
  • I think a line was drawn.  People are welcome to be in this country as long as the follow the rules.  They won't get away with it if they don't.

    Morris Levin said:

    my first reaction was WOW, someone is putting the pedal to the metal.. On second though this could cause a great deal of unrest and stress that is not needed but would be unavoidable in a standoff such as this. True freedom of expression is exactly that Feedom of expression. To surcome to fear in your own backyard is signaling that something is wrong. .. IMO
  • A very good question, Byron.

    Byron wilkins said:

    The attack on Christianity is overwhelming in America.  Why aren't we bringing Syrian Christians here, Why are Christians on the terror suspect list???????  
    Keith H said:

    Muslin phobia is peaking. Can't start it between the races, then try religion.
  • my first reaction was WOW, someone is putting the pedal to the metal.. On second though this could cause a great deal of unrest and stress that is not needed but would be unavoidable in a standoff such as this. True freedom of expression is exactly that Feedom of expression. To surcome to fear in your own backyard is signaling that something is wrong. .. IMO
  • The attack on Christianity is overwhelming in America.  Why aren't we bringing Syrian Christians here, Why are Christians on the terror suspect list???????  
    Keith H said:

    Muslin phobia is peaking. Can't start it between the races, then try religion.
  • Since it is in Phoenix Sherriff Joe will be involved. I find it way too confrontational to be allowed also.  
    Cheryl Nelson said:

    I have mixed feelings about it.  I think city/police will probably just not allow it.  I don't know if I would have had it right in front of a mosque, that's confrontational and puts the inhabitants on the defensive and, thus, garners them sympathy.  But if it was held somewhere else, then it's a good trial to see if free speech is still free and would send a clear signal to the country if it's not.  And if it would be attacked again, it would put things in proper perspective, that Americans are not going to roll over for that kind of behavior.  

    Byron wilkins said:

    OH YEAH this is a real good idea if you want to destroy the first amendment more than it already is.

  • I have mixed feelings about it.  I think city/police will probably just not allow it.  I don't know if I would have had it right in front of a mosque, that's confrontational and puts the inhabitants on the defensive and, thus, garners them sympathy.  But if it was held somewhere else, then it's a good trial to see if free speech is still free and would send a clear signal to the country if it's not.  And if it would be attacked again, it would put things in proper perspective, that Americans are not going to roll over for that kind of behavior.  

    Byron wilkins said:

    OH YEAH this is a real good idea if you want to destroy the first amendment more than it already is.

  • OH YEAH this is a real good idea if you want to destroy the first amendment more than it already is.

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