
  • Thank you, Alex and Lorraine.
  • Thank you Alex
  • Great find Lorraine.


    I found a site you don't have to pay for the info



  • Simply amazing thank you as always John D.  The equipment that is being displayed can easily be found through the internet, I will recommend a few places later today.  Most are base in Cali so time is critical :o)
  • Alex, 


    Soon, when people are starving, they will be banging your door down, 

    thinking, "Alex is the guy who has all the food!"  I don't know how 

    you can make them see that they need to do their own indoor gardening. 

    But soon the earthquakes will be rattling their doors, and hopefully, there 

    will be enough time for you to scare them into building their own aquaponics 

    system. This system lets the fish do the gardening for you. Watch the video. 

  • I keep preaching about the benefits of hydroponics with very few who bother to listen.....

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