"Each one of you will have to examine yourselves and you will judge yourselves; therefore, I call you to prepare yourselves spiritually, for the Warning is soon."
"This is My Will for you that you attend Confession and Mass, receive Me in a state of grace, and I will receive you with open arms giving you My unconditional love."
"Each one of you will have to examine yourselves and you will judge yourselves; therefore, I call you to prepare yourselves spiritually, for the Warning is soon."
"This is My Will for you that you attend Confession and Mass, receive Me in a state of grace, and I will receive you with open arms giving you My unconditional love."
"The way to Heaven passes through the narrow door."
Yes. I actually heard those very words while in a state of meditation. Golly... was so long ago.
"When ye feel weak, seek ye strength in prayer and in the Eucharist."
"Your victory is in the Eucharist."
"Your victory is in the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist." 8/20/2024
"Repentance is the most important now in the world."
"We will not understand them nor be able to cope with what is coming unless we are in a State of Grace."
“Neither in My Churches nor anywhere do they speak of repentance anymore, but that is the most important now in the world, to repent.”
follow the Ten Commandments..