"Now that the defeat of the Khazarian Mafia is inevitable, preparations for a new Bretton Woods conference to map a new future for humanity have begun. This means we are now in a sort of interlude between the end of the old system and the start of the new. The implications will be life-changing for all of us."
"The victors in the war against the KM are now presenting plans that are astonishing in their scale and ambition. To understand how fundamental the changes will be, consider the basic agreement between Asian and Western secret societies: from now on our purpose as a species will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life."
"Electric cars cost more to repair than they cost to build and nobody wants them. The cost of replacing the battery in a 2022 Hyundai IONIQ 5 is over $60,000; more than the $55,000 cost of the new car."
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