
  • Just look at the two sectors of our society that are perverted or liars hell bent on destroying our country Media and Hollywood and who runs them and owns them? rich Zionist Jews almost 100%. They really want our Guns  and are the first to sign all the gun bills  or create them. They even have a group called the league of Israeli bloggers that comb the internet and erase all the bad press against Jews not all Jews are bad but the Zionists are filthy. Jeffery Epstein raped 6 yr olds not just 14 yr olds and and Harvey Weinstein did the same so who removed that information? We need to stand up before someone shows up with black paint to paint us all.
    GT Bighair said:

    This guy was banned a couple times from YT...

    He has back up channel so...

    Thank God for Brighteon...  yep and Amen.

  • This guy was banned a couple times from YT...

    He has back up channel so...

    Thank God for Brighteon...  yep and Amen.

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