Only the elite, with control of our N.A.S.A. facilities, knows where this
dwarf star is. Dr. Harrington and other leading astrophysicists reported,
in the New York Times, that it is likely a brown dwarf star. That makes it,
by definition, at least 900 Earth-masses. And since they also stated,
in 1983, that it is within the gravitational force field of our Sun, then it
is just as surely being accelerated toward our Sun as a meteor
captured in the outer fringes of Earth's gravitational force field would
be gravitationally accelerated to Earth. Logically, there are two points
in Earth's annual revolution around the Sun where the Sun, Earth, and
this distant dwarf star (probably in or near the outer regions of our
Ecliptic plane) are in alignment. Throughout history, scientists and
other keen observers have noticed that whenever there were planetary
alignments (conjunctions), earthquakes would increase in frequency
and in magnitude. This is sort of like a gravitational tug-of-war between
planets situated at various points along a rather straight line. Their
gravitational forces are focused along that one line, with the Sun being
the anchor man. Now, I do not know whether Terral Croft was accurate
in his estimation of the position of this dwarf star, but I can tell you that
basic newtonian mechanics dictates that, as this 1,000 Earth-mass
dwarf star is inexorably sucked in by our Sun's one-third million
Earth-mass gravitational force field, the pulling forces on Earth must
intensify. Here are some recent records in U.S.G.S.'s long history of
falsely reducing the magnitude of quakes, and the incidence of quakes.

Certainly, there were an unusual number of strong quakes during this past week.

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