that consciousness of his goodness, through words and words, to my fellowman. Earnest men and women, filled with zeal and enthusiasm, often rush forth without such personal contemplation and communion with the God-Self.

When the fishermen in the boat were sore distressed because of the raging sea, where did I receive the power which stilled the waters? I had, through the assistance of both my mother and father, and Lord Maitreya, been taught from childhood to magnetize peace. That peace became a great reservoir, and so I said to the waters, ‘Peace, be still.’ And naturally they responded, because there was more energy already drawn around me qualified with God-Peace than all of the turbulence of the sea of Galilee.

Before I came into the world of form, I was ‘charged’ with a mission, to manifest unto all mankind the full perfection of our Father who is in heaven. You were also so ‘charged’ when you were created. Now, your mission is similar to my own!"

Jesus asked the students of the Bridge to Freedom to decree with feeling. He said that no decree has efficacy unless it is accompanied with great feeling.

After his ascension, Jesus became the Chohan of the Sixth Ray. On January 1, 1956, Jesus, together with Kuthumi, became World Teachers. Ascended Lady Master Nada is now the Chohan of the Sixth Ray.

Jesus and Mother Mary are functioning today as Hierarchs of the Resurrection Temple. We can call to them to blaze the Resurrection Flame through our bodies, to re-store them to the original condition of youth and health.

The keynote of beloved Ascended Master Jesus is found in the song, "Joy to the World."

Book: Ascended Master and Their Retreats, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF
Picture: Love is Energy on Pinterest

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"Muslim Inbreeding is a Huge Problem--And People Don't Want to Talk About It"
by Jon Miltimore

Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic.

...Over bourbon, we talked about various matters, including religion. The conversation was interesting but uneventful until he dropped this line.

“You do know half of the Arab world is inbred, right?”

It was a jarring line.


In case you were not aware of this debilitating cultural custom

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Arcturian Group Message 4/7/19

APRIL 7, 2019

Dear Readers, we welcome you once again to spiritual messages that in reality are not ours but yours, for they are expressions of your own state of consciousness. If they were not, you could not align with them. Whatever you are in energetic alignment with, you can experience.

You have evolved to a state of consciousness spiritually prepared to release the old programing, concepts, and beliefs you were taught and accepted as truth throughout many lifetimes.

This is the reason it often seems difficult or even unnecessary to let go of some ordinary concepts that have worked well in three dimensional living. The three dimensional mind in its limited capacity for anything other than what is already in the collective, keeps telling you that things should stay as they are; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." However, you reading these messages are no longer in the third dimension.

We have stated many times that you have reached that point at which you no longer need classes, objects, rites, and rituals to gain a deeper understanding of God and spirituality. You have come to that place in your spiritual journey where you now understand that you already have everything you had hoped these things would give you. You now know that there is only One and you are IT. The journey now is about living this truth until it becomes your attained state of consciousness.

Metaphysical tools do not or can not make you any more than you already are. Continuing to depend upon and look to outside means after awakening to the truth that God is already fully present within, will serve only to prolong experiences of separation.

Please understand that we are not saying you cannot have and hold your favorite crystals, go to a class you are drawn to, see an energy worker, or participate in sacred ceremonies. What we are saying is that you must understand that crystals, rites, and rituals awaken and augment Light energy already present but not yet recognized within you. Once recognized, the spiritual student must begin to draw from within rather than from the without.

Crystals carry their own unique energy and serve to align and activate that same particular energy in a person. Never believe that physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual tools of any kind can give you something you don't already have.

You are ready to accept that everything you have been seeking from others, places, and things throughout hundreds of lifetimes has never existed anywhere but within you. You have done the work and are qualified to let go of seeking and searching for God. You have found Him/Her/It and it is you!

At a certain point everyone must fully accept and live the reality of who and what they are as best they can. True spiritual living is not based in common three dimensional concepts (picture the saint on a holy card) but rather is the practice of meeting ordinary events from a place of unconditional love.

Unconditional love is state of consciousness that automatically recognizes every person to be a Divine being in spite of appearances to the contrary. It may be accompanied by emotion but may not. After inner recognition, the person can then take whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take. Unconditional Love is a facet of being in the world, but not of it.

As the energy of earth becomes increasingly refined and intense, your physical systems are changing in order to integrate these higher frequencies. The process of releasing stored cellular memory from hundreds of past lives and replacing it with frequencies of Light may leave you feeling sick and totally exhausted on all levels leaving the human mind to step in with dire warnings about all the diseases you might have.

Try to "go with the flow", resting and loving yourself as best you can during the "down" times, trusting that all is proceeding as it is meant to. Ascension symptoms will often manifest through the body's weakest area. Example; If you died of tuberculosis in one or more lives, you may experience lung problems in this one as old energy from this source as well as others clears.

Clearing symptoms come and go which is one way you can recognize them for what they are. However, if you feel the need to seek medical help, do so without guilt or resistance.

Many of you are being intuitively guided to remove energy cords that may be actively holding you in energetic bondage to certain people, places, or things. Energetic bonds (cords) are frequently carried from lifetime to lifetime simply because they are in the person's energy field. They can be recognized by intense "good" or "bad" reactions or connections to a certain person or persons.

Energy cords result in a draining and unhealthy energetic attachment to someone--partner, family member, friend, or enemy. Intense experiences of every sort can and often result in the formation of an energetic connection cord. Cord removal is simple. You can do it with intention and visualization. Ask your Guides to assist you.

Removing an energy cord does not mean the ending of love and interaction with those you love and want in your life, but means that the addictive and unhealthy connection ceases unless once again created. Parents often carry energy cords to their children or to one particular child. Relationships become healthier without energy cords.

Talk to your cells, sending them Light and telling them that it is time to release all old three dimensional programing (age, deterioration, disease etc.) and move into the Divine blueprint. This practice often results in long buried issues surfacing to be cleared.

Never believe that the sudden appearance of some negative issue indicates failure on your part for you cannot fail. Failure is a myth, a human concept based in the belief of duality (success vs failure) and separation. You can forget or ignore, but can never be less than the fullness of the Godhead expressing ITself.

Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be, in the midst a process that is sometimes uncomfortable. You are ready to let go of old programming that shouts you must do this or do that and only in "this" way. You have graduated beyond the "shoulds" and "should nots" that represent lingering three dimensional programming.

Once you choose to stop being a slave to the three dimensional belief system you will quickly discover that the sky does not fall down and life proceeds very nicely.

You must accept that things are going to be different. Many believe that as the world ascends into higher dimensional energy they can continue doing everything just as they are doing now but without interference. Because consciousness is the substance of all form (as interpreted by mind according to an individual's state of consciousness), the outer scene cannot help but change as personal and collective consciousness evolves.

Trust and accept that your Higher Self knows what you need, when you need it, and how to get it to you, be it a necessary lesson or person. This is spiritual trust and you reading these messages are ready for spiritual trust.

Spiritual trust is the recognition that all is proceeding according to plan regardless of how it may seem to third dimensional thinking. Spiritual trust is an attained state of consciousness and you are ready for it or already in it. Continuing to concepts of how spiritual experiences must be or look in order to be authentic can act to block the Higher Self's attempt to bring to you some important lesson experience.


and never Mary, Joe, or Betty. I is God. The word I is sacred and refers to the real Divine Self but which through un-awakened ignorance is thought of as personal selfhood, the one that believes itself to be separate and apart from God and all life forms.

The master teacher Jesus taught the truth about I AM but the people of that time were not sufficiently evolved and misinterpreted his message as referring to him personally. This is and continues to remain the source of the most extreme error of present day Christianity--that only one person is the son of God.

Begin to realize the truth of I AM and cease using the word I so much in its personal sense. Every time you say; "I am sick." or "I am broke.", or "I am a failure" you create that very thing for yourself. Begin to think of I in its real sense--the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent I that is my true Selfhood.

Know that you are experiencing the dying gasps of old programming such as physical inheritance, karmic relationships, and cellular memory. Never claim problems as being personally yours or you make them yours. All error is impersonal because the I that you are has no problems nor does IT know anything about problems.

Divine Consciousness is infinitely whole, complete, and perfect. If error (sin, disease, lack, limitations etc. ) existed in Divine Consciousness, it would be forever held in place by Divine law and could never be removed or healed.

Once you consciously or unconsciously state your intention to awaken and evolve, you are on your way and do not need to keep doubting, worrying, and asking if you are doing it right. Every person is only required to live out from their highest level of awareness and as they do that, more is given. It is a process because you still live in energies of time and space.

Evolution is the ongoing journey of awakening into conscious Oneness but does not stop with that realization. Each new revelation embraced and practiced creates a pathway for more truth to unfold because God is infinitely expressing ITself and thus so are you/YOU.

The time has arrived in which all hedging, doubting, and making excuses must cease. To say; "I am not worthy. I am a sinner. I cannot be a Divine Being." simply reflects old, false, ego based concepts of true humility.

Once a person awakens to the fact that there is only ONE expressing ITself as the many, they can never go back to being asleep although some will try.

With great love and respect for you all we are the Arcturian Group. 4/7/19

Donations are welcomed

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Wow! A victory for law abiding citizens!

"Federal Judge Rules Calif. Magazine Confiscation Law Unconstitutional"
NRA calls decision ‘huge win for gun owners’
April 1 2019 by Stephen Gutowsk

A federal judge struck down California’s ban on the possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. On Friday Judge Roger T. Benitez of the District Court for the Southern District of California ruled the confiscation effort is unconstitutional.


Wow! A victory for law abiding citizens!

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Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson, April 5th, 2019

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson, April 5th, 2019

Channeled through Natalie Glasson –  Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

I, Master Kuthumi, am the World Teacher alongside Master Sananda, we wish to bring forth an awareness of your ability to create peace within your being and reality. We believe that peace is needed now upon the Earth and will serve the transformational shift all are moving through of deeper unification and oneness with the Creator. The cultivation of peace will promote the further exploration of your intimate relationship with the Creator. I, Master Kuthumi wish to share with you an invocation to promote and cultivate peace on the Earth for all to experience. Then I will share my wisdom concerning this matter.
Peace on the Earth Invocation

‘I hold the intention of uniting my energy as one consciousness with the purest and highest frequency of humanity and Mother Earth, so we may exist in the power, love, and truth we all hold, supporting and amplifying each other’s energy vibration. With the highest and purest vibration of my soul, the souls of humanity, Mother Earth and the Creator, let us create a system and network of light. May our brilliant and magnificent light flow throughout our beings and our united consciousness, forming and penetrating a powerful system and network of light upon the Earth.

I acknowledge that I am love, I am peace and I am harmony. I acknowledge I create these harmonious vibrations constantly within my being, reality and as a collective with the souls of humanity, Mother Earth and the Creator.

I open myself, souls of humanity, all earthly beings, and Mother Earth to the abundant healing, loving, blissful and peaceful vibrations of the Creator. I ask that we are all blessed, supported and loved eternally and that we experience this fully now.

It is my intention from my soul to create the vibrations of peace on the Earth, to cascade throughout the realities on the Earth creating peace for all to experience, a peace that awakens from within and emerges into the physical level.

It is my intention as a collective consciousness with souls of humanity, all earthly beings, Mother Earth to create the vibrations of peace on the Earth to cascade throughout the realities on the Earth creating peace for all to experience, a peace that awakens from within and emerges into the physical level.

As I offer my light, love, and intentions as service to the Earth, humanity and the Creator, I call upon all aspects, qualities, and expressions of the Creator to draw close to me, supporting and guiding my actions, practices, healing work and intentions today.

I first call upon the beautiful creative energy of Mother Earth to open like a flower and to cradle me and all in goddess powerful energy vibrations and presence. Mother Earth, I address you with great honour, respect, and appreciation. I love you unconditionally and wish to unite my energies with your being. I am here to experience your eternal love for humanity and every soul upon the Earth. I call upon your energies to amplify and assist my work today.

I call upon the energy of nature, an all-powerful vibration of creative energy to spiral around my being and the presence of all upon the Earth. I ask the vibration of nature and the loving spirits of the trees, flowers, plants and all aspects of nature to lend us their light to support our intentions today. I ask the energy of nature to amplify all the loving vibrations of my being and all, enabling us to hold a deeper connection with nature on the Earth. Help us to cast away our veils of illusion viewing the truth of the Creator held within the vibration of nature. Please nature, lend us your support and love today.

I call upon the crystalline consciousness that extends from the Creator and is embedded within the Earth and the crystal manifestations of the Earth. I ask that the crystal light and consciousness assist in cleansing my being, all and the Earth while also empowering our individual and collective light. Help me and all to retain and understand the wisdom of the Creator, existing as crystals ourselves on the Earth so we may hold a crystal-clear energy, mind, and expression today. We ask the crystal consciousness to lend us their loving energy today.

I call on the elemental beings, the souls who care for the Earth and nature kingdoms. I honour all aspects of the elementals and welcome all loving elementals, who wish to be of service to our sacred hearts and the Creator, into our energy. I realise that for such a long time there has been a separation between elementals and humanity. I wish to dissolve this separation as it is no longer needed. I love all elementals unconditionally and ask that the elementals add their blissful energies to our gathering and intentions as we create and manifest the vibration of peace on the Earth.
I call upon the energies and light of the Angelic Kingdom and Archangels to add their selfless love and to charge me and all with unconditional love, compassion and to intensify our healing abilities.

I call upon the Ascended Masters to be of service to add and filter your wisdom and sacred consciousness into our collective consciousness, let us enter into our Ascended Master consciousness and self. Please protect, honour and guide us today.

I call upon the Goddess vibration of the Creator to be present today and to awaken and blossom from within me and all, let the power of the Goddess inspire us and allowing us to celebrate our spiritual gifts and abilities. As I and all allow ourselves to be of service today let us accept and acknowledge our power and truth as a goddess being on the Earth.

I call upon all aspects of the Creator’s light and love; I call upon the vibrations, sounds, energy, light and divine thoughts of the Creator to be with us today. Beloved Creator, I ask you to surround me and all beings upon the Earth completely in the sacred Creator vibrations, let us exist as one with all Creator aspects of our beings.

With a golden circle of light woven around me and all, I allow myself to be an expression of my truth in this sacred space of peace and purity we have collectively created on the Earth now. I know I have the power to make a positive difference to the vibration of the Earth and the peace experienced by all.
I am Peace, the Earth is Peace.’

With numerous energies anchored into your being, all of humanity, all beings of the Earth and Mother Earth, take time to experience and allow the energies to synthesis. Acknowledge and know that through the anchoring of numerous aspects and qualities of the Creator you are creating an opening for all souls to access and awaken the vibration of peace from within their being, expressing it fully into creation and manifestation upon the Earth. Peace is cultivated within and experienced on all levels of your being and reality with your intention and dedication. Peace is born from your connection and unification with the Creator. Many souls upon the Earth miss this valuable understanding and seek to access or create peace through outside or physical actions. Peace forms from your acceptance of the Creator within your being and reality. Therefore, you can bring peace to any situation, experience or challenge by being present with and accepting the support of the Creator which is always with and within you.

Notice that where peace no longer exists a connection with the Creator may be missing. Restore the connection with the Creator and allow peace to unfold, cultivating and directing peace to where it is needed.

What Can Peace Create For You?

A powerful question which can provoke transformation as well as realisation within your being and awareness is, ‘What can peace create for me now in my reality and spiritual evolution?’ If you allow yourself to bring your attention to the realisation that peace already exists within your being and with your focus blossoms to fill all that you are, sitting with this energy and knowingness you can contemplate the question. Allow yourself to be aware of how the presence of peace transforms and activates your being as well as what it inspires. Peace can create anything you wish to experience on the Earth, when you create from the space of peace everything flows with ease and perfection, allowing the purest vibration to exist within the manifestation. Imagine if every soul created their realities from a space of peace and the purest vibration of what they wished to manifest and experience on the Earth, how transformational and inspirational the world would be. Allow yourself to make a list of all that peace could and can create for you in your reality and spiritual evolution. Each time you focus on the presence of peace within your being, emanating and blossoming, you will also be energising all that peace can create for you.

In peaceful blessings,

Master Kuthumi

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