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We the Galactic Federation of Light summon all the Starseeds and Lightworkers on Earth to raise their vibration and send out this message to the dark forces on this planet.
According to Universal Law, we the Galactic body that oversee this part of the Cosmos, do not give the dark forces of energy our permission to continue using the energy of the people of Earth for their own ends.
As Governors of Light, we urge you to leave the good citizens of Earth alone, after many thousands of years of being allowed to remain on this plane of existence, due only to the Law of Freewill, which was given to this planet at the beginning.
Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:
We the people of Earth do not give you, the invisible dark forces, beings and entities, permission to control us in any form imaginable.
We do not give you permission to make us war against each other, to poison our food and water supplies, to poison us with chemicals that harm the human body, the animals and the environment.
We the people do not give you permission to hold our Sovereignty from us or to govern us through heads of State that profit from the people energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other forms of vampirism.
We the people now take our planet Earth back under our control for the betterment of All the citizens on the planet and demand you, the dark forces which are part of the invisible, to leave this planet with immediate effect.
This message is out for all to see and should be read out loud, copied, reproduced in all realms of existence concerning this planet and the Solar System we reside in.
• Only those entities and energies of positive vibration and higher frequency will be given permission to occupy this planet Earth.
• We the Citizens of Earth now take back our home and evict all negative energies, beings and entities that reside here.
• By the powers and laws of the Universe – leave now!
• Earth Gaia is a frequency of light that no longer allows lower, negative frequencies to inhabit the surface or indeed any region under the surface of the planet.
• All beings who do not vibrate a higher frequency of positive and loving energy for All – leave now – leave this planet in peace!
• This declaration of Sovereignty for planet Earth is Complete.
• Leave the waters of our Universe, for your presence here is no longer agreed upon.
This is the Galactic Federation of Light. We thank the citizens of Earth for their endurances throughout timelines of Planet Earth in its many forms. We love you all and help release you from all the negativity you have had to endure.
We are sending you new integrated light energy for the purpose of your healing as a Global Nation.
We express our gratitude for your high resolve in this Galactic matter and ask that you hold the light for short bursts and then send to the earth, to ground the energy deep within your planet.
All negative frequencies, energies, beings and entities will move to another plane of existence to live out the destiny that has been set.
The planet will no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source and will undergo a deep healing process and regenerate back to its original template it was created to be.
We, the Federation, ask you to assist in getting this message of declaration out and to transmute all negative thought forms, emotions and energies, back to Source for healing and integration of your DNA codes.
We serve the greater good and aid the citizens of Earth at this time in history, as it was meant to be. Send your own declaration messages out now – For it is time.
 The Galactic Federation
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They’re filling and flooding all the social medias everything that is coming at you, we’re going to say a lot of it is lies, a lot of it is propaganda, a lot of it you’re being told so that you stay in fear, so that they can continue that control mechanism, they can continue manipulating, dominating and trying to push all of you back down.

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Message to The People about Trump

 Things are very backwards and concerning. In my early 20s I found an understanding that matched my philosophical and internal guidance. An understanding about the Truth of the world around me. I very throughly compiled information on subjects in order, corruption, survival, spirituality, and philosophy. A decade later consolidate in philosophy, surprisingly I live that list backwards in what I valued most in my behavior.

 As an extremely reserved individual I've waited patiently to express my ideals, mostly of lack of understanding and communicative skills. Occasionally uncontrollably spilling this knowledge on people close by, Allowing me to "practice" what I feel I one day will need to do.

 Something is different this time. I could sit back and do my usual "observe" but I wont be resisting the urge on this occasion. It feels time to "practice" in bigger ways.

 So I'll take this opportunity to convey what I believe to be the most important things to be talking and thinking about. Across the wide array of subjects, ultimately they are all very important.

 Corruption's sheer size and convolution In this country is more than staggering, Let alone the world. I generally don’t pay much attention to elections, and would never chime in, But Nigel Firage is a personal hero or mine. A man Youtube years ago randomly introduced to me. And for the longest I knew him not for what he was fighting for, just as the most outrageous politician id ever seen and the only of his kind.

 Speaking to what I now know as the European Union with absolute authority! Completely disregarding their political or royal positions, and addressing them only by the merit they wear on their sleeve. I watched him for satisfaction, years of him putting what im positive were terrible tyrants or puppets of a tyrant system in their place. Just like the system we have here and so many others on earth. January Nigel and the Brexit party achieved their goal of withdrawal from the union. Essentially gaining great Britains freedom! On election day I coincidently found my self looking Nigel up discovering he had been spending a great deal of effort backing trump with great passion, the same passion I saw him use against the European parliament.

 This wasn't a huge surprise for me, because I had already been wondering if this president might be different. Trump gives vibes I can have faith in, in contrast to every other politicians I’ve ever seen in the US. With a little research It's clear why Nigel is working with him. And that Trump is trying to contend with our tyrant leaders. Elites, that some of us despise and some of us deny.

 Trump has proven his validity and alined his ideals with not just the US people but the world and shows much more potential, any one that doesn’t think so really isn’t looking at what matters. They probably fixate on things that people always do. We should all be familiar with this treatment. Try to discredit and throw out an entire Character off one out of what little they can find.

 Now trump is seizing this opportunity to challenge that which we have the right to challenge. If its not transparent, power is abused, lives are destroyed. If you can say that you know for a fact that our electoral system alone is honest without a shadow of a doubt, You are operating in a sleep like state and you have no rights. There is no way for us to fact check almost anything our government does or if we can it gets lost in convolution. Explaining the varying degrees of knowledge.

 We need a modern system incorporating basic life concepts of respecting and loving our neighbors. Trump can help get us there. I'm convinced that if we miss this opportunity it will be another amount of time I cant wait to make another move in the right politically direction. And open the door for a failed but devastating attempt to maintain control from the puppets. This is a cascading event, Once people start waking up to the possibilities of what is. Trump has woke up half the country to the fact we could easily of been lied to every election. And that its very likely they are, and if that don’t work that we will back trump on his next allegations too.

 He seems to be genuine in everything he does, fearlessly letting his guard down to say very dumb and human things possibly. To remind us he isn’t a robot. Only to be brutally attacks as is the norm. Something seems very fishy and I leap at the opportunity to support trusted or transparent investigations on any aspect of our system. A leggier we never had but have always been entitled to. With expectations of light being shed on some of the atrocities that I do know without a shadow of a doubt are carried out by our seen and unseen leaders. To undermine or ignore this opportunity is to work against every aspect of our evolution and ascension. Operating a life off nothing but pride and principals, disregarding Basic Human rights.

 This is the make it or break it stage. All the signs are present to show us we are exceeding a limit. A Limit that we will all be taxed for by our leaders and earth changes. We have to take Corruption very seriously. With trump making all the big moves we just have to support. I don’t expect any one to become a conspiracy nut, but the reality is a Conspiracy nut pales in contrast to what has been done and what is still planned.

 I was actually very surprised in the beginning, that I seemed to be a minority in my understandings. What seems so obvious to me wasn’t to every one else. For years this made me question my own validity, my own sanity, only to eventually always come back to the same conclusions. It’s real, I no longer fear anyone.

 I hope this falls on open down to earth minds, I would never reach out in such away at this point in my life unless I thought this was the right time. I am convinced he’s a tool for the people. I urge every one to get to know what he has done and what he stands for you will realize we are inline with that. And if you considered Biden than make sure it was for the right reasons. He amlost said and did absolutely nothing to sway me, which in my experience is a dishonest person.

 It’s time to open up our hearts and our thoughts to each other. Specifically on a human level without judgment and without filter. I respect and honor any one’s opinions and their time and interest.
If you read this than that alone is enough to prove your awake or well on your way. I also hope many of you feel the same way so we can help realize the same dream.

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Latest Energy Update from Saint Germaine

I AM Saint Germain. Everything is coming NOW to a Point. A Point of LOVE. A Point of HIGHER Consciousness that you have all been working toward.

You said in your discussion earlier, “you are the ones you have been waiting for.” You have heard that through many of us that have shared that with you. And it was done for a purpose. It was done so that you would know that you are not receiving saviors from outside of your SELF. You are receiving saving within your SELF.

As you find your SELF moving Higher and Higher in vibration, you connect with your Higher SELF. For that is what this is all about: the connection to your Higher GOD SELF. BEcoming back to that knowing of that connecting.

But as you have heard many times, you have never been disconnected. You only have thought that. You have only been programmed to believe that you were disconnected.
But Never, NOT one moment in time in this illusion of separation have you ever been separated. And that is what you are coming to understand Now. That is what you have been waiting for.

The waiting to Know this, to Remember that you are Connected once again. And your DNA process is also Reconnecting once again.

And everything is coming NOW to a conclusion even, I will say. A conclusion.

A culmination. As you move closer and closer to the Great Changeover that is coming upon you. Cannot give a time or a date for this, for it has not yet been fully determined, but it is coming.

And it is coming, the wait of all the various changes that are occurring on your planet, not only here in this country, as you move closer and closer to this election process and moving past this election process.

So this is a process, people. This is a process that you are moving through as many divisions that are occurring in this country and across the entire planet are bringing the Great Awakening as you are being brought into various systems of control which you are calling ‘lockdowns,’ and ‘social distancing,’ and the wearing of masks, and all of these things is only about control.

That’s all it has ever been, as the dark forces continue to pull upon their various playbooks that they have and reach into it, and do everything that they can, or everything that they know to do. But everything that they know to do is being countered by those of the Forces of LIGHT.

Every single step is being countered, such as a Chess Match, and you move your Chess Pieces. But the dark forces are playing in a third-dimensional Chess, whereas the Forces of LIGHT are playing at Fifth-Dimensional Chess if you can understand this Analogy.

They are playing at a HIGHER vibrational frequency. And in so doing, they KNOW the moves that are being made before they are even made.

So everything that is happening has been pre-determined. That is what you have to come to Know. That is when we say everything is being orchestrated, and it is predetermined in many respects.

Yes, it depends on the Consciousness of the planet, the Consciousness of the Human Collective Here on the planet. All of it depends on that. But the Great Plan that is in effect is NOT going to be altered. That is what you have to come to understand.

There have been Project A and B, or Plan A and B and C, and all of this, but it is all a part of the Greater Plan. And nothing can forestall the Greater Plan from taking its full course, Here.

And as you are moving through this election, as you are moving through the freedoms that are going to be returning back to you, returning in a sense of the Constitution of this Country being re-enacted, re-enacted of the Republic, Here.

Not as a democracy, and certainly NOT as a socialist environment. For that could Never BE because the People are Not Free in that type of environment. The People must BE FREE.

Again, Not only here in this Country, but in the entire Planet. This is Independence that is coming back. You will even have an Independence Day—Not for this Country, but for the entire Planet.

You will be able to look back in times ahead and say, “that was the day our Independence was declared once again.”

Just as in your 1776, your July 4, when the Declaration of Independence was signed at that time and your freedom began in this country, that declaration will be declared again, but this time for the entire planet.

You can call it a RESET, you can call it a Revaluation, you can call it all of these things that you want to, but all of this is a part of it, including the appearance and the knowing that you are NOT Alone in this Universe.

All of you Know that already, but the Collective Consciousness is NOT fully Aware of this yet, even though they Know it at a deeper level within them SELVES.

It has not come to their Conscious-Knowing SELF, but it is coming. It is coming. And there is Nothing that can Stop it from being revealed. Just as there is Nothing that can Stop all of the TRUTH coming forward of all of those things that the forces of darkness have incorporated here on this planet.

All of this is coming forward. Yes, you will see the Mass Arrests. They are coming. Cannot again give you a time or time frame for this, but it is coming.

It is NOT going to be Held Back. It may not be that all walk across the stage in that sense, but you will understand that they have been removed from this planet. For they do not belong here on this planet any longer. Their time is up.

And yes, I apologize for being somewhat emotional about this. Though it would not appear that we would have emotion. But we do have emotion. We do when it is emotion within the LIGHT.

That is what we do, and we can show to you. Just as you have emotion here and your emotions take over you at times. So too can we feel that emotion. And we feel it for you. Right NOW in these Moments we feel it, as everything is rising up. Vibration is rising up. Consciousness is rising up.

And again, you are right on the verge, right on the cusp. Right on the ‘crescendo,’ as Sananda likes to say. The Finish Line.

All of this is coming, NOW. BE Patient. Just a little bit longer, Now. For all is going to BE Revealed. All TRUTH is coming forward. And as Sananda some time ago, “All Heaven Is Coming Forth.”

I AM Saint Germain, and I leave you Now in PEACE, and LOVE, and ONENESS Within You.

And Knowing that the Violet Flame is in the process of purging out all of the programming that is NO longer needed, Not only here within each of you, but within the Collective Consciousness of All of Mankind, Here.

Channeled through James McConnell

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October 30, 2020
Earth brothers and sisters! I'm Ashtar Sheran!
Whenever I come, through some channel, to pass information; I come with my heart full of joy, full of peace, for the certainty of the mission accomplished. All this time that I have been dedicated to this planet, not only at this moment, but for millennia. We never fail to follow the steps of humanity. Sananda has always been by my side, watching, analyzing all possibilities, a whole future for this planet. We didn't decide that, suddenly. It was after a lot of analysis, a lot of planning, where we knew that we would have to have help, from everyone in the Universe. So we would have to take a real and true approach to each of the Star races commanders. And so it was done.
We never deceived anyone. We put exactly, all our survey, all our planning; and what they would have to face. You have heard, that some souls are created, specifically for some projects. Some souls have the ability to be born warriors, within their soul, within themselves. So in the entire Universe, there are armies ready for any challenge; where in each battle, the only objective is to implant the Light. But do not battle as you know; killing, destroying, just for victory. We don't work like that. Each soul that is captured is taken, so that it makes a decision. If it is an enemy soul, because the Light is not resounding; he is given the right to change, to get rid of all that, all that time serving the non-light, so that he can evolve. And this is how we work.
In this way, the commanders were contacted, practically one of each race in the Universe; and those whose hearts were linked to this planet in some way, accepted the challenge, especially the Pleiadians. The largest fleet that you have in your skies, are the Pleiadians. They still feel responsible today, for having failed on the planet. But there is no reason, nor is it the time for judgment. Everything could have been, a little different, but it would have happened the same way. This planet would be an atonement planet for the Universe. Unfortunately, the agreements were broken and those, who came here to implement the atonement, decided to dominate the planet.
What has happened, for some millennia, is that some avatars, came to this planet, to try to liberate their people. Among them, Sananda. His word was not well received at the time, because the religions implanted, already resonated exactly the power of non-light; and he became a threat when he presented the truth to everyone. The end of the story you already know. However, by losing the physical garment on this planet, Sananda became the greatest warrior in favor of this planet. Not a warrior like me, not like Michael, but a warrior in the art of fighting, convincing, almost begging, so that everyone could help this planet.
If you are here today, you are part of this whole process of liberation; never forget to thank him. Because if he hadn't fought for this planet, it is clear that we would have to take action, in relation to what was being planned for this planet, so that it would not affect the entire Universe. But for sure, you would not survive. So, every day, every moment, that you feel insecure with what's to come, just think, who organized it all. A being of such a heart size, that nothing and no one, managed to silence him; nothing and nobody, managed to stop him. And look where you got to? This is all thanks to him.
Each commander, who agreed to come to this battle, accepted Sananda's arguments and came here. Today everyone applauds him, because all the planning, all the care with which it was planned, all this moment, nothing went wrong. Our patience and our deep planning, only brought victories. We cannot say here that there were no losses; we cannot lie. But each soul, which has freed itself from its clothing in this battle, has evolved rapidly. Because he came here, with an open heart, vibrating only unconditional love; then, as highlighted by his performance, the soul evolved. So everyone is very happy, they liked it until they died; as you usually say.
Do not doubt anything we say. If many times, we cannot speak exactly what is about to happen; it is a war strategy. Then many of you think: "But all beings have the capacity for telepathy." Yes, the capacity exists, only that we shield our ships; we are not that naive. They know nothing of our plans; if they knew, we wouldn't have made it this far. So, how do they know what we're going to do? Through you, because those on their side, who are incarnate; they hear what is said and pass it on to them. So, war strategies are not told. We don't need to explain to you what is being done.
A phrase has been said, repeated by many beings, who speak through the channels. Trust! This word is not just a word; it has a lot of energy. To trust is to believe without seeing. It is believing that something supreme and superior, will be acting, regardless of your will. To trust is to emanate love, for those who are part of this whole process.
I am not a young commander, I have existed for millennia; because I have this ability. I am not a physical body, I transform myself physically, so that you can see me. Many have seen me in physical form, but I am not an embodied soul. I am a soul of very high dimensions, that I came with the purpose, to conduct the battles for the Universe. I am not alone here on your planet, I am where my presence is needed. Many don't really understand what I am. As a warrior, as a commander, many call me Michael. I am not an outgrowth of him, only Michael is an outgrowth of Father / Mother God. My soul, was created for this function, to keep the Universe in balance. I cannot say that I am an offshoot of Father / Mother God; because I'm not so attached to him. I am an unfolding, of a great power existing in the Universe, the power of balance, the power of Light. This great power, generated warlike souls like myself and others, for the Universe.
My powers are similar to Michael's, but Michael is much, much more powerful than me; because he came from Father / Mother God. I also came, but I came through this great power of balance. There is no name for this power. This power is indeed an offshoot of Father / Mother God; I come from him. It is clear that all this time, at each point, that I have been in the Universe, I have the company of Michael. Because he acts, in big decisions. He has the power to change what Father / Mother God wants to be changed, anywhere in the Universe.
I am a warrior, a great commander. My ship is huge, it has been here, close to this planet, for a long time. Since Sananda invited me, to plan something for this planet. Previously, I was already here, because I always do patrols throughout the Universe; watching the energy that each orb emanates. And this one, caught my special attention, long before Sananda. Because it no longer vibrated with light, there was an oscillation in the energy of this planet. So I started to monitor it. When Sananda came to me, I already knew a lot, but there was nothing I could do, because there was no order from Father / Mother God to act on anything. Until Sananda arrived.
So this is the story of the command that is around your planet. The great commander of this whole process is Sananda. I, the chief commander of all troops. Do not understand this, as subordination of all commanders; because we don't have this kind of performance. We are a big group, we just have to have a leader and that leader, that's me. We all have the right, to do what we think is right, as long as it is in consensus with the Whole. Everyone is heard, even the one at the end. Soldiers are also heard and we can tell you; most of the strategies we used, were due to their ideas. Because they are there in front of the battle, not that their commanders are not there either. It does not exist here, as in your world, to stand behind a table commanding, putting your soldiers to death and just giving orders. Everyone here fights, including me. When the battle gets a little hotter, as you say; i come in. So. no one here is behind a table, just giving orders. We all participate and are in this battle.
Why did I come to say all this today? First, because you need to know, who actually controls all of this. Galactic fleets command nothing. So, there is no kind of threat from them. They have been fighting for you, for the liberation of this people. We are not here fighting for the liberation of Gaia, Gaia has already freed herself. She is just waiting for her children, to go to the Fifth Dimension instead. So who is in charge of all this, is Sananda. So respect, trust, believe what is said here.
There is only one feeling in each of us, which is in your heavens; unconditional love. And it is this love that has won the victories that we have won. Until now nothing got out of control, because the planning is very big and all the planning done by Light, works. So understand, they don't know what our next step will be. Unfortunately, we already had spies, beings who said they were from the Light, received our information and passed it on. We had several, what happened? The battles were often more complicated than we expected. But we also learned that this is normal for any troop. Soldiers often get tired and leave for the other side. Today we don't have that anymore, that was in the beginning; today we are very balanced. And everything we do is a great joy for everyone, when we have something else to do.
We are waiting for action on Earth. There is nothing more to do in the heavens, now it is on Earth. Our ground team is working. And when everything on the surface of your planet is organized as it has to be, then yes, everything will happen. Everyone will know us and everyone will know, that we are not just a voice. We exist; whether as conscience; whether as energy; be like a physical body; does not matter. We exist and are here, ready to take you all to the Fifth Dimension. What does it take for that? Trust, and act according to the rules, to get there.
I am Ashtar Sheran! I am very proud to be what I am. Not the pride you know, but the pride that you can always participate in the liberation of many orbs in this Universe. This is my job, I was created for that; and this is how I will act all the time.
Via Anjoseluz
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