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Message from JFK: We Were Born Free

Message from JFK: We Were Born Free

jfk eraoflightdotcomGood Morning Fellow Americans and the World,

I am the 35th President of United States speaking today to everyone around the world. Right now, it’s time to say no to this global nonsense that has been imposed on everyone for over a year now.

My Dear Americans and Surrounding Nations, how long are you going to tolerate being deprived of simple joys and force to wear this cloth over your face and feel like you are not a person anymore. This Dark Agenda was created by the world controllers, who don’t think that you deserve to have any rights, they only want you to follow their orders like sheep, so far, it has been working and fooling billions of people with their lies and illusions.

Please, remove the veil from your eyes. They are not going to stop, unless you are going to stand up for yourselves as a Collective Consciousness globally and say it‘s enough of the dictatorship and tell them: ‘’We Were Born Free And No One Can’t Take That Away From Us.” If you remember nothing stopped them from assassinating me, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others, who fought for your freedom and prosperity.

I am just reminding all of you that you are free and no one can tell you how to live your lives. Right now, the Dark Ones are already “screaming“ with their full voice that a new virus is here, and it’s more deadly then the previous one. Do you understand and see what they are trying to do to you? They are not going to stop until they succeed with their plan of eliminating 90% of the human population and keeping the 10% survivors as slave labor.

This is a real threat to humankind, and it’s not my vivid imagination here. The New World Order plan has been in the works for many years by the Darkness. The controllers put a lot of time and effort for their plan to succeed. They are going to continue to push and push until all of you are going stand together as one and say loudly: “We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore, We Want Our Freedom Back And You Can’t Stop Us!”

Please, understand that this is all about their control and power over Earth and humanity. This planet has been controlled for so long, and now it’s time to liberate yourselves and Mother Gaia. You carry Light in you, and the Darkness can’t win against Light.

Europe is on fire at this moment because they are standing up for themselves and saying: “We Want Our Freedom Back.” People are tired of living under constant restrictions imposed by the ones, who think that they are representing your best interests and know what you need. Please, open your eyes and go deep inside your heart to find out what is not the real truth, because your the one who can determine, what is real and what is not.

My Dear Americans and All the Nations on Earth, the future of this planet is in your hands. You and others have a big responsibility on your shoulders to prevent what took place on similar planets like Mother Earth. What happened there? Life was completely wipe out and the planets are no longer there. They were blown up.

I am here today to warn you and remind you that all of you need to channel your Light within yourself and reunite with others to spread the Light and Freedom to end this global oppression. Unite together as One Voice, One Consciousness and become unstoppable Force of Light for the Freedom of Humanity!

The Father, Prime Creator always reminds us that we are all one – Universal Love and Universal Light. Please, remember you are now and forever will always be the Light and the fountain of never ending Love. My heart and soul are with my Fellows Americans and the World. Thank you.

Love and Blessings

**Channel: Erena Velazquez

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We are the Arcturian Group 4/11/21

APRIL 11, 2021

Dear readers, we along with many from the higher dimensions, are working to assist, remind, and help the people of earth understand that something profound is taking place that far exceeds appearances and the understanding of most.

Fear and separation will always be present in the third dimension regardless of how many "wars against" something take place because third dimensional energy consists of the belief in two powers which will always express as duality and separation. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form because consciousness is all that exists.

Personally and globally, mind automatically draws from consciousness to form the material. Mind is matter. Over time the masters have taught that the world is illusion but this has been not been correctly understood by most. The world is not illusion, it is a perfect spiritual expression of Source. It is the false hypnotized sense of the spiritual universe that constitutes the illusion.

You have outgrown third dimensional living. You would not be reading or even understanding these messages if you were still fully in third dimensional consciousness. This can make being around family, friends, employers, and so called experts who are fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy, difficult. There will be times when you must "play the game" but by silently holding the truth in every situation, you bring Light to it.

Over the course of many, many lifetimes, everyone has experienced fear, loss, torture, and occasionally happiness. You have experienced both poverty and wealth, disease and health, killed and been killed. You were both peacemaker and war monger. You were taught that you were better and more valuable than others and acted accordingly but then returned to experience lives in which you were considered to be and treated as worthless.

Religions have and continue to teach that everyone is born tainted with sin until "saved" through certain three dimensional actions, words, or ceremonies.

Many and varied experiences constitute everyone's journey to realization. Even the smallest life experiences expand awareness and become one's state of consciousness. Everyone is at their own unique place along the journey toward realization so the negative experiences that you may lovingly want to remove from another, may very well be the very experiences the person needs and chose pre-birth for spiritual growth.

This never means ignoring suffering while shouting "It's just illusion.". Rather it means that you do what you are intuitively guided to do, while keeping in mind that something more than what outer appearances would indicate is taking place. Always allow your intuition to guide you in these matters because for some, the experience of total failure may be an integral part of their soul plan. Always honor the free will of others even when you can easily see a better way.

You are prepared to move beyond old three dimensional ways of learning and no longer need experiences of pain and suffering in order to learn what you are ready to learn. However, old painful experiences of the past often form pockets of dense energy that are carried with you for long periods of time. You have paid your dues, learned, evolved, and are ready to move into spiritual empowerment if you choose, but for most it includes a period of releasing and clearing remaining pockets of old energy.

Spiritual empowerment brings a sense of freedom not experienced when living as a three dimensional human. It the ability to accept or reject without fear, news facts, societal beliefs of right and wrong, religious doctrine, etc. along with the hundreds of other concepts believed to be truth that have been imposed upon mankind. It is freedom from actions that arise solely from obligation, guilt, or because others consider it your "duty".

Freedom is letting go of concepts that assign certain jobs, characteristics, and "duties" to one gender or the other. It is knowing that it is ok choose who to love or be with in partnership and to stop warring with people simply because their beliefs may be different. It is the freedom to choose your life, beliefs, and actions through the realization that you are not a powerless human who must please some old man in the sky.

Spiritual freedom is not license to do whatever one feels like doing at the expense of another but rather allows one to take empowered actions with love.

You have done the work and are prepared to fully embrace that there is only ONE and therefore because there is nothing else, you can only be of that ONE. No more dancing around truth, by continuing with classes, rituals, and ceremonies designed to get the attention of a God separate from you.

Most of you have done these things and they were an important and necessary facets of your journey. They helped you evolve to where you are now, but you no longer need the metaphysical tools. You have reached the place where you know that YOU ALREADY ARE that which you were seeking through them and until you can truly accept this, you remain in the energy of duality and separation.

There is much yet to come, dear ones. These are the times of tremendous change that you hoped, prayed, and longed for even though it may not seem that way or be what you were expecting. The increasing presence and integration of high resonating energy is affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of all--those who understand what is going on as well as those who do not.

People are experiencing aches and pains in the physical that often come and go. For many, deep and painful emotions are surfacing seemingly from nowhere. Mentally, the whole world is beginning to examine and evaluate personal and global belief systems that no longer seem to be working.

Because the increasing presence of high frequency energy on earth is exposing dense energies that have lain hidden and dormant through lifetimes, some of those living fully in three dimensional energy are acting out with violence and negative actions. This is because as long buried, denied, or held in check energies surface, those of that state of consciousness can easily align with them. They are not always aware of the impact of their actions because the denser energies feel new and valid to them.

Most people are unable to see their guides , higher dimensional beings, or deceased friends and relatives because the higher resonating energy of the higher dimensions is invisible to most physical eyes. Some have carried the ability to see higher dimensional energy with them into this lifetime but psychic does not always mean spiritual. Be alert to what you accept as truth just because someone who has psychic gifts says it. Always trust your intuition.

You begin to align with the higher dimensional energies as your personal energy becomes higher and lighter through spiritual growth. Meditation becomes a living moving way of life rather than a separate part of your day and you may find yourself increasingly seeking out quiet and solitude rather than the noisy activities you once enjoyed.

Allow the process to unfold without personal intervention in the belief that you must personally (ego) manage and control everything in order for it to be right according to some concept of spirituality. Everyone's journey and experiences are different. Begin to truly accept that you are a Divine Being on earth to bring in and hold the Light of transformation for a world that is mostly unaware that it is in the process of shifting to a higher dimensional energy level.

Be patient and trust that all is proceeding according to plan in the knowledge that things simply cannot change in a minute. The reality of Divine perfection is and has always been fully present, but the collective majority must attain a certain level of awareness before it can be understood or experienced. For the most part collective consciousness is still asleep, but each day more awaken and begin to understand that something is taking place other than what the news is reporting.

Most news sources believe what they are reporting because it is what they have been told to report. Become intuitively selective as to what you accept into consciousness as truth. Your ability to do this is why you were one of those chosen to be on earth at this time. Not everyone who wanted to come was allowed to come. Your strength and spiritual gifts were considerations as to who would be on earth during these times.

Present times are not about a virus, politics, or obsolete rules and traditions. These things are simply facets of the process of a three dimensional planet shifting to a higher dimensional one through the collective spiritual evolution of mankind.

Do not attempt to keep what is old and finished personally or globally alive regardless of how pleasant it may of been. Letting go of those parts of your life that are finished need not mean "taking a stand" with regard to friends and family. Rather simply allow it to be the silent secret living of your highest sense of truth as you go about the day doing seemingly ordinary things.

No one needs to know what is going on within you, this is between you and your Higher Self. Those receptive may feel your energy and be drawn to you seeking what it is you know or have. Strangers may start asking questions or seeking guidance from you and this is when spiritual discernment becomes very important.

Always serve those (strangers or friends) who come to you for advice from a level of compassion and not sympathy. Sympathy ( "Poor you, I feel your pain.") will cause you to align with the other person's energy whereas in compassion you remain empowered in your own energy. Alignment with energy that is denser than yours will leave you feeling drained and confused. This is especially important for those who work in fields of guidance.

Know that rather than life becoming easier, life may become more difficult after making the choice to embrace and live truth. This is because in choosing to evolve, you give permission for the opening of the inner doors you ignorantly built for yourself over lifetimes. These doors have acted as blocks to spiritual awareness and must be removed. Opening them allows the release of everything behind them--all that is old, finished, and in need of clearing.

Ordinary life for an already awake and aware person may fall completely apart physically, emotionally and mentally and spiritually. Often they come to a point at which they simply want to go back to where they had no knowledge of truth and where life seemed much simpler and easier. However, once the door blocking some facet of awareness a person is now ready to understand is opened, it does not close.

Try to remember that if struggle and failure appear seemingly out of nowhere when you thought your spiritual journey was flowing along just fine, it actually represents a graduation, a shift away from, the clearing of false beliefs now manifesting outwardly that you would not otherwise be aware of.

A person can never return to their old state of consciousness because Divine Consciousness is the reality, all that exists, and thus any small crack through which it can express will remain. The shadow cannot remake itself in the presence of Light.

Spiritual evolution is the journey of fully opening every door and window, removing every barrier, and lifting every self protecting shield ever created to stop pain but which in reality served only to hide self from SELF.

Allow the reality of who and what you are to once again shine in ITs full glory and expression.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/11/21

Donations are welcomed

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Has anyone tried this app?" RANDONAUTICA

Randonautica (a portmanteau of "random" + "nautica") is an app launched on February 22, 2020 founded by Joshua Lengfelder . It randomly generates coordinates that enable the user to explore their local area and report on their findings. According to its creators, the app is "an attractor of strange things," letting one choose specific coordinates based on a certain theme.

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Soul Separation Vaccinations

Here is more information, regarding MMS...

Just two of the PDF files from Gene Decode's info that he had kindly sent; one about MMS which I wonder if you may have been taking, because it destroys pathogens and poisons. I had heard about years back, yet, not looked into it. And it is one of those remedies that has been suppressed. I am including below some words from *Jim Humble who has been introducing MMS to the world.

(The other PDF, is protocols for Morgellons...I know we have looked at this in-depth, yet, it is interesting to see what Gene has included). See links below.

So much love, Diana.

From Jim Humble:

This breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly cured malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to feedback I have received over the last 20 years, I think it’s safe to say MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to mankind.

It is important to note that MMS does not cure disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal. I often say, “The body heals the body”. MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that.

I have done many things in my lifetime—gone from a backwoods boy in Alabama, to the Marines, to a nutritional and alternative health enthusiast, to Aerospace, to electronics researcher, to inventor (of many things), to gold mining. Realizing I found “real gold” when I discovered MMS, from that point on I’ve dedicated all my time and effort to helping others recover their health and to bringing this technology to the world. It is my mission to bring this knowledge of health recovery to mankind. All profits from the sales of my books go towards this mission.

Here is a link for you to access the Morgellons information:
(This link will be available through to 30-April-2021)

Here are a couple alternative sites to learn more about MMS:

Disclaimer: The material offered is solely for educational and informational purposes. Any products and/or information presented are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (in USA.) The reader understands that the author is not engaged in rendering health or medical advice or services. The author provides this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that people act on it at their own risk and with full knowledge that they should consult with licensed primary care medical professionals for any medical assistance they may need. The author is neither a medical nor nutritional professional.

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Mike Quinsey

More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones, only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost. But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base. Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace, and there will be no let up until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend upon Earth. The Covid19 lockdown has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to speed up actions being taken with record results in apprehending Illuminati members. Be assured that the Light continues to be the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth.

more at link above.

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Archangel Zadkiel and the Seraphim Collective: Rising Light

new light human eraoflightdotcomGreetings beloved angels in form, walking on hallowed ground of the New Earth in the making. We see you as holiness in progress, exploring deep purpose and forgiveness in this time. This one has been having ascension symptoms presenting as spine pain for over a week as have many of you. Be encouraged, for your etheric wings are strengthening in the gusts of the energetics that surround. You are growing stronger, wiser, braver, bolder. Your light is rising up as the surrounding darkness dissipates with the light. Purple wings envelop. Utilization of the violet flame in this time is essential. It will promote forgiveness, cleansing and internal healing. Each internal healing sends ripple effects into the collective for the increase of the collective sum of healing. External frequencies are bombarding Gaia, your earth plane, transforming a higher reality construct by the moment. You are being recalibrated by this light. The darkness must be released from this world’s reality, and it will, and it has been, and it will be.

I Zadkiel surround you with my violet flame, my violet wings. Feel this cocoon of light and the love and care for you that surrounds. All is unfolding as it should, as it must. Your etheric wings are growing stronger, your will more resolute. You must forgive that which has occurred on your world in order to heal it. I am the angel of forgiveness. It is much easier to avoid confrontation of such emotions. It is a seasoned warrior who can see it, heal it and release it through the process of forgiveness. But you, you dear ones, are the seasoned warriors of both old and future timeliness embodied here now to assist, to lend energy and to heal. You are not alone in this. We of the angelic realm are offering you our divine wisdom and support, our abilities and insight. We surround you now with our light. Feel our wings beating with love and healing frequencies of which forgiveness resides. Be compassionate with yourselves and eachother in this time of healing and rebirth. To be reborn the old must die away. This is what you are seeing. The tyranny is at its end. I am Archangel Zadkiel. Peace.

We are the Seraphim Collective. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this hallowed time of creation. Holy, Holy, Holy, are those who would offer their energy streams in this now. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this most sacred moment of rebirth. Gaia is being reborn. Humanity is healing and in process. Holy, Holy, Holy is this most sacred of moments as the light embodied transcends the darkness and is elevated further up, up into the unknown realms of light. Bliss has been forgotten in this realm but it is returning. The spirit remembers the call for home. Home is coming here within the higher dimensional vortexes that carry the vibration of home and sooth and comfort a weary warrior. Unknown light will be remembered. And yet Gaia will surpass all expectations. Already this has been done. Already the lightworkers have surpassed their own vows of assistance and faith. Already the warriors have laid down their weaponry and transformed them into plowshares for rebuilding. Your realm is catching up. Time is fluid. Dimensions shift like ripples in a pond. The ripples extend and extend. Your acts of kindness are immeasurable for they ripple onwards for eternity. So too this ascension of the planetary, personal and collective is creating ripple effects through the cosmos touching all the hardened and enlightened hearts, touching all the adjoining universes, rippling through the totality of Source. Can you see your importance in this process? Can you see your value? We see your value. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this moment of cosmic ascension for the all extends to the many as all are one. You, precious ones, are us in form. Many of you are Elohim, Angelic, masters of old and future realms returned. You need not be hardened by your current circumstance. Feel the cosmic juice that fills you, that ripples through you into the many, touching us where we sing in the higher dimensional echalons of praise, for in our realm all is praise for all has been transcended. The dark ones are being immersed in light and are being removed. They are being recycled into yet more light and the wounds they made will be healed. The wounds they left will be filled with light, with liquid gold of Source light. (I am seeing cracks in pottery being sealed in gold.)

We are the Seraphim Collective. Do not be downhearted. Do not be troubled. Feel the light and love that surrounds. Feel the cosmic force that is within you and all around you and be solid in this knowing. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this moment of your human embodiment, a sacred venture. (I am seeing a mother brush her child’s hair, a couple holding hands, being stuck in traffic, studying for a test. I am seeing the mundane and simple moments being filled with pleasure and awe.) It is awe inspiring that you are here. It is a holy moment. Master Yeshua said the same. Many masters speak. Few listen. They are returning to offer further wisdom. You will know. There is no superiority. All is light. Speak your words with love, find your truth and speak it. When the time is right you will know. Holy, Holy, Holy is this moment of healing. Intend healing for your world and watch the ripple effect extend. (I am seeing a silvery pond of clear water, watching ripples extend, all is affected.) Galaxygirl, do you understand? If even one lightworker was not here there would be significantly fewer ripples. Holy are you, beloved ones, for embodying in this time.

We are the Seraphim Collective. We breathe on you now and we see your woundings with our many eyes of all colors and sizes. Be seen. Be healed. Accept our blessing of love for you. We bless you as you bless the whole. In gratitude, we are the Seraphim Collective.

**Channel: Galaxygirl

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