
  • Saw recently there were 200 or so earthquakes a day throughout the Yellowstone.  

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    • Yes I believe Dutchsinse spoke of this.

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      • Underground climate change.  Lol.   Changing the terminology to describe this and then try to use it to their advantage?  In my geology class in college, they never used the term "underground climate change"!!  So absurd.

  • Film "2012" invokes Yellowstone. Interesting!

    • Have you watched that film?  I've seen it a few times.  Very hair raising.

  • Message to Enoch from God, dated 09 April 2018



    (1) Yellowstone Super volcano"


    "His awakening will awaken the other dragons that lie dormant and the chain of fire will open the entrails of My creation. There will be no place on earth, where the birth pangs will not be felt; the continents will be displaced and many places on earth will disappear."

    "However, you are still on time if you repent in your heart and return to Me, I assure you that I will refrain from sending you the punishment. But if you persist in keeping on committing your detestable actions, I assure you that I had more mercy with Sodom and Gomorrah, than I will have with you."

    • April 09 of 2018
      Urgent call from God the Father to humanity

      The Great American Yellow Dragon will bring chaos and desolation

      "My people, My inheritance, Peace to you.

      Everything is in dismay; New Heavens and a New Earth are already in formation. My creation entered the last birth pangs and her groaning, will shake the whole earth.

      The fire in sequence of the volcanoes will accelerate its birth and My creation will enter her last contractions. Her pains and woes will purify her and prepare her for the new birth.

      Oh great Nation of the Eagle, get ready because the yellow dragon(1) that lies dormant in your ground, is about to wake up! The fire in his mouth is going to shake you all and you will know the pain. Many cities and towns of this great Nation will dress in mourning; the great American yellow dragon will bring chaos and desolation to My creation.

      His awakening will awaken the other dragons that lie dormant and the chain of fire will open the entrails of My creation. There will be no place on earth, where the birth pangs will not be felt; the continents will be displaced and many places on earth will disappear.

      People of Mine, it hurts and saddens Me as Father, to give you this warning; I do not do it so that you panic, but rather, for you to prepare yourself and thus, you can overcome the days of tribulation that come because of the transformation of My creation.

      When the ground begins to move, keep calm, pray and cry out for My Mercy; do not enter fear, because all this writing is and has to be fulfilled; accept My Will with humility, because it is necessary for this to happen, for the rebirth of New Heavens and of a New Earth. Pray and trust in God and not one of your hair will be lost. Only those who pray and trust can overcome this trial.

      Unholy nations, the hour of your punishment is coming!

      From heaven, fire will fall on you and the groan of My creation, your entrails it will open; of you, there will be no memory left!

      However, you are still on time if you repent in your heart and return to Me, I assure you that I will refrain from sending you the punishment. But if you persist in keeping on committing your detestable actions, I assure you that I had more mercy with Sodom and Gomorrah, than I will have with you.

      Inhabitants of the earth, My creation is in the last birth pangs.

      Prepare yourselves because your groaning and shaking will wake you up from your lethargy. Everything is about to change, contemplate every dawn, dusk and night that you still have left, because very soon everything you know, will disappear.

      A New Creation I am going to create the tomorrow's delight of my Chosen People. May your faith and trust in God be the strength that will help you overcome the trials that are about to come.

      Do not fear People of Mine, pray and trust, and the shadow of My Cloud will cover you and protect you.

      Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation

      Make My messages known to all humanity, people of Mine."

      (1) Yellowstone super volcano.

  • undefined

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