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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 30, 2020
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As this will be the last message before the Presidential Election 2020 on Tuesday 3rd November, it seems appropriate to confirm Blossom Goodchild’s latest message from The Federation of Light. I referred to her earlier message of the 18th October that told of an announcement to be made before the U.S. Election and a global lock down to follow. In her latest contact with the Federation Blossom has been told “The Light has won and you upon Earth are completing your mission in raising the planet to its highest position” and confirmed there is “a huge announcement to come”
It may interest you to know that in the year 1551, Nostradamus predicted 2020 as being the end of the world, that we would destroy and ruin the economy.
30th October 2020. Mike Quinsey.
Dear Ones you may never have thought that you would be on Earth at a time when matters are at the crossroads yet the path for you has been decided, and you may be assured that nothing can stop your progress as you make your way to Ascension. You have done the hard bit and lifted yourselves out of the lower vibrations, and now you can anticipate an uninterrupted pathway as you progress towards your goal. You are making history, and so many sacrifices are being made to comply with the need for a time lock to allow matters to evolve that are essential to your future. We are asking so much of you but please understand that you would have been put in the picture prior to making your incarnation.
With help you will recover and find that the changes are far more beneficial than returning to the old ways. You had to shake off the old ties that would not have been appropriate for the New Age, and given time you will understand that for yourselves. Realise that far from losing anything you will gain beyond your expectations and looking back will have no regrets at all. Simply allow sufficient time for matters to come together, and we say that knowing humans tend to want things straight away when a little patience is called for to allow events to proceed in their own time. You know that we will be monitoring events for you and you can rest easy knowing that we are always there to help you.
The changes that are coming will be far reaching and you can be assured that we will be on hand when you need our help. In fact we are always aware of your needs and often give help in ways unknown to you, and as time passes and we get closer to you we will eventually work together as we have done in the past. We have mentioned previously, we are always following your activities and guide you in many ways to help ensure you keep to your dedicated path. You do not yet fully realise what a great achievement you have made in passing the marker against all expectations. Now you are slowly making the changes that will release the old that is no longer appropriate for your present needs.
Even in the midst of confusing and chaotic times there is an underlying plan to ensure you take the steps intended to place you firmly on the path to completion. Without usurping your freewill you are being prompted to make the right decisions that will ensure your continued evolution. There are always many choices available to you but only one path will satisfy your needs. By now you should know what will best cover your needs and stick firmly to it. No one else is better placed to serve you than your Higher Self so always maintain your contact and take note of what you are prompted to do.
When the next message is due you will have leaned whether The Federation of Light were able to proceed with their intention to take a hold of matters concerning your future. They will certainly come into your lives much more than previously, when they worked behind the scenes. They have a strong desire to work with you thereby speeding up your progress. You really have so much to learn so that you are fully prepared for future demands placed upon you. We will certainly help much in the nature of promptings, particularly when you are faced with many choices.
Unlike your previous experiences in the lower vibrations, you should now be finding things somewhat easier as the dark Ones are no longer in prominence and able to disrupt and interfere as before. In other words you should now find progress a lot easier and more straightforward. Leading a more simple life will prove more productive and give you a great degree of satisfaction. It also means that your voices will have more notice taken of them instead of being rejected. Those of you who have a higher level of consciousness and understanding will find themselves chosen to take on more responsibility.
These are the times when you should now be acting as Wayshowers to others. It comes about as your vibrations continue to rise, giving you a greater ability to tap the great source of knowledge and truth. Many souls will be in shock as the truth of their existence becomes known and will perhaps be unable to comprehend or accept that they have had many lives upon Earth. Perhaps an even greater truth regarding responsibility for their actions, but not to be punished for misdeeds but to face the consequences and make good their errors of judgement. Karma comes into effect where either good or bad deeds are concerned. In other words having been granted freewill you have to think carefully about your words or actions for which you are responsible.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Be assured in such difficult times as these your Guides draw nearer to help you through it. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
OCTOBER 25,2020 We see your suffering dear ones, and we witness the struggle of so many to remain objective in the midst of a world that seems to have gone mad with people acting out in ways never seen or experienced before. Trust dear ones, trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan unfolding that cannot be stopped by those who do not want the world to awaken. All is proceeding according to plan but to three dimensional thinking there is no plan. Most are as of yet unable to see or understand that there is a Divine plan underlying outer appearances. Human minds steeped in beliefs of duality and separation are unable to grasp anything outside of the limiting belief system they live in and so act in the only ways they know. You do know what is going on and this why your job is to hold the Light as an observer, doing what needs to be done but in ways that reflect spiritual awareness. It is time to actually embrace being "In the world, but not of it" and because the third dimension functions in time and space, the Divine plan must unfold as a process. Do not accept everything you read and hear though news media sources for they are often misinformed themselves, passing on information that has been skewed with falsehoods. Always let your intuition guide you in these matters, even with regard to "spiritual messages" for some of these are not on the highest level as well because a channel flows through the consciousness of the channeler. Anything that promotes fear and negativity is not reflective of the Light. However, be alert to whether you are reacting to something from your present human mind level, or are being intuitively guided. It is easy to be fooled when something you simply do not wish to hear about or deal with in yourself is presented in a channel. Stay informed, while not aligning with the energy of that which you are being informed about unless you are guided to become involved. Some are guided to be a part of the chaos, but they are those who have attained a consciousness that allows them to work from a detached level and bring Light into situations. Never doubt that there are many Light workers in the trenches at this time but this work is not for most. Trust your intuition on this. Our message today is about Trust. Not ordinary trust based in ideas, concepts, and beliefs reflective of the third dimensional belief system but a higher trust, one that springs from the realization that omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Divinity is the reality of who you are. This trust understands that the qualities of Source are already fully present within, available to express and be experienced as truth becomes an attained state of consciousness. As the reality of Oneness is understood, accepted, and becomes the consciousness of increasingly more individuals, many three dimensional creations will dissolve simply because the energy that formed them in the first place is no longer present to sustain and maintain them. This is beginning to happen now. Many obsolete belief structures are beginning to crumble and much more is to come which is very frightening for those who have placed hope and trust, safety and security in concepts. Allow everything that feels finished in your life to drop away regardless of how well it once worked for you in spite of the opposition you may get from those around you. Try not to mourn the loss of certain comfortable ways of living if they have begun to feel "old", but rather rejoice in the knowledge that a spiritual idea underlies every outer manifestation because you cannot make something out of nothing. When the energy that formed and has sustained many facets of three dimensional living like health, education, government,religion, relationships, etc. begins to dissolve, always know that only the lower resonating form/concept of the Divine idea dissolves, never the reality. Divine Ideas, permanently held in place by Divine Law will always re-manifest in a new and higher resonating form if allowed. Evolution is and always has been an ongoing process but these times represent a particularly giant step of evolution. Everything, on all levels automatically changes as the substance of it (consciousness) changes. Recycling is simply a higher form of waste disposal, cars have replaced horses, the printing press replaced hand written books, respect for nature is growing, and people are becoming increasingly aware of how unloving and unfair much that was previously considered acceptable, is. God being the only cause, can therefore be the only effect. Ask yourself; "Do I really believe in One omnipresent God, or do I continue to have many gods in my consciousness?" The third dimensional belief system has promoted gods of money, power, religious beliefs, fashion, physical appearance, employment, relationships, family, traditions, and much more. Anything a person deems to be necessary for happiness and success represents belief in a false god. Utilize these present "down times" to seriously reflect on this. A person cannot continue to worship one or more three dimensional gods while at the same time believing that they accept the truth of ONE God. Ancient belief systems of many Gods were about invisible beings and creatures that had power over everyone and needed to be appeased, often in some violent way. Now replace images of these ancient gods with whatever you have allowed to become a personal god. Take time to go within and honestly ask; "What am I worshipping in the outer scene? What have I made into a god? What do I continually dedicate my thought and action to attaining in the belief that I must have it in order to be happy?" Examine your beliefs honestly, sincerely, and without judgement dear ones, for this is the purpose of the present down times. Go within and discover what you may still hold as being true, real, necessary, unchangeable, and important etc . and then decide if you wish to continue making it a part of your consciousness. Never allow self judgement to interfere with your journey of self examination for it is a sacred process, a necessary part of evolution. You were taught throughout lifetimes to put your dependence and value in outer things and you sincerely believed in the correctness of these teachings. However, those of you who read and understand these messages, have attained a level of awareness that now makes these three dimensional teachings obsolete. Many three dimensional ideas have served well and continue to serve some, but because you have shifted into a deeper awareness these same things will no longer function for you as they once did. For awhile the mind will continue to express what it is familiar with--judgement and criticism, fear and negativity, longing and desires. Simply allow the old programming to flow through , aware of what is happening, and giving it no power. There is a bible statement that says; "Let the heathen rage". If I am truly one with Source, Divine consciousness in expression, then I am self-sustained , complete, and whole. So why do I continue to seek that which I already am outside of myself? You have been on this journey of enlightenment for a very very long time dear ones, and have reached a fork in the road. "Do I stay on a path that has worked pretty well for many lifetimes and brought me some success and happiness, or do I take a chance on this unfamiliar path that seems to be drawing me toward it?" It is a frightening time for the world, a time in which much that has worked in the past, is no longer working and everything seems to be getting worse. The dense energy creations now surfacing and shocking many have always been present, well sustained and maintained but out of majority awareness and those that did became aware were often silenced. You have not failed, for you cannot fail. Let go of all remaining concepts about spirituality and what you must do or not do in order to be "spiritual". These teachings were valid steps along your evolutionary but are now simply part of that which you are ready to let go of. You have moved on and no longer need former tools once so important to your awakening process. Use these present times to discover and release concepts you may still hold about what constitutes failure or success on the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. Acknowledge your talents, your reality, your gifts, the truth of your being, and accept what you discover, dear ones. Denying one's talents and Divine Light never represents humility as many have been taught, but rather is its opposite, a rejection of one's true nature as ONE. Let go, let go, let go and allow the Divine Consciousness that you are to live and express ITself through and as you. These times are the reason you came and why you have devoted so much of your life to spiritual study, growth, and awareness. The world needs your Light NOW and you are fully capable of doing this work. Trust. |
I am Prime Creator,
You call me different names your Father, Creator, Source and your God. I am here today to deliver this message to humanity, that we The Galactic Federation with Ashtar in Command and me as Prime Creator, we are starting The Final Phase of Ascension on Earth.
Our crew, all of the fleet and ships are ready to finish this mission, which was started a long time ago. We are prepared to complete this project and move on to a new one, so we are looking forward to that. Our ground crew here on Mother Earth are going to for fulfill their missions, this why they came here.
We are also expecting that the Alliance is going to announce The New Republic called Nesara and a new financial system will be ready to launch, which we call Quantum Financial System and the currency is going to be backed up by gold. You have heard about all of this for a long time now in many different sources. Now, it’s time to carry out all of these tasks and proceed to The Final Phase of our Project Planet Earth called Ascension.
I would also, like to mention that all of the Twin Flames residing on Mother Gaia, they need to be ready now, to follow their destinies to raise the consciousness of the humanity by being good examples and doing their missions. Before they can start to do that, they need to reunite on a spiritual, physical and on a intimate level with each other.
They have an important role in the Ascension Process. There are not too many of Twin Flames here on Gaia. They are a rarity in general even in many Universes, Galaxies and Planets. Very few of them can find themselves in this 3D matrix. Please, don’t confuse Twin Flames with soulmates. Let’s do, what we came here to do, our work and to help humanity to move forward to a new life, where there will be no more diseases or poverty, only joy, happiness and love.
I am your Father and you are my children, and I want you to understand me correctly, everything I am saying today, It’s very important, so please, take this message very seriously, as we know by now, that all of you would like to be in 5D, and we The Galactics want to finish this mission and start planning a new one. It has been so long for our crew and for all of you being here in this 3D and experiencing all of these turbulences, obstacles and horrors.
Now, it’s time to go to a better reality and leave this duality behind by advancing forward to a new existence, which will have no pain or suffering, only love and prosperity. We are doing our best and we have everyday briefings about the situation on Earth: what type of progress has the planet made, how many more humans got awake, how are they doing and etc.
We are constantly checking everything around your world, making sure that Terra Christa is not going to be destroyed by the corrupted souls, who tried many times to blow up this planet and still continue to try to end life here. The Dark Ones just don’t want to give up, they will fight to the last second and breath, because they feel Earth is theirs. They want to keep it as a slavery planet forever, if they can’t have it, then they want to destroy it.
I and the rest of the Galactics, we don’t want continue this suffering here anymore, because we all agree, it’s enough already. Everyone got their portion of being mistreated, put down and constantly pinching your pennies daily to pay your bills, it happened so many times in many different lifetimes, we want to see all of you blossom and be happy.
Yes, I would like for humanity to be prosperous, and money is going to come from different sources. We are just waiting, when the wealth is going to be redistributed by the Alliance on planet Earth. They are the ones, who keep postponing the delivery of wealth to the people. We gave the green light a long time ago to give the prosperity away and to stop the suffering of humankind, but Alliance always gives excuses, on why the wealth is not given to the people.
They keep coming up with all the excuses in the world, why it didn’t happen yet, because of some obstacles that keep popping out, so the Alliance is continuously postponing everything. I made it very clear to everyone here on Earth, who is in charge of the redistribution of money, that they can’t delay it any longer, the wealth needs to go to humanity. This is the time to start shining through with the abundance, and it’s enough already of keeping the human population being constantly suppressed, controlled and abused.
The people on Earth forgot that they are multi dimensional beings. Humankind has been enslaved for far too long on this planet by being constantly forced to reincarnate here and not being able to leave this place.
I, Prime Creator, bringing to your attention that the Ground Crew needs to start working on your assignments. Please, let’s finally bring liberation, freedom, light, love, peace and wealth to this world. I am aware that in this 3D matrix changes happen very slowly. To get things done here is much more complex than in higher dimensions. We don’t want that the funds would be stolen by the negative souls, so the Quantum Financial System is going to prevent that from happening.
Humanity can’t afford to anymore to wait for the redistribution of wealth, they need now all the help they can possibly get and as soon as possible. I am bringing to your attention Alliance who have control over the prosperity, let’s start sharing the funds with the human beings, there is too much suffering on Mother Earth.
The Galactics, Me, Prime Creator are diligently doing our part and we are expecting the same in return. My requests are never questioned by my crew, The Galactic Federation of Light or by the counsels. Everyone is doing their part, because all of them know how important it is to bring this planet and humanity to Ascension of 5D, so they can finally become Galactic Humans and leave behind this 3D duality, where nobody has any rights, they are constantly being forced to follow rules and they are always being controlled or told what to do and how to live their lives.
Please, look right now at humans who are walking around with masks. They can’t even breath through these masks, but this is the order, you must wear the mask, because it’s suppose to keep you safe from the virus. I am sorry to break the news to you, but this mask will not save you from any virus, it’s the opposite, its going to create more issues for you in the near future, especially with your lungs.
I have been around for a very long time, I have experienced and seen so many different events around so many places in the Universe. I created many different Planets, Galaxies and Universes, so I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that we are doing our absolute best to make sure that Ascension is going to happen. Sometimes, you may have doubts about our existence, because you are not seeing us in a physical form. If you connect to your soul or your heart, you are going to be able to see us and sense us, as we are all connected spiritual beings.
This 3D life here, its meaningless compared to who you really are, you are multi dimensional beings with a lot of power, and you don’t even remember, because they erased from your memory, your DNA was also alternated many times. Your bodies became weak, they age and deteriorate since the day you are born that is not a natural process. You were created as an immortal being who can live for millions of years and not just 60, 70 or maybe 80 years, and leave the physical body behind. Then you are forced to be reincarnated again, comeback to life with no memories or recollection of the past life and continue again this Matrix with all of it’s miseries, obstacles, hardships and diseases, this cycle never ends.
Long time ago, civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and a few other ones became very high dimensional societies and then they self destructed because they let their ego take over them. We don’t want this to happen on Earth, because the Dark Ones have been controlling this planet for a long time. They are constantly manipulating everything here: weather, food, you name it, medicine and etc. The medicine here is more like poison, it doesn’t cure, it maybe heals one part of your body and then it creates new problems in other parts of the body.
The Darkness has been controlling planet Gaia for a very long time and the Negative Ones have been breaking all of the rules of the Universe and getting away with it, because we set up ourselves the rules that don’t work anymore, and we are in the process of creating new rules that are going to make things easier for the next civilization to ascend. They won’t need to go through the same hardships, experiences and obstacles like on Earth.
We are not allowed to do certain things here, like to extract anyone from this world and take them back to their home or interfere in this 3D reality. Unfortunately, these rules worked in the favor of the Dark Forces and not for the humanity, so we are in the process of changing them. We are even replacing the counselors, who have been in favor of these old rules. The new Counselor who has been selected as The Grand Counselor is Queen An-Ra, and she is in the process of changing these outdated rules, because we have billions of planets in galaxies and in universes, it will take some time to implement them and they are going to be enforced. Right now, the rules are not helping the human civilization at all, they just keep extending the suffering on Earth.
We are starting The Final Phase of Ascension, and we have some big things coming up that we need to take care of. We never disclose any dates or sensitive information as the Negative Forces would use it for their advantage. I am just reminding to the Ground Crew here: Alliance, light warriors and light workers, please, help us to bring this Earth to Ascension.
Daily meditations are very important and essential in the Ascension Process. I am aware that every Ascended Master in every message has mentioned to you already about it. Please, do daily three to four times a day or even more your medication. Any second you have free, instead of spending time on something that doesn’t have a deep meaning, please meditate. Your meditations will help everyone on Mother Terra Christa to bring the whole planet to the light, like how it’s supposed to be.
We are expecting for a new financial system to be launched, redistribution of the wealth for humanity, announcement of Nesara Gesara Republic, massive arrests and removal of everyone who is not working for the good of humanity. I am very busy overlooking this process, I understand how important it is, so any chance I have, I share in a message with all of you and I am also here in person working with the group. I find the time to help anyone who asks for help, because it’s very important for me and the rest of us to finish this 5D Process of Ascension.
We want to see everyone in 5D, please do your part. You all know and understand that your participation is very crucial in this process. I am happy that we are starting The Final Phase, and I am pleased to be here today to let you know, where we are right now. I am grateful for each of you, who are doing their best trying to help humanity to be in a higher dimension.
I am sending all my love to all of you. Thank you, I am Prime Creator.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ashian: There is much change afoot.
The challenge is that while most of you can feel it, most of you cannot see it. Yet. The next Big Step is very close.
There are those who will react in fear, but you, our light sisters and brothers – though you may experience temporary overwhelm – will find the next phase reassuring.
Adama of Telos: The Inner Star Gateway
Greetings beloveds of the planet earth, I am Adama of Telos and this is my message to you this day. A great many things are transpiring all around you, and most importantly within you. This is the real secret dear ones. What is happening within your heart centre is the real deal. I know that sounds a little strange to use those words… we wish to approach you in a more grounded humorous way for we see that far too many of you are becoming distracted with the outer world.
We have said many times just how important it is to reach inside, to feel inside of you, to feel the infinite expanse that is within you, which is who you truly are.
It is important to grasp and fully understand that the events transpiring around you are a direct reflection of what it is within you collectively and as an individual being. You can change your outer events by going inside. And here’s how we suggest you do that… Inside you dear ones, there is a labyrinth of light possibilities. The quantum field that you are and that you are within is now brimming with possibilities. But why you continually focus on your outer world, as if these are your only options, you will place your focus on them and continually re-create them. Dear ones, this is not what we wish for you. It is time now to come inside, to realize that the inner world, the great expanse within you, is waiting for your return home.
Much like a diver being afraid or somewhat hesitant to go into an unexplored cave, because of the ‘unknown’ factor, we see many of you resisting, or feeling unsure. Because you have known yourselves to be ‘of’ the outer world, to be ‘In’ the outer world for so long. We understand this dear ones, we know this is difficult for you to transcend, but it is what you must do at this time. This is what we ask of you.
It is VERY important dear ones…
Going into your inner world is a little like melding into a great and tremendous sun, that has infinite expanse and infinite connection. Just like the womb of the mother, this is where all your creativity happens. When you look at your outer world, it is a holographic projection of what you choose to create WITHIN your inner world. In an analogy, we see so many of you believing, as you have done for so long, that to change your outer world you must take action, that you must take control of the outer world components, move them around, form them into what you want and then that is considered ‘job done’.
But this is not true dear ones…
You are moving into higher vibrational realms of the fifth dimension. Here, everything is created from within. If a fifth dimensional being wishes to create something, they go within themselves, they create the reality they wish to experience WITHIN the infinite expanse within themselves and then they watch
it unfold very quickly in the outer reflection, that is your outer world (I feel this is much like a womb of pure creativity of which the outer world completely and faithfully becomes in holographic form, like a mirror that constantly jumps to become what you are inside).
This is a very important concept to understand dear ones. We wish to help you, to assist you to transition from being stuck and lost in an outer world, to being beings that are fully centred, fully connection to their inner creatorship. Where you can create and generate the outer reality EAXCTLY as you wish it to be dear ones, no more being blow around like a feather in the outside space as if you are to succumb to outside influences this way and that way. This is not how it works, and this is ONLY a symptom of you giving your power away… And what is it to give your power away? It is to entrench yourself, to believe yourself to be OF the outside world. You therefore allow your power, and you are doing this to yourselves dear ones, you allow your creations to take command of YOU. By entrenching your focus, by entrenching your sense of what is real, your sense of self – that’s the most important part – in the outer world, and then you become OF your outer world.
Dear ones, you get pushed around so much by the outer world elements while you do this. You know this, you experience this. This has caused much frustration in the human race and we see this.
This is why we continually ask you, please come back into your inner space, your inner truth, your inner world.
Your inner world is an infinite expanse… The outer world is but a fraction of what it is to be in your inner world dear ones. And like an analogy this one has used before, the outer world is much like a virtual reality headset that you put on. It can seem very real, so real in fact that over many eons of time you have become enmeshed in this game.
This is a time to wake up and to awaken to your deeper truth dear ones. We talk to all of you the awakened ones. Many of you are still, including this one we will say, still spend far too long, with your attention and your focus on the outer world, seeing what happens, seeing how things change. It is ok to do this dear ones, but do not get lost in this. Do not allow yourselves to be enmeshed in the outer world’s goings on. Do not identify with it, for you are your inner world.
The outer world is an expanse for you to experience your inner world creations as a reflection… We wish for you to ponder this, to contemplate this. Take the time to meditate, go within, go into that beautiful heart centre of yours, feel the love, the potential, the expanse of who you are. Play with it, like a child going into a sand pit for the first time, playing with the sand, feeling it, moving it around, sitting within it, covering yourselves in it, have FUN dear ones!!! Then, certain important powerful truths will dawn on you. Things that we cannot explain here, through this or any other channel, but that which you musty experience for yourselves, you must realize for yourself. And oh dear ones we wish so much for you to do this, and we rejoice in knowing that you soon will. We only ask… we only ask for you to take the time to go within, to meditate. We know you hear these message often dear ones, and we know many of you feel they are repetitive, but this is SO VALUABLE for you dear ones, this is so important.
It has NEVER been outside of you.
The events taking place outside of you are but a jostle of energetics in this giant transformation, where the old chaotic hidden is coming out and dissolving away, and you are seeing it. This is not who you are, do not involve yourselves in it, unless you feel guided to do so.
Please place AS MUCH OF YOUR FOCUS, YOUR ATTENTION within yourself as often and as deeply as you feel you would love to.
We love you all so very much, and we will leave you with this final thought and feeling if we may…
We are giving an image to this one of a bright sun, a beautiful powerful sun with a universe all around it. This is analogous to your inner and outer worlds. The sun is your inner world, when you step through that portal inside an expanse, an infinite expanse opens up to you. You have yet to fully understand what suns are, many of you have a good idea, but most do not. And the outer expanse around the sun is your outer world. Dear ones, where does EVERYTHING in the outer world get its light from, yes dear ones, the sun.
The centre of you is the source of all your life.
You are a sun in human form
We urge you to go into that portal in the centre of your sun and realize the ENORMITY, the EXPANSE, the INFINITY, the CREATIVE WELL inside of you, it is infinite dear ones. We playfully ask you to contemplate this to feel it.
Find and connect with your inner world portal, your SACRED HEART as many call it. The gateway to the truth of who you really are.
When you do this often enough, you will release your attachments to the outer world, you will realize it full for the illusion and non-existence it really is…
We bid you farewell, until the next time, this is our message to you this day. We thank this channel and all for listening.
We love you so very much and we look forward to seeing so many bright stars, switch on far more deeply.
We bid you adieu, goodbye for now…
**Channel: Davey
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now. You have heard of announcements. You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes.
But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of. See that coming down. See the establishment coming down. See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down. See that happening.
I am not into politics, BUT I do try to keep properly informed.
Both Jesus and Saul, and many other from the non-physical realms, keep on assuring us that humanity IS awakening.
Below is an email with an important link that I have sent to relatives and friends because, IMHO, it shows very clearly that this is true. It’s shocking (if you have not been paying attention or dismiss “Conspiracy Theorists” as insane) but, at the same time inspiring.
Blessings, John.
This is an absolutely BRILLIANT conversation between Sacha Stone, Ted Kuntz, and Rocco Galati, that is not only relevant to Canadians, and to which we all NEED to LISTEN, NOW, so PLEASE DO!