
I think the topic of 11:11 and 11 have come up here before, but I was wondering if anyone else is seeing 11 or 11:11 more frequently lately.
I am seeing 11 pop up at least 3 - 4 times a day, some times more. On Sunday, my friend sent me a text asking if I was going to be home for a bit. The text came at 11:00. A few minutes later she sends me another text to let me know she's on her way. The  2nd text arrived at 11:11.
I'm starting to think something is up or things are quickening. I'm also wondering if the constant 11's mean the transformation or at least some life altering  event will take place in 2011.
Any thoughts?

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  • It sure does!

    msred said:
    I just received a refund check for $111.00. Does that count?
  • I just received a refund check for $111.00. Does that count?
  • I should add that when I'm feeling off kilter, I don't see 11's. This alone lets me know that something is wrong. I say a prayer asking for help getting back on track and usually within a day or two, the 11's return.
    Also, I have been seeing a lot of consecutive numbers lately too...like 5:55 or 3:33
    And I also see numbers that add up to 11. For example I will look at the clock in the middle of the night and it will be 3:26.
  • That is so cool Brian! This confirms what I was feeling. When I said I give a blessing to the Universe, what I meant was I am thanking the Universe for letting me know I'm on the right path. Alex confirmed that..." and everyone resonates to a tone or frequency. If you "stay within the
    path of your tone" then you are in effect "moving along your frequency.".

    Brian said:
    Woah this is freaky. I am reading this book by Alex Collier. And the 9:11 number came up. Page 105


    Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group
    Val: Now, we have reviewed some of these questions which originated in Chicago and
    New York, and some of them you indicated that you had no information about, so we'll
    skip those and move on. Now, one question concerned the communication via
    archetypal holographs and symbols and the meaning gleaned by the Zenetaens
    relative to the 9:11 and 7:11 height-to-base ratios embodied in the Giza pyramid,
    which you indicated had to do with the Orion group, and that the significance
    holographically of the triangle or triad symbol was concerned with Orion.
    Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Subjective Reality Creation
    http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/chapter6.html (3 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]
    Alex: Yes. Now, they have a great respect for mathematics and numbers. Moraney has
    always said that they always pay attention to what we know as "numbers". They
    attend to the physics of everything, including tones, sounds and numerical sequences.
    He has always told me that numbers are maps, and one of the things that we
    personally do now in our lives is that we watch that numerical sequences that come up
    in our lives. It seems that as long as we recognize specific numbers that come up in
    things that we are doing, like in phone numbers, bills, addresses, license plates, then
    we know we're on the right track.
    Val: Just by the fact that certain mathematical sequences, such as triplets
    (111,222,333,etc) are noticed....
    Alex: Exactly, and everyone resonates to a tone or frequency. If you "stay within the
    path of your tone" then you are in effect "moving along your frequency.".
    Val: Well, then, "moving along one's frequency" would imply more consistent
    perception of synchronicity, which is historically connected with the more consistent
    perception of numerical sequences and number sets.
    Alex: Yes. These sequences are in effect telling you that you are staying in
    Val: This relates to the Law of Consistency that the Zenetaens refer to. Are there other
    telltale signs relative to adherence to consistency other than the more frequent
    perception of numerical sequences?
    Alex: I would think so. Other factors are the degree of awareness of your own
    thoughts and what is going on around you. I think it's just overall perception of who
    one is. But as far as trying to create and predict one's future, and I did not specifically
    learn this from Moraney or Vasais, when I start to create something and come up with
    an idea, what I do is apply a numerical set of numbers to that creation. Then, when I
    see those numbers become evident around me, I will immediately associate whatever
    is going on in my life with that creation. I then move toward that numerical sequence
    or number.
    Val: How do you assign a number, numbers or numerical sequences to a specific idea?
    Can you give an example?
    Alex: At one time there was a very big thing that was coming into our lives, and we
    really wanted to create it. In my mind, when I was meditating on it, creating it and
    seeing the outcome of it, I assigned numbers 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 to the creation.
    Any one of those numbers.
    Val: Why those numbers?
    Alex: I don't know why. It is something that I just started doing in 1985 when they
    came back.
    Val: So, in effect, what you have discovered is that when numbers that you intuitively
    assign to a certain process or creation appear around you, that the perception of these
    numbers lends itself to the support of the creation you are manifesting?
    Alex: Yes, and I absolutely pay attention to everything that is going on. When this
    happens, I will stop whatever I am doing in the moment and reflect on what is going
    on in my life, so that I don't miss an opportunity to move in the right direction towards
    that creation. Now, I don't know if this process is something they gave me in terms of
    a telepathic communication and it just became part of the process within me, but the
    Zenetaens follow number-values, totally, and consider them to be "maps."
    http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/chapter6.html (4 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]
    Val: Maps leading toward what? Toward understanding of the process of creation and
    Alex: I think so, yes. Your own creations.
    Val: Interesting. Now, here's another question. Has this race from Andromeda ever
    give a description, scientific or other wise, of Hale-Bopp?
    Alex: Everything I know about Hale-Bopp I have already put out there, and I have
    more questions about Hale-Bopp to ask them that are at the top of the list. I wish I
    had something new to tell you.
  • Someone is definitely trying to get our attention. The question is what do they want us to know. Every time I see 11 appear I send out a little blessing to the Universe.
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