
  • interesting there are 111 views

  • The world has to wake up to what is going on sooner or later  I HOOOOOOOOOPe

    Cheryl Nelson said:

  • That is a good way to explain it, thanks

    Rosemary S said:

    I agree with you Byron.  Reading Ben is like staying on the same paragraph of a book.

  • I agree with you Byron.  Reading Ben is like staying on the same paragraph of a book.

  • HMM Are we suppose to believe that Ben is right. He has always been wrong. The pentagon is tied to the military industrial complex. Are they going to save us, maybe if they create another war they will likely create more. War is the debt we pay forever. Is a reset coming as it was said to 3 years ago by Ben. Are the criminals being arrested as Ben said 4 years ago along with Drake 2 years ago. I do not expect any thing to happen but revolution and that is what the cabal wants to happen, Order out of Chaos. Even Greece just got screwed and will loose everything until they cower to the masters and accept more debt to survive . We will eat what they want us to and will be inoculated as they tell us or we will starve. The history of tyranny and it repeats itself almost like no one ever reads a history book. Like an ongoing play we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. If people knew even part of our history even teenagers would need Depends. After 2000 years of enslavement does Ben have the answers, not likely at all. I hate to be cynical but must be at this time when the world is latterly falling apart. I can only think that this is the plan to wake the world up and the others are crisis actors to make it change. Do I think God flooded the earth NO do I think God will burn the earth NO  do I think we as humans have the power to change the earth double YES.  We are at the worst point of history ever and we can change it. It is not just this country that is in trouble, it is the whole world. We are not useless eaters or insignificant we are earths last hope and we are the ones we have been waiting for.

    When you wake up to the fact that you are being depopulated everything else makes sense, think about that statement and never forget it.         

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